日本経済新聞 2004/5/17

インドネシア司法に外資不信 汚職深刻 投資妨げも


中国・ASEANニュース速報 2004年11月2日






* コンデンセートとは、天然ガスの採取・精製の過程で得られる常温・常圧で液体の炭化水素をいう。

Dow Jones Business News  March 26, 1997

Bechtel, Indonesia Humpuss In Pact On $1.2B Aromatics Plant

Humpuss group has reached an agreement with the U.S.' Bechtel Corp. which will allow it to complete construction of the first stage of a planned US$1.2 billion aromatics plant in northern Sumatra, breaking a near year-long delay over the project, sources familiar with the deal told Dow Jones.

Bechtel declined comment on the reported agreement and referred all inquiries to Humpuss, a business group owned by President Suharto's youngest son,
Hutomo Mandala Putra, also known as 'Tommy'.

PT Humpuss Aromatic managing director Suyatno was also unavailable, but the sources say a Bechtel affiliate will buy
naphtha from the $350 million condensate splitter in what amounts to a counter-trade deal that will get Humpuss over financial difficulties it encountered last year with construction about 80% complete.

Platts 2005/6/22

Indonesia's Pertamina shuts 225 kt/yr PTA plant on economics

Indonesia's state-owned Pertamina has shut down Jun 11 its
225,000 mt/yr purified terephthalic acid plant at Plaju indefinitely due to costs economics, a source close to the company said Wednesday. Earlier in 2004, the plant had been closed for four months for the similar reason.

The source said that essentially, it is more profitable for Pertamina to sell paraxylene ratherthan PTA due to the transportation costs incurred in moving PX from its
270,000 mt/yr unit at its Cilacap refinery in Central Java to its PTA plant in Plaju. Pertamina has been debating the issue of closing down its PTA unit since October 2003 in a drive to become more cost-efficient.
Meanwhile, PTA spot prices were discussed as of Wednesday morning at $745-760/mt CFR China, up $7.50/mt from last Thursday's assessment with a pick-up in the overall polyester sentiment in China.

日本経済新聞 2005/9/17

 国内最大級、エクソンと共同 生産回復日指す 2007年稼働


Reuters 2006/5/4

Nigeria petchem plant to restart in 3 mths-Indorama

Indonesia's Indorama within the next three months will restart the moribund Eleme Petrochemicals Company Ltd (EPCL) it acquired for $225 million, Nigeria's privatisation agency said on Thursday.

The Bureau for Public Enterprises (BPE) said Indorama Group, which won a 75 percent stake in the firm at an auction in December, has assumed management control. It will work with a interim board headed by S.P. Lohia, until July when it will formally takeover the the plant.

Lohia said the rusty plant, located near the southeastern Nigerian oil city of Port Harcourt, will be refitted to resume production within 90 days. It will then be shut down in the first quarter of 2007 to complete maintenance.

"My personal vision is to see Eleme as the plastics city of Nigeria. If the company can achieve full production, the benefits will be felt far beyond the Eleme area," a BPE statement quoted Lohia as saying at the inauguration of the board.

The Eleme plant has a design capacity of 300,000 tonnes per year of olefins, which are used as building blocks in the plastics industry, and 250,000 tonnes of polyethylene, a basic plastic.

The world's eighth biggest oil exporter sold the plant in line with President Olusegun Obasanjo's liberal reforms aimed at trimming Nigeria's inefficient public sector and stimulating private sector growth.

Indorama, Indonesia's largest polyester producer, acquired the troubled firm without liabilities, after out-bidding local firm Dangote Group.

The privatisation agency said all labour issues and concerns of the company's host communities would be addressed by the government before July.

Feb 22, 2007 AllAfrica Global Media

IFC Invests $155 Million in Eleme Petrochemicals

International Finance Corporation (IFC), the investment arm of the World Bank, will invest $155million in
Eleme Petrochemical Company Limited (EPCL). The company will also fund a comprehensive turnaround programme designed to return the firm to profitability.

