(日本経済新聞 1996/10/23) 

米に15平方キロ工場用地  信越化学 98年から塩ビ生産


(日本経済新聞 1997/8/28)

米ルイジアナ州の塩ビ工場計画  信越化学 対立 環境団体
  環境規則を満たしている : 黒人地域での建設は差別

環境保護団体グリーンピースが「ダイオキシンが発生する塩ビ工場を、黒人住民の多い地域に建設するのは人種差別」と攻撃。黒人運動指導者のジェシー・ジャクソン師もこのほど、建設中止を求める書簡を米環境保護局(EPA)に送ったという。信越化は「根拠のない主張」(金川千尋社長)と反論しているが、環境、人種という二つの大きな問題が絡んでいるだけに、EPAが 9月 2日にも下すといわれる判断が注目される。
 信越化は昨年10月、全額出資子会社のシンテツク(テキサス州)が、ルイジアナ州コンベントに塩ビ工場を建設すると発表した。年産能力 50万トン、投資額 7億ドルの大型計画で、当初は98年半ばの操業を予定していた。
 金川・信越化社長はこれに対して 27日コメントを出し、「計画は米国のすべての環境規則を満たしており、州も産業発展、雇用拡大の見地から全面的に支持している」と反論。「人種差別との主張は全く根拠がない。EPAが正しい判断を下すことを望む」と述べている。ただ、現時点でも稼働時期は当初より1年前後遅れるのは確実な見通し。

(USA Today 1997/9/11)

EPA blocks chemical plant for La. town

The federal government Wednesday blocked, on technical grounds, a
 request for a chemical plant to be built in an impoverished, predominantly black Louisiana town. And it ordered further investigation of charges that the choice of the site amounted to environmental racism.
In what lawyers are calling a landmark case,
the Environmental Projection Agency ruled that emissions from a polyvinyl chloride plant proposed by Shintech, Inc., for Convent, La., would exceed pollution standards under the Clear Air Act.
The EPA also found evidence that
pollution from the plant might hurt minorities in the area around Convent, where 81% of the population is black. The state of Louisiana was ordered to fully consider the concerns of Convent residents if it decides to resubmit its plan for the factory.
"It is essential the minority and low-income communities not be disproportionately subjected to environmental hazards," EPA Administrator Carol Browner wrote in her decision.
The EPA's action, the first it has taken on the issue of
environmental racism, was not a total victory for the plant's opponents because the request for a permit can be resubmitted in a few months and the plant still could be built. It would produce plastic PVC pipe used in such industries as plumbing and construction.
But before that can happen, the state must first resolve charges of environmental racism "with the full and meaningful involvement of the surrounding community," Browner wrote.
She also held out the possibility that if the state doesn't follow her orders, the federal government will speed up its own
investigation under the Civil Rights Act. Louisiana now has 90 days to submit a revised draft permit for the plant, which kicks off a 30-day period for public comment, during which opponents can mount their arguments.
The issue of jobs vs. pollution had split the community of Convent, located between New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
Shintech, a Japanese-owned company, had promised to practice affirmative action in hiring 2,000 workers to build the plant over a span of 18 months and the 165 workers needed to run it after completion. Permanent workers could make $45,000 a year, far above the $5,000 annual average income of black residents in the area.
But opponents argued that pollution from the plant would have made Convent unlivable because there are already 10 plants producing fertilizer and other chemicals in the area.
"People who've been given the short end of the stick have always been picked for where these industries should be," said Monique Harden, a Greenpeace lawyer who co-wrote the petition asking the government to stop the project. "We see a real desperation on the part of this company."
Shintech officials say the company picked Convent as a site purely because of its access to raw materials, deep water, and railroads.
"We've worked for 16 months putting together what we felt was the safest and most environmental-friendly plan ever constructed," said David Wise, a Shintech engineer. "There is no case of environmental racism in this issue. We've had extensive outreach programs with the community and we feel like we've approached this process in the spirit of the law."

