Platts 2006/8/23
Sinopec Maoming launches new 24,100 b/d catalytic reforming unit
China's Sinopec began
commercial operation of a new 1.2 million
mt/year (24,100barrels/day) catalytic reforming unit August 20 at its 13.5 million
mt/year Maoming refining and chemical complex, a MRCC official
said Wednesday.
The Maoming complex is in southern China's Guangdong province.
With total investment of Yuan 590 million ($73.75 million), the
unit will increase MRCC's total gasoline output by around 180,000 mt/year
to 1.86 million mt/year, the official said. Output growth would
mainly comprise 93 RON and 97 RON material.
Oil products from Maoming are mainly supplied to the south China
The unit's contractor, Maoming Southwestern Petrochemical
Engineering Co., began building the CRU around June 2005 and
completed it in July 2006.
However, as soaring international oil prices and China's
government-controlled oil product prices continue to weigh on the
margins of China's refiners, refiners are reluctant to increase
runs. Instead, many are maintaining output levels at just high
enough to meet their term commitments, industry sources said.
MRCC expects to post a loss from refining of around Yuan 400
million in August, Yuan 140 million higher from July's Yuan 260
million loss, according to the official.
On August 13 MRCC also began operating a new 2.6 million mt/year gasoil
hydrotreater dedicated
to producing Euro II and Euro III gasoil. The company produces
around five million mt/year of gasoil.
China switched to 500 parts per million sulfur (0.05%) gasoil
from 800ppm to comply with Euro II emission standards throughout
the country starting July 1, 2005. The country also plans to
adopt Euro III standards, which limit sulfur in gasoil to 150
ppm, in 2010.
2006/8/22 Univation
SINOPEC Selects UNIPOL(R) PE for Zhenhai
Univation Technologies announced that China Petroleum
&Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC CORP) has selected the UNIPOL
PE process for a 450 kilo-tonnes-per-year
polyethylene plant at its affiliate, Sinopec Zhenhai Refining and
Chemical Company Ltd.,
in Ningbo, People's Republic of China. The new facility,
scheduled for start-up in 2009, will be capable of producing a
full range of linear low and high-density polyethylenes. The
proven capability and reliability of the UNIPOL PE process to
manufacture a broad range of polyethylenes at high throughput
with low capital investment per tonne of capacity was a key
consideration in the selection, sources said.
"By selecting the UNIPOL PE process, SINOPEC continues to
position itself for success in China's rapidly growing
polyethylene market," said Kenneth Glover, Univation's
President and CEO. "The proven flexibility of UNIPOL PE with
its conventional and metallocene catalyst coupled with our
continuing research and development advancements, provides our
customers with the opportunity to meet the ever changing market
needs over the long haul."
SINOPEC is one of China's largest petroleum and petrochemical
companies. SINOPEC operates eight UNIPOL PE reactor lines, with
two more currently under design.
Univation Technologies Leading the PE Industry
Univation Technologies, LLC is the world leader in licensing gas
phase polyethylene technology. Univation has comprehensive
technology programs focused on the UNIPOL(TM) PE gas-phase
process, conventional catalysts (UCAT(TM) Catalysts), and
metallocene catalysts (XCAT(TM) Catalysts and PRODIGY(TM)
Univation is a 50/50 JV between ExxonMobil Chemical Company and The Dow Chemical Company. Univation was originally formed in 1997 as a JV between Exxon Chemical Company and Union Carbide to license the UNIPOL PE Process, metallocene catalyst technology, and to sell metallocene catalysts.
Platts 2006/8/30
China's Sinopec
Yizheng awaits go-ahead on 900,000 mt/yr PTA unit 儀征化繊
China's Sinopec
Yizheng is now awaiting headquarters' approval prior to
commissioning its newest 900,000
mt/year purified terephthalic acid plant in Yizheng City of east China's
Jiangsu Province, a company source said Wednesday.
The PTA plant
received approval by the Country's National Development and
Reform Commission in 2004, but construction works have been
delayed by Sinopec specifications that require at least
70% of the plant components to be domestically produced.
struggling hard to accomplish this, and hope to begin production
by the end of 2006," the company source noted.
Sinopec Yizheng
currently operates two PTA lines with combined capacity of
930,000 mt/year, the source said.
No 1 line has capacity of 325,000 mt/yr, No 2 line's has 585,000 mt/yr capacity
Platts 2006/9/6
China's Sopo switching acetic acid plant to coal from methanol
China's Jiangsu Sopo 江蘇索普is in the process of modifying the
process technology of its acetic acid plant in Zhenjiang 鎮江, Jiangsu which would enable it to
synthetic gas feedstock derived from coal, instead of methanol
and carbon monoxide, a
company source said.
The project is slated for completion in the first-half of 2009,
and would raise Sopo's AA capacity from 500,000 mt/year to 600,000
The firm's synthetic gas output would also be used as feedstock
for a 400,000 mt/year methanol plant which is under construction
and slated for completion in H1 2009 too. When on stream, most of
its output will be for the firm's captive use towards the acetic
acid plant.
Sopo has further plans to expand it acetic acid and
methanol capacities to 800,000 mt/year and 500,000 mt/year respectively by 2010.
Other methanol plants in the Asia Pacific region, such as those
operated by PT Medco in Indonesia, Petronas in Malaysia and
Methanex in New Zealand, are based on natural gas. But Chinese
producers tend to favor coal due to the country's ample supply of
coal. Shanghai Coking has a coal-based
methanol plant in Wujin which has the capacity to produce 350,000
Jiangsu Sopo Chemical Limited.
The Group's principal activities are the manufacture and sale of chemical materials and products. Products include ADC blowing agent, NA0H, calcium hypochlorite and hydrogen chloric acid. Other activities include generation and distribution of steam heat and electric power. Operations are carried out in the People's Republic of China.
China's Yisheng to start up new PTA plant as PX shortages ease
China's Zhejiang Yisheng
Petrochemical will start up its second purified terephthalic acid
(PTA) plant in the second-half of November 2006, a company source
said Monday.
The plant, located in Ningbo, China will have a production
capacity of 650,000 mt/year of PTA. It is located near Zhejiang
Yisheng's existing PTA plant, which following a debottlenecking
earlier this year, has a production capacity of 660,000 mt/year
of PTA.
Zhejiang Yisheng currently uses all of its own PTA. But with the
additional capacity from the new plant, it will be able to offer
about 400,000 mt/year of PTA to be sold--mostly to existing
contract buyers first, and then to the spot market.
The start-up of the second plant had been delayed from November 6
to the second-half of November due to a shortage of paraxylene
feedstock. Regional paraxylene supply has been tight this year
due to several unplanned plant outages. The arbitrage window from
the US to Asia, which has typically provided Asia's thirsty PTA
plants some relief through alternative supply, remained firmly
shut this year before prising open again in late August.
Asia's paraxylene shortage was heard to have delayed the start-up
of several new PTA plants in the region, all of which were
supposed to have been online already. Those heard delayed because
of a shortage of paraxylene feedstocks include China's Zhejiang
Hualian Sunshine Petrochemical in Shaoxing City, Zhejiang
Province No 2 plant, expected to produce 600,000mt/year of PTA.
Both Zhejiang Yisheng and Zhejiang Hualian Sunshine have been
heard buying spot cargoes for October and November cargoes in
recent weeks.
The situation appears to be changing, however. Spot PX prices
buckled under the weight of bearish crude prices and a collapsing
PTA spot market in the week ending September 15. Platts assessed
PX spot prices $98/mt lower on the week, at $1,351-1,353/mt FOB
Korea for cargoes loading in October and at $1,371-1,373/mt CFR
Taiwan for cargoes delivered October 5-25. Weekly spot PTA prices
were pegged at $998-1,002/mt CFR Northeast Asia on September 14.
Shanghai Gaoqiao
completes 200 kt/year ABS plant construction
China's Shanghai Gaoqiao completed construction of its 200,000 mt/year
acronitrile-butadiene-styrene plant on Wednesday, a source
close to the company said Thursday.
The company expects to begin commercial ABS output from the new
facility by the end of 2006, the source added. Construction of
the plant began in mid-April. The plant expects to obtain
12,000-13,000 mt/month of its styrene feedstock from Shanghai
Secco Petrochemical's neighboring 500,000 mt/year styrene plant.
While most of the ABS product from the new plant is expected to
be sold in the China domestic market, some could be exported to
Japan or other countries depending on market demand.
Meanwhile, the company began operations at a separate 100,000 mt/year
styrene butadiene rubber unit ( in Gaoqiao 誤り) in early September, and has
already begun producing on-spec material for sale in the spot
market, the source said. The SBR output from that facility is
also expected to be sold mainly in the Chinese domestic market.
日本経済新聞 2006/9/22
中国海洋石油 LNG輸入を拡大 インドネシアなどと合意
日本経済新聞 2006/10/18
ロスネフチと中国石油天然気 ロシアに合弁設立 石油・ガス共同開発
China's Sinopec Yangzi to start up new Nanjing PTA unit on Nov 20
China's Sinopec Yangzi
Petrochemical Company's plans to start up a new 450,000 mt/year
purified terephthalic acid unit in Nanjing on November 20, 2006,
a company source said Thursday.
"Right now, we are making preparations for trial
production," the source added. Once brought online, the new
plant will boost the company's total PTA production capacity to
1.15 million mt/year. The company operates two other PTA plants
with a combined capacity of 700,000 mt/year.
"We expect to run our PTA plants at full rates and believe
that our actual production will exceed the nameplate
capacities," the source said.
All paraxylene feedstock for the plant will come from the
company's PX unit, which was expanded to its 800,000 mt/year
capacity in the first half of 2006.
Yangzi's PTA output is all sold domestically.
Platts 2006/11/7
China's first coal-to-olefins project to break ground in H1 2007
China's Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd expects to begin construction of
the country's first coal-to-olefins project in March or April
2007, a company source said Monday.