A statement from the World Bank said the project "is its largest Sub-Saharan African privatization investment to-date," and is aimed at "supporting the growth of the country's nascent petrochemicals industry," the statement said.

"The sector is crucial to Nigeria's development, since the value-adding industry converts hydrocarbons such as natural gas liquids into intermediate products used in plastics."

The statement said "Nigeria's vast hydrocarbon resources and large consumer market provide it with a natural competitive advantage for the development of a strong and sustainable petrochemicals sector, an advantage the country has so far not capitalized on," said Rashad Kaldany, IFC's Director of Oil, Gas, Mining, and Chemicals, in the statement.

"We hope that the successful privatization and turnaround of Eleme will attract further private investment in Nigeria's petrochemicals industry and pave the way for a major transformation of this sector."

The statement said "IFC will provide a
$50 million loan and has raised commitments for an additional $80 million from commercial lenders for Indorama Petro Limited, a special purpose vehicle created for the acquisition that is wholly owned by Indorama International Finance."

"In addition, IFC will provide
$25 million in debt directly to Eleme for its turnaround capital expenditure program. Eleme produces petrochemicals, such as polyethylene and polypropylene that are used for a wide range of industrial and household products."

"The transaction is expected to increase confidence in Nigeria's privatization program, help raise Eleme's environmental performance, and support the implementation of a comprehensive community development plan that is aimed at addressing social needs in parts of the Niger delta. "

Thierry Tanoh, IFC's Director for Sub-Saharan Africa, said, "The successful privatization of Eleme is an example of benefits that can accrue to a country that is committed to implementing reforms. This transaction confirms that international private investors will engage in Nigeria once the business environment is conducive to such investments."

Indorama has significant investments in Asia across a number of sectors, and IFC's support for the Indonesia-based group is part of efforts to foster South-South investments, in which leading emerging market companies expand into other emerging markets.

S.P. Lohia, President of Indorama Group, said in the statement that "This transaction reinforces our long-standing relationship with IFC and our common commitment to investing in emerging markets. We hope to make this transaction a success story for foreign investment in Nigeria and for development of a regional plastics industry. As a leading financial institution, IFC is paving the way for other commercial institutions to follow."

2007/3/28 豊田通商


 当社は、本日開催の当社取締役会において、当社の子会社であるPT. Styrindo Mono Indonesia(以下「SMI」という)の株式の全部を譲渡することを決議いたしましたので、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。

 当社は、グループ事業価値最大化の観点から、事業ポートフォリオの見直しと経営資源の再配分を進めております。そのなか、インドネシア有数の化学品メーカーであるPT. Chandra Asri(以下「CA」という)より、当社の子会社であるSMI の株式購入の申し出があり、検討の結果、当社の保有する全株式を該社に譲渡することが、当社の経営資源の最適配分に最も資すると判断するにいたりました。
 SMI は、主にインドネシア及び東南アジアの企業向けにスチレンモノマーを製造・販売しておりますが、国際競争の激化に伴い、安定した原料の確保と販路の拡大が、課題となっております。一方、CA はスチレンモノマーの原料となるエチレンを製造しており、SMI との統合により大きなシナジーを期待できることから、SMI の譲渡先として最適であると判断するものです。

2.SMI の概要
 @ 商号 :PT. Styrindo Mono Indonesia
 A 代表者 :田村善保
 B 所在地 :Jalan Prapanca Raya No.12 Jakarta Indonesia
 C 設立年月日 :平成2 年6 月23 日
 D 主な事業の内容 :スチレンモノマーの製造・販売
 E 決算期 :3 月
 F 従業員数 :282 人(平成18 年3月)
 G 資本金 :US$313,820,000.-
 H 発行済み株式数 :313,820 株
 I 大株主構成及び所有割合:豊田通商 100%
 J 最近の業績 : (単位:US$ 1,000)

  平成17 年12 月期 平成18 年3 月期 注1
売上高      344,591      48,452
営業利益      ▲27,410      ▲1,516
当期純利益     ▲127,721      ▲1,274