By Paul Hoversten, USA TODAY

(日経産業新聞 1998/6/5)

 米塩ビ工場の建設反対問題 「建設急ぐ必要なし」


(朝日新聞 1999/1/26-29)

米、高まる「環境差別」論  工場、なぜ黒人居住地にばかり  



 日系企業 抗議受け立地変更

環境差別 米社会の底辺から



 そんな中、地域の住民運動は、公害を告発しながら経済発展の公正をめざすという新しい環境保護運動を生みだし、「美しい自然」を守るという白人中産階級中心の運動への大きな批判勢力となっていった。80年代、プラクミンでの産廃用焼却炉建設計画に反対を訴えることから始まったエイバンツさんらの運動も、こうした「がん回廊」の環境的公正運動の流れの中にある。今回も彼女たちはシンテック進出への新たな反対組織「PROTEST」をすぐに立ち上げた。11月2日の第1回抗議集会には百人近くが集まり、気勢を上げた。 シンテック側は「プラクミンはコンベントと違い、白人が多数派だ」という。しかし、新しい建設予定地の近くには、黒人の貧困層が9割以上を占める小さな共同体がいくつかある。


 ニューヨーク市民のふん尿は、船と貨車で3千キロ近い旅を続け、1日 250トンから400トンの割合で週3回ここに運び込まれてくる。それなのに、この村には自らの下水道施設さえまだ完備されていない。
 「政治的決定? それは分かっている。だけど、そもそもシェラブランカが選ばれたこと自体、政治的だった。それを地域住民の反対運動でくつがえした。これが民主主義さ」。村で唯一の食料品店を経営する反対派のリーダー、ビル・アーディントン氏(44)は、メキシコからの支援者らとともに決定を喜んだ。


(日本経済新聞 1998/9/17夕刊)

信越化学 米に塩ビ新工場
 3−5年以内完成 環境問題で立地変更


(日本経済新聞 1998/9/18)

信越化学の米工場建設 収益向上のシナリオ崩れる
 一貫生産棚上げ “ダウ離れ”果たせず


(化学工業日報 1999/4/9)

塩ビ第2工場 年内にも着工 米シンテック ルイジアナ州に許可申請


January 31, 2005 Postsouth

OFFICIIALS REJOICE! Shintech picks Iberville for $1 billion investment

The Iberville Parish economy will get perhaps the biggest boost ever from the construction of a $1 billion chemical plant planned by Shintech at the old Ashland Chemical plant site south of Plaquemine.

Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco joined other state and local officials at Shintech's PVC facility Tuesday afternoon as Plant Manager David Wise announced the company's choice of the Iberville site over two other sites considered for the development.

"This is a significant investment that will mean a lot to families in Louisiana," Blanco told the crowd. "This plant has strengthened the economy of West Baton Rouge and Iberville parishes."

"This is a message to the state, nation and to the world that we wanted this investment," said Parish President J. Mitchell Ourso Jr., one of many officials who campaigned for Shintech's location here.

Ourso compared the company's choice to locate here to winning the lottery.

Iberville Parish's governing bodies got the benefits of a record year of sales tax collections - nearly $33 million -- in 2002 when Dow Chemical made $50 million at its site here. The taxes on the $1 billion construction project will easily dash that record.

"I know it's going to make my job a lot easier in the next couple of years," Ourso said.

The availability of port facilities was the deciding factor in Shintech's choice of the 1,725-acre Ashland site over expanding at the company's six-year-old Addis facility and at Freeport, Texas, site, Wise said.

The competition between Iberville and West Baton Rouge parishes for the huge investment ended peacefully. Officials of both parishes told Shintech just not to take the project to Texas.

"People in Iberville Parish need to stand up and applaud that a company wants to invest $1 billion in the parish," said Iberville Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Hank Grace, describing it as a "tremendous boost."

"It's good for the region and good for the state," siad Lary Durbin of the Wet Baton Rouge Chamber. "We worked together to get it here."

The plant will mean 2,000 construction jobs and 150 permanent jobs at salaries in the $60,000-a-year range, plus other benefits that will echo through the local economy, officials said, touting Shintech as a company which hires locally and buys locally.