"Primary preparation work has already begun, but since the
weather has turned cold, we will need to wait until next spring
to actually start construction work," the source said.
The plant will be located in Yulin city in
north China's Shaanxi Province.
The first phase of the project will cost about Yuan 5 billion
($632 million) and targets producing 600,000 mt/year of
from coal--which will then be processed into 100,000 mt/year of
ethylene and 100,000 mt/year's propylene.
The project construction work is expected to take about two and a
half years and the first output from the new plant scheduled for
the end of 2009, according to another company source.
One major hurdle yet to be overcome is finding a source of coal
feedstock for the facility, a source close to the company said.
This project will be managed by a newly founded joint venture
that is expected to start operation in the first quarter of 2007.
The biggest shareholder, Sino Biopharmaceutical Ltd, holds a 43%
stake through its subsidiary Chia Tai Refined Chemical Industry
Ltd. Sino Biopharmaceutical is listed on the Hong Kong Exchange
and the company obtained approval for the project during a
shareholders' meeting held October 12.
The smallest shareholder, Shannxi New Coal Chemical Science and
Technology Development Company Ltd, which holds a 5% share, had
spearheaded the development of the new dimethyl
ether/methanol-to-olefin (DMTO) technology to be used in the
project and had been a partner in the first industrial trials of
DMTO technology in China.
Platts 2006/11/13
China Dahua's new paraxylene, QTA units due on-stream in mid-2008
China's Dahua Group 大化集団 expects to complete its new 450,000 mt/year
plant in May or June of 2008, a source close to the company said
The PX produced by the new plant will be captively used as
feedstock for a downstream 500,000 mt/year quality
terephthalic acid plant
that is also scheduled for construction and which is expected to
come on-stream in the latter half of 2008.
Both plants will be located on the Dagushan peninsula of Dalian
city in northeast China's Liaoning Province. The 450,000 mt/year
PX plant would cost a total investment of Yuan 4.5 billion ($571
Construction work at the plant, which will be jointly owned by Dahua and Dalian
Fujia Corporation Group 大連福佳企業集団, began in October. Once complete,
the plant would also be capable of producing 200,000mt of
benzene and 100,000 mt of orthoxylene yearly, in addition to PX.
The 500,000 mt/year QTA plant is a joint venture between Dahua and the
Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical Co Ltd 浙江逸盛化学, which holds a 75% stake in the
project.Total investment cost is estimated at Yuan 1.98 billion
($251 million).
"The design contract has just been signed and we plan to
start construction in the first half of 2007," said another
source from Dahua.
Zhejiang Yisheng, which is a key PTA producer in China, is
jointly owned by polyester producers Hengyi and Rongshen.
In related news, Dahua Group has another 300,000 mt/year
coal-based methanol
plant currently under construction at the same complex in Dalian.
The project began in May 2005 and output is expected to start by
September 2007.
Benzen 200,000、OX 100,000、PX 450,000 浙江逸盛化学75%/大化集団 QTA 500,000 大化集団 coal-based methanol 300,000 |
2006/11/20 日本経済新聞夕刊
中国 加工貿易の優遇縮小 組み立て型一部除外 付加価値高い産業へ転換
China's Xinjiang Petroleum completes methanol plant test runs
China's Xinjiang
Petroleum Administrative Bureau completed test runs at its new 200,000 mt/year
methanol plant
in Xinjiang, a company source said on Friday. The test runs at
the natural-gas fed plant started in the middle of October.
During the test runs, the company found some problems which need
to be repaired, the source noted. The company was targeting to
start-up early spring--which would be around March or April, the
source said.
Methanol output from the plant will be mainly supplied to
consumers within the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. "The
logistic costs will be too high to sell it outside the
region," the source noted.
The plant is situated in Xinjiang Karamay (克拉瑪依)Petrochemical
Industry Park of
Northwest China, and is the first project entering the park, the
source said.
Xinjiang Petroleum Administrative Bureau is asubsidiary of
state-owned China National Petroleum
Platts 2006/11/21
China's Jiangsu Lishide to boost SM capacity to 400 kt/yr in 2008
China's Jiangsu Shuangliang Lishide Co expects to double styrene
monomer production at its plant in East China's Jiangyin City of
Jiangsu Province in 2008, a company source said on Monday.
The company first started production at the 200,000 mt/year plant
in mid-2006.
"Actually we have already been doing some preliminary work,
but the company still needs to obtain approval from various
government bodies, such as the environmental agency, before we
can go ahead with the expansion," the source said. "We
expect to expand production in 400,000 mt/year in 2008 if things
go smoothly."
In related news, China's Jinzhou Petrochemical Company was
scheduled to start up its 80,000 mt/year SM plant in Northeast
China's Liaoning Province in early December 2006, and China's
Sinopec Hainan Petrochemical also completed construction at a
80,000 mt/year SM plant in South China's Hainan Province in
"Shuangliang's expansion will more length to the China
domestic SM market, and import quantities may eventually
fall," one major local distributor said.
上海の日系企業、再開発に困惑 立ち退き要請続々
2006-11-02 サンケイ
Dow Jones Newswires December 20, 2006
Iran and China's CNOOC Sign $16 Billion Gas Deal
The Iranian government and China's biggest offshore oil producer, CNOOC Ltd., have signed a $16-billion natural gas deal, Iranian news agency Mehr reported Wednesday.
Mehr, citing Chinese news agency Xinhua, said the deal would cover the development of Iran's northern Pars gas field and the construction of liquefied natural gas facilities which will export gas to China.
An Iranian Oil Ministry official told Dow Jones Newswires he believed the deal was a memorandum of understanding but had no additional details.
However, an Iranian oil official told Dow Jones Newswires that the agreement is a concrete deal.
The announcement comes amid an aggressive push by China to tap Iran's giant natural gas reserves, the second biggest in the world after Russia, to fuel power plants and other industrial projects.
North Pars is estimated to have some 48 trillion cubic feet of gas, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
North Pars is Iran's second biggest gas project after the far bigger South Pars offshore field.
The Iranian oil official said that of the $16 billion cost of the development, $5 billion will be spent on the upstream and the balance on the downstream development of the field. The development will be made over an eight-year time span.
The agreement between Iran and CNOOC comes after the Islamic nation signed a $100 billion, 25-year contract with China's Sinopec for the production and export of LNG in late-2004.
That deal envisions potential LNG exports of 1.3 billion cubic a day and the development of Iran's Yadavaran oilfield.
Iran currently has no LNG facilities and their development in the country has been hobbled by U.S. sanctions slapped on Iran several years ago. Most LNG plants globally use processes developed by U.S. companies.
South Pars is believed to contain at least 280 trillion cubic feet and over 17 billion barrels of liquids reserves. Sales from South Pars are currently expected to earn Iran around $11 billion a year over the next three decades, according to Iranian oil ministry data cited by the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
Iran has been a net gas importer due to lagging investment caused by U.S. sanctions that has slowed development of its gas resources. The country is expected to become a net exporter by 2010, according to the International Energy Agency.
However, one Iranian analyst based in London said: "This announcement is highly political as it follows the anti-Iranian sentiment by the U.K. government towards Iran in recent days."
He said the Iranian government wants to show the world that despite western pressure on countries not to invest in Iran, some companies are still prepared to work with the Islamic republic.
Tuesday, U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair described Iran as a "strategic threat" within the Middle East.
毎日新聞 2006/12/28
大気汚染のない五輪へ 北京市 期間前後の約2ヶ月「工事、工場操業の停止を」
日本経済新聞 2006/12/29
石油代替燃料DME 東洋エンジ、最大プラント中国で受注 年産100万トン
August 21, 2006 Dow Jones Energy Service
PetroChina, Sinopec To
Collaborate On Key Refinery
PetroChina Co. is
expected to join forces with China Petroleum & Chemical Corp.
or Sinopec, to build a large oil refinery in China's southwest by
2010, in what would be the first collaboration between the
country's top two oil companies.
The two state-owned
oil giants had previously planned to independently build
their own refineries
in southwestern Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, but the Chinese
government, concerned about overcapacity and overinvestment,
"The central
government has directed the two companies to jointly build the
refinery, with 70% of investment from PetroChina
and 30% from Sinopec,"
an industry official familiar with the matter told Dow Jones
Newswires recently.
While the joint
investment may end the tussle for separate refinery deals for
now, PetroChina and Sinopec's collaboration won't be all roses,
in view of possible profit-sharing and product distribution
The refinery, to be
built in the coastal city of Qinzhou, will have an annual output
capacity of 10 million metric tons. Estimated to cost around
CNY10 billion ($1.25 billion), it will process crude oil from
Sudan where
China National Petroleum Corp., the parent company of PetroChina,
has a number of assets.
"A major
reason to give PetroChina the lion's share is that it secures the
crude source," said the official. Otherwise, Sinopec would
have to buy crude from the international spot market, which means
greater exposure to fluctuating global oil prices.
China's southwest,
comprising the provinces of Sichuan, Yunnan, Guizhou, the
municipality of Chongqing, and Guangxi region, is in great need
of more refinery capacity.
"The market in
the southwest is potentially huge, but is short of refining
capacity," said a Sinopec official Friday.
Demand for oil
products exceeds 16 million tons on average each year. Over the
last few years, a supply shortage has emerged due to a shortfall
in nearby Guangdong province, which on its own consumes 20
million tons of oil products annually.
Selected by PetroChina for New Aromatics Project
New Complex to Include World’s Largest
Para-xylene Production Plant
UOP LLC, a Honeywell company, announced today that PetroChina
Company Ltd., a subsidiary of the China National Petroleum Corp.
(CNPC), has selected UOP to supply technology, basic engineering
services and equipment for an aromatics project to be installed
at PetroChina’s Urumqi facility.
Basic engineering design is underway, and commissioning of the
complex, located in China’s Xinjiang Uygur
Autonomous Region, is scheduled for early 2009. CNPC is China’s largest producer and supplier of
oil and natural gas and is a major producer of refined oil
products and petrochemicals.
