2012/10/17 日揮 




1. 顧客名: 住友化学株式会社
       サウジアラビア国営石油会社(Saudi Arabian Oil Company)
       (通称: サウジアラムコ社 - Saudi Aramco)
2. 受注者名: JGCガルフ・インターナショナル社
         (JGC Gulf International Co., Ltd: 日揮100%出資のサウジアラビア法人)
3. 建設地: サウジアラビア王国ラービグ地区
4. 契約内容: エチレン製造設備増設(年産30万トン)に係る設計、機材調達、建設工事(EPC)役務
5. 契約形式: ランプサム(一括請負)契約
6. 受注金額: 非公表
7. 納期: 2015年

8. プロジェクトの概要:




  サウジアラビアは、近年自国の産業多角化と自国民の雇用促進政策を積極的に推進しています。このような中、当社は2008年に同業他社に先駆けて同国にEPC(設計: Engineering、調達: Procurement、建設: Construction)子会社としてJGCガルフ・インターナショナル社を設立し、これまで現地のニーズに対応しながら着実に実績を重ねてきました。

  本プロジェクトの入札においては、顧客はEPC役務を一貫して遂行できるサウジアラビア国内(IK (Inside of Kingdom) EPC)企業が参画することを強く望んでいました。今回の受注は、JGCガルフ・インターナショナル社の現地での実績とプロジェクト遂行能力、さらに価格競争力が高く評価されたものと考えております。

  当社は現在、中期経営計画「NEW HORIZON2015」において、海外EPC子会社の強化・拡大を推進しており、本プロジェクトの遂行を通して、JGCガルフ・インターナショナル社のプロジェクト遂行能力のさらなる向上を図って行く予定です。

2012/12/20 Arabian Supply Chain

Rabigh Petrochemical Logistics opens new Saudi facility

Rabigh Petrochemical Logistics (RPL) announced the opening of its new regional warehouse in Rabigh last week.

The new warehouse is located at Rabigh Plus Tech Park in Rabigh (RPTP). The opening ceremony was attended by top officials of PetroRabigh, various clients in RPTP, as well as executives from Almajdouie and the Sumitomo Warehouse Co. management team.

Rabigh PlusTech ParkはSaudi Aramcoと住友化学がスポンサーとなって PetroRabigh に建設するプラスチック加工団地で、面積は240ヘクタール(うち70ヘクタールは用役、物流、共通施設用地)。

The total area for RPL is 30,000sq.m. with an area of 13,000sq.m. covered warehouse built with storage space and 300sq.m. temperature controlled warehouse. In addition, there is also around 5,000sq.m. of open sky storage and two container docking stations. The warehouse is made with world class safety and security standards which ensure handling of the products with great care. Presently, RPL annually handles 1.6 million tonnes of materials inside PRC warehouse, of which, 8% to 12% is expected to be handled in RPTP. Aside from this new warehouse, RPL is also operating its existing warehouse facility in Riyadh.

This investment demonstrates RPL’s commitment to offer broad and innovative logistics solutions to its long term strategic customers. With this new setup, RPL is looking forward to provide total logistics solutions to its major client PetroRabigh, as well as other potential customers in RPTP.

RPL has already started working with other major RPTP tenants like ASTRA(Arab Supply and Trading Co.), SPCS (Sumitomo Chemical Polymer Compounds Saudi Arabia) and AJMC (Arabian Japanese Membrane Company).

サウジアラビアでは住友化学 55%、東洋インキ 45%出資で Sumika Polymer Compound Saudi Arabia を設立し、PetroRabighプラントに隣接するRabigh Conversion Industrial Park (Rabigh Plus Tech Parkと改称)年産10,000トンののPPコンパウンド設備を建設する。

2008/6/27 住友化学、サウジでPPコンパウンドを生産


 社名  :Arabian Japanese Membrane Company, LLC
 出資者:Arabian Company for Water & Power Development 49%
     東洋紡 36.1%
     伊藤忠 14.9%

場所  :ラービグ
 設立  :2010/3
  事業  :


2013-12-15 PetroRabigh   



PetroRabigh's earnings have been hit hard this year by maintenance at some of its facilities, pressure on profit margins, power cuts and an outage of its ethane cracker due to a water leak. 

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) announces the signing of an agreement with the Founding Shareholders, Saudi Aramco Company and Sumitomo Chemical Company, that enhances its business and financial performance.

