
The National Industrialization Company (Tasnee)  20063月期末株主報告

The National Industrialization Company was established in the year 1405H (1985G) with a paid up capital of SR 600 million, as a first Saudi Joint-Stock Company wholly owned by the private sector. The company was set up with a strong belief that industrial business is the right choice for diversification of the economic base and pushing forward the development cycle in the Kingdom.

First: Merger of National Petrochemical Industrialization Company (NPIC) with National Industrialization Company (NIC):

Based on the objective of the Boards of Directors of both companies to realize optimum long-term returns for its shareholders and to create a significant international recognition, the company studied the positive effects of a merger of NIC and NPIC by acquiring minority shareholders
equity in NPIC. Negotiations toward this objective commenced in mid-2005; followed by an agreement in mid-2006 between both companies to give effect to the merger through the issue of 0.77 NIC share for every one share of NPIC. As a subsequent step, this proposal is now presented to the relevant Ministry authorities for approval; following which it shall be presented to the shareholdersof both companies for their approval.

Second: Merger of Arabian Axles, Foundries & Spare Parts Company with National Metal Manufacturing & Casting Company (Maadaniya):

One of the objectives of the Board of Directors is to enhance capabilities and synergies between affiliated companies through merger of those having compatible activities that could have significant positive returns for the combined companies. Studies that were conducted with this objective in mind resulted in a recommendation to merge the Arabian Axles, Foundries & Spare Parts Company and the National Metal Manufacturing & Casting Company (Maadaniah) to strengthen their industrial position and achieve better returns for its shareholders. This proposal has been approved by all the concerned parties and the Capital Market Authority. Presently, the Ministry of Commerce & Industry has been approached for its approval to convene an extra-ordinary general assembly of Maadaniya
s shareholders to approve the merger.

Third: Performance of Affiliate Companies:

National Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd. (CRISTAL)
Cristal is the only producer of titanium dioxide in the region and has its manufacturing facilities in Yanbu Industrial City. Record production capacity was achieved in 2005 by exceeding 100,000 tpa. The Company is continuing with its program of almost doubling its design production capacity to 180,000 tpa. To secure its supply of primary raw material (Rutile) used in production of titanium dioxide, Cristal has acquired an Australian company, BEMAX which is a producer of rutile.

National Petrochemicals Industrialization Company (NPIC)
The company realized a net profit of SR 398 million (344% of the previous year). Its operating profit was SR 551 million (314% of the previous year). Earnings per share was SR 14.49 (SR 8.98 in 2004).
Saudi Polyolefins Company (a joint venture with Basell) achieved a production capacity of 98% and has operated 1,823,760 man hours without incident.
Tasnee Petrochemicals has been able to market its share of polypropylene in the Kingdom, GCC & other Arab countries, and the Indian subcontinent.
Its foreign partner is responsible for marketing the product in Europe and Asia.

c. National Lead Smelting Co. (RASASS):
The company produces lead using raw materials obtained from discarded automotive batteries. In 2005 it doubled its production capacity and has also played a key role in applying scientific measures to protect the environment from hazards and pollutants that are normally associated with this industry.

d. Rowad National Plastic Company (Rowad):
This Company is one of the largest of its kind specialized in the production of
plastic sheets. It also produces battery containers, plastic pails for the paint industry and recycled polypropylene granules obtained from crushed used-battery containers and waste-product from polyolefin manufacturers.

e. National Batteries Co. (Battariat):
This company has achieved significant status as one of the region
s largest manufacturer of automotive batteries. It is currently working at doubling its design production capacity to more than 2 million batteries per year. Civil extension of facilities has been completed in 2005 and most of the new production equipment has been received at the end of the first quarter of 2006. Preparation for commissioning this is presently underway.

f. National Operation and Industrialization Services Co. (KHADAMAT):
This company is considered one of the largest marketing companies in the field of plastic sheets and automotive batteries. During this year, it has been able to extend its capabilities to cover all geographical regions in the Kingdom for the marketing of batteries and plastic sheets, reaching over 1500 retails outlets.

g. National Inspection & Technical Testing Co. Ltd. (FAHSS):
This company is a pioneer in services relating to industrial inspection, technical testing and ISO certification. The company has partnered with RWTUV of Germany, which is renowned in this field, to establish a subsidiary in Bahrain and branches in United Arab Emirates to cover activities outside the Kingdom.

Fourth: Future Projects
Ethylene and Polyethylene project:
National Petrochemical Industrialization Company established this project in participation
with Sahara Petrochemical Company & GOSI in addition to a foreign partner Bassell, which is one of the largest international companies in the field of polyolefins. This project will be executed at the Tasnee Petrochemicals complex in Jubail Industrial City. It will produce 1,000,000 tons of ethylene and 285,000 tons of propylene, 400,000 tons of high density polyethylene and 400,000 tons of low density polyethylene annually. Production will start in the second half of the year 2008 at an estimated cost of SR 9.5 billion.
In the beginning of 2006, a project agreement relating to initial engineering and procurement has been concluded with the Italian Company, Tecnimont to construct two factories for high and low density polyethylene; whereas technology license agreements have been concluded in 2005 with the foreign partner, Basell. In addition, agreement for initial engineering and procurement works of ethylene factory and utilities have been concluded with the consortium Linde (from Germany) & Samsung (from Korea) using Linde
s technology for ethylene manufacturing. Detail engineering and construction works have started. National Petrochemical Industrialization Company & Basell Olefins Company will market the products.
This new project will provide 600 new job opportunities in addition to distinctive petrochemical products that will support the Saudi economy.

2. Acetic acid and Methanol Project :
It has been agreed with Celanese Co., the foreign partner of this project, to temporarily suspend negotiations as a result of current international obligations relating to contractors and equipment suppliers. Presently, the company is studying available alternatives.

