



2014.07.29   タカラバイオ

仏国Cellectis SA社から幹細胞事業会社(旧Cellartis社)を買収

タカラバイオ株式会社とCellectis SA社(本社:フランス)は、本日、Cellectis SAの幹細胞事業を担うCellectis AB社(本社:スウェーデン)の全株式を当社が取得することに合意いたしましたので、お知らせいたします。今後、必要な手続きを経た後、本年12月中に買収手続きが完了する予定です。

Cellectis ABは、Cellectis SAが2011年にCellartis社を買収して設立された会社で、iPS細胞などの幹細胞を肝臓細胞や膵臓細胞などへ分化させる分化誘導技術やES細胞、iPS細胞、分化細胞など幹細胞関連製品を有しています。同社の製品は、再生医療研究分野や医薬品候補物質の評価試験などにおいて世界で幅広く利用されています。




Cellectis is a biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology. The company’s mission is to develop a novel generation of therapy based on engineered T-cells to treat cancer. Cellectis capitalizes on its 14 years of expertise in genome engineering, based on TALEN™, meganucleases and the state-of-the-art electroporation technology Pulse Agile, to create a new generation of cancer immunotherapy for treating leukemias and solid tumors. Cellectis adoptive cancer immunotherapy for chronic and acute leukemias is based on the first allogeneic T-cell chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) technology. CAR technologies are designed to target surface antigens expressed on cells. These treatments reduce toxicities associated with current chemotherapeutics and have the potential for curative therapy. The Cellectis Group is focused on life sciences and uses leading genome engineering technologies to build innovative products in various fields and markets.

Cellectis AB is a biotechnology company focused on applications of human embryonic stem cell (hES) based products and technologies for the Industry and the research community.
The quick downturn of the market had led Cellectis SA to restructure in 2013 its heavily loss-making “Tools and Services” Business Unit. The sale of Cellectis AB is the last step
of the reorganization of this Business Unit which in 2013 recorded an operating loss of 14 million euros before booking of extraordinary depreciation and of the costs related to the
company downsizing.
The financials terms of the transaction have not been disclosed