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) announces that on Thursday, December 12th, 2013 the Company signed an agreement with the Founding Shareholders, Saudi Aramco Company and Sumitomo Chemical Company, that enhances its business and financial performance.

Per the agreement, Saudi Aramco Company supplies Petro Rabigh with 50 million cubic feet, or its equivalent, of methane gas per the local market price, until the completion of the main gas network in Rabigh area and the allocation of the required amount of gas to Petro Rabigh through the appropriate regulatory authorities in the Kingdom.

In addition, the Founding Shareholders shall equally handle international marketing of Petro Rabigh’s products.
     *   Previously, Saudi Aramco marketed refined products for PetroRabigh while Sumitomo Chemical handled chemicals.

Further, they are committed to reducing marketing commission by about one-third of current rates.
Also, the marketing commission for Petro Rabigh ’s refined products has been cancelled.

This Agreement shall take effect retroactively as of April of this year, 2013.
The agreement is likely to have a positive impact on the Company's revenues by approximately one billion Saudi Riyals(* $267 million) this year and one billion three hundred million Saudi Riyals per year in the coming years per the current outlook of prices and production levels.

The agreement will be reviewed and evaluated by all parties after five (5) years from the date.


April 01, 2014  Bloomberg News 

Aramco Trading Starts Selling Petro Rabigh Chemical Products    上記参照

Saudi Aramco Products Trading Co., the fuel marketing unit of Saudi Arabia’s state oil producer, started selling products of an affiliated petrochemicals maker.

Aramco Trading will sell products including polypropylene and polyethylene made by Rabigh Refining & Petrochemicals Co., according to a statement on the state oil company’s website today. The company began physical deliveries of the first chemical products today, it said.

Saudi Arabian Oil Co., the world’s largest oil exporter, owns all of the marketing unit and 37.5 percent of the refinery, known as Petro Rabigh. Sumitomo Chemical Co. holds an equal share in Petro Rabigh, with the remainder traded on the stock market. The partners will sell equal amounts of Petro Rabigh’s products, according to a Petro Rabigh statement today.

Persian Gulf oil producers such as Saudi Arabia are boosting chemical output to diversify their economies away from reliance on crude sales for revenue by selling finished products like transport fuels and plastics. Aramco and Sumitomo plan to expand the Petro Rabigh plant and Aramco is building additional chemical capacity at Jubail on the Gulf.

2014/1/1 Petro Rabigh 

Append Announcement from Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) Regarding the Start of Terminating the Services of Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company (RAWEC)

With reference to the announcement of Petro Rabigh on September 18th, 2013 regarding the start of terminating the services of Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company (RAWEC), Petro Rabigh announces that yesterday, Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 it reached a preliminary agreement for a comprehensive settlement with Rabigh Arabian Water & Electricity Company (RAWEC), the main supplier of power and utilities for the Company.


The settlement agreement includes a financial package of more than 1 billion Saudi Riyals which RAWEC is committed to fund, and which is distributed as follows:
750 million Saudi Riyals in cash upon signing the final agreement,
190 million Saudi Riyals as reduction in the value of future rate throughout the remaining period of the concession contract of Build, Operate and Own (BOO),
and approximately 250 million Saudi Riyals as capital investment to improve the reliability of the utilities supply network.


Until the execution of the final settlement agreement, Petro Rabigh, under this preliminary agreement, will suspend for 3 months the previous notification that was sent to RAWEC on Wednesday, September 18th, 2013 where Petro Rabigh expressed its desire to terminate the agreement of power and water supplies with RAWEC. However, this preliminary agreement provides a promising opportunity to settle this issue for the interest of both parties.


May 14, 2014 Reuters

Saudi Aramco, Sumitomo face higher costs for petrochemical plant expansion

The expansion of a petrochemicals complex in Saudi Arabia owned by Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical is now expected to cost 32 billion riyals ($8.5 billion), higher than previously estimated, the joint-venture said on Wednesday.

The expansion plan, which aims to increase output from the plant as well as introduce higher-margin products, was originally estimated to cost around $7 billion.

But in a stock exchange filing on Wednesday, PetroRabigh said: "Total investment in the project is around 32 billion riyals according to current forecasts."

The statement did not give any reason for the change in price, but said the project - situated on Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast - was still due to come online during 2016.

A company spokesman declined to provide further information.

The joint-venture, known as PetroRabigh, has had a number of setbacks because of maintenance issues in 2013 at its existing facility including power cuts and an outage at its ethane cracker.

