(島田栄昭 しまだ・よしあき=『日本の論点』スタッフライター)
2000/11/26 報告 報告者:山名 研一
1986年、スウェーデン国家電力委員会は掘削チームを結成し、ダーナラ地方のシルヤン隕石孔の掘削を開始した( Siljan Ring project)。3億6000万年前に巨大な隕石衝突した場所で、地殻の深部まで裂け目が入っている可能性があり、炭化水素も湧き出しやすい。更に、マグマが冷えてできた岩盤なため、生物の堆積物はほとんどない事がわかっているのだ。掘削から1年で地下6000mの地点で石油が発見され、通常の油田がある3000〜
The Siljan Ring and T. Gold are back in the news again. A few years ago, at Gold's instigation, private investors and the Swedish govenment put up money to drill for oil and gas at the Siljan Ring, some 200 kilometers northwest of Stockholm. This granitic region is a meteor-created, shattered scar on the earth's crust. It is in just such a spot that Gold expects to find abiogenic petroleum and methane seeping upward from deep inside the earth, where they have resided since the earth was formed. Conventional petroleum geologists have roundly ridiculed the Siljan Ring project; after all, everyone knows that oil and gas derive from buried organic matter.
Three years ago, at a depth of 6.7 kilometers, the "misguided" Swedish drillers pumped 12 tons of oily sludge from the granite rock. "Just drilling fluids and diesel-oil pumped down from the surface," laughed the experts. This autumn (1991), more oil was struck in a new hole only 2.8 kilometers deep. This time, only water was used to lubricate the drill. How are the skeptics going to explain this? Well, about 20 kilometers away, there are sedimentary rocks; perhaps the oil seeped into the granite from there. Rejecting this interpretation, the drillers are going deeper in hopes of finding primordial methane. (Aldhous, Peter; "Black Gold Causes a Stir," Nature, 353:593, 199l. Anonymous; "Black Gold," The Economist, p. 101, October 19, 1991. Cr. T. Brown)
Origin Theories to be Studied
Siljan Ring project in Sweden was supposed to answer a
lot of questions about the origin of hydrocarbons, but not even
the sight of burning "water" ended the mystery. The
research -- and the increasingly intense debate continues.
The debate about cooking up hydrocarbons keeps getting hotter.
scientists insist that all petroleum comes from abiogenic(非生物源の) processes, with
hydrocarbon development occurring in the Earth's mantle.
Most geochemists and petroleum geologists remain convinced that
crude oil and natural gas have organic origins.
Look for this dispute to intensify in 2003, with new heat coming
from an unexpected venue. In June, AAPG's typically sleepy
Hedberg Conference could be the spark that sets off scientific
Hedberg conferences address topics proposed by AAPG's Research
Committee. They take place in informal settings, with attendance
limited to 80-100 persons.
On June 9-12, however, a Hedberg Conference will be held in
London with the theme "Origin of Petroleum -- Biogenic
and/or Abiogenic and Its Significance in Hydrocarbon Exploration
and Production."
"The timing is right," said Barry Katz, a ChevronTexaco
Fellow in Houston and a member of the conference's program
committee. "Historically, what has been the big issue is
that there's essentially a Western and an Eastern school of
"On the Western side, we've gone through what you've
typically done in the scientific method," he noted.
"The Russian arguments have been just that, arguments. We
have yet to get them in a room to see what they have on the
Katz said he hopes the leading theorists from both sides will
attend, so "we can have a balanced view and get everybody to
talk to each other. That's what the Hedberg conferences are all
Is It
An explorationist might dismiss the entire controversy over
petroleum origination, except for two key points:
* Theorists of abiogenic petroleum tend to see hydrocarbons as
not just abundant but super-abundant, with no
possibility of constrained supply.
* Petroleum generated by abiogenic processes could occur
anywhere, so exploration need not be
limited to sedimentary basins, or to depths of only a few miles.
Modern theory directly links petroleum origination to organic
detritus, according to Michael Lewan, a research geochemist for
the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver.
"The modern, organic theory of the origin of petroleum
states that a portion of the lipid fraction of
micro-organisms deposited in anaerobic sediments is the original
source of petroleum," he said.
