

Apr 20, 2016 Reuters 

Thai coal miner Banpu makes first investment in U.S. shale

Banpu Pcl, Thailand's largest coal miner, said on Wednesday it had spent $112 million to buy a 29.4 percent stake in the Chaffee Corners Joint Exploration Agreement (JEA), a shale gas operation in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania.

The Thai company said in a statement the deal was its first in the U.S. upstream gas business and was part of its strategy to balance its heavy exposure to the Asian market.

JEA is 65.4 percent-owned and operated by Talisman Energy Inc and located in the northeast section of the Marcellus Shale belt, the largest source of natural gas in the United States, it said.

2014/12/24  スペインの石油大手Repsol、カナダのTalismanの買収で合意 

Banpu's investment represents proved reserves of 156 billion cubic feet of dry natural gas and target net output of around 21 million cubic feet per day for 2016, the company said.

The gas is sold entirely to the U.S. domestic market, mainly for power generation.

Many energy firms have been forced to write down the value of their U.S. shale gas operations due to the slump in oil and gas prices.

Banpu said it had appointed Anon Sirisaengtaksin, the former chief executive of PTT Exploration and Production Pcl, Thailand's largest oil and gas explorer, as a director and to advise on its upstream gas strategy.

The Thai company has sought to diversify into the power business to help balance the impact of weak coal prices. Banpu aims to boost its power generating capacity to 4,300 megawatts by 2025, including 800 megawatts of renewables.

Banpu has coal mines in Indonesia, Australia, and China and has interests in power plants in Laos, China and Japan.

2015/6/9 日本経済新聞 


2016/2/27  日経


昨年、栃木県と群馬県、茨城県で太陽光発電施設を稼働した。北海道や福島県などでもプロジェクトを進めており、18年までに合計発電能力は5万 4100キロワットに達する見込みだ。ソムルディー・チャイモンコン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「さらに大規模なプロジェクトを交渉中で20年には少なくとも20万キロワットは達成できる」と話す。


本業の石炭採掘は市況悪化を受けて苦戦している。インドネシアとオーストラリアで生産する石炭の 15年の平均販売価格は1トン55.53ドルと前年比15%下がった。ソムルディーCEOは「価格は底打ちした」としつつ「16年は供給過剰の状態が続く」との見方を示した。バンプーの15年12月期の最終損益は4278万ドルの赤字(前期は8274万ドルの黒字)だった。


むかわ太陽光発電所 17,000kW 北海道鵡川町 タイ石炭開発公社 2017年9月建設中</ref>