A new marketing deal with its parent firms in December has helped alleviate the pressure on profits from the maintenance problems. Both Aramco and Sumitomo have also made firm commitments to the expansion project, known as Rabigh II, since giving it the final go-ahead in 2012.

Under the plan, an existing ethane cracker will be expanded and a new aromatics complex built that will make higher-value petrochemical products and have a capacity of 1.72 million tonnes per year.

PetroRabigh's existing plant can produce an annual 18 million tonnes of refined products and 2.4 million tonnes of petrochemical products.

Rabigh II will produce ethylene propylene rubber (EPR), thermoplastic polyolefin (TPO), methyl methacrylate (MMA) monomer, polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) among other products.

To fund construction of Rabigh II, both Sumitomo and Aramco will put in around 100 billion yen, with the rest coming from project financing, Sumitomo Chemical President Masakazu Tokura told reporters in November. (Reporting by Reem Shamseddine; Editing by David French and Jane Merriman)

September 10, 2014 Reuters

Saudi's PetroRabigh seeks funding for $8.5bn petchems project

Saudi Arabia's PetroRabigh said on Wednesday its founding shareholders had formally invited banks to provide financing for the SR32 billion ($8.5 billion) expansion of its petrochemicals complex in the kingdom.

No figures for how much cash would be raised by PetroRabigh - a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical - were given in the statement.

However, Sumitomo President Masakazu Tokura said last November that both companies would each put in 100 billion yen ($975 million), with the rest of the funds coming from project financing.

The requests for proposals were issued by the parent firms to local and international banks on Tuesday, with financing of the expansion to be split between conventional loans and sharia-compliant facilities, the bourse filing said.

PetroRabigh's existing plant can produce an annual 18 million tonnes of refined products and 2.4 million tonnes of petrochemical products.

The new facility, known as Rabigh II, is to be built as an expansion of PetroRabigh's existing petrochemical plant, increasing output and introducing higher-margin products.

The project, located on Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast, received a formal go-ahead from the parent firms in 2012; PetroRabigh has said previously it is due to come online in 2016, despite a string of maintenance problems at the existing facility.

Rabigh II will produce ethylene propylene rubber, thermoplastic polyolefin, methyl methacrylate monomer and polymethyl methacrylate among other products.

The ownership of Rabigh II will be transferred to PetroRabigh from the parents in the fourth quarter of this year, the joint venture firm said last month, although Aramco and Sumitomo would continue to guarantee the debt raised to build the scheme.

2015 年3 月17 日  住友化学                             2012/5/28 住友化学、サウジ・アラムコとの「ラービグ第2期計画」実施

ペトロ・ラービグ社のラービグ第2 期計画に関するプロジェクト・ファイナンス契約調印について




※1 建設期間中の金利など、設計・調達・建設(EPC)以外のコストを含む。
※2 一部サウジリヤル建て融資を含む。


2015/3/18 日経

住友化、サウジ合弁会社から1500億円を回収 3月末





2015/7/1 Gulf News

Saudi’s PetroRabigh says paying 0.5 riyals/share dividend for FY 2014

Saudi Arabia’s PetroRabigh will pay a cash dividend of 0.5 riyals ($0.13) per share for the full year of 2014, it said in a bourse filing on Wednesday.

This is the first time PetroRabigh is paying a dividend since at least 2010, according to Thomson Reuters data.

Dec 31, 2015 Reuters                             別途、サウジ政府、石化原料大幅値上げ (2016/1/4 ブログ)

PetroRabigh says Phase II delays raise cost and capital needs

* Building work to finish now in Sept 2016
* Total cost now 31 bln riyals, up 1 bln riyals
* Rights issue size raised to 9.26 bln riyals

The completion of PetroRabigh's Phase II expansion will be delayed by nine months, raising the cost and forcing the Saudia Arabian petrochemical producer and refiner to seek more cash from shareholders, it said on Thursday.

The delay to September 2016 is the latest issue to hit the project, which will let the company manufacture higher margin products but has faced a number of uncertainties since it was proposed in 2009, mostly over the cost of the huge expansion.

The total cost will now be 31 billion riyals ($8.3 billion), 1 billion riyals more than the previous figure, according to a bourse filing from the firm, which is a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical.  (1リアル =0.26662米ドル)

PetroRabigh blamed the increase on "the failure of the key contractors of the project to meet the planned implementation schedule", without elaborating.

The delay also means that a planned rights issue to support the funding costs will need to rise to 9.26 billion riyals, 2.24 billion riyals more than initially announced in April, the company said in a separate bourse filing.