Proteins and carbohydrates make up 85-95 percent of the weight of
these micro-organisms, and are rapidly degraded by microbial
activity, Lewan said.
The remaining 5-15 percent can be preserved in anaerobic
sediments, representing "unique depositional conditions that
result in organic-rich, sedimentary-rock intervals in some
stratigraphic sequences," he explained.
Lipid material preserved in the original sediments polymerizes
into kerogen, an insoluble organic material, Lewan said.
"As these organic-rich rock intervals are heated with burial
in sedimentary basins, the hydrocarbon polymers within the
kerogen thermally crack through a free-radical mechanism to yield
liquid and gaseous petroleum hydrocarbons," he said.
Research in the lab and in the field demonstrates that petroleum
development can and does take place in the earth's crust, he
"I feel we've done a very good job of simulating production
of petroleum in the laboratory," Lewan said. "Between
the lab work and the fieldwork, we've put together a very good
Although hydrocarbons can be produced from inorganic sources, a
1993 study based on helium isotopes found that abiogenic
hydrocarbons account for less than 200 parts per million of
cumulative global production to date, Lewan said.
"Is it so diffuse that it never really accumulates? Is it
focused in certain areas where it can be accumulated?" he
"I don't think anybody has ever doubted that there is an
inorganic source of hydrocarbons. The key question is, 'Do they
exist in commercial quantities?'"
Russia, With Love
Various other theories oppose the organic-origin explanation. The
principal counter-theory is often called the abyssal, abiotic Russian-Ukrainian
theory of petroleum. 深淵の非生物的
1951, a group of Russian scientists issued a challenge to the
theory of organic petroleum origination. They claimed that
hydrocarbons are produced from inorganic materials, at
upper-mantle to lower-crust depths.
New controversy over that proposal resulted from a paper
published in August 2002 in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (U.S.), "The evolution of
multi-component systems at high pressures: IV. The thermodynamic
stability of the hydrogen-carbon system: The genesis of
hydrocarbons and the origin of petroleum."
This paper, written by J.F. Kenney of Gas Resources Corp. in Houston and
three Russian co-authors, rejects the proposal that petroleum can
derive from "highly oxidized biotic molecules of low
chemical potential."
Drawing on scaled particle theory and simplified perturbed
hard-chain theory, Kenney et al. present an evaluation of the
chemical potentials and related thermodynamic affinities for
n-alkanes. They conclude:
"The H-C system does not spontaneously evolve heavy
hydrocarbons at pressures less than about 30 kbar, even in the
most favorable thermodynamic environment. The H-C system evolves
hydrocarbons under pressures found in the mantle of the Earth and
at temperatures consistent with that environment."
They also briefly describe the experimental production of
petroleum hydrocarbons using only wetted marble (CaCO3) and solid
iron oxide (FeO), in an apparatus allowing investigation at
pressures up to 50 kbar and temperatures up to 1,500A^° Celsius.
Kenney said there is no real debate about petroleum origination.
"There has not been any 'debate' about the origin of
hydrocarbons for over a century," he stated. "Competent
physicists, chemists, chemical engineers and men knowledgeable of
thermodynamics have known that natural petroleum does not evolve
from biological material since the last quarter of the 19th
In their paper, Kenny et al. contrast the H-C system with the
H-C-O system, "which manifests consistently decreasing
chemical potentials with increasing polymerization."
They then discuss reactions involving C6H12O6, or glucose, as a
"typical biotic reagent." In response, Lewan noted that
neither carbohydrates nor proteins are now thought to have a part
in petroleum formation.
"Significant scientific advances over the last 40 years have
tested, modified and refined the organic theory for petroleum
formation in the Earth's crust," Lewan said.
"It is unfortunate that Kenney et al. have chosen to ignore
these efforts of other competent scientists, and elevate their
inorganic theory on the misconception that the organic theory is
based on carbohydrates being the source of petroleum."
The Golden Touch
No one in the United States has been more associated with the
theory of abiogenic petroleum than Thomas Gold, a professor of
astronomy at Cornell University, now retired.