At the proposed facility, Shintech plans to produce 1.1 billion pounds of chlorine, 1.1 billion pounds of caustic soda and 1.65 billion pounds of vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) as the raw material for its polyvinyl chloride (PVC) production. Historically, Shintech has manufactured only PVC, and the new plant will be its first "integrated complex."

Shintech currently produces 1.1 billion pounds of PVC year at its Addis facility. The additional raw material supply will allow the company to expand its annual PVC capacity in Louisiana by 1.3 billion pounds "to meet growing customer demand and build on its leading market position," according to information from the company.

Wise told the POST/SOUTH the company would continue with its long-term contracts with Dow Chemical for raw material, shipped by pipeline from the Dow plant across La. 1.

In the future, Shintech could run a pipeline from the Ashland site to the Addis facility, and plans a new PVC plant as part of its Iberville facility.

Shintech still has environmental hurdles to pass before it can begin construction - buying enough pollution credits from other companies in the area to keep from worsening the already severe ozone problem and getting its environmental permits to operate the new plant.

Both Blanco and Ourso said they expected Shintech to meet stringent environmental standards.

Blanco said the state intends to "protect human health and the environment. I hope that Shintech, as a world-class company, will exceed our rigorous standards."

"Environmental protection is the number one priority for all of us in Iberville," the parish president said.

Local environmentalists objected to the Shintech's location here at a series of community meetings the company held before announcing its decision.

Les Ann Kirkland, co-leader of AWARE, said they planned a more serious effort as Shintech goes through the public hearings required for its environmental permits from the state Department of Environmental Quality.

"We're already the nation's sacrifice zone for vinyl chloride production," Kirkland said, noting that plants in this area have permits for fully a quarter of the nation's production.

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lists vinyl chloride as a known carcinogen.

"I don't think any amount of jobs is going to make up for the risk we incur by having [Shintech] here," Kirkland said in a telephone interview.

Chemical poisons threaten agriculture, fishing and other traditional enterprises that are sustainable, the environmental activist said.

Shintech intends to begin the regulatory permitting process in February 2005, break ground this summer and start its operations here in late 2006, Wise said.

The company plans to announce a training program very soon, the plant manager said.

Iberville School Superintendent Martin Bera said that, beyond the taxes the school system can expect from t he $1 billion in construction, h e was excited to work with Shintech on providing additional educational opportunities here.

He said he was working with Wise to provide local schools to train future Shintech employees.

He said he was also was working with the Baton Rouge Community College for a westbank campus.

"The more businesses like Shintech that are building and developing here in Iberville Parish, it gives us more of an opportunity to pursue that," the superintendent said.

2008/12/2 Platts

PVC maker Shintech agrees $12 million settlement with EPA in TX

Shintech, and its subsidiary K-Bin, has agreed a $12 million settlement with the US Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency to to comply with the Clean Air Act and the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA:

The companies will spend $4.8 million to reduce chlorofluorocarbon
フロン emissions and improve hazardous waste management at their facilities at Freeport, Texas. The companies have also agreed to pay a $2.585 million civil penalty to resolve violations of the Clean Air Act, RCRA, and the Clean Water Act, and to perform $4.7 million worth of supplemental environmental projects.

As part of the settlement, Shintech and K-Bin have agreed to reduce emissions of ozone-depleting refrigerants by replacing six refrigeration units. In addition, the two companies have agreed to third-party audits of their handling of ozone-depleting refrigerants, increased training, and other steps to ensure compliance with EPA regulations under the Clean Air Act.

Under RCRA, the federal hazardous waste law, Shintech will close a lagoon and a drying bed that were not designed to handle hazardous waste, implement a series of audits and reviews of its hazardous-waste handling practices, and add a treatment tank to its waste-water treatment system.

Shintech will also add at least 300 acres of forest and wetlands to Austin's Woods preserve (also called the Colombia Bottomlands area) managed by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Shintech will create a recycling program in the city of Houston that will pick up and recycle, at no cost to residents, residential appliances containing ozone-depleting frigerants.

Finally, Shintech will retrofit part of its manufacturing process to reduce emissions of polyvinyl chloride by 10,000 lbs/year.