PetroRabigh has already signed loans worth 19.4 billion riyals to finance the project, with a significant chunk coming from the Japan Bank for International Cooperation and the state-owned Public Investment Fund.

  当初 今回 差異
億SAR 億ドル 億SAR 億ドル 億SAR 億ドル
建設費 300 (80.0) 310 (82.7) 10 (2.7)
ローン 194 (51.7) 194 (51.7)
増資 70 (18.7) 92.6 (24.7) 22.4 (6.0)

Under the project, known Rabigh II, an existing ethane cracker will be expanded and a new aromatics complex will be built which will process more than 2.7 million tonnes of naphtha a year to make higher-value petrochemical products.

The ethane cracker expansion is now due to be completed in the first quarter of 2016, PetroRabigh said.

PetroRabigh's existing plant can produce an annual 18 million tonnes of refined products and 2.4 million tonnes of petrochemicals.

The company said it will start gradually operating units of the expansion from the beginning of the second half of 2016. In March, it was announced the expanded facility was expected to start production in the first half of 2016.


別途、サウジ政府、石化原料大幅値上げ (2016/1/4 ブログ)




SABIC 5%のコストアップ
Saudi Arabia Fertilizers Co (SAFCO) 8%のコストアップ
Yanbu National Petrochemical Co (Yansab) 6.5%のコストアップ
National Industrialisation Co (Tasnee) 190百万リアル (51百万ドル)
Saudi Cement Co 68百万リアル (18百万ドル) 
Petro Rabigh 300百万リアル (80百万ドル)



Saudi's Petrorabigh starts expanded ethane cracker

Saudi Arabia's PetroRabigh has started full operations at its expanded ethane cracker, it said on Thursday (2016/4/21).

The expansion will increase ethane processing capacity from 95 million standard cubic feet per day (scfd) to 125 million scfd; boosting capacity to 1.6 mln tonnes per year (from 1.3 mln tonnes).

The start of the expanded ethane cracker will increase the company's revenue by an estimated 750 million riyals ($200 million) for 2016 and depending on the feedstock availability, the firm said in a bourse statement.


KAEC, Petro Rabigh launch Saudi Sustainable Development Association

King Abdullah Economic City (KAEC), a special economic zone on Saudi Arabia's Red Sea coast, and Petro Rabigh, a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Japan's Sumitomo Chemical, have launched the Saudi Sustainable Development Association, said a report.

The association is an innovative, pioneering initiative to combine the resources of national corporations and channel them efficiently toward better economic and social development in the kingdom in general, and in the Rabigh area in particular, added the Saudi Gazette report.

Announced in a special ceremony at KAEC, this initiative is the first of its kind in the kingdom, creating a partnership among corporations and institutions in the private sector in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development.

The announcement ceremony was attended by Ayman Al Mubaireek, deputy governor of Rabigh, and more than 30 representatives of government agencies and senior corporate officials.

In addition to KAEC and Petro Rabigh, the consortium includes the Cooperative Insurance Company (Tawuniya,) the International Medical Center, DHL, SANKYU, Saudi Arabia, FAL Holding, RAWEC, Al-Tamimi and Co., GEMS – Global Environmental Management Services – and Arabian Pipes.

Bassam A Al Bokhari, vice president of industrial relations at Petro Rabigh and chairman of the Association Board, said the partnership will unite the efforts that national corporations make towards enhancing corporate social responsibility and promoting sustained development that meets the area’s basic needs.

He also said that this will constitute added value in the long run, and contribute to the kingdom’s Vision 2030 by giving the private sector the opportunity to participate in development, added the report.


2017/8/29 日本経済新聞 

住友化 サウジ事業の持ち分法利益 来期以降、200億円超に







2018/1/7  Petro Rabigh

Announcement From Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) Regarding The Latest Developments in the Rabigh (Phase II) Project

​With reference to the announcement from Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Co. (Petro Rabigh) on September 29, 2016 concerning the latest developments in the Rabigh (Phase II) Project, the company announces that it has achieved on-spec production at 10 of the Projects total of 12 units. The remaining two units will start up in the first quarter of 2018. Upon completion of all Phase II plants, both phases I and II will be integrated operationally within the Petro Rabigh industrial complex.

