16 December 2024 

bp and XRG close deal to launch new natural gas platform – Arcius Energy

  • bp and XRG, ADNOC’s international energy investment company, establish new regional gas platform, Arcius Energy, to initially focus on development of gas assets in Egypt.
  • Building on 50 years of partnership between ADNOC and bp, new joint venture complements the companies’ strategic growth plans.
  • Arcius Energy will focus on natural gas growth to meet growing regional demand while supporting Egyptian energy security and economic development. 
  • ADNOC  アブダビ国営石油会社

    November 27, 2024 – Following the Board’s strategic endorsement, ADNOC today announced the launch of XRG, a groundbreaking international lower-carbon energy and chemicals investment company, with an enterprise value of over $80 billion.

    XRG aims to more than double its asset value over the next decade by capitalizing on demand for low-carbon energy and chemicals driven by three megatrends: the transformation of energy, exponential growth of AI, and the rise of emerging economies. Building on ADNOC’s expertise and transformational international acquisitions, the independently operated investment company will initially focus on developing three core strategic value platforms:

    • XRG’s
    Global Chemicals platform aims to be a top 5 global chemicals player, producing and delivering chemical and specialty products essential for modern life, to meet the projected 70% increase in global demand by 2050.

    • XRG’s
    International Gas platform will build a world-scale integrated gas portfolio to help meet the anticipated 15% increase in global natural gas demand over the next decade, as a lower carbon transition fuel, as well as meet the expected 65% increase in demand for LNG by 2050.

    • XRG’s
    Low Carbon Energies platform will invest in the solutions needed to meet increasing demand for low carbon energies and decarbonization technologies to drive economic growth through the energy transition. The market for low carbon ammonia alone is expected to grow by between 70-90 million tonnes per annum by 2040, from close to zero now. 

    bp and XRG today announced they have reached financial close and completed formation of their new joint venture and international natural gas platform – Arcius Energy.

    Announced in February 2024, Arcius Energy is 51% owned by bp and 49% by XRG, ADNOC’s transformative investment company. The new joint venture will combine the pair’s deep technical capabilities and proven development track records as it aims to grow a highly competitive gas portfolio.


    Arcius Energy, initially to operate in Egypt, includes interests assigned by bp across two development concessions, as well as exploration agreements. 

    "Arcius Energy brings together the strengths of our two companies to create a dynamic new platform for international growth in natural gas in the region"      Murray Auchincloss, chief executive of bp

     H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Executive Chairman of XRG said: “The formation of Arcius Energy marks an exciting new chapter in our long-standing partnership with bp, and fully aligns with XRG’s objectives to accelerate the transformation of energy systems and build a world-scale integrated gas and chemicals portfolio to meet rising global demand. This progressive partnership will unlock a lower-carbon transition fuel to build a future where smarter, cleaner and more affordable energy is accessible for Egypt and the world."

    Murray Auchincloss, chief executive of bp, added: “Arcius Energy brings together the strengths of our two companies to create a dynamic new platform for international growth in natural gas in the region. ADNOC, and now XRG, is a trusted partner, who we have worked with successfully for over five decades. Together, we can continue to build on bp’s 60 years of technical expertise and delivery of safe and efficient operations in Egypt – a hub for new opportunities to build out a highly competitive gas portfolio in the region.” 

    Senior Arcius Energy leadership were also appointed as part of the company’s formation. Naser Saif Al Yafei was appointed as Chief Executive Officer while Katerina Papalexandri was appointed as Chief Financial Officer. Both executives, from ADNOC and bp respectively, bring decades of experience in the energy sector. 

    Notes to editors 

    • The concessions assigned to Arcius Energy in Egypt are:
      • Shorouk (bp 10% interest): contains the producing Zohr field; operated through Belayim Petroleum (Petrobel);
      • North Damietta (bp 100% interest): contains the producing Atoll field; operated through Pharaonic Petroleum Company (PhPC);



      • North El Tabya, Bellatrix-Seti East and North El Fayrouz exploration concession agreements.

