SDSバイオテックへの質問 2006/10
当時、昭和電工鰍ェ事業化した製品の中間体が、DS社の主力製品(殺菌剤) の有力な主原料として採用されたことによります。
2)1983年に昭電とDSが米国でSDS Biotechを設立しています。(日本でも)
1983年、殺菌剤の製造販売を専業としていた昭和ダイヤモンド化学鰍ノ 昭和電工鰍フ農薬事業(除草剤、殺虫剤等)を集約いたしました。
→SDS Biotech K.K(当社)設立と同時にSDS Biotech (米国)を設立
日米におけるお互いの資本参加(共同事業化)は、互いの関係の強化(殺菌剤の 研究開発等)のためであり当社の事業を米国(全世界)に拡大することを狙いと し た ものではありません。
1985年、DS社が農薬事業を売却することとなったため、SDS Biotech(米国)は DS社の子会社となり、SDS Biotech K.K(当社)はSDKの子会社となりましたが、 翌1986年、当社は新たな提携先としてサンド社(スイス)の資本参加を受け入れ て おります。(研究開発体制の強化、営業品目の拡大) 2)の回答の通り、外資との提携はもともと米国における事業を目的としたもので は ありません。
April 9, 1990
SDS Biotech goes on sale for 3rd time since 1983.
(SDS Biotech Corp.) David Prizinsky.
Full Text: COPYRIGHT Crain's Cleveland Business 1990
SDS Biotech goes on sale for 3rd time since 1983
SDS Biotech Corp., a company in Mentor that through its
subsidiaries employs 330 workers in the Cleveland area, has been
put on the auction block by its owner, Fermenta AB of
SDS Biotech owns Fermenta ASC Corp. in Mentor and Ricerca Inc., based in Concord Township. A
third Fermenta AB company, Fermenta Animal Health of Kansas City, Mo., is also for
sale. These companies together listed $258 million in sales in
1989 and reported record profits, according to the Swedish firm.
Fermenta didn't specify the profit figure.
SDS Biotech president Franklin Barry said the ramifications of
any sale are unclear at this point.
"We don't know what it means for area operations until the
buyer is found, which should take roughly four to six
months," Mr. Barry said.
A sale of SDS Biotech's operations would be the third ownership
change for those businesses in less than a decade. The SDS
Biotech companies were once part of the old Diamond
Shamrock Corp.,
which sold a one-half interest in the
operations in 1983 to Showa Denko K.K. of Japan. Fermenta AB
bought SDS Biotech and its subsidiaries in 1985.
Mr. Barry said last week the Swedish firm decided to sell its
U.S. subsidiaries in order to generate a one-time gain this year
that will allow the company to use tax-loss carryforwards. He said changes in Swedish tax
law have put such tax benefits in jeopardy in the future.
"We're talking about over $100 million in tax-loss
Mr. Barry said. "They'll sell the stock, earn a large
one-time gain and use the tax benefits."
Fermenta ASC Corp., which has manufacturing plants in Greens
Bayou, Texas, makes crop protection chemicals, wood preservatives
and specialty chemicals. Ricerca specializes in chemical research
projects and employs a research staff of more than 250. Fermenta
Animal Health produces a variety of products, including
insecticides and antibiotics.
Dillon, Read & Co., a New York investment banking company,
has been hired to handle the sale.
1968 農薬「ダコニール」の製造販売を目的とし、昭和電工(株)とダイヤモンドシャムロック社との合弁で「昭和ダイヤモンド化学(株)」を設立 1983 昭和ダイヤモンド化学をSDSバイオテックと改称、昭電から農薬事業を譲受け 1983 昭和電工/Diamond ShamrockがSDS Biotech を設立 1985 昭電、(日)SDSバイオテックのDiamond Shamrock 持株を買収
昭電、(米)SDS Biotech 持株をDiamond Shamrock に売却1985 Fermente Plant ProtectionがSDS Biotechを購入 Diamond Shamrock in 1984 agreed to clean up its dioxin-contaminated New Jersey plant.
