San Donato Milanese, June 13th, 2011 – Polimeri Europa – the biggest Italian
chemical company, a subsidiary of Eni – and Novamont – a global market
leader in biodegradable plastics – announced 13 June plans to build an
innovative bio-based chemical complex in Porto Torres (Sardinia, Italy).
With a total investment of 500 million Euro ($700 million), the project
consists of seven new plants – an integrated production chain from vegetable
oil to bio plastics - to be completed within the next six years, and a
research center devoted to bio-chemistry that will be operative in the next
Matrìca, the fifty-fifty Joint Venture set up by Polimeri Europa and Novamont will execute the bio-based chemical complex, where the basic engineering of the first phase has already been completed. Eni also plans to invest an additional 250 million Euro in a biomass power station to provide the electric power.
JVfs target market is the global
bio-based chemical sector. According to recent analyst research this sector
will grow at 17.7% per year reaching 8.1 million tons in 2015.
Novamont brings to the venture technologies and research and innovation
skills in the sector of bioplastics and bio-based products, whilst Polimeri
Europa boosts this highly innovative project with its engineering and
commercial capabilities in carrying out and managing big industrial
Polimeri Europa will convert the Porto Torres production from traditional
fossil into bio-based productions: all the traditional chemical plants at
the site with the exception of nitrilic rubbers NBR
will be shut down, creating an available skilled workforce and facilities
for the new project.
The bio-based chemical complex will be one of the most important in the
sector at a global level – due to its innovative integrated production
chain, its size and the massive overall installed
capacity of 350 kt/a of bio-products.
Daniele Ferrari CEO of Polimeri Europa said: g We aim to grow a new key
sector of the Italian economy, creating a virtuous cycle based on
technological innovation and sustainable bio-products with low environmental
impact and high integration with the local territory. We are confident that
this is an industrial model that will be exported. g
By joining forces with Novamont in the fast growing renewable bio-materials
business, Polimeri Europa stabilizes and strengthens its traditional
chemical business and at the same time transfers research and innovation
from the bio field into fossil chemistry.
Catia Bastioli, CEO of Novamont said: gNovamontfs vision is to achieve full
implementation of a gBiorefinery model closely linked to the Territoryh
through cooperation with the agricultural, industrial, institutional and
academic sectors. Our intention is to deliver an exemplary model in the
global market place, inspiring an innovative approach in the use of
renewable raw materials with maximum attention given to the environmental
impact on the local territoryh.
Project details
Using raw materials of vegetable origin, the new bio-based chemical plants
will produce innovative products, specifically chemical intermediates for
bio-plastics, bio-lubrifcants and bio-additives for elastomers.
The Bio-Materials will not only be fully biodegradable but also produced
almost entirely from renewable raw materials.
With high-level integration in the local territory, the project foresees the
upstream cultivation and production of vegetable oil which is the raw
material of the Bio-Monomers plant in Sardinia. The location of the new
project represents an advantage in terms of the agricultural vocation of
Sardinian land and the large amount of land available.
The seven new plants will be built in three stages:
Phase A – The first stage of the project sees the construction of a
Bio-Monomers plant (the so called bio-refinery) and a Bio-Lubricants plant.
Phase B – In the second stage a plant will be erected that produces
Bio-Extensor oils and Bio-Fillers for the rubber industry. These plants will
use intermediates produced by the Bio-Monomers plant.
Phase C – The third stage of the project will be a scale-up of the first
phase with new larger lines of Bio-Monomers and Bio-Lubricants and a
downstream plant for the production of Bio-Plastics that will be used for a
variety of market applications in the fields of waste collection, hygiene,
agriculture, catering and packaging.
The continuous development and innovation of products and processes is
ensured by the activities of the new research center and will be carried out
jointly between the two partnersf research centers and in cooperation with
national and international high-level research institutions.
Furthermore, the synergy between the new bio-materials produced by JV and
the traditional chemical products manufactured by Polimeri Europa, both in
terms of commercial and production synergies will guarantee the success of
the project.
Polimeri Europa and Novamont have developed relevant synergies between
bio-materials and elastomers specifically for the tyre market and will bring
to market a range of bio elastomer grades characterized by higher
performances and lower environmental impact.