    • In June 2024, bp confirmed its intent to take a 10% interest in ADNOC’s planned Ruwais liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, subject to necessary approvals. The project, led by ADNOC with 60% interest, once completed is planned to consist of two 4.8 million tonnes per annum (mmtpa) liquefaction trains, to give a total capacity of 9.6mmtpa.
    • ADNOC and bp are founding members of the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter (OGDC). Launched during COP28 in Dubai, the OGDC is a global commitment to speed up climate action across the energy industry.
    • Together with its partners, bp currently produces around 70% of Egypt’s gas through its gas development projects in the West and East Nile Delta.
    • For more information about Arcius Energy visit www.arciusenergy.com
      • XRG is a transformative international energy investment company, focused on lower-carbon energy and chemicals, and headquartered in Abu Dhabi. Wholly owned by ADNOC, XRG has an enterprise value of over $80 billion. Its portfolio includes interests in industry-leading companies that are meeting rapidly increasing global demand for lower carbon energy and the chemicals that are essential building blocks for products central to modern life. www.xrg.ae


    25 February 2025  

    bp and Iraq reach final agreement for redevelopment in Kirkuk

    bp today reached agreement on all contractual terms with the Government of the Republic of Iraq to invest in several giant oil fields in Kirkuk providing for the rehabilitation and redevelopment of the fields, spanning oil, gas, power and water with potential for investment in exploration. The agreement is subject to final governmental ratification.

    Execution of the agreement will follow upon endorsement by the Council of Ministers, after which bp will work closely under the guidance of the Government of Iraq in setting up the new operator, which will be an unincorporated organization comprising predominantly personnel from the North Oil Company (NOC) and North Gas Company (NGC), but also with secondees from bp. The new operating organization will take over operations at Kirkuk from NOC. Subsequent to this agreement, bp expects to form a standalone incorporated joint venture to hold its interests in the operator.

    The agreement follows a memorandum of understanding between bp and Iraq signed in July 2024 – of which technical terms were agreed in December and the majority of commercial terms agreed in January – together with previous work bp has done on the fields in Kirkuk from 2013 to 2019.

    The agreement is for an initial phase and includes oil and gas production of more than three billion barrels of oil equivalent. It includes the Baba and Avanah domes of the Kirkuk oil field and three adjacent fields – Bai Hassan, Jambur and Khabbaz – in Federal Iraq, all of which are currently operated by the NOC. 

    The wider resource opportunity across the contract and surrounding area is believed to include up to 20 billion barrels of oil equivalent. 

    “This agreement builds on our longstanding and strategic relationship with the Government of Iraq and delivers access to a material new resource opportunity, within one of the world’s most prolific hydrocarbon provinces.” 

    William Lin, executive vice president, bp

     bp executive vice president William Lin said: “This agreement builds on our longstanding and strategic relationship with the Government of Iraq and delivers access to a material new resource opportunity, within one of the world’s most prolific hydrocarbon provinces. It will enable us to bring our experience of managing giant fields to realise the potential of this important asset for Iraq, working alongside and in close partnership with NOC and NGC. This opportunity is fully in line with our priority of pursuing new growth opportunities for bp as we strengthen and high-grade our portfolio across the world. We thank the Government of Iraq for the trust and privilege to deepen our cooperation in-country.”

    Under the terms of the agreement, bp will work with NOC, NGC and the new operator to stabilize and grow production. Work will include a drilling programme, the rehabilitation of existing wells and facilities, and the construction of new infrastructure, including gas expansion projects.

    Under the agreement, bp’s remuneration will be linked to incremental production volumes, price and costs. bp will be able to book a share of production and reserves proportionate to the fees it earns for helping to increase production.

    Investment in the project has the potential to bring opportunity and economic growth into the Kirkuk region – creating tangible benefits for the local population, improving supply chain capability alongside job creation.

    The project is fully accommodated within bp’s disciplined financial framework and exceeds bp’s investment returns hurdles. bp expects the project to commence in 2025.


    Note to editors 

    bp was a member of the consortium of oil companies that discovered oil in Kirkuk in the 1920s. From 2013 to 2019 bp worked with the Ministry of Oil and NOC(North Oil Company)on technical studies exploring the potential for redevelopment at Kirkuk.


