
2000年11月に、ノバルティス アグリビジネスと、ゼネカ アグロケミカルズが合併して、シンジェンタが誕生しました。私たちは革新的な研究と技術で、持続可能な農業の実現に向けて努力を重ねています。世界50カ国以上で事業を展開し、2万人を超える従業員を擁しています。

日本では、シンジェンタ ジャパン株式会社が2001年7月1日に発足しました。ノバルティスとゼネカの幅広いノウハウと技術力。そこから生まれる多彩な商品群。研究・開発から販売までの一貫体制。さらに各地の流通、食品・飼料チェーンまで見据えた戦略、マーケティング力。これらは、きっと日本の農業にも新しい時代をもたらすことでしょう。より豊かな農業の実現のために。そして、より豊かな食文化のために。私たちは、日本の地に根ざしてまいります。







シンジェンタは、農薬では世界のリーダーに、高価値種子の分野では世界第3位の企業になります。1999年の、売却したビジネスを除く試算売上高は約70億ドル、研究開発に対する投資額は年間約7億6000万ドルでした。ノバルティス アグリビジネスとゼネカ アグロケミカルズは、世界50カ国以上で事業を行っており、2万3000人以上の社員が働いています。シンジェンタはスイスのバーゼル市に本拠を置きます。



July 26, 2000


AstraZeneca and Novartis announced today that the European Commission (EC) has cleared the planned merger of the Zeneca Agrochemicals business with the Novartis Agribusiness to form Syngenta AG, the world
s first global dedicated agribusiness company.

The approval follows the agreement of AstraZeneca and Novartis to divest or license certain of their crop protection products. The disposals are broadly as anticipated by the parties at the time they announced the proposed transaction in December 1999 and in aggregate represent less than 5 per cent of Syngenta
s unaudited pro forma 1999 sales.

Dr. Tom McKillop, Chief Executive Officer of AstraZeneca, said: "This is good news and is another important milestone successfully passed in our intention to spin off the Zeneca agrochemicals business. The plan to launch Syngenta in the final quarter of this year remains firmly on track."

Zeneca Agrochemicals has already announced, in June, its plans to divest its worldwide acetochlor corn herbicide business, sold under the brand names Surpass
®, Topnotch® and FulTime® (primarily in the US) and Trophy®, Wenner® and Relay® (primarily in the rest of the world), to address the concerns of both the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the EC.

Other key disposals agreed by Zeneca Agrochemicals to remove overlaps between its and Novartis
businesses in Europe include the sale of its European sulcotrione corn herbicide business (Mikado®) and its worldwide flutriafol cereal fungicide business (including the ImpactR brand). The combined turnover of all the Zeneca products to be divested or licensed was approximately $240m in 1999.

In a separate announcement, Novartis gave details of the divestments it has agreed with the EC in order to secure approval to the merger.

In June, Novartis announced that it had initiated the sale of its entire worldwide Flint
® business, including the Swiss production facilities, to obtain both FTC and EC clearance of the merger.

In addition to Flint
®, the EC has also requested Novartis to divest or license certain other parts of its existing business. This includes the straight formulation of the fungicide cyproconazole in Europe, the herbicide propaquizafop, the insecticide tau-fluvalinate, and specific fungicide formulations, used for example on cereals in certain Nordic countries. Overall 1999 sales of the Novartis products to be divested or licensed are estimated at about $100 million.

Without the combined sales of the activities to be divested by the two companies ($340 m), Syngenta would have had unaudited pro forma 1999 sales of approximately $7 billion.

The merger remains subject to approval by the FTC, antitrust authorities in certain other jurisdictions and shareholders of AstraZeneca and Novartis. Both companies plan to hold Extraordinary General Meetings on October 11 to enable shareholders to vote on the merger. The companies are still aiming to complete the merger in the final quarter of this year.

2004/5/12 Syngenta

Syngenta and Fox Paine to acquire Advanta BV

Syngenta and Fox Paine today announced an agreement to acquire Advanta BV, one of the worlds leading seed companies, from AstraZeneca of the UK and Royal Cosun of the Netherlands for a consideration of Euro 400 million. Advanta sales in 2003 were Euro395 million.

Syngenta to acquire NAFTA corn and soybean business with sales of Euro135 million in 2003
Significantly enhances market share in US corn to 11% and soybean to 10%
Complete range of corn input traits from 2005
Fox Paine to acquire global business outside NAFTA and non-corn, non-soybean business within NAFTA with sales of Euro260 million in 2003

The consideration payable by Syngenta will be Euro239 million, for which it will acquire Advantas North American corn and soybean business, which trades under the highly regarded Garst brand. Fox Paine will acquire all Advanta operations outside North America and the non-corn and non-soybean operations within North America; Fox Paine will also take a 10% stake in the acquired North American corn and soybean business. The total consideration payable by Fox Paine will be Eruo 161 million. The date of final closing is subject to regulatory review and is ex-pected in the third quarter of this year; the total consideration will be subject to a final net asset value adjustment.

Syngenta also announced today
the purchase of glyphosate tolerance technology for corn, called GA21, from Bayer CropScience. This purchase, together with the acquisition of Advantas North American corn and soybean business, will enable Syngenta to market a complete range of biotech input traits in both corn and soybean from 2005. For corn, this will include Bt insect resistance, glyphosate tolerance and corn rootworm resistance. Michael Pragnell, Chief Executive Officer of Syngenta, commented: The Garst brand and its leadership are an excellent fit with Syngentas well-established NKR brand. Syngenta will be uniquely placed to offer North American corn and soybean growers a complete range of solutions including high quality seeds, input traits and world-leading crop protection products. These acquisitions underscore our strategy to reinforce our leadership position, drive future growth and further enhance shareholder value.

Dexter Paine, President of Fox Paine, said:
The acquisition of Advanta represents the culmination of Fox Paines working relationship with Syngenta and complements our recent acquisition of Seminis, the worlds largest developer, producer and marketer of fruit and vegetable seeds. We are confident that combining Advantas innovative agricultural technology, leading market positions and experienced and talented management team with our experience in the seed industry and access to efficient capital will accelerate the growth of this dynamic company. We are excited by the prospect of participating in the future growth of Advanta through this strategic investment and we look forward to our continued partnership with Syngenta.

Syngenta Outlook
For the full year 2004, as announced on 27 April, robust sales are expected to result in earnings per share growth of more than 30 percent. The acquisition of Advanta
s North American corn and soybean business is expected to enhance earnings from 2006.

Fox Paine & Company, LLC manages investment funds in excess of $1.5 billion that provide equity capital for management buyouts, going private transactions, and company expansion and growth programs. Fox Paine engages exclusively in friendly transactions developed in cooperation with a company's management, board of directors, and shareholders. The Fox Paine funds are managed on behalf of over 50 leading United States and international financial institutions, including public pension systems, Fortune 100 corporate pension plans, major life and property & casualty insurance companies, money center and super regional commercial banks, investment banking firms, and university endowments. For further information see


Advanta is the culmination of a joint venture between two well-established and progressive seed enterprises: the Royal Vanderhave Group from the Netherlands and Zeneca Seeds from the United Kingdom. Established in 1996, the business has developed into a major force in a rapidly changing seed industry. Our company has a rich tradition in plant breeding. The foundations of important R&D programmes in maize, grasses, cereals and sugar beet were laid in the first half of the 20th century.
Nowadays, this experience is combined with modern science and technology. Advanta is focussed on the future whilst preserving our traditional values.