"The only real opponents to this story (of abiogenic origin)
are in Western Europe and in the United States, and they are the
professional petroleum geologists," he said.
"The subject of organic chemistry was wrongly taken by
petroleum geologists long ago to mean chemistry of biologic
origins. You can still have a book of organic chemistry that has
nothing to do with organisms at all."
Gold most recently explained his theories of the origin of
petroleum in his 1999 book The Deep Hot Biosphere, which presents
the view that life on Earth exists to a depth of many miles.
That helps him explain the apparent organic constituents of
petroleum. In Gold's view, hydrocarbons form at a depth of 100 to
300 kilometers and take on some organic attributes as they
migrate upward.
"Oil is a very good nutrient for microbiology. In 1972, I
began to realize that the oil had soaked up biological molecules
that the petroleum itself had fed," he said.
Migration also explains another commonly offered piece of
evidence for organic petroleum, depletion of the carbon 13C
isotope, according to Gold.
Photosynthesis and other organic activity favor the stable 12C
isotope over the stable 13C isotope. The resulting 13C deficiency
is taken as an indicator of organic processes.
Petroleum shows the 13C depletion to an even greater degree than
its supposed organic source matter, but in a ratio similar to
that of the lipid fractions of those organisms.
Gold theorizes that carbon-bearing molecules diffusing through a
porous mass, in any process, results in fractionation that favors
the lighter 13C isotope.
"Biology is not a nuclear reactor. It can't make carbon-13
or carbon-12. But it's treated in the literature that the 12C-13C
preference is strictly a plant matter," Gold said.
"It's quite clear that there is an isotopic fractionation
occurring in the migration path."
More evidence of upward hydrocarbon migration from great depth
comes from the prevalent occurrence of helium with petroleum,
Gold said.
"We have two conflicting pieces of evidence. Petroleum
contains helium, which the plants cannot have concentrated,"
he said. "Petroleum also contains purely biological
molecules, which petroleum-fed biology deep in the ground could
"This (upward migration from great depth) is the only
explanation I've ever heard of to account for the amount of
helium brought up with petroleum."
Petroleum explorationists have good reason to care about the true
origin of hydrocarbons, Gold noted.
"For one thing, they always avoid drilling into the basement
rock," he said. "They've probably avoided drilling into
a large amount of very productive rock."
Also, in Gold's theory hydrocarbons continue to well up from the
mantle. He believes depleted petroleum reservoirs are refilling,
all over the world.
Seeing Is Believing?
A new perspective on isotopic analysis of abiogenic hydrocarbons
appeared in a letter to Nature magazine in April 2002,
"Abiogenic formation of alkanes in the Earth's crust as a
minor source for global hydrocarbon reservoirs."
Barbara Sherwood Lollar and four co-authors from the Stable
Isotope Laboratory at the University of Toronto reported their
analysis of gas from the Kidd Creek mine in Ontario, typical of
hard rock mines operating throughout the Canadian Shield.
"These gases had been known historically in the mines for a
very long period, up to 100 years, but nobody had investigated
them until the 1980s. In Precambrian rock, it's not intuitively
obvious where these hydrocarbons come from," said Sherwood
Lollar, a professor of geology at the university.
According to the authors, the Kid Creek gases were composed of
methane, ethane, H2 and N2, with minor concentrations of helium,
propane and butane.
"We knew that these were unusual in composition. They don't
look like thermogenic. They don't look like microbial,"
Sherwood Lollar said.
An unusual pattern of d13C values among C1-C4 alkanes provided
evidence of abiogenic formation. Additional support came from
study of d2H values.
"The inverse relationship of 13C isotope depletion and2H
isotope enrichment between C1 and C2 for the Kidd Creek samples
supports a polymerization reaction as the first step in the
creation" of higher hydrocarbons, the authors concluded.
日本経済新聞 2005/11/13
石油は無尽蔵か 「無機説」に脚光 議論なお不十分
ガソリンや灯油の高値に悲鳴を上げている人には朗報? 天然ガスや石油のもとになるメタンガスは地球の奥深くで合成され、無尽蔵にあるかもしれない。そんな仮説が専門家の間でささやかれている。常識破りの「石油無機起源説」を検証する。