The new plant will produce one million metric tons per annum
of para-xylene and will include the
largest-capacity, single-train adsorption unit for para-xylene
production in the world. The ParexTM process will be used for the
adsorption unit. Para-xylene is a key ingredient in the
production of PTA (purified terephthalic acid), which is used to
make polyester for fabric and PET (polyethylene terephthalate)
chips for carbonated soft drink and water bottles. The new plant
will also produce 360 thousand metric tons per
annum of benzene.
In addition to the Parex unit, the complex will be comprised of
other process units designed by UOP, including a CCR Platforming
- unit to convert naphtha, an oil-derived feedstock, to aromatics
and hydrogen and an Isomar - unit to convert other xylenes to
This will be the second aromatics complex UOP has designed for
PetroChina’s subsidiary, the Urumqi
Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (UPC). UPC started up
the first aromatics complex in western China in 1995, which
contained units using the Parex, Isomar, and TatorayTM processes
designed and licensed by UOP. Globally, UOP has licensed more
than 725 individual process units for the production of
CNPC was ranked 9th among the world’s top 50 petroleum companies by
U.S. Petroleum intelligence Weekly in 2005, based on indices of
oil and gas reserves, production, crude processing capacity, and
sales of refined oil products and reported over 690 billion Yuan
($86.3 billion) in sales in 2005. PetroChina is CNPC’s largest subsidiary and is
responsible for its domestic operations in the areas of oil and
gas exploration and development, oil refining and petrochemical
production, marketing, pipeline transportation, and natural gas
sales and utilization. For more information, go to
UOP LLC, headquartered in Des Plaines, Illinois, USA, is a
leading international supplier and licensor of process
technology, catalysts, adsorbents, process plants, and consulting
services to the petroleum refining, petrochemical, and gas
processing industries. UOP is a wholly?owned subsidiary of
Honeywell International, Inc. and is part of Honeywell’s Specialty Materials strategic
business group. For more information, go to
Honeywell International is a $31 billion diversified technology
and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with
aerospace products and services; control technologies for
buildings, homes and industry; automotive products;
turbochargers; and specialty materials. Based in Morris Township,
N.J., Honeywell’s shares are
traded on the New York, London, Chicago and Pacific Stock
Exchanges. It is one of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow Jones
Industrial Average and is also a component of the Standard &
Poor’s 500 Index. For
additional information, please visit
2007/3/2 Platts
SunVic expanding acrylic acid, acrylate ester plants at Jiangsu 昇立化工
SunVic Chemical expects to start construction
work soon for the expansion of its acrylic acid and acrylate
ester plants at Xiangshui 響水
China's Jiangsu province, it said in a statement.
The project is scheduled for completion in the fourth quarter of
2007, and would boost its AA and AE nameplate capacities by
55,000 mt/year and 40,000 mt/year respectively to 205,000 mt/year
and 250,000 mt/year.
Last year, SunVic's main suppliers of propylene feedstock were
Sumsung Corp, Shougang Shanshou Chemical Co, Wuxi Petroleum
Chemical Engineering Factory, and China Petroleum and Chemical
Corporative Shengli Oilfield Co.
The company is in the process of building a 3,000mt liquid cargo
jetty at Xiangshui which is scheduled to be completed in the
first half of 2007. The facility would enable the company to save
on transportation costs, it said.
SunVic was listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of
Singapore from February 5, 2007. Last month the firm said it used
S$10.15 million ($6.65 million) of the proceeds from its IPO to
repay existing bank loans which it had taken up for working
SunVic posted a net profit of Yuan 93.3 million ($12.05 million)
for 2006, a decrease of 46.7% from Yuan 175.18 million for 2005.
It linked its earnings decline to lower AA and AE prices and a
significant increase in the cost of propylene feedstock.
SunVic Chemical
SunVic Chemical, a leading manufacturer of chemicals for
industrial/consumer products, launches S$46.5 million IPO
・ Offers 155 million
new shares at S$0.30 each
・ One of the leading
manufacturers of AA and AE in the PRC with over 200 customers in
the PRC and overseas markets
SunVic Chemical Holdings Limited (“SunVic Chemical”) (昇立化工), one of the
leading manufacturers of acrylic acid (“AA”) and acrylate esters (“AE”) in the PRC, today launched its
initial public offering (“IPO”) of 155 million new shares at
S$0.30 each, in conjunction with its listing on the Main Board of
the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
Use of Proceeds
From the estimated net IPO proceeds of $40.9 million:
・ approximately
S$20.3 million will be used for the construction of jetty,
chemical storage facility and part two of phase three of the
Group’s AA plant;
・ approximately
S$10.1 million will be used for the repayment of existing bank
loans taken up for working capital purposes;
・ approximately
S$4.1 million will be used for research and development of new
products; and
・ the balance of
approximately S$6.4 million for general working capital
Corporate Profile
Strategically located in the Chenjiagang Chemical Zone of
Yancheng 塩城 city in Jiangsu
Province, SunVic Chemical currently has an annual production
capacity of approximately 150,000 tonnes of AA and 210,000 tonnes
of AE, which are sold to customers in the PRC as well as the
overseas market. In comparison, the total production capacity of
AA and AE in the PRC in 2006 is estimated at approximately
828,000 tonnes and 921,000 tonnes respectively, according to
Chemical Market Associates Pte Ltd (“CMAI”), an independent consulting firm
that provides advice to the petrochemical industry.
Jiangsu Province also forms part of the eastern region of the
PRC, which according to CMAI, had experienced the highest growth
in demand for AA and AE in the last five years. In 2005, AA and
AE demand in the eastern region of the PRC accounted for
approximately 64.7% and 49.5% of AA and AE demand in the PRC
China's Sinopec Shanghai Petchem starts test runs at new MEG unit 金山
China's Sinopec Shanghai
Petrochemical Co (SPC) has begun trial runs at its new
monoethylene glycol plant in the Jinshan district of Shanghai, a
company source said Wednesday.
The company has been conducting trial runs at the new 380,000 mt/year
plant since
March 3, and the plant was reported to be running smoothly as of
Wednesday although it was still unclear when the unit would be
able to start on-spec MEG production, the source said.
Once operational, approximately 40,000 mt/year from the new plant
is scheduled to be sold to the spot market with the remainder
allocated to SPC contract customers. As a result, an additional
3,000mt of MEG should be available for sale in the spot market
each month, according Platts' earlier report.
Meanwhile, SPC's older 230,000 mt/year MEG plant remains shut down as it undergoes
a maintenance turnaround that began February 10. The turnaround
is expected to last for 45 days, the source said.
Mar 09, 2007 (Hugin via
Kvaerner wins Polypropylene project in China
Aker Kvaerner has been awarded a contract with China Petroleum
Material & Equipment (Group) Corporation (a subsidiary of
China National Petroleum Corporation 中国石油天然ガス総公司 ) for the basic engineering design
and supply of certain equipment for a new Polypropylene plant at
the PetroChina GuangXi Petrochemical Company complex in GuangXi
Province広西チワン自治区, People's Republic of China. The
contract value to Aker Kvaerner was not disclosed.
Aker Kvaerner is providing the basic engineering design, together
with certain offshore equipment, from its offices in the
Netherlands. GuangXi is an integrated refinery complex with
downstream facilities for the production of a wide range of
products. The new Polypropylene plant will have a capacity of 200,000 metric
tons per annum (tpa).
Plant start-up is expected in 2008.
The project will utilise The Dow Chemical Company's UNIPOL(TM)
polypropylene technology, one of the core technologies in the
Aker Kvaerner process portfolio.
This additional Polyolefins project places Aker Kvaerner amongst
the world leading contractors in this field. Wim van der Zande,
President of AK Process, said, "We are delighted to be
working on this new project for PetroChina, a key client for Aker
Kvaerner and one of the largest producers of petrochemical
products in China.
"We're already involved with their new full density
Polyethylene plant at the Dushanzi 独山子complex in Xinjiang province.
Given our in-depth experience across a large proportion of the
UNIPOL(TM) PP lines around the world, coupled with our
considerable local knowledge of working in the Chinese market, we
are well placed to execute this project to a high quality and on
schedule," he added.
The success of the Dow UNIPOL(TM) PP process, which involves
production of polypropylene in a low pressure gas phase reactor,
places Dow among the world leaders in polypropylene technology.
The total number of UNIPOL(TM) PP lines either installed or under
construction around the world is now over 40. Of these, 8 have
been designed and/ or built by Aker Kvaerner, making the company
one of the most experienced UNIPOL(TM) PP contractors in the
New PetroChina GuangXi Polypropylene Plant to Utilize UNIPOL™ PP Process Technology Licensed Through Dow
Dow Technology Licensing, a business group of The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated affiliates (Dow), today announced that its world-leading UNIPOL™ PP Process Technology has been selected for a new 200 KTA polypropylene (PP) facility to be constructed at the PetroChina GuangXi Petrochemical Company complex in GuangXi Province, The People’s Republic of China.
The PetroChina GuangXi plant will be the second in China to utilize the UNIPOL PP Process Technology. Consistent with its drive to provide licensees with comprehensive and top quality services to aid in project execution, Dow is collaborating on this project with Aker Kvaerner, a leading global provider of engineering and construction services that has designed and/or built numerous UNIPOL PP lines around the world. Aker Kvaerner will provide the basic engineering design and certain offshore equipment for the new plant, which is expected to come on line in 2008. The process design package provided by Dow has been delivered, and Aker Kvaerner is in the final stages of delivering the basic engineering design.
“Demand for polypropylene in China is growing rapidly and we are pleased that our world-class technology is recognized as a safe, reliable and cost-effective source of PP production,” said Dr. Molly Peifang Zhang, global vice president, Dow Technology Licensing. “Our customers choose our technology because of its simple and safe design, its extremely economical production process and broad product mix as well as the benefits of low energy costs and waste during plant start up. Together, these qualities make UNIPOL™ PP Process Technology one of the most attractive polypropylene licensing options on the market today. And, this further demonstrates our technology’s leading position in energy effectiveness and environmental protection. We are of cause pleased to contribute to sustainability in this way.”
