化学工業日報 2003/8/13


 旭化成と米トレクセル(Trexel 本社・マサチューセッツ州ウーバン市)は、両社が持つ炭酸ガスを用いた樹脂の射出成形技術について、それぞれのユーザーに対し相互にライセンスできる契約を締結した。これにより、旭化成技術のユーザーはトレクセル技術の強みである微細発泡樹脂成形が可能となり、トレクセル技術のユーザーにとっては旭化成技術の導入で発泡成形特有の転写性低下を改善できるなどの利点がある。両技術ともに、これまで用いている機器をそのまま使用可能なため、既存ユーザーは新たに機器を購入する必要もない。

Trexel   http://www.trexel.com/

Microcellular foaming of thermoplastic polymers was first conceptualized at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the late 80's and early 90's. In late 1995, the continuous development and commercialization of the microcellular foaming process was taken over from MIT by Trexel.

The Company's patented MuCell® Process which is used to produce injection molded parts worldwide (as well as TPE & TPV extruded products), provides significant cost savings and unattainable quality improvements. Due to the introduction of small, precise amounts of supercritical nitrogen gas into the molten resin during the molding process, the MuCell Process enables the production of otherwise unattainable stress free parts and parts which maintain strict dimensional stability.

Trexel's business model is based on licensing its intellectual property and know-how to molders of plastic parts and/or their end user customers. The company has an extensive microcellular foaming patent portfolio, which provides strong barriers to entry to direct competitors or unauthorized users. Trexel also designs, manufactures and sells the TrexelSCF System and MuCell Interface Kit, both of which have been uniquely engineered to meet the requirements of the MuCell Process.

Trexel's extrusion technology is targeted primarily at TPV and TPE applications with emphasis on the dynamic weather sealing market within the automotive industry.

In order to make the technology easily accessible on industry standard molding equipment, Trexel has established licenses with leading plastic machinery equipment suppliers throughout the world. These manufacturers offer a MuCell option for their standard injection molding machines, thereby serving as an indirect distribution vehicle while providing a platform for the MuCell technology. Trexel has recently introduced a MuCell Modular Upgrade (MMU) which allows molders to convert their existing molding machines to MuCell Molding Machines on site in just a few days with Trexel's on site assistance.

To support the company's international sales activities, regional MuCell support centers have been created by Trexel in the U.S., Germany, Japan, Singapore, and Korea (PlusHUB). In addition, there are fifteen world-wide locations where machinery equipment companies and educational and industrial institutes are demonstrating the MuCell Process to their own customers. Trexel's engineering group has established a network of exclusive manufacturing relationships on three continents to produce the company's proprietary precision engineering equipment. This equipment support network extends to Shanghai China.

With more than 100 licensees, and more than 200 MuCell applications in the immediate commercialization pipeline, the globally recognized "MuCell" brand name continues to attract growing interest worldwide.

2001/5/8 日本製鋼所





1: 軽量化(ソリッドの製品に比較して20〜30%の軽量化)
2: コスト削減(省資源化、省エネ、生産性向上、化学発泡剤より低コスト等からコスト削減が図られる。個々で事情、条件が異なり、数値は記入できません)
3: 生産性向上(ソリッドと比較して20〜30%の生産性向上)
4: 省エネ(樹脂の流動性向上により、省エネが数%〜10%図られる。)

1: 遮音(防音)性の向上
2: 断熱性の向上
3: 寸法精度の向上