By the end of December 2017, the company achieved on-spec production at the units for Cumene, Phenol, Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)/Isobutylene, Metathesis, Methyl Methacrylate (MMA), Naphtha Reformer, Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA), Low Density Polyethylene/ (LDPE), Thermo Plastic Olefin (TPO) and Nylon 6 (Polyamide 6).

Production is expected to start at the Aromatics and EPR (Ethylene Propylene Rubber = EPDM) units in the first quarter of 2018 as previously scheduled. Financial Impact of the above will be part of the company financial results starting the first quarter of current year, as it cannot be currently estimated.



2018/5/16  日経


住友化学は15日、サウジアラビアで石油化学コンビナートを運営する関連会社 PetroRabighに約1000億円を追加出資すると明らかにした。2017年に完了した拡張工事の投資資金をまかなうもの。共同出資している国営会社サウジアラムコなども出資に応じるため、株式の保有比率は37.5%で変わらない見通しだ。




2016年12月にHSBC Capitalを財務コンサルタントに選んだとの発表があった。



Feb 28, 2019

Petro Rabigh Selects Jacobs for Fuel Oil Upgrade Project in Saudi Arabia

 Jacobs has received a contract from Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) to provide FEED and Project Management Consultancy (PMC) services on the company's fuel oil upgrade project – Bottom of the Barrel.  Located in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, Bottom of the Barrel is an upgrade project which converts oil residue streams from the crude distillation process into more profitable products.

In today's market, there is increased demand for transportation fuels, primarily diesel and low-sulfur bunker fuel oil, as well as decreased demand for residual fuel oil. This shift, combined with the lowering sulfur limits worldwide, makes maximizing conversion critical. Jacobs is projected to employ 150 full time employees while delivering pre-front end engineering design, FEED and project management over a two-year period.

"Through this oil upgrade project, we are supporting Petro Rabigh with a unique opportunity in the market to meet growing demands for transportation fuels," said Jacobs Energy, Chemical and Resources Senior Vice President and General Manager EMEA David Zelinski. "The implementation will yield value-added products for use across Saudi Arabia, as well as export to global markets."

Petro Rabigh, a refining and petrochemicals plant on the west coast of Saudi Arabia, is a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical. The company produces refined products and petrochemicals that are used in end products such as plastics, detergents, lubricants, resins, coolants, anti-freeze, paint, carpets, rope, clothing, shampoo, auto interiors, epoxy glue, insulation, film, fibers, household appliances, packaging, candles, pipes and many other applications.

Jacobs leads the global professional services sector delivering solutions for a more connected, sustainable world. With $15 billion in fiscal 2018 revenue and a talent force of more than 80,000, Jacobs provides a full spectrum of services including scientific, technical, professional and construction- and program-management for business, industrial, commercial, government and infrastructure sectors.


2019/11/30 日経

2兆円プラント 住友化学の誤算

サウジで第2期運転開始も… 早期の収益貢献揺らぐ
















SaudiAramco、PetroRabigh の石油化学製品の自社枠の販売権をSABICに移管

SaudiAramcoと住友化学のJVのPetro Rabigh は9月29日、SaudiAramcoとSABICとの間で新しい契約を締結した。



Rabighの石油化学製品の半分について、従来 Aramco が販売していた分を子会社で石油化学専業のSABICに任せるもので、経緯は下記の通り。




1) 従来、石油製品はAramco、石油化学は住化が担当していたが、石油化学製品について両社半々に変更する。
2) 石油化学の販売マージンを1/3カット、石油製品(赤字)についてはマージンをゼロに。
3) 2013/4に遡及、5年後見直し

Aramcoは2016年4月1日にLANXESS と折半出資の合成ゴム JV のARLANXEO を設立したが、2018年12月末にこれを100%子会社とした。 

PetroRabighでは2018年3月28日に第二期計画のEPDM が稼働したが、ARLANXEO への販売はAramcoが行っている。

  2019/1/1  Saudi Aramcoと LANXESS のJV のARLANXEO、Aramco 100%に

Saudi Aramcoは2019年3月27日、SABICの株式の70%を政府系ファンドのPublic Investment Fund (PIF) から691億ドルで買い取ることで正式に合意したと発表した。

SABICの残り30%はSaudi Stock Exchange(Tadawul )に上場されているが、これはそのままとなる。

2019/3/30 Saudi Aramco、SABIC株式の70%を取得 

2022/12/25 Saudi Top Trading Co. 

Saudi Top Trading, Petro Rabigh sign MoU to establish SAR 100 mln factory

Nomu-listed Saudi Top Trading Co. announced that one of its factories, Saudi Top Plastic factory, signed on Dec. 13 a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co. (Petro Rabigh), according to a statement to Tadawul. 