The evaluation team for the Guangxi PP project commented, “We are committed to implementing the most advanced technologies and processes in our plants, and that is one of the main reasons we selected the UNIPOL PP process for our new polypropylene plant in GuangXi. We are also very impressed with Dow’s R&D capabilities, which show that their polypropylene expertise is more than just technology-related - it is deeply-rooted knowledge capital that the company brings to every licensee.”
There are more than 40 UNIPOLPP production lines that are either being constructed or are fully operational around the world. These lines account for more than 6,500 KTA of global polypropylene production.
Aker Kvaerner wins further Polyethylene project in China
Aker Kvaerner has signed a contract with PetroChina International Company Ltd., for the basic engineering design and supply of certain equipment for a new full density Polyethylene plant at the Dushanzi complex in Xinjiang province, People's Republic of China.
Aker Kvaerner will
provide the basic engineering design, together with offshore
equipment and material supply, from its offices in the
Netherlands and China. Dushanzi is an integrated ethylene
cracking complex with downstream facilities for the production of
a wide range of polymer products. The new full density polyethylene
(FDPE) plant consists of two lines each with a capacity of 300,000 tonnes per
annum (tpa).
The project, to be executed on a fast-track basis, will commence
this month. Plant start-up is expected in September 2008.
The FDPE plant will
make use of Univation's UNIPOL(TM) polyethylene technology, one
of the core technologies in the Aker Kvaerner process portfolio.
"This is the
fourth polyolefin project to be awarded to Aker Kvaerner this
year," says Wim van der Zande, president of AK Process, Aker
Kvaerner's European Process business. "We are very pleased
to be involved in this project. Our selection reflects the strong
track record we possess in working with this leading edge
technology, together with the vast experience we have accumulated
on projects throughout China. Given the challenges associated
with transportation and winter weather conditions, our project
execution methodology will be a decisive factor in helping us to
play our part in achieving this fast track schedule."
The success of the
UNIPOL(TM) PE process, which involves
production of polyethylene in a low pressure gas phase reactor,
places Univation among the world leaders in polyethylene
technology. The total number of UNIPOL(TM)
PE lines either
installed or under construction around the world is now
approaching 100. Of these, 18 have been designed
and/ or built by Aker Kvaerner, making the company one of the
most experienced UNIPOL(TM) PE contractors in the industry.
日本経済新聞 2007/3/21
中国医薬大手の三九企業集団 華潤集団が買収
Xinhuanet 2007/3/20
The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) has selected China Resources Enterprise (CRE) to act as a strategic investor for the troubled state-owned pharmaceutical company 999 Group.
Sources with the SASAC said on Monday that it had picked CRE to rescue the debt-laden drug maker in order to protect the interests of the group's minority share-holders and ensure the healthy development of the company.
The Shenzhen-based drug company is engaged in a wide range of business, including pharmaceutical production and packaging, medicine sales and the provision of medical services.
The group, however, slipped into a grave credit crisis in 2003 and the SASAC approved the financial restructuring of the company in 2004.
The SASAC picked CRE from five conglomerates that applied to be strategic investors at the end of 2006, including Deutsche Bank and the Fosun Group.
華潤集団 China Resources
China Resources is dedicated to enhancing people’s lives by bringing them fundamental goods and services. Its name symbolizes “the great land of China, endowed with abundant natural resources”.
China Resources began its history in Hong Kong in 1938 as Liow & Company. It was renamed China Resources Company in 1948 and restructured and incorporated under China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. in 1983. In the same year, it relocated to its current headquarters in the China Resources Building on 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai.
In over half a century’s business in Hong Kong, China Resources has established a strong reputation based on its proactive business strategies, an open corporate culture and a commitment to fostering a better future. Today, it is one of the leading conglomerates in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, with assets totalling around HK$100 billion.
China Resources’businesses touch every facet of people’s lives. Its core businesses cover three fields: the manufacture and distribution of daily consumer goods, properties and related industries, plus infrastructure and public utilities.
Moving forward, the company will further develop its core businesses in the Chinese Mainland, striving to become the market leader in each industry. The success of its core businesses will stimulate the further growth of the entire company and create a broader development space.
Sinopec in talks with
foreign companies on ethylene investment
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp., better known as Sinopec, is
in talks with foreign companies for joint investment in its
planned $1.9-billion ethylene facility in Wuhan city, central China, a senior Sinopec
official said Thursday.
Corp., South
Korea's largest refiner by capacity, and Formosa Plastics
Taiwan's leading petrochemical producer, are among the foreign
companies in talks with Sinopec for the first large-scale
petrochemical complex in central China, according to people in
the industry.
"We are in talks with foreign companies for joint investment
in the ethylene project, but talks haven't concluded. We'll
announce the results when we finish the talks," the Sinopec
official told Dow Jones Newswires, but declined to be identified.
Sinopec, China's largest refiner by capacity, recently won a
government approval to build the ethylene complex to ease a
petrochemical shortage in central China.
Because of a lack of investment, it hasn't been decided when
construction of the complex will begin, said another official
from Sinopec's subsidiary in Wuhan city, Hubei province.
"Sinopec doesn't have sufficient capital for the large
project, since it has invested heavily in other ethylene plants,
such as in Tianjin and Zhenhai," he said.
Investment in the planned ethylene complex will likely be a good
opportunity for foreign companies to tap China's petrochemicals
market, which is booming due to strong domestic demand.
"SK is currently reviewing a JV project with Sinopec to
construct a naphtha cracking center in Wuhan, China. However,
nothing has yet been finalized," said an official with SK,
who declined to be identified.
Formosa Group has also considered possible investments in
Sinopec's Wuhan ethylene plant, but the case is still "very
very preliminary," said an official with Formosa, who also
declined to be identified.
The ethylene plant is designed to produce 800,000 metric tons of
ethylene each year, with feedstock from Sinopec's nearby Wuhan
China's ethylene output
to hit 16 mil mt/year in 2010
China's total ethylene production was expected to hit 16 million mt/year
in 2010,
compared with just over the 10 million mt projected for 2007,
said Qin Wei Zhong, Director, Planning and Development at
Sinopec, Thursday, at the seventh Asia/China Chlor-Vinyls
Qin said China's ethylene consumption would likely increase to 25 million
mt/year in 2010 compared with 20 million mt/year in 2007. Due to the planned cracker
expansion in China, ethylene imports to China would likely be
He said a cracker project in Fujian, which has been conducted by
Sinopec, ExxonMobil as well as Saudi Aramco, would be completed
in late 2008. The cracker was scheduled to start early 2009 and
was expected to produce 800,000 mt/year of ethylene.
In Tianjin, Sinopec was scheduled to start up a cracker with one
million mt/year ethylene capacity in the first-half of 2009.
Qin said China's naphtha imports would not increase significantly
because of the series of cracker expansions as most of these
plans come with refinery upgrades.
Asked about an impact on such cracker projects from MTO
(methanol-to-olefins) process, Qin said he was not too concerned
about it.
"There are several difficulties for MTO process as it needs
large coal supplies and sufficient water supplies," he said.
Qin said Sinopec itself has been developing a MTO process
technology as well.
The conference, organized by the Center for Management
Technology, was kicked off Thursday in Shanghai, China and was
scheduled to end Friday.
日本経済新聞 2007/4/18
石油・ガス 中国、ミャンマー沖で権益 パイプライン共同建設
2007/4/25 UOP
UOP selected by
China's SINOPEC for new aromtics project
New Shanghai
complex to bring 600 KMTA of new para-xylene capacity to China
Demand in China is expected to grow at an annual rate of 14
percent over next 10 years
Honeywell company, announced today that Sinopec Shanghai
Petrochemical Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the China Petroleum and
Chemical Corp., has selected UOP to supply technology, basic
engineering services and equipment for an aromatics project to be
installed at their Shanghai facility.
Engineering design
is currently in progress with commissioning of the complex
scheduled prior to the end of 2008.
“This project
demonstrates that through teamwork and the proper planning, a
project of this scale can be completed in less than two years,”
said Norm Gilsdorf,
senior vice president for UOP’s Process Technology and Equipment
business unit. “This is our second aromatics
complex designed for Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemicals, and we are
extremely proud of our successful partnership.”
The new plant,
located in Shanghai, China, will produce 600 thousand metric tons
per annum of para-xylene using UOP’s ParexTM process. Para-xylene is a key
ingredient in the production of PTA (purified terephthalic acid),
which is used to make polyester for fabric and PET (polyethylene
terephthalate) chips for carbonated soft drink and water bottles.
The new plant will also produce 280 thousand metric tons per
annum of benzene, also a building block in plastics production.
The demand for para-xylene in China is expected to grow at an
annual rate of 14 percent over the next 10 years driven largely
by the downstream market.
In addition to the
Parex unit, the complex will also include a CCR PlatformingTM unit to convert naphtha, an
oil-derived feedstock, to aromatics and hydrogen and an Isomar?
unit to convert other xylenes to para-xylene.
Sinopec Shanghai
Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (SPC) commissioned its first aromatics
complex in 1986 operating units using UOP’s CCR PlatformingTM, SulfolaneTM, Parex, Isomar, and TatorayTM processes. Globally, UOP has
licensed more than 725 individual process units for the
production of aromatics.
With more than 140
million tons of refining capacity, Sinopec is the largest
producer and marketer of refined oil products in China and in
Asia. It is also the largest distributor of petrochemicals in
China and is the country’s second largest producer of oil
and gas.
2007年05月09日 詳細情報
中国製医薬品とペットフードから毒性物質 100人死亡
Platts 2007/5/18
China's Longyu Coal
to complete Henan methanol plant by end-2007
China's Longyu Coal
plans to launch a 500,000 mt/year coal-based methanol plant in
Henan province by the end of this year, a company official said
Thursday. The plant is expected to be expanded to a
capacity of 1.6 million mt ultimately, he added.