The next year low energy prices forced the company to post losses of $605 million.1986 Diamond Shamrock 化学部門をOccidentalに売却(石油部門が残る) 1990 石原産業 SDSエンタープライズ社を買収
1991 石原産業 米国の関係会社を統括管理するため、米国にISKアメリカズINCを設立 1998 石原産業 米国農薬事業子会社ISK Biosciences をG.B.Biosciences (→ Zeneca Agro)に売却 GB Biosciences Corp., an affiliate of Zeneca Ag Products Inc. 2000 (Zeneca AgroとNovartis農薬部門が統合、Syngenta設立)
ISK Biotech broadens its horizons.
From: Chemical Week | Date: February 5, 1992 |
ISK Biotech (Mentor, OH) has had to deal with a number of cultures since its formation in 1983 as SDS Biotech, a joint venture between Showa Denko and Diamond Shamrock. The first change came in 1985, when Showa Denko sold its interest in SDS Biotech and acquired from Diamond Shamrock its 50% interest in an earlier joint venture, SDS KK.
In December of 1985, Swedish chemical firm Fermenta AB purchased SDS Biotech and renamed it Fermenta ASC, which was put up for sale in April 1990.
In November of that year Fermenta ASC was sold to Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha (Tokyo) and changed the ...
ISK Biosciences
Corporation is a manufacturer and marketer of agricultural and
specialty chemical products with headquarters in Mentor, Ohio,
sales offices worldwide, and manufacturing facilities near
Houston, Tex. ISK Biosciences primarily manufactures and sells
agricultural fungicides under the Bravo(r) and Daconil(r) brand
names. ISK Biosciences also produces preemergent and postemergent
herbicides. The turf and specialty product line includes weed and
disease control products for turf grasses, including golf courses
and residential areas; and ornamentals, including greenhouses and
nurseries. The Industrial Biocides division researches, develops,
and distributes products for the coatings and wood preservation
industries. Their newest product line is treated wood for deck
construction known as Kodiak(tm).
December 17, 1997
Zeneca is to acquire Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd.'s US based world-wide chlorothalonil 商品名:ダコニールbusiness and international distribution rights to four recently introduced products for an anticipated total purchase price of USD 500 million.
In summary:
The impact on Group earnings is expected to be broadly neutral in 1998, after charging restructuring costs, and enhancing thereafter.
Acquisition Details
Zeneca and Ishihara Sangyo Kaisha, Ltd. (ISK) of Japan today announced that Zeneca will acquire ISK's world-wide chlorothalonil business, based in the USA, and international distribution rights outside Asia Pacific to four of ISK's recently introduced products: the fungicide fluazinam, the nematicide線虫駆除剤. fosthiazate and the herbicides, flazasulfuron and nicosulfuron.
Chlorothalonil is marketed under the trademarks 'Bravo' and 'Daconil 2787' and is used in a wide range of crops and turf grass.
The acquisition includes:
ISK's Kodiak Preserved Wood and wood treatment businesses are excluded from the sale.
Completion is expected early in 1998 subject to satisfaction of various conditions and approval by relevant governmental agencies.
The purchase price of the US based business is USD 410 million, subject to closing adjustments, payable in cash. The consideration for the product distribution rights is USD 90 million, also in cash, of which USD 25 million is conditional upon further product registrations.
In 1996 the US based business being acquired made a pro forma operating profit of USD 43 million on sales of USD 240 million and had net tangible assets of USD 200 million.
Significant synergistic benefits will result from rationalisation of overlap between the Zeneca and ISK organisations, particularly in the US where the acquired business employs some 400 people and contributed over half 1996 sales. A restructuring charge of approximately USD 35 million will be made in 1998.
The acquisition is expected to bring a modest improvement in Agrochemicals' operating margins in 1998, after restructuring charges, and further enhancement thereafter with the realisation of synergistic benefits and growth in the four new compounds.
The impact on Group earnings is expected to be broadly neutral in 1998, after charging restructuring costs, and enhancing thereafter.
The acquisition will be financed from the Group's existing facilities.
Michael Pragnell, Chief Executive Officer of Zeneca Agrochemicals commented: "We are delighted to have reached this agreement with ISK, with whom Zeneca enjoys a close and long-standing relationship.
The addition of chlorothalonil to Zeneca's range is an important enhancement to our goal of attaining a leading position in the fungal control market - the strategy behind our recent purchase of MOGEN, the Dutch biotechnology company. Chlorothalonil is an ideal and complementary partner for 'Amistar'/'Abound' in disease resistance management. This transaction also improves Zeneca's competitiveness in the key North American market."