The MoU is to establish a factory with a total construction value of about SAR 100 million in two phases, the first with a value of nearly SAR 60 million and the second phase of approximately SAR 40 million.
The new factory will be established on an area of 34,000 square meters, and for a period of 30 years, to produce 50,000 tons annually of polymer compounds, rubber, and industrial waxes in Rabigh Plastic Technology Complex.
It pointed out that the supply of polymer scrap materials, rubber, and industrial wax for the new factory will be from Petro Rabigh. 

The 12-month MoU started from signing date, Saudi Top Trading stated, noting that there are no related parties.

The financial impact of this project will be determined later upon the completion of all agreements related to this MoU, it stated.

May 26, 2023     

Petro Rabigh refinery to feed proposed needle coke, graphite complex   PetroRabighの重油残渣から製鋼用黒煙電極材料製造

Privately held TAQAT Development Co. has let a contract to Chevron Lummus Global (CLG) to deliver technology licensing and engineering services for a proposed grassroots complex that will produce needle coke and synthetic graphite from feedstock supplied by the 400,000-b/d refinery and chemicals complex operated by Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Co. (Petro Rabigh)—a 50-50 joint venture of Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical Co.—in the port city of Rabigh, Saudi Arabia, along the Red Sea.

TAQAT Development Company is a start-up private company (of ex-family business owners) incorporated in Saudi Arabia and registered under commercial registration number 2051048776.

The Company, with a seasoned technical and professional leadership, will be developing a synthetic graphite cluster in Saudi Arabia. The cluster will include a Needle Coke plant (Needle coke is a precursor for the graphite project) to be developed inside the facility of Rabigh Refinery & Petrochemical Company (PRC).

Rabigh Refinery & Petrochemical  will supply the scares Decant Oil feedstock. In addition, the cluster will include a Graphite plant that will be most probably co-located next to KSA proposed Electric Vehicle (EV) plant.

TAQAT enjoys very strong Government support since the proposed EV plant is supported by the Public Investments Fund (PIF) and the Saudi Government Industry Clusters, which is targeting to develop a world-class automotive industry to be a major regional player supplying the MENA market strong growth demand. TAQAT will be leading regional quasi-government entities to develop the subject needle coke and battery anode project.

Further, TAQAT is supported by the Ministry of Energy, and the Ministry of Industry, to fast track the subject project to mee target production dates. The supply of the scarce feedstock from Petro Rabigh Refinery was culminated by officially signing the binding MOU between TAQAT and PRC in December 2020.

As part of the contract, CLG will license the proposed 75,000-tonne/year (tpy) complex its proprietary two-step coking process to enable conversion of lower-value, heavy oil residue streams from Petro Rabigh’s refinery that would otherwise be used as fuel oil into high-quality needle coke, which in turn will be used to produce synthetic graphite, the service provider said on May 25.

needle coke :  製鋼用黒鉛電極原料

Alongside technology licensing, CLG’s scope of work under the contract also covers basic design, pilot plant testing, as well as other unidentified engineering and operations support for the project.

The service provider revealed neither the value nor duration of the license and engineering contract, which was initially signed on Feb. 14, 2023, according to a recent post by TAQAT to one of its official social media accounts.

According to TAQAT’s website, the proposed complex—or cluster—will consist of two separate installations, including a plant to be developed inside Petro Rabigh’s refinery that will use the refiner’s supply of slurry-decant oil feedstock to produce needle coke.

The planned cluster also is to include construction of a separate plant that will use the precursor needle coke for production of graphite anode for electric vehicle (EV) and energy storage-system batteries, TAQAT said.

While TAQAT confirmed via its website the December 2020 signing of its agreement with Petro Rabigh’s refinery for the needle coke plant’s development and associated feedstock supply, the company recently formed a joint venture with Novonix Ltd.—a Canadian-based battery technology developer and manufacturer—to develop a 30,000-tpy graphite anode materials plant in Saudia Arabia that would receive precursor needle coke, at least in part, from the proposed Petro Rabigh plant, according to a Mar. 30, 2023, release from Novonix.

TAQAT said its proposed needle coke-graphite anode project is supported by investments of the government of Saudi Arabia under its Vision 2030 goals, which aim to have EVs account for 30% of all on-road, in-kingdom vehicles by 2030.