Using production technology from
Shell, the
plant is scheduled to come on stream in three stages. The first
500,000 mt/year stage, originally scheduled to be ready by
August, has been postponed to the end of the year because of
delays in some shipments. By 2009, the second stage is expected
to be completed, adding another 500,000 mt/year of capacity.
The completion date
for the third and final stage is yet to be decided and it is
expected to expand the plant's capacity to 1.6 million mt/year.
This stage would also include a 500,000 mt/year
propylene unit and a 300,000 mt/year polypropylene unit. But that would depend on the
progress of the first two stages of the plant, the company said.
Longyu Coal
Chemical is a subsidiary of Henan-based
Yongcheng Coal and Electricity Group, a major coal and electricity
producer. Longyu Coal Chemical was formed in 2004 specifically
for methanol and olefins production.
May 24, 2007 XFN-ASIA
Saudi Aramco, Sinopec to conclude Qingdao refinery JV deal soon
Saudi Aramco will soon conclude an agreement with China Petroleum
& Chemical Corp (Sinopec) to set up a refinery joint
venture in Qingdao in
eastern China's Shandong province, a Saudi Aramco official said.
"The agreement on the Qingdao joint venture will be reached
soon," Adil Al-Tubayyeb, vice president for joint venture
development of Saudi Aramco's refining and international
marketing division, told XFN-Asia on the sidelines of an industry
He did not provide further details.
Earlier, Du Guosheng, assistant to the president of Sinopec
Group, told state media that Sinopec, the country's largest
refiner, is expected to sell a 25 pct stake in
its Qingdao refinery to Saudi Aramco.
Sinopec and the Qingdao municipal government have reached a
preliminary agreement with Saudi Aramco over a stake sale, Du
The Qingdao refinery, which involves phase one investment of 1.2
bln yuan, is due to enter commercial operations by the end of
next year.
It has annual crude processing capacity of 10 mln tons with the potential to generate
revenue of over 30 bln yuan.
In April, Sinopec Group and Saudi Aramco signed a memorandum of
understanding under which the Saudi company committed to supply Sinopec
and its affiliates 1 mln barrels per day of crude oil by 2010.
The MOU also covers Saudi Aramco's two ongoing joint developments
in China, the Fujian refining and ethylene project and the
Qingdao refinery project.
The Fujian integrated project, in which Saudi Aramco, Sinopec and
ExxonMobil are equity partners, involves two joint ventures with
a total investment of 5 bln usd to expand a Chinese petrochemical
refinery and operate a chain of 750 fuel stations.
The project is expected to enter operations in early 2009.
FOCUS - Sinopec-Saudi refinery deal to boost Aramco foothold in China
China Petroleum & Chemical Corp (Sinopec) is expected to sell a 25 pct stake in an east China refinery to Saudi Aramco in a deal that analysts said will give the Saudi company a major boost in China's fast growing market.
They also said the tie-up with Aramco at a refinery under construction in Qingdao will allow Sinopec to limit some supply-side risks posed by the OPEC production quota.
"In terms of supply security for Sinopec, there is a big advantage there," said Argus Media oil analyst Jason Feer, adding that Saudi Arabia will give its own refining ventures priority in sales of crude oil.
"They (Saudi Arabia) would reduce volumes to other listers and keep their own volume fairly steady because they would lose money by shutting off volume to themselves," he added.
Last week the China Business newspaper reported that Sinopec has reached a preliminary agreement to sell a 25 pct stake in the refinery to Saudi Aramco.
Terms of the deal were not given.
The project is due to come onstream by the end of next year, according to previous media reports.
China's demand for energy has been expanding at a rapid pace as it needs to fuel its fast growing economy. The Asian nation wants to line up stable sources of crude oil - and the oil-rich kingdom has been one of China's main suppliers.
Meanwhile, Saudi Aramco has been looking to ensure its own position in the market and believes a stake in refineries is the preferred strategy.
"The Saudi firm can enter into China's huge end-consumer market and get more profit than just selling oil itself," said Han Xiaoping, an energy consultant at Falcon Power.
"On the Chinese side, Sinopec can diversify its crude source," Han added.
According to OPEC, Saudi Arabia regained in August its title as China's top source of imported crude oil. Angola had occupied the position since February.
The organization also said that Saudi Arabia supplied 17.5 pct of China's nearly three mln barrel per day crude oil imports in September. Iran, Angola and Russian trailed the kingdom with roughly 12 pct each.
"I think one possible reason (to invest) is to find a guaranteed long-term outlet for their (Saudi Arabia's) crude oil in addition to possibly earning returns on a refinery investment," said Purvin and Gertz energy consultant Victor Shum in a telephone interview with XFN-Asia.
In April of this year, Sinopec Group and Saudi Aramco signed a memorandum of understanding that committed the Saudi company to supplying Sinopec and its affiliates with one mln barrels per day of crude oil by 2010.
The accord was signed while Chinese President Hu Jintao was visiting Saudi Arabia, underlining the strategic importance of the Saudi-Chinese energy relationship.
"As part of investing in the refinery, they (Saudi Aramco) require the refinery to purchase Saudi crude and this way they can ensure that they will sell the crude to China," Shum said.
He added that the refinery will most likely be designed to process heavy, sour crude.
"That will most likely be the source of crude from Saudi Arabia, and I think it would help make refinery economics look better," he said.
The Qingdao project is not Saudi Aramco's first refining venture in China.
In 2001 the company agreed to jointly upgrade a refinery in southern China's Fujian province with Sinopec and ExxonMobil as partners in a project worth 3.5 bln usd.
The Fujian project will also be capable of processing high-sulphur crude and is expected to come online at the end of 2008.
In additon to a 160,000 barrel-per-day expansion to the Fujian refinery, the project also includes an ethylene steam cracker and a polyethylene unit.
Platts 2007/5/29
China's Datong to
build 600 kt/yr methanol plant by 2010/2011
China's Datong Coal
Mine Group has begun preparations to build a 600,000 mt/year
methanol plant in Datong, Shanxi Province 山西省大同市, a source close to the project
said last week.
Construction would
take three to four year, the source said. The project has been
approved by the National Development and Reform Commission.
Datong Coal Mine Group has already completed a special ceremony
to mark the beginning of construction works, the source noted.
After completion of
the plant, Datong Coal Mine Group has tentative plans to double
its capacity to 1.2 million mt, but it had not set a timetable
The project will
source its gas feedstock from coal provided from within the
Datong Coal Mine Group.
The first phase of
the project will use technology provided by Shell, the source
Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd, formally known as Datong Coal Mining Administration, was established in 1949. In July 2000, Datong Coal Mining Administration was reconstructed as Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd. In December 2003, Shanxi Province Government reconstructed all the enterprises dealing with coal production and coal transportation in the north of Shanxi Province into a new Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd. This forms an extra large enterprise across Datong, Shuozhou 朔州 and Xinzhou 忻州 city. The number of employees is 200,000. The annual production and transportation of coal in 2005 was about 100.27 million metric tons. Our group is striving to catch every chance to enhance the development and to build a new coal group in power coal-chemical resource and diversified industries in order to improve the international competitiveness. The strategically goal of Datong Coal Mine Group Co., Ltd. is to produce and transport above 150 million metric tons of coal, generate electricity of 3,000MW, and produce 1.2 million metric tons of aluminum oxide, and 600,000 metric tons of methanol. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us for more information. We are looking forward to forming business relations with customers from all over the world.
2007/6/6 SES
SES and Golden Concord Sign Joint Venture Contract to Build Coal
Gasification, Methanol and DME Plant in Inner Mongolia, China
Plant to optimize coal reserves to
meet China's growing need for clean transportation fuels and
chemical feedstocks
Synthesis Energy Systems Investments, Inc, a subsidiary of Synthesis Energy
Systems, Inc. (“SES” or the “Company”) , a coal gasification
company involved in the conversion of low cost fuels into clean
energy and chemical products, and Inner Mongolia
Golden Concord (Xilinhot) Energy Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Golden Concord
Holdings Ltd.
Concord”), a private provider
of electricity, steam and chilling water in China, have signed a co-operative joint
venture contract to
build an integrated coal gasification plant and
methanol and Dimethyl Ether (“DME”) production plant (the “Plant”). Located in the Inner Mongolia
Autonomous Region of China, the Plant will optimize low value,
abundant lignites from coal mines to meet the region's growing
need for clean, affordable non-petroleum-based fuels and
petrochemical feedstocks.
Tim Vail, President and Chief Executive Officer of SES, said, “Working together, SES and Golden
Concord are demonstrating their commitment to develop cleaner,
high-quality fuels, at a lower cost based on the utilization of
the U-GASR
technology to gasify low quality, high-ash coals to supply China's growing
appetite for clean fuels and petrochemicals that fuel economic
development. The application of the U-GASR technology offers
significant economical and environmental advantages that are
encouraged by the Chinese government including increased output
and efficiency as well as the ability to reduce emission levels
below conventional coal and the option to capture and sequester
greenhouse gases responsible for global warming.”
Vail went on to
say, “Our joint investment in this Plant
with Golden Concord exhibits SES' ability to establish mutually
beneficial cooperative relationships with strategic partners in
China, the most important emerging chemicals market in the world.”
SES and Golden
Concord will own 51% and 49% respectively of the joint venture
named SES-GCL (Inner Mongolia) Coal
Chemical Company Ltd. (the “JV Company”), based at the Lignite Coal
Chemical Industrial Base of Xilinguole Economic and Technology
Development Zone in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. “The establishment of this project
will provide wider clean energy choices in the future by
supplying high-quality methanol and DME products to Beijing and
other cities in North East China,” said Mr. Zhang Wei, Chief
Administration Officer for Golden Concord.