    2025/03/07   洋上風力協力に関する覚書署名式への出席および洋上風力事業合弁会社JERA Nex bpの経営陣の構成について                                                                                      JERA :

    JERAおよびbp plcは、本日、経済産業省で行われた洋上風力協力に関する覚書署名式に、JERAから代表取締役会長Global CEOの可児行夫、bpから EVP gas & low carbon energyのWilliam Linが出席しましたので、お知らせします。

     署名式では、武藤容治経済産業大臣および Jonathan Reynolds英国ビジネス・貿易大臣をはじめとする両国政府関係者の立会いのもと、両社が2024年12月9日に締結した洋上風力発電事業合弁会社「JERA Nex bp」設立合意に関し、同社の経営陣の構成について、以下の通り覚書を締結しました。

     【JERA Nex bpの経営陣の構成】


    JERA Nex bp設立後


    Nathalie Oosterlinck


    JERA Nex CEO

    Erin Eisenberg


    bp VP Finance, low carbon energy

    Richard Sandford

    Chief Development Officer

    bp SVP offshore wind

    Zlati Christov

    Chief Investment Officer

    JERA Nex Chief Investment Officer

    Eric Antoons

    Chief Operating Officer

    Parkwind co-CEO

    Alfonso Montero Lopez

    Chief Technical Officer

    bp VP, offshore wind engineering

     JERA 代表取締役会長Global CEO 可児行夫のコメント
     「JERA Nex bpの経営陣は、両社の優れた特性を結集し、今後の洋上風力発電の開発段階をリードする経験と専門知識を有しています。長年にわたる協力関係を持つ両社の強力な支援のもと、グローバルに多様化した開発ポートフォリオを形成することで、JERA Nex bpは日本、英国、そして世界のエネルギー転換において、重要な役割を果たすと確信しています。」

     bp EVP  gas & low carbon energy, William Lin のコメント
     「JERA Nex bpは、世界トップクラスの経営陣を配し、強固な運転中の資産ポートフォリオと有望な開発パイプラインを携えて市場に参入します。このJVは、財務上の負担が軽微な再生可能エネルギー開発のプラットフォームとして、低炭素エネルギー分野にとどまらない両社の力強いパートナーシップから恩恵を享受することができるでしょう。」

    引き続きJERAとbpは、JERA Nex bp設立により高い競争力をもった洋上風力開発のプラットフォームを形成し、中長期的な飛躍を遂げてまいります。



    bpとの洋上風力事業合弁会社JERA Nex bp設立に関する基本合意について ー世界最大級の洋上風力発電事業会社を立ち上げー

    JERAは、本日、bpとの間で、JERAの再生可能エネルギー事業子会社であるJERA Nex Limited(「JERA Nex」)およびbpの洋上風力発電事業を統合し、両社の共同出資(出資比率50:50)による合弁会社「JERA Nex bp」の設立に基本合意しました。新たに設立する合弁会社(本社:ロンドン)は、洋上風力事業を開発・所有・運転する事業者として、世界最大級の規模となります。

    JERA Nex bpの設立は、関係当局からの承認など必要な許認可取得等の手続きを経て、2025年9月末を目途に完了する予定です。


    • 運転中・開発中の質の高い洋上風力発電案件等を統合させることで(総持分容量13GW規模)成長に向けた戦略的なプラットフォームを構築
    • これまでのパートナーシップをベースに、補完的な専門知識を組み合わせることで、広範なポートフォリオの中からまずは開発先行案件を推進
    • 競争力のある資金調達手段、ポートフォリオの最適化、両社からの明確な資本投資計画など、規律ある資本効率的な成長を支えるための資金調達の枠組み

     本基本合意により、両社の運転中および開発中の持分容量13GW規模の洋上風力発電案件が、バランスよく統合された資産ポートフォリオを保有するグローバルな企業体として、JERA Nex bpが新たに誕生します。

    また、JERA Nex bpの設立は、両社が検討している洋上風力案件の開発加速に加え、競争力のある資金調達の強化にも寄与します。さらに、これらをより確かなものとするために、両社は2030年末までに、開発資金として最大58億米ドルを、JERA Nex bpに出資することにも合意いたしました。