The TAQAT (60%)-Novonix (40%) JV’s proposed graphite anode plant—plans for which must be finalized by end-March 2024 per terms of the agreement—would directly support a localized supply chain for the EV sector, the companies said.


Petro Rabigh has yet to directly disclose any official details to global media outlets regarding its role in the proposed specialty complex.


May 25, 2023

Chevron Lummus Global and TAQAT Announce License and Engineering Agreement for Needle Coke/Synthetic Graphite Complex

Chevron Lummus Global LLC (CLG) announced a recent contract award from TAQAT Development Company for a new 75,000 TPA needle coke/synthetic graphite complex in Rabigh, Saudi Arabia. Under the agreement, Chevron Lummus Global will provide pilot plant testing, licensing, basic design, and additional engineering and operations support. The feedstock will be supplied by Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh).

The grassroots complex will utilize CLG's two-step coking process to convert feedstock streams, which would otherwise be used as fuel oil, into high-quality needle coke, and synthetic graphite. This process helps to reduce environmental impact by repurposing feedstock streams that would otherwise be considered lower-value or waste materials into valuable products, contributing to a more sustainable approach to resource utilization.

CLG's proprietary technology is the result of decades of continual refinement and accumulated data from over 60 unit designs and commercial installations. It has proven to be a superior option for converting heavy feedstocks into in-demand products like needle coke and synthetic graphite. This contract award highlights CLG's expertise and leadership in the field of advanced carbon products.

TAQAT Development Company is a leading Saudi Arabian energy company, The company is a leader and innovator in the global energy market, and a key contributor to the economic growth and development of the MENA region. TAQAT is constantly seeking out new opportunities to invest in and develop solutions to meet the region's emerging technology energy needs. TAQAT is commercializing a wide range of energy products and services, including high-quality petroleum coke and renewable energy solutions. The company is committed to innovation and sustainability and is investing heavily in research and development of new technologies to improve the energy ecosystem in the region. For more information, visit www.taqatgroup.com.


20 Dec 2023

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co. (Petro Rabigh) announces the completion and operation commencement of the project to capture CO2 emissions from the MEG plant at the company complex

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Co. (Petro Rabigh), in collaboration with Gulf Cryo, a leading provider of industrial, medical, and specialty gases in the region, announces the inauguration of the new carbon capture and utilization facility.

The project agreement was signed in March 2022, to design, construct, and operate an advanced carbon capture plant at Petro Rabigh's Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG) plant. The new facility captures 300 metric tons of CO2 per day directly from MEG plant, representing 85% reduction in its total annual CO2 emissions footprint. The captured CO2 is equivalent to the sequestration capacity of approximately 360 thousand Mangroves Trees.

By preventing the release of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, the project supports Saudi Arabia's target of achieving net zero emissions by 2060 under Vision 2030 and in alignment with UN Sustainable Development Goals. The captured CO2 will be purified to a high-purity for other productive uses including water desalination, food and beverage carbonation, agriculture and in ready mix concrete.


24 Mar 2022

Petro Rabigh has signed an agreement with GULF CRYO to capture CO2 emissions from the MEG plant at Petro Rabigh complex


Petro Rabigh has signed an agreement with Gulf Cryo to capture CO2 emissions from the MEG plant at Petro Rabigh complex. The agreement was signed in Rabigh by Petro Rabigh P&CEO Eng. Othman A. Al-Ghamdi and Gulf Cryo Chairman Mr. Amer Al Huneidi, establishing a new strategic collaboration that reinforces the commitment of both companies towards enhancing local content and securing a resilient supply chain and a sustainable business environment.

In line with Petro Rabigh’s commitment to reduce its emissions and support the objectives outlined by the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, Gulf Cryo will invest, build and operate a state-of-the-art CO2 capturing plant. The plant will be fully operative by the second quarter of 2023, and it will be the first CO2 capturing plant in the Western Region of Saudi Arabia. Part of the total captured and highly-purified gas will be transformed into a food-grade quality with a volume of 300 metric tonnes/day. It will be supplied via pipeline to Petro Rabigh for its internal processes. The remaining volume of CO2 will be provided in liquid form to industrial end-users replacing fossil fuel burning plants and contributing to an environmentally friendly economy. In return, the captured and purified CO2 emissions are utilized as a valuable resource for food-grade innovative gas applications in Oil & Gas, Desalination, Food & Beverage, Cement, and Agriculture industries.