The JV Company will develop, construct, own, operate, and manage
the Plant, which will utilize the Company's licensed U-GASR
technology to convert low-quality, high-ash lignite coals made
available from Golden Concord's coal mine in Xilinguole 錫林郭勒, Inner Mongolia and other mines
in the area into a clean gaseous mixture called synthesis gas (“syngas”). The Plant is expected to
produce about 84,000 Normal cubic meters per hour of gross
syngas. The syngas produced will then be used as a feedstock for
the production of a 225,000 ton/year methanol plant. Methanol is
a basic building block used in manufacturing for a wide variety
of chemical products including plastics, paints, construction
materials, as a hydrogen carrier for fuel cell applications, and
can be blended with gasoline. In this application, the
coal-derived methanol will also be used to produce 150,000
ton/year of DME, an alternative to liquefied petroleum gas,
liquid natural gas, diesel and gasoline.
Donald Bunnell, President and CEO of SES - Asia Pacific, stated, “We are honored to partner with
Golden Concord and excited about this business model to utilize
low cost coals to provide clean and sustainable energy in China
in an environmentally friendly manner. It is a model we expect to
apply to future business opportunities in this region as well as
the U.S.”
Coal is the most
abundant energy resource in both China and the U.S. - together
making up approximately 40% of world coal reserves. Producing
clean energy and transportation fuels from indigenous coal
sources is critical to both China and the U.S. Once an exporter,
China now imports at least 43% of its oil supply, most of which
is needed to supply its rising transportation fuel demands.
According to the National Statistics Bureau, the number of
private cars in China nearly tripled between 2000 and 2005, from
6.25 million to 17 million vehicles. DME, manufactured from
methanol is a clean multi-purpose fuel, and is also becoming
accepted as a synthetic liquefied petroleum gas blendstock in
China. Using coal-derived methanol to produce DME, and other
clean fuels, can help meet the world's need for
non-petroleum-based fuels and petrochemical feedstocks. Both SES
and Golden Concord have begun discussing future plans for
expanding the syngas-methanol-DME Plant to further capture
economic opportunities.
About Synthesis Energy Systems
Synthesis Energy Systems, Inc. is an energy and technology
company that deploys proprietary systems and technology to gasify
low value fuels to replace high cost energy and chemical products
sold to major global markets. The U-GASR
technology, which the Company licenses from the Gas Technology
is designed to turn waste coal products into high value synthesis
gas for use in power and chemical applications. The technology
performs this gasification without many of the harmful emissions
normally associated with coal fired energy production. SES
currently has offices in Houston, Texas, Shanghai and Beijing,
China. For more information on SES, visit
or call (713) 579-0600.
2007/6/1 (香港)
SMS Texts Energize a Chinese Protest
Cyberspace rounds up
thousands of Xiamen protesters seeking to block a potentially
dangerous petrochemical plant
A stand-off over a potentially dangerous chemical plant ended Friday in the center of Xiamen after thousands of protesters energized by widespread SMS text messages repeatedly charged police lines and the police backed down, letting the marchers through.
Even in China, where authorities
spend huge amounts of time and effort to monitor and block
Internet traffic, the Xiamen protest illustrates the
explosive power of the online and texting community and the
inability of authorities to choke it off. By Friday afternoon, the Internet
had exploded with photos, videos and live updates on such social
websites as Twitter, Flickr, Tudou and countless blogs and
forums. The revolution may not be televised, but it will most
certainly be blogged.
The day's events,
however, are also an indication that at least some of China's
authorities, faced with thousands of protests daily, have begun to bend to
crowds without resorting to the brutal tactics that have characterized so many
other incidents across the country.
The story started when it was announced last November that a chemical plant was being built just 7 km across Xiamen Bay in neighbouring Haicang海滄District. The plant is expected to involve the manufacture of paraxylene and PTA (terapthalic acid), two toxic substances essential to the polyester industry.
The two companies constructing the project, Dragon Aromatics and Xiamen Xianglu Group, received approval from the State Development and Reform Commission and were supposed to have undergone an environmental assessment. That assessment, however, was not made public or even available to the dissenting members of CPPCC.
Columnist and blogger Lian Yue of Southern Weekend wrote extensively, trying to bring the issue into the public eye. But as dissent grew, the Xiamen government closed the topic to local press. Bloggers, however, picked up the slack. At Lian Yue’s suggestion, Xiamen citizens started websites such as HaicangPX and, while others posted about concerns of cataclysmic effects should there be any accident that would release the thousands of tons of toxins the plant would produce.
National news websites such as Sina and Sohu reported on the matter, however, indicating that the national government was either unaware of growing concerns or believed censorship to be unnecessary. Soon stenciled graffiti began appearing across Xiamen, depicting seagulls and the English words “I Love Xiamen, No PX “.
The mayor of Xiamen, He Lifeng, claimed that there was no significant problem with the plant and that dissenters such as Zhao Yufen were in error. Meanwhile, it was discovered that Xiamen Xianglu Group was connected to Chen Youhao, a fugitive businessman wanted by the Taiwanese government on breach of trust charges.
On March 16, Xiamen University professor Zhao Yufen, a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, gave a speech at the CPPCC meeting expressing concern over the health hazards posed by the plant. Chinese regulations stipulate that such plants should be at least 10 km away from urban areas. That was followed by a joint letter written by 105 CPPCC members urging the project be relocated.
Although the Chinese press and the CPPCC official conference reported the complaints, it wasn’t until the issue was picked up by alarmed Xiamen Internet and SMSショートメッセージサービス users that it exploded into real public view. Although a critical article examining the potential environmental dangers from the plant appeared in March in the Hong Kong magazine Phoenix Weekly, the edition was quickly pulled from shelves in Xiamen. However, it was available in other parts of Fujian and the rest of China and Xiamen and quickly picked up by members of the online community.
Then, on March 25, a text message began circulating around Xiamen. It read:
“Xianglu Group joint venture has already begun investing in a benzene project. Once this kind of heavily poisonous chemical is manufactured, it will be like all of Xiamen has been hit with an atomic bomb, and Xiamen people’s lives will be full of leukemia and deformed children. We want to live, we want to be healthy! International organizations require this sort of project to be developed a distance of 100 km outside of a city. Our Xiamen is just 16 km away! For our children and grandchildren, send this message to all your Xiamen friends! “
This message was widely reported in Chinese online media, though not all included the coda:
“For our children and grandchildren, act! Participate among 10,000 people, June 1 at 8am, opposite the municipal government building! Hand tie yellow ribbons! SMS all your Xiamen friends! “
Many news outlets reported the message was sent on March 28, though a similar although not necessarily identical message was definitely first sent on March 25. On the 28th, Yang Jinlin, a host on the Phoenix TV program Du Bao Magazine Critique read and commented on the Phoenix Weekly article, declaring the project “poison “. Phoenix TV is a Mandarin-language station broadcast from Hong Kong but watched widely on the mainland.
On May 29, the SMS message was reportedly blocked amid claims it had reached a million people. Blocked words reportedly included “benzene “, “demonstration “, “atomic “, and “leukemia “, but only Xiamen registered numbers were blocked and numbers registered in other areas of the country were reported to work.
On May 30, the government announced it would “postpone “ the project pending further environmental review. Netizens complained that postponement was not the same as canceling, and voiced great suspicion that it was a delaying tactic, in the hopes that people would forget and move on. A Nanfang Daily editorial that same day argued that citizens had mobilized the media to have their voices heard, despite the government’s attempt to remove magazines, text messages and other media with a “magic wand “, but stated that “whether it will be effective, we shall wait and see. “
May 31, Xiamen Daily published an
editorial stating that both the government and concerned citizens
had Xiamen’s best interest at heart, but that
one individual, the SMS writer named XiamenWave22, was “misleading the public and
provoking hostility between the government and the masses “. Netizens continued to leave
comments voicing their skepticism and anger, but there was little
to indicate what might occur the following day.
At 8am, people
began arriving at the People’s Great Hall across from the
Municipal government. Dozens of police lined the front of the
government headquarters, and were stationed around the People’s Great Hall. By 8:30am, the crowd
had swelled to several hundred. As the numbers grew, yellow
ribbons were handed out and people took photos from all angles.
The police took no action, and minutes later the crowd cheered as the first sign, an eight-by-11 sheet reading “Oppose PX, Protect Xiamen “, appeared. Then things grew quickly ? red banners on poles, a long purple banner and signs printed on heavy board were raised, and the crowd chanted “Protect Xiamen, Everyone has a Responsibility “. Then at 9am, apparently spontaneously, the crowd began to move.
The crowd moved west with the police following them but making
little attempt to prevent the march. Eventually the protesters
circled back to the south side of the Great People’s Hall where the march had
started, encountering police tape blocking them from circling the
hall. They turned south and crossed into the heart of the city.
Children, senior citizens, and Xiamen residents of all sorts were
among the throng, which some marchers estimated at as many as
One elderly woman said she had journeyed from northern Fujian “for the sake of Xiamen’s children and grandchildren “, a slogan of the march that came from the infamous SMS message, and was repeated through internet posts and signs held by marchers.
Although a recent graduate of Xiamen University labeled the municipal government criminals, the atmosphere was overall one of jubilation. People left shops along the route to watch, cheer and join the march. Faces looked down from office and apartment windows. Crowds gathered on flyovers to look down at the sea of people as they brought traffic in the center of Xiamen to a standstill.
The police, perhaps prescient enough to realize that stopping the march would bring even more bad publicity, followed the march and cleared streets ahead of them, diverting traffic to prevent any accidents or injuries. Considering that there had been no national ban on reporting the story, and press in Hong Kong had already taken note of the issue, any crackdown to prevent the protest would probably have simply made the situation worse, or perhaps even sparked a violent conflict.
The marchers continued but at one intersection they were met by a line of police with interlocked arms and two trucks of PLA soldiers in green fatigues. To cries of “Charge! “ dozens of marchers led the crowd directly into the line of police, who relented and allowed them to pour through several gaps.
The police and military redeployed at another intersection and again the marchers charged through, this time demolishing part of the metal railing that separated east- and west-bound traffic. The marchers made their full circuit back to the municipal government, and by three o’clock that afternoon there were reports of continuing protests.