    注1:2006 年3 月期は決算期変更のため1-3 月の変則決算となっております。
 K 株式の譲渡先
   (ア) 商号 :PT. Chandra Asri
   (イ) 代表者 :Ms. Loeki S. Putera
   (ウ) 所在地 :Wsima Barito Tower A 7th Floor, jl. Let. Jend.
           S. Parman Kav. 62-63 Jakarta 11410 Indonesia
   (エ) 主な事業 :エチレン、プロピレン、ポリエチレンの製造・販売
 L 譲渡株式数、譲渡価額及び譲渡前後の当社所有株式の状況
   @譲渡前の所有株式数 313,820株 (所有割合 100%)
   A譲渡株式数 313,820株 (譲渡価額 US$95 百万)
   B譲渡後の所有株式数 0 株 (所有割合 0%)
 M 譲渡の日程 平成19 年4月上旬予定
 N 業績への影響
   本件による平成19 年3 月期の当社連結および単体の業績に与える影響はありません。


2007/4/6 Bangkok Post

Indorama to build plant in N. America
Goal is to become world's third largest

Indorama Polymers Plc (IRP), a manufacturer of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) polymers, will invest US$105 million (3.69 billion baht) to build a new plant in North America with a capacity of 300,000 tonnes per year.

Chief executive Aloke Lohia said yesterday that the investment cost was based on the assumption that each tonne of PET polymer capacity required a start-up budget of $350 or 12,295 baht.

The exact investment cost, taking into account the plant location, could be finalised in the next quarter when the feasibility study is finished, he said.

IRP will be able to manufacture 540,000 tonnes of PET polymers by the end of the year and capacity would increase to 603,000 tonnes per year in 2008.

According to Mr Lohia, the company controls a 4.5% share of the world market at present. It aims to increase its market share to 7% and become the world's third largest PET polymers producer in 2009, when it expands its annual production capacity to 1.22 million tonnes.

With an improved economy of scale that comes with the production capacity expansion, IRP could offer competitive prices to clients when competition is intense, as it has been this year.

He said IRP's spreads in the last quarter of 2006 dropped 14.02% to $233 per tonne from $271 in the previous quarter. He estimated the spread in the first three months of 2007 shrank further due to growing supply in the United States and other parts of the world.

"Together with reducing overhead costs and better discounts from raw material suppliers, our increasing production volume could also enable us to maintain the level of net profit margin," he said.

The net profit margin of the industry is around 10%.

To quickly increase its market share, Indorama has a strategy to acquire rivals operating mainly in markets where demand does not justify capacity expansion, Mr Lohia said.

The PET price this year is forecast at around $1,260 to $1,300 a tonne, on par with last year's level.

日本経済新聞 2008/1/20

石化プラント インドネシアで受注 東洋エンジ、300億円で


平成20 1 23 日 東洋エンジニアリング


山田 豊)は、インドネシア国営石油会社プルタミナ(PT PERTAMINA)から、インドネシアの大手エンジニアリング会社であるレカヤサ(PT Rekayasa Industri)と共同で、バロンガン製油所向けプロピレン増産プロジェクトを受注いたしました。
RCC)の排ガスを原料とし、年産179,000 トンのプロピレンを増産するプラントを建設するもので、石油精製・石油化学統合プロジェクトです。
40 年間に亘り数多くのプロジェクトを実施しています。このバロンガン製油所では2005 年に無鉛ガソリンを製造するブルースカイプロジェクトを完成しており、これらの実績が高く評価されたことが今回の受注に結びつきました。

インドネシア国営石油会社(プルタミナ)PT PERTAMINA
TEC、レカヤサ(PT Rekayasa Industri)コンソーシャム
プロピレン製造設備 年産179,000 トン
米国ルーマス社OCT(Olefins Conversion Technology)プロセス
プルタミナからの2 件目のプラント受注
インドネシアで初のOCT プロセス採用