The Clean Air Act regulates emission of ozone-depleting chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons, hydrochlorofluorocarbons, and other chemicals that leak from refrigeration units.


December 2, 2008 Houston Business Journal

Shintech, K-Bin settle with feds

Shintech Inc. and its subsidiary, K-Bin Inc., have agreed to pay about $12 million as part of a settlement with the U.S. Justice Department and Environmental Protection Agency to comply with federal regulations at their manufacturing facilities in Freeport.

The Houston-based companies produce polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

The Justice Department and EPA, in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, alleged that both companies violated the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act by placing laboratory waste into two structures with earthen bottoms, and failed to comply with provisions of the Clean Air Act that require the prompt detection and repair of refrigeration units that leak ozone-depleting chemicals.

As part of the settlement, the two companies will spend $4.8 million to upgrade their manufacturing facilities; pay $2.6 million in civil penalties to resolve environmental violations; and perform $4.7 million worth of supplemental environmental projects.

Among other agreed measures, Shintech will create a free recycling program in the city of Houston that will pick up and recycle residential appliances containing ozone-depleting refrigerants.


December 2, 2008 The Facts

Shintech settles with agencies over violation

Shintech Inc. and one of its subsidiaries have agreed to a settlement of more than $12 million for federal air violations at its Freeport site.

Shintech and subsidiary K-Bin Inc. will spend $4.8 million to comply with the Clean Air Act and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, agree to reduce chlorofluorocarbon emissions and improve hazardous waste management, according to a joint announcement by the U.S. Department of Justice and the Environmental Protection Agency.

The companies also will pay a $2.58 million civil penalty to resolve environmental violations under the Clean Air Act, RCRA, and the Clean Water Act, and to perform $4.7 million worth of supplemental environmental projects.

This enforcement action will produce real environmental benefits: Lower emissions of ozone-depleting chemicals, lower emissions of vinyl chloride, and much better procedures for the handling of hazardous waste,said Ronald J. Tenpas, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Departments Environment and Natural Resources Division. We are pleased that Shintech was willing to cooperate with us and address these environmental issues.

EPA and justice department officials declined to comment about the violations.

Shintech officials said in a statement the violations were found during an August 2004 inspection, and they implemented further monitoring devices and revamped operation procedures.

We have been working with EPA for many months to resolve these issues without litigation,Freeport site Manager Jim Hodges said in a statement. In addition to what weve already done, we will implement upgrades and perform the additional monitoring, reporting and compliance activities and the supplemental environmental projects identified in the federal consent decree.

We regret these alleged violations and fully recognize the need for vigilant compliance with environmental regulations,Hodges said.

According to court documents, Shintech and K-Bin agreed to reduce emissions of ozone-depleting refrigerants by replacing six refrigeration units with ones that use refrigerants which do not harm the atmosphere
s protective stratospheric ozone layer.

In addition, the two companies have agreed to third-party audits of their handling of ozone-depleting refrigerants, increased training, and other steps to ensure compliance with EPA regulations under the Clean Air Act, according to court documents.

It is imperative that business and industry do their part to minimize the possible harm their operations may cause to our environment,EPA Regional Administrator Richard E. Greene said. This agreement will ensure corrective action is taken and provide added benefits to the environment through supplemental projects.

Shintech agreed to perform three environmental projects as part of the settlement, according to the statement.

It will add at least 300 acres of forest and wetlands to the Austin
s Woods preserve, which is managed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The company also will create a recycling program in Houston that will pick up and recycle, at no cost to residents, residential appliances containing ozone-depleting refrigerants. Finally, Shintech will retrofit part of its manufacturing process to reduce emissions of polyvinyl chloride by 10,000 pounds per year.

Shintech spokesman Richard Mason said the company
s Freeport site produces 3.2 billion pounds of polyvinyl chloride resin annually. It is used in building materials such as piping, siding, flooring and medical supplies.

We are committed to meet all of our regulatory responsibilities and make sure something like this does not happen again at any of our facilities,Hodges said in a statement.