15 Oct 2024 

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company announces the signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Jiahua Chemicals 佳化化学

Element List Explanation
Introduction Under the Patronage of the Ministry of Energy, Petro Rabigh and Jiahua Chemicals have signed on October 15, 2024 a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to explore the establishment a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Rabigh. The facility will focus on the production of several Specialty Chemicals derived from Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide which are the key materials for this project supplied through Petro Rabigh. The targeted products range are widely used in the constructions, and automotive sectors.

This strategic collaboration aligns with Saudi Arabia's strategy set forth by the Ministry of Energy to boost local downstream and specialty chemicals production and reduce reliance on imports. With a strong emphasis on fostering downstream industries related to the construction and automotive sectors, this collaboration aims to enhance local content and meet the rising demand from these key sectors.
Memorandum Signing Date 2024-10-15
Counterparty Jiahua Chemicals 佳化化学
Memorandum Subject Collaborate in establishment of a Specialty Chemicals Manufacturing in Rabigh
Memorandum Duration 12 Months
Related Parties Not applicable
Financial Impact There is no financial impact on signing this memorandum
Additional Information Not applicable


JIAHUA CHEMICALS INC. 佳化化学 is dedicated to the research and development, production and sales of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide downstream derivatives and other specialty chemicals. The company has set up five business units: Construction Chemicals, Performance Materials, Care Chemicals, Coating and Industrial additives, and Functional Materials. The products are widely used in construction, automobile, home furnishing, coatings, oil fields, textile printing and dyeing, pesticides and other industries.


17-Oct-2024 ChemAnalyst

Petro Rabigh And Jiahua Chemicals to Investigate Establishment of Specialty Chemicals Plant

Rabigh Refining and Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China’s Jiahua Chemicals to explore the establishment of a specialty chemicals manufacturing plant in Rabigh, according to the several media reports. The facility will focus on producing specialty chemicals derived from ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, which are essential for the construction and automotive industries, according to a statement released to the Saudi stock exchange on Tuesday.

Petro Rabigh will supply the key materials needed for the new project, ensuring a consistent source of essential inputs. The MoU is set to last for 12 months, providing both parties with adequate time to conduct feasibility studies and outline the operational framework for the proposed plant.

This collaboration aligns with Saudi Arabia’s broader strategy to enhance domestic production of specialty chemicals. The initiative aims to reduce reliance on imports while supporting downstream industries related to construction and automotive sectors. By increasing local manufacturing capabilities, the project is expected to contribute to the kingdom's economic diversification efforts and create job opportunities.

Leveraging Petro Rabigh’s resources and Jiahua Chemicals' expertise in specialty chemicals, the project has the potential to drive significant advancements in the sector. The establishment of this facility is poised to strengthen the local supply chain and meet the growing demand for specialty chemicals, which are vital for various applications within the construction and automotive fields.

The agreement also underscores the importance of collaboration between local and international companies in achieving the kingdom's industrial objectives. The partnership with Jiahua Chemicals not only enhances Petro Rabigh's production capacity but also fosters knowledge transfer and technological exchange. This could lead to more innovative solutions tailored to the specific needs of the Saudi market.

Rabigh Refining & Petrochemical Company (Petro Rabigh) was established in 2005 as a joint venture between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical. The plant has an estimated value of approximately SAR 16.71 billion, with 25% of the funding coming from the public and the remaining amount equally shared between Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo Chemical. Initially, it produced 18.4 million tons per annum (MTPA) of petroleum-based products, along with 2.4 MTPA of derivatives based on ethylene and propylene.

Petro Rabigh's products find applications in a variety of end products, including plastics, detergents, lubricants, resins, coolants, antifreeze, paints, carpets, ropes, clothing, shampoos, automotive interiors, epoxy adhesives, insulation, films, fibers, household appliances, packaging, candles, pipes, and many other uses.

Petro Rabigh II is an expansion initiative valued at $9 billion, which achieved full production by the fourth quarter of 2017. This project introduced a diverse range of new high value-added products, some of which are exclusive to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East region.


Petro Rabigh and Honeywell signs MoU

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Energy, Saudi Arabia, Petro Rabigh and Honeywell signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

THE MOU includes licensing and the demonstration of Naphtha-to-Ethane-and-Propane (NEP) technology at the Petro Rabigh refinery.

This collaboration aims to optimize the conversion of crude oil into value-added petrochemical products, promote sustainability, and drive innovation within the energy sector, in line with the goals of Saudi Vision 2030 to advance and enhance the efficiency of petrochemical industries.