     このたびの事業統合は、両社がそれぞれの洋上風力発電事業および資産をJERA Nex bpに拠出します。両社から合わせて、現在運転中の洋上風力発電案件(持分容量1GW)、質の高い開発中の洋上風力発電案件(持分容量7.5GW)に加え、海域リース権獲得済みの案件(持分容量4.5GW)の事業資産を拠出することで、JERA Nex bpを通じて競争力の高い案件開発の推進、およびこのたび統合された洋上風力発電案件のポートフォリオ最適化を目指します。

    JERA Nex bpは、まずは日本、北西ヨーロッパおよびオーストラリアにおける開発先行案件の推進に注力してまいります。加えて、現在開発検討中の案件のさらなる長期的な成長の機会も見込んでいます。

    洋上風力発電事業は転換点を迎えていますが、長期的には、再生可能エネルギー発電における主力電源になることは明白です。今般のJERA Nex bp設立により高い競争力をもった洋上風力開発のプラットフォームを形成し、中長期的な飛躍を遂げてまいります。



    本枠組みには、洋上風力発電事業資産からの収益の活用や、競争力のある資金調達、ポートフォリオからの収益が含まれます。両社からJERA Nex bpへの出資額は、プロジェクト・ファイナンス等による資金調達、資産の持分売却による収益次第で、今般合意した出資額を下回る場合があります。

    新たに設立されるJERA Nex bpは、サプライチェーン等において両社がこれまで世界中で築いてきた関係やパートナーシップやグローバルなトレーディング能力などを最大限活用することで、様々なオフテイカーに電力を提供してまいります。



    JERAは2019年に英国と台湾のプロジェクトへの投資を通じて、初めて洋上風力発電事業に参入しました。また、2023年にベルギーの大手洋上風力発電事業者であるParkwind社を買収した後、この事業を基盤として、JERAの2035年ビジョン実現に向けた成長戦略における開発目標を達成するために、再生可能エネルギーに特化した新会社であるJERA Nexを発足しました。JERAは、日本、ベルギー、ドイツ、台湾で洋上風力発電所を所有・運営するほか、日本、アイルランド、オーストラリアでのプロジェクトを含む開発ポートフォリオを有しています。

    bpは2019年以降、洋上風力発電のポートフォリオを構築しており、現在は開発検討中案件を含めて、総持分容量9.7GW規模の開発案件(5.7GWの開発中案件および4GWの海域リース権獲得済みの案件)を有しています。なお、開発中案件は、英国・アイリッシュ海の「Morgan」および「Mona」洋上風力発電プロジェクト、ドイツ北海の「Oceanbeat East」および「Oceanbeat West」で、海域リース権獲得済みの案件は、スコットランド沖および米国東海岸に所在します。

    JERA Nex bpのCEOはJERAにより、またCFOはbpにより、任命されます。
    またJERA Nex bpの設立に伴い、JERAおよびJERA Nexの洋上風力発電事業の従業員、bpの洋上風力発電事業の従業員は、原則新会社に異動予定です。





    持分容量 (MW)


    持分容量 (MW)

    Gunfleet Sands (英国)


    Mona (英国)


    Arcadis Ost 1 (ドイツ)


    Morgan (英国)


    Belwind (ベルギー)


    Oceanbeat West (ドイツ)


    Nobelwind (ベルギー)


    Oceanbeat East (ドイツ)


    Northwester 2 (ベルギー)





    112 ※


    持分容量 (MW)

    Formosa 1 (台湾)


    Morven  (英国)


    Formosa 2 (台湾)


    Beacon (米国)




    Flora (英国)



    持分容量 (MW)



    Oriel (アイルランド)       

    375 ※



    Sørlige Nordsjø II (ノルウェー)

    1,500 ※




    315 ※



    Blue Mackerel(オーストラリア)




    Spinifex (オーストラリア)




    ※ 総発電設備出力

    ※※ bpの韓国における既存の洋上風力発電事業への出資は、新しい合弁会社には含まれません。