Platts 2008/10/8Saudi Arabia's Tasnee set to buy International Titanium PowderSaudi Arabian petrochemical company, Tasnee, has agreed to buy US titanium and titanium alloy producer, International Titanium Powder, after regulatory approval was granted on Wednesday.

The $110 million deal was expected to close October 16, according to a source at ITP. Tasnee's existing Cristal US business would merge with ITP following the acquisition. Cristal global produces inorganic chemicals and titanium product lines.

International Titanium Powder, L.L.C. was formed in 1997 to produce titanium and titanium alloys at a cost and quantity that will radically transform military and international commercial markets. Specifically, ITP is in the process of commercial deployment of the Armstrong Process-a breakthrough technology for the manufacture of titanium powder. Sample quantities of both CP-1 Ti and Ti-6Al-4V are currently available.

2007/3/5 Lyondell、酸化チタン事業をサウジ社に売却

Lyondell は226日、酸化チタン事業をサウジのNational Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd. 通称 Cristal に売却する契約を締結したと発表した。売却額は負債込みで12億ドル、現金での支払いは10.5億ドルとなる。

National Titanium Dioxide  (Cristal) はサウジの企業で、世界で9位の酸化チタンメーカー(商品名 CristalYanbu Al-Sinaiyah 工場で1991年から生産しており、2002年に3万トン増強して10万トンになった。設計能力は18万トン。中東/北アフリカでの唯一のメーカー。
本社はJeddah で、英国とシンガポールに販売拠点を持ち、世界70カ国以上に輸出している。
TASNEE66%、湾岸6カ国が均等出資する Gulf Investment CorporationGIC33%出資している。残り1%は個人投資家。

2014/1/22  東邦チタニウム


当社は、サウジアラビア王国に本店を有する、The National Titanium Dioxide Company Limited (Cristal) 及び The National Industrialization Company(Tasnee)両社との合弁により、同国にスポンジチタン製造・販売を事業目的とする会社を設立・運営することについて、本日開催の取締役会にて決議するとともに、Cristal 社及びTasnee 社との間で基本合意の覚書を締結しましたので、下記のとおりお知らせいたします。







チタン鉄鉱やルチルなどの、鉄分を含む鉱石からチタンを精錬する方法は、まず炭素と熱して鉄を除いた後、さらに炭素と熱しながら塩素を通じて塩化チタン(IV) TiCl4(沸点136 °C)とし、蒸留して精製する。

TiO2 + 2C + 2Cl2 → TiCl4 + 2CO

チタンは高温で炭化物や窒化物を作りやすいので、アルゴン中約900 °Cにおいてマグネシウムで還元した後、塩化マグネシウムを真空分離して多孔質の金属チタンを得る。

TiCl4 + 2Mg → Ti + 2MgCl2




1. 本合弁事業を行う理由
世界的な酸化チタンメーカーであるCristal 社と本合弁事業を行うことにより、サウジアラビア国内産業の振興・多角化及び日本・サウジアラビア間の産業協力に資するとともに、当社チタン事業の将来にわたる競争力の一層の強化を図るためであります。

2. 本合弁事業の内容等
(1) 本合弁事業の内容
ア. 当社、Cristal 社及びTasnee 社は、合弁で新会社(出資比率:当社35.0%、Cristal 社32.5%、Tasnee 社32.5%)を設立し、新会社がサウジアラビア国内のヤンブー(Yanbu)工業団地にスポンジチタン製造工場を建設いたします。
イ. 本合弁事業の特長は次のとおりです。
@ 同工場に隣接するCristal 社の酸化チタン製造工場から、スポンジチタンの原料である四塩化チタンの供給を安定的に受けることができます。
2007/3/5 Lyondell、酸化チタン事業をサウジ社に売却

A 当社のスポンジチタン製造における先進的な技術の供与と、サウジアラビア国内の安価な電力代により、世界的に卓越したコスト競争力を有します。
B 製造したスポンジチタンは、Cristal 社を通じて湾岸協力会議加盟国内での淡水化プラント、発電所、化学プラント等の一般工業向け需要へ販売されるとともに、当社引取りにより当社顧客の需要に向けても販売いたします。

(2) 新会社の概要(予定)
ア. 名称 未定
イ. 本店所在地 ヤンブー(サウジアラビア)
ウ. 代表者の役職・氏名 未定
エ. 事業内容 サウジアラビア国内新設工場におけるスポンジチタンの製造・販売
オ. 資本金 110 百万米ドル
カ. 設立年月日 平成26 年度内
キ. 決算期 毎年 12 月31 日
ク. 純資産及び総資産 未定
ケ. 出資比率 東邦チタニウム 35.0%
          The National Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd. 32.5%
          The National Industrialization Company 32.5%
コ. その他 生産能力 15,600t/年
          工場建設開始 平成27 年1 月
          メカニカル・コンプリーション 平成28 年末
          投資額 約420 百万米ドル

(1)Cristal 社
ア. 名称 The National Titanium Dioxide Company Ltd.
イ. 所在地 ジェッダ (サウジアラビア)
ウ. 代表者の役職・氏名 Chairman and CEO:Dr. Talal Al Shair
エ. 事業内容 酸化チタン、チタン化学品、ミネラルサンド、チタン金属粉の製造・販売
          製造拠点 世界6 ヶ国、従業員数 約4,500 名
オ. 設立年月日 平成元年
カ. 大株主及び持株比率 The National Industrialization Company 66.0%
                                                  Gulf Investment Corporation 33.0%

(1)本契約締結 平成26 年3 月
(2)工場建設開始 平成27 年1 月
(3)メカニカル・コンプリーション 平成28 年末
