フカヒレ売買や所持禁止 米加州、サメ漁「残酷」
October 8, 2011
Brown law signing flurry includes shark fin ban
The governor OKs 57 bills, including
the shark fin measure, boosts to natural gas
pipeline safety and a ballot initiative change. He vetoes bids on motorists
passing bicyclists and microchipping pets.
Gov. Jerry Brown raised the ire of bicyclists, Chinese-food chefs, Republicans
and some pet lovers Friday as he announced action on dozens of proposed laws.
Brown outlawed the sale of shark fins, despite
protests from some Chinese American leaders who saw the move as an assault on
Asian culture; vetoed a controversial bid to restrict how motorists pass
bicyclists; and decided not to require microchip tracking of some dogs and cats.
The ban on shark fins, a key ingredient of a
traditional soup, divided Chinese Americans. Assemblyman Paul Fong (D-Cupertino)
introduced it to stop what he called a brutal practice that is wiping out large
numbers of sharks. The governor agreed.
"The practice of cutting the fins off of living sharks and
dumping them back in the ocean is not only cruel, but it harms the health of our
oceans," Brown said in a statement after signing the bill, AB 376.
Supporters said the harvest threatens the existence of some species. The
governor said he signed the bill "in the interest of future generations."
Many Chinese restaurant owners stood with lawmakers who voted against the
legislation. State Sen. Yee labeled the bill "an unfair
attack on Asian culture and cuisine."
Brown signed a companion measure by Fong, AB 853, that
allows stores to sell existing stocks of shark fins until July 1, 2013.