In the following days, attention will be on the Xiamen government to see whether the protest will make government-controlled television or newspapers. The central government, if they were not paying attention now, will be keeping a vigilant eye on Xiamen.
日本経済新聞 2007/6/12
石炭液化 中国、導入計画見直し 食糧などへの影響回避
Ewing Management Group Invests $100M in China
Ewing Management
Group (EMG) announced today it completed $100M of
investments in two Chinese companies in the first half of
2007. One company, based in Hangzhou 杭州, China, is a leading
horticulture company in China, applying advanced
technologies to the development of a wide range of high-quality
plants and flowers. The second company, based in Changzhou 常州, China, is a leading manufacturer of
styrene monomer, a chemical used in a broad range
of polymer derivatives, ranging from low cost commodity polymers
to engineering plastics and synthetic rubber.
The company holds a large and growing
position in the dynamic horticulture market in China, which
consists of woody plants and flowers used in commercial and
residential landscaping applications. This company is the largest
producer of several varieties of woody plants and flowers in
China, and it has been growing at a 46% compound annual growth
rate over the past four years. The company utilizes an innovative
system of plant breeding and fast propagation technologies,
including hybrid, mutation, inducing and cloning methods. It
operates several advanced R&D centers and production centers
throughout China.
The chemical company, currently producing 200,000
metric tons of styrene monomer, is the first producer in China
funded by private capital and is strategically located in Jiangsu
Province, a region where approximately 60% of all domestic
consumption of styrene monomer occurs due to the booming
industrial manufacturing base. The styrene monomer market in
China is growing rapidly and is being satisfied primarily through
imports. The company enjoys a competitive cost advantage over
importing countries primarily by virtue of lower product
logistics costs and the far lower cost of process equipment in
China relative to elsewhere in the world. This has the effect of
improving the economic attractiveness on all new-build projects.
There are a number of possible expansion projects being studied
that can add value to the site within a reasonably short time
Douglas G. Nyhoff, President & CEO of EMG,
said: "We are very excited about our first two investments
in China. Both companies possess tremendous strengths and
significant growth potential. This is an exciting opportunity to
combine these companies' strengths with EMG's long track record
of financial and operational success, and for us to provide the
capital to ignite growth. We will assist the Chinese management
teams in financing and executing a strategy of rapid, sustainable
Nyhoff added: "The primary focus for EMG
going forward is Asia given the dynamic growth Asian economies
are experiencing. We opened an office in Shanghai recently and
are excited to be investing $100M in these two very attractive
opportunities. EMG brings financial resources, but more
importantly, it brings the management and operational expertise
needed to assist the companies as they face the challenges of
continued rapid growth. The investment by EMG, and its management
know-how, will support Chinese management teams as they create
jobs for China and secure a leading position in their segments of
the dynamic Chinese economy. We look forward to a long and
fruitful partnership with the management teams of all our
investments. To support further investments in the region, we
will be raising a dedicated Asia fund later this year."
About Ewing
Management Group
Based in Dallas, Texas, with an office in Shanghai, China, Ewing
Management Group is focused on acquiring and managing companies
in manufacturing or asset-intensive industries.
Dallas Business Journal October 1, 2004
Ewing starts $1B fund
Armed with $1 billion in capital, a new Dallas buyout firm that's one of the state's biggest is on the hunt for poorly performing companies in manufacturing and other asset-intensive industries that it can turn around.
Ewing Management Group was formed in July after ending its affiliation with the Carlyle Group, a prominent and sometimes-secretive private equity firm based in Washington, D.C. What is now Ewing Management was then called Carlyle Management Group. Carlyle Management also bought out and turned around poorly performing companies in manufacturing and other asset-intensive fields.
The Carlyle Management Group raised a $590 million fund in 2002, but invested only about $118 million of that in two companies. The fund, which had a two-year investment period, was dissolved, and what is now Ewing Management purchased the stakes it did not already own in the current incarnations of both firms: a Northville, Mich.-based maker of plastic components for autos called Key Plastics L.L.C., and Sterling Heights, Mich.-based Key Safety Systems, a manufacturer of automotive safety components and systems.
B. Edward Ewing, a turnaround specialist who is Ewing Management's chairman and chief executive, also has those roles at both Key Plastics and Key Safety Systems, and will continue to do so. The two firms are part of an umbrella organization in Farmington Hills, Mich., called Key Automotive Group.
In addition to getting two portfolio companies in the spinout, Ewing also brought over its roughly 23-person staff of investment professionals.
Carlyle and Ewing Management have repeatedly said they closed the $590 million fund because they decided jointly not to extend its two-year investment window, and that the split was amicable. Published accounts have said the fund wasn't finding investment opportunities fast enough, though Carlyle has denied that. The new fund has a five-year window.
Despite its relatively young age, Ewing Management has been busy so far.
It has established a New York office and plans to open one in Shanghai, China, next year. And, while officials decline to discuss deals they're currently working on, published reports say Ewing Management's August bid to buy a British school-bus maker, Henlys, for up to $150 million, was unsuccessful. Wooing of Henlys began during the Carlyle Management Group days, the reports say.
On its face, severing the Carlyle affiliation might have seemed a risky move. Carlyle has tight connections in the upper levels of business and government. Among those affiliated with the firm in some capacity are Lou Gerstner, former chief executive of IBM; former Defense Secretary Frank Carlucci; Arthur Levitt, a former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission; and Thomas "Mack" McLarty, who served as chief of staff in the Clinton administration.
Carlyle's portfolio includes three Dallas-area firms: The Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Bottling Group, Aviall Services and Vought Aircraft Industries Inc.
But losing the Carlyle connection apparently didn't hamper Ewing Management's fund-raising efforts.
A $1 billion fund is large by first-time standards, and is not far removed from the size of the biggest turnaround funds in Texas. A few years ago, Dallas-based Hicks Muse Tate & Furst Inc. raised $1.5 billion for its fifth and latest fund, which focuses on buyouts of U.S. firms. And it is reportedly targeting between $972 million to $1.2 billion in commitments for its second European fund, down from the roughly $1.95 billion it secured for its first European fund.
Fort Worth's Texas Pacific Group, meanwhile, closed out its fourth fund at $5.3 billion earlier this year.
Dutch acquisition
Ewing Management's management team puts a significant amount of its own money at risk in its fund, which they say gives them an incentive both to choose deals wisely and to keep them focused on improving the operating results of the firms they buy. Ewing Management executives have committed more than $200 million of their own capital for the fund and collectively are the largest investor in the fund -- with Ewing himself the biggest individual investor. The remaining 80% of the fund comes from a combination of institutions and wealthy individuals. The fund will use both equity and debt in doing deals.
AFX News Limited
Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical to boost paraxylene capacity
Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Co, a unit of China Petroleum &
Chemical Corp (Sinopec), plans to boost its annual paraxylene
capacity to 1.2 mln tons in 2010 from 800,000 tons currently,
Sinopec Group said in a statement.
Yangzi Petrochemical, which is based in Nanjing in eastern
China's Jiangsu province, will become China's largest paraxylene
(PX) producer after the expansion, it said.
It did not disclose the cost of the investment.
China's paraxylene demand is being driven by rising consumption
of synthetic materials.
PetroChina unit Urumqi PetroChemical Co received government
approval at the end of last year to invest 3.87 bln yuan on a
paraxylene expansion project in the northwestern Xinjiang region.
Urumqi PetroChemical expects its paraxylene capacity to increase
to 1 mln tons from the current 80,000 tons after the expansion is
completed by the end of 2008.
Platts 2007/7/20
China's Sunshine eyes new 2 mil mt/year Shaoxing PTA unit by 2010
China's Zhejiang Hualian Sunshine Petrochemical is looking to
raise its purified terephthalic acid capacity to 4 million
mt/year by
constructing a new two million mt/year PTA plant at its Shaoxing complex by the
end of 2010, a company source said Friday morning.
Sunshine currently operates three PTA plant in Shaoxing, Zhejiang
province. The company's No 1 PTA plant can produce 700,000
mt/year of
PTA, while its No 2 and No 3 PTA plants each have
a nameplate capacity of 650,000 mt/year.
Sunshine is currently in the midst of obtaining approval from the
Chinese government for its new plant, but the source was unsure
how many lines it would have installed, the source explained in
"We might have two PTA lines, each with a capacity of 1
million mt/year. However, other options are also being
considered, such as adding more lines with smaller
capacities," the source said.
Output from the new PTA plant is expected to be sold entirely on
the domestic market.
Once Sunshine's new PTA plant is on-stream, the company will
overtake China's Zhejiang Yisheng Petrochemical as the country's
largest PTA producer.
Yisheng is slated to become China's PTA producer by end-2008 when
its new 1.5 million mt/year Dalian PTA plant enters service.
Platts 2007/8/1
US' Ewing Management confirms acquisition of China's Do How Chem
US private investment firm Ewing Management Group has named
China's Do How Chemical as the styrene monomer firm it had
acquired in May, a Do How Chemical company source said Wednesday.
During the acquisition, Ewing Management Group purchased a 80% controlling
stake in Do
How Chemical, with the remaining 20% held by Chinese investors.
The company's name will not be changed, the source said.
Do How Chemical owns a 210,000 mt/year SM plant at Changzhou. That plant is
currently being expanded with the addition of a new 200,000
mt/year line.
Construction is scheduled for completion by the end of 2008.
Ewing Management Group has invested approximately $100 million
into Do How Chemical's development and future expansion plans,
the source said.
The Dallas-based Ewing group specializes in buying and managing
companies in manufacturing or asset-intensive industries. Its
purchase of Do How Chemical is one of its first major investments
in China.
Sinopec delays Saudi
Beijing: Sinopec Group will delay the startup of a $1.2 billion
refinery in east China by at least nine months, adding
uncertainties to a joint-venture and oil supply deal with Saudi
Arabia, industry sources told Reuters.
