2003/3/14 Asia Puls 決定
Consortium to buy Indonesia's Pt Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo (PENI)
A consortium
headed by Indonesian tycoon Sudwikatmono(スハルトの従兄弟) has won a tender to wholly acquire
petrochemical company PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo (Peni).
Industrial sources said Group Indika was declared the winner in the final bid
last week and it was given two weeks to show it could pay the
The source said the owners of PT Peni, which was built at a cost
of US$800 million, offered to sell the asset at only US$50
million because of its negative cash flow over the past several
PT Peni, the country's largest producer of basic plastic
materials with an annual capacity to produce 450,000 tons of
polyethylene (a plastic basic material) is 75 per cent owned by Beyond
and 25 per cent by Mitsui and Sumitomo.
Peni president Robert M Genovese refused to comment on the result
of the tender beyond saying that there were negotiations in
progress and he could not yet give details.
Other final bidders were the consortium of Bhakti Asset
Management, Gunadharma, who owns stakes in various chemical
companies, the group of Aneka Kimia Frama and a Singaporean
investment company.
Indonesia's Sudwikatmono wins bid for acquiring PT Peni - report
Businessman Sudwikatmono has won the bid for acquiring 100 pct of PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo (Peni), Bisnis Indonesia reported, citing an unnamed source.
The report said Sudwikatmono, through the Andika Group, submitted the highest bid for the company at the close of the final bid last Friday.
"Sudwikatmono is now given two weeks to prove that his group is able to pay for the stake," the source said.
The report said other final bidders include PT Bhakti Asset Management, Aneka Kimia Raya Group, Gunadharma and Tirtamas.
Peni is currently owned by BP Plc, with a 75 pct stake, while Mitsui & Co Ltd and Sumitomo Corp hold 12.5 pct stakes each.
Peni was Indonesia's first polyethylene plant when it came on stream in Feb 1993 with an installed capacity of 450,000 tonnes per annum.
* Beyond Petroleum = BP http://www.bp.com/faqs/faqs_answer.asp?id=47
Are you really changing the name
of British Petroleum to Beyond Petroleum?
This question was answered by Sir John Browne, BP’s CEO, in 2000.
No, of course not. The words 'Beyond Petroleum' are 'a kicker' -
the pay-off line in the current advertising campaign that sums up how the company has
changed as a consequence of recent mergers and acquisitions and
how it will change further in the future as we expand into new areas beyond our
traditional business of finding and selling oil and oil-related
products. For example, the addition of Amoco and Arco to the
group has boosted gas as a proportion of our output from around
15 to 38 per cent, and we are aiming to raise this to some 45 per
cent by 2003. That makes us almost as much a gas business as an
oil company. And gas being a more efficient fuel with lower
emissions that takes us very significantly towards increasingly
cleaner, greener energy.
As another example, at our retail sites non-fuel products
currently account for about a third of our sales worldwide. A
major aim of the radical upgrade of our global network now under
way is to boost that proportion to 50 per cent or more. Add to
that our world-leading solar business where we expect revenues to
grow to around $1billion a year by 2007, plus our growing
investment in our new gas and power stream and our involvement in
research into renewables, and it is perfectly reasonable and, I
believe, sensible to assert that we are looking 'beyond
As to the name of the company, we are now simply known as BP.
This anticipates a change from the formal BP Amoco p.l.c. to BP
p.l.c. which we will be asking our shareholders to endorse at our
next AGM.
2003/4/30 Chemnet
(PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo) が4月25日に売却された。買い手はスハルト元大統領の従兄弟で大富豪のスドィカトモノが率いるインディカ・グループで売却額は5千万ドル。旧株主は今後も引き続き、技術面や原料エチレン供給で協力する。
PT PENIは1990年に設立され、出資比率はBPが75%、三井物産と住友商事がそれぞれ
BPはPT PENIの成功のためにはエチレンメーカーとの提携が不可欠と考え、経営危機に陥っていたチャンドラアスリへの出資も検討した。同社にBPが50%出資し、残りをインドネシア政府が25%、丸紅等日本側出資者が25%出資との案が1999年に表面化したが、チャンドラアスリの負債の大きさが響き、結局まとまらなかった。PT PENIの株主3社は昨年10月、同社の売却を決めた。
BPはフィリッピンにもLLDPE/HDPE 25万トン併産のJV、バターンポリエチレンを持っていたが、2001年8月に生産停止、昨年12月に撤退を決め、本年に入り清算している。同社はBPとマレーシアのペトロナスが各38.5%、住友商事が5%、現地資本が18%出資していた。
2003/5/1 Platts
Indonesia's Chandra resumes ethylene supply to PT Peni
Indonesia's Chandra Asri on Thursday resumed its supply of ethylene to local polyethylene producer PT Peni, ending a four- month supply disruption, a Chandra Asri source said Thursday.
2003/4/28 BP、三井物産、住友商事、Indika Group
Indika Group Purchases PT PENI
The shareholders of PT Petrokimia Nusantara Interindo (PT PENI)
announced today that they have sold the company to the Indika
Group for $50 million. The transaction was completed on April 25,
PT PENI, owned 75 percent by BP and 12.5 percent each by Sumitomo
and Mitsui, operates a stand-alone polyethylene manufacturing
plant in Merak, West Java, Indonesia, which has a production
capacity of 450,000 tonnes per year.
The Indika Group was founded in 1997 by the Sudwikatmono family
and is led by a team of professional managers. The group manages
investments that span the petrochemical, power, media, and
property industries.
PT PENI employs a direct workforce of approximately 360 people,
mostly at the manufacturing facility in Merak. The former
shareholders and new purchaser are committed to treating all
employees with respect throughout the transfer of ownership. No
changes are planned in the size of the workforce as a result of
this sale.
Robert Genovese, President of PT PENI, said: "This
transaction meets the objectives of our shareholders and the
purchaser. The sale is a necessary step to improve the long-term
health of the company and the competitiveness of the Indonesian
polyethylene industry. In that sense, our employees and customers
will benefit, too. I believe that PT PENI will be a very
successful company under new ownership."
Mr M Arsjad Rasjid, Executive Director of Indika, added:
"Indika is excited about this opportunity. We believe that
PT PENI is an excellent company with strong customer
relationships. We plan to enhance these relationships and jointly
participate in the growth of the national petrochemical industry.
The acquisition of PT PENI reflects Indika's commitment to
advance the Indonesian petrochemical industry."
The former shareholders will work with Indika to ensure the sale
does not have any adverse impact on the ongoing operation of the
business and its relationships with customers, suppliers or the
local community. The former shareholders are committed to a
high-quality handover to the new owners and will assist Indika in
the transition following the sale. After the sale, the former
shareholders will continue to provide PT PENI with technical
support services and ethylene supply.
The shareholders of PT PENI were advised by JP Morgan during this
divestment. The Indika Group purchased the company through a
competitive tender process. Indika's purchase of PT PENI was
co-arranged by CIMB (L) Limited, Malaysia, and PT Niaga Sekuritas
and financed by CIMB (L) Limited.
Notes to editors:
PT PENI was founded in 1990 and its plant started operation in
1993 with two reactor trains using BP's Innovene gas phase
polyethylene technology with a combined initial production
capacity of 250,000 tonnes a year of polyethylene.
The plant was expanded with a third reactor train, commissioned
in 1998, raising total capacity to 450,000 tonnes a year.
PT PENI produces a full range of high density and linear
low-density polyethylene (HDPE and LLDPE) products, primarily to
meet the needs of the national Indonesian market.