Sinopec, parent of Asia's top refiner Sinopec Corp, aimed to
start the 200,000 barrels per day (bpd) refinery in the coastal
city of Qingdao around September 2008 or later, they said, versus
the firm's original target of the end of this year.
A Sinopec Corp official at the secretariat for the Board of
Directors said yesterday the refinery would be delayed slightly,
but declined to elaborate.
The Chinese energy giant has yet to finalise a deal for state-run
Saudi Aramco to take a stake in the project, or how much crude
the world's top oil exporter will sell to the plant.
"It's not certain now - the deal with the Saudis," said
one source familiar with the situation.
Officials at Saudi Aramco's Beijing office were not immediately
available for comment.
The deferment is expected to put a damper on China's hefty crude
oil imports - growing at 11.2 per cent in the first half of 2007
from a year ago - as the world's second-largest oil user plans to
raise its refining capacity by some 10 percent in 2008.
One reason for the delay, the source said, was that Sinopec's new
chairman, Su Shulin, wants to ensure the project meets tighter
environmental standards as it is situated near the sailing site
for the Olympics next August.
A second source, who put the delay to end-2008, linked the move
to the sudden resignation in June of former chairman Chen
Tonghai, an industry veteran Chinese media said was under
investigation for alleged graft.
By September 2008, it would mean a stretch of more than 39 months
since construction began at Qingdao, in Shandong province, in
June 2005. The current stage of construction was not immediately
It took the Chinese firm only 22 months to complete a
similar-sized refinery in the southern island of Hainan.
China is set to add about 710,000 bpd of crude refining capacity
next year, some 10 per cent of the country's total fuel
consumption, which will boost crude imports to fresh highs and
help cut back refined fuels imports.
China now imports nearly half its crude requirements.
2006/5/23 朝日新聞夕刊
C02からプラスチック 40年前日本で発見、中国で工業化進む
Aug. 14, 2007 The Shaw Group Inc.
Shaw to Provide Technology, Engineering and Procurement Services for Two New Ethylene Plants in China
The Shaw Group
announced today that its Energy & Chemicals Group has been
awarded contracts to provide its proprietary technology,
engineering and procurement services for two 800,000 metric
tons per year grassroots ethylene plants in China. The value of Shaw's contracts,
which will be reflected in its fourth quarter fiscal year 2007
backlog, was not disclosed.
The first plant,
for PetroChina
Fushun Petrochemical Company, will be located in Fushun,
Liaoning Province. The second plant, for PetroChina Sichuan
Petrochemical Company,
will be located in Pengzhou, Sichuan Province. The contracts
cover basic engineering, technology licensing, procurement of key
equipment and materials, technical training, commissioning and
start-up services.
"Shaw has
worked closely with China's olefins producers to license its
technology and help source more than three million tons of
ethylene production capacity in China during the past 30
years," said J.M. Bernhard Jr., chairman, president and
chief executive officer of Shaw. "Today, we are pleased to
be selected by our long-time client, PetroChina, for these
significant new projects."
Shaw's ethylene
plants possess a global reputation for high operational
reliability, rapid start-up and superior performance. Providing
technology, design, engineering and/or construction to more than
120 plants, Shaw is an established leader in ethylene technology.
Since 1990, Shaw technology has been selected for 35 percent of
the world's ethylene capacity increases.
The Shaw Group Inc.
is a leading global provider of technology, engineering,
procurement, construction, maintenance, fabrication,
manufacturing, consulting, remediation and facilities management
services for government and private sector clients in the energy,
chemical, environmental, infrastructure and emergency response
markets. A Fortune 500 company with nearly $5 billion in annual
revenues, Shaw is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and
employs approximately 25,000 people at its offices and operations
in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the
Asia-Pacific region. For further information, please visit Shaw's
Web site at
Aug. 15, 2007 Shaw Group
Shaw to Provide Technology and Engineering for Tianjin Dagu's
EB/SM Plant in China
The Shaw Group Inc. announced today that its Energy &
Chemicals Group has been awarded a contract to provide technology
and basic engineering for a 500,000 metric tons per annum
ethylbenzene/styrene monomer (EB/SM) plant in Tianjin, China, for Tianjin Dagu
Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.
Tianjin Dagu
Chemical はTianjin Bohai Chemical の子会社
天津LG大沽化工 Tianjin LG Dagu Chemical
Co., Ltd. Tianjin LG Bohai Chemical |
The plant will be located
in Tianjin
Industrial Park, Lingang Industry Area, near the city of Tianjin. Shaw
will also provide procurement services for critical equipment in
addition to training and technical advisory services during plant
construction and start-up. The value of Shaw's technology and
engineering contract, which will be included in the company's
fourth quarter backlog, is approximately $50 million.
The new plant will utilize proprietary EBMax(SM) and
styrene technologies provided
by Badger
Licensing, LLC, a joint venture of affiliates of The Shaw Group
Inc. and ExxonMobil Chemical Company.
"We are pleased that we were selected for this project,
which is the largest ethylbenzene/styrene monomer project
undertaken by Shaw in China," said J.M. Bernhard Jr.,
chairman, president and chief executive officer of Shaw.
"China's chemical industry is growing rapidly, and we look
forward to successfully demonstrating Shaw's ability to offer
world class proprietary technologies and services to our
The Shaw Group Inc. is a leading global provider of technology,
engineering, procurement, construction, maintenance, fabrication,
manufacturing, consulting, remediation and facilities management
services for government and private sector clients in the energy,
chemical, environmental, infrastructure and emergency response
markets. A Fortune 500 company with nearly $5 billion in annual
revenues, Shaw is headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and
employs approximately 25,000 people at its offices and operations
in North America, South America, Europe, the Middle East and the
Asia-Pacific region. For further information, please visit Shaw's
Web site at
Sinopec and CNPC rivalry extends to petrochemical base in Hebei
The Hebei Development and Reform Commission has signed a contract
with Sinopec to build a petrochemical refinery base in the
Caofeidian area 曹妃甸 of Tangshan 唐山
City in Hebei
Province, which has put similar plans by the China National
Petroleum Corp. in limbo, state media reported yesterday.
The base will feature an oil refinery with an annual
processing capacity of 10 million tons and an ethylene processing
base with an annual processing capacity of 1 million tons, according to the Economic
Construction activities can start once the base receives the
necessary approvals from the National Development and Reform
Commission, an official from the Hebei Development and Reform
Commission, who wished to remain anonymous, told Interfax.
Although the official declined to explain why the province has
decided to cooperate with Sinopec over the project, it is clear
that the new base will hinder the CNPC's plan to develop a
similar base in Caofeidian.
In May this year, China Business News quoted a CNPC official
as saying that the company plans to build a large oil refinery
base in Caofeidian,
an area close to the company's recently discovered Nanbao
"If CNPC gets approval for its project in Caofeidian, it
will be easy for the company to process oil from its Nanbao
field," Han Xiaoping, the chief executive officer of the
energy industry Web site, told Interfax.
However, Han said that it is unlikely that both bases will be
approved by the NDRC as two such similar developments in the one
area would be a "waste of resources".
Both Sinopec and CNPC wish to incorporate crude oil reserve and
import capabilities as well as oil processing and petrochemical
operations in their bases.
"The advantage of CNPC's project is that it is near the
company's Nanbao Oilfield, and this could result in reduced
transportation costs," Han said. CNPC also operates two
other large oilfields in Hebei Province, namely the Huabei
Oilfield and Dagang Oilfield.
As Qi Fang, the chairman of Hebei Chamber of Commerce for
Petroleum Industry, told the Economic Observer recently though,
Sinopec has better refining capabilities than CNPC, and that
these capabilities could be used to process oil from the Nanbao
Oilfield as well as oil imported from the oil-rich Bohai Bay.
Sinopec's Oil Import Wharf project in Caofeidian, which was given
the go-ahead by the NDRC in November last year, will feature a
300,000-ton crude-oil-tanker berth that is capable of handling 20
million tons of crude oil a year.
The wharf will also be connected to a crude oil pipeline linked
to the Tianjin Municipality with an annual transmission capacity
of 20 million tons. On the other hand, CNPC has only built an LNG
wharf in Caofeidian with an annual LNG supply capacity of 6
million tons.
Hebei Province has been pushing in recent years to have
Caofeidian involved in the second phase of the country's national
strategic oil reserve program. When contacted by Interfax, an
official from Hebei Development and Reform Commission said only
that the province was "making great efforts" to compete
to have strategic oil reserve bases located in the region, and
that it will work with a strong but unnamed partner in its
lobbying efforts.
The country initiated the first phase of strategic oil reserve
base construction in 2003. The first phase involves the
construction of four strategic oil bases in locations on the
country's east coast, namely Dalian in Liaoning Province,
Huangdao in Shandong Province and Zhenhai and Zhoushan in
Zhejiang Province.
Platts 2007/8/24
Shanghai Coking delays start-up new methanol plant to Q1 2008
China's Shanghai Coking has delayed the startup of its new 450,000
mt/year methanol plant in Wujin to the first quarter of 2008, a
source close to the company confirmed Friday.
The company had initially hoped to start up the plant at the end
of 2007. However, test runs are now scheduled for early 2008, and
on-specification output is not expected until later in the first
The plant is currently under construction at the same complex
where Shanghai Coking operates a 350,000 mt/year
methanol plant.
Shanghai Coking's methanol is produced from coal-gas, but its technology allows it to
produce export-grade purity output. Typically, methanol produced in
China from coal gas contains relatively high levels of impurities
which make it unattractive to potential overseas consumers.
Earlier, Shanghai Coking had hoped to triple its methanol exports
to around 150,000 mt/year when the new plant comes on stream, but
exports have become a less attractive option recently due to a
cut in export rebates by the Chinese government that went into
effect July 1.
Prior to July, 13 percentage points of the 17% VAT on methanol
were rebated when the methanol was exported. However, that figure
has been reduced this to just 5%.