日本経済新聞 2008/10/15
アジア市場 ナフサ安や中国需要減
石化製品 10ヶ月連続輸出減 中国の設備ラッシュも背景
NY原油 マネー流出鮮明 06年7月以来建玉少なく ファンド手じまい売り
2008/10/15 Platts
US PVC export values hit 22 month low, down $300/mt over 4 weeks
PVC export values
continued to slide this week to be talked at sub-$800/mt levels
on an FAS basis, sources said. Participants reported a workable
export number out of the US Gulf would have to be near $740-750/mt
FAS Houston.
Still there remained a gulf between buyers and sellers as
producers were not yet ready to offer at such low levels.
"Producers are not willing to subsidize that much
money," said a source.
One supplier suggested that if he were to offer, the number would
be closer to $800-810/mt FAS Houston. The assessment Wednesday
was at a 22-month low and down $300/mt over the course of four
weeks, closing at $765-$775/mt FAS Houston. According to Platts
data, PVC exports were assessed at $770/mt FAS Houston back on
December 20, 2006.
Participants pointed to anemic demand and plummeting feedstocks
as key drivers behind the downward movement.
Meanwhile spot activity was thin as the rapid movement in pricing
coupled with the disconnect between buyers and sellers made deals
hard to come by.
"By the time you can fix a deal, the price changes and the
buyer backs out," said one source.
Another trader confirmed adding, "It takes three times as
much work as it used to in order to get a deal done."
2008/10/16 Platts
Taiwan Vinyl Chloride
Monomer to keep VCM plant shut till end Oct
Taiwan Vinyl Chloride Monomer has decided to keep its 340,000
mt/year VCM plant at Kaohsiung shut for the rest of October as
buying appetite from its key Chinese customers appeared set to
remain weak for the rest of the fourth quarter, a company source
said Thursday morning.
The company had shut its plant on September 1, initially for 15
days on weak demand, mainly from China. The company has since
extended the shutdown twice. As a result of its extended
shutdown, the company had not been purchasing spot ethylene
dichloride feedstock for the last three months.
Spot VCM prices are likely to plummet the $650/mt CFR China mark,
given the drop in feedstock naphtha prices.
Prices of open spec naphtha cargoes on a CFR Japan basis
continued to plunge when markets opened in Asia Thursday, led by
falling Western crude benchmarks and sluggish petrochemicals
Naphtha cargoes for delivery in the first and second half of
December and first half of January were each down $33.75/mt to
$465.25/mt, $484.25/mt and $500.25/mt, respectively.
2008/10/16 Platts
SK Energy to shut No. 1 cracker from Nov on weak demand
South Korea's SK Energy
will shut its No. 1 naphtha-fed steam cracker in Ulsan
end-October or in November due to weak petrochemical demand, a
company source said Thursday.
"We are shutting the cracker from the end of October or from
November as downstream demand is so poor," the source said.
The No. 1 cracker has been running at 75% capacity since April
due to weak demand for petrochemicals.
SK Energy has not decided on the length of the shutdown, but the
source said it would last at least until the end of the year.
Several naphtha cracker operators have reduced operating rates to
cope with high inventory amid weak demand, but SK Energy's No. 1
steam cracker will be the first to shut completely, industry
sources said.
However, market sources said it would have only a limited impact
on the Asian ethylene market, which has been in a downward trend
since early July.
"The production capacity of the No. 1 cracker is very small.
The shutdown's impact will be limited," a trader said.
The No. 1 steam cracker can produce 200,000 mt/year of
ethylene and
140,000 mt/year of propylene. The average ethylene production
capacity of Northeast Asian cracker operators is 415,000-627,000
"The Asian ethylene market has not been supported even by
two large cracker shutdowns in Taiwan," the source noted.
In Taiwan, Formosa Petrochemical shut its No. 2 naphtha-fed steam
cracker at Mailiao October 9 due to a compressor problem. The
unit, which is able to produce 1.03 million mt/year of ethylene
and 515,000 mt/year of propylene, will be shut for two weeks.
Formosa's No. 3 naphtha-fed steam cracker at Mailiao remains shut
until October 19 after being idled September 3 for turnaround. It
is able to produce 1.2 million mt/year of ethylene and 600,000
mt/year of propylene.
Northeast Asian ethylene prices were pegged at $795/mt CFR early
Thursday, less than half the record high of $1,695/mt CFR
Northeast Asia reached July 10.
Meanwhile, SK will maintain operating rates at its No. 2
naphtha-fed steam cracker in Ulsan at 100% capacity. It is able
to produce 670,000 mt/year of ethylene and 360,000 mt/year of
日本経済新聞 2008/10/18
ポリスチレンが初の20万トン割れ 四半期軍出荷7−9月 素材に景気減速の影
2008年10月22日 Chemnet Tokyo
7月 1,830〜1,840ドル
8月 1,830〜1,840ドル
9月 1,730〜1,740ドル
10月 1,530〜1,540ドル
11月 1,100〜1,110ドル
China's supermarket plastic bag use could halve in 2009
Demand for plastic bags in China's supermarkets could slump 40-50% next year due to a ban on free plastic bags, a Sinopec source said during a conference organized by the Dalian Commodity Exchange Tuesday.
China's General Office of the State Council imposed restrictions on the use of plastic bags from June 1 as part of its campaign to protect the environment and conserve energy. The office ordered a ban on the production, sale and use of ultra-thin bags with a thickness of less than 0.025 mm.
At the same time, supermarkets and shops were banned from distributing free plastic bags. Retailers were instructed to clearly label plastic bag costs and charge these separately to consumers.
According to Sinopec, plastic bag producers number between 130,000 to 150,000 in China, of which around 2,000 focus on producing hand-carry plastic bags commonly used in retail outlets.
These producers use polymers like high density polyethylene, linear low density polyethylene, low density polyethylene and polyvinyl chloride as materials.
Supermarkets in China consumed 400,000-500,000 mt of plastic bags in 2006, accounting for around 30% of domestic plastic bag demand.
"China's plastic bag ban has significantly impacted supermarkets and stores, noticeably curbing demand for plastic bags. Retail use of plastic bags could plunge 40-50% next year," Sinopec Economics and Development Research Institute's Gao Chun Yu said during the conference.
2008年10月22日 Chemnet Tokyo |
アジアのエチレン相場、ついに700ドル割れ |
一気に05年春のレベルまで戻る |
大手商社各社によると、アジア地域におけるエチレンのスポットもののCFR価格がついにトン700ドルを割り込んだ。 直近の価格は、極東でも東南アジア諸国でも同680ドル前後となっている。10月第2週の平均に比べて130ドル前年下がったことになる。最近の最高値 の昨年11月に比べると1,000ドル安となる。同700ドル割れは、05年6月の平均の670ドルいらいとなる。原油とナフサのスポット相場の続落を睨 んでの誘導品各社と地域トレーダの買い控えによるもの。実際の取り引き数量は縮小の一途をたどっている模様。シンガポールを除くアジア各地でエチレンと誘 導品の減産が一段と進んでいる。 |
2008年10月27日 |
三井化学ポリウレタンがTDIの大幅減産へ |
中国の需要の激減に対応、今週末から50%操業に |
三井化学ポリウレタンは、中国の需要の激減に対処してTDIの生産を大幅に縮小することになった。今週末から、大分と鹿島の両工場の設備の稼働率をいずれも50%に引き下げる。今年末まで継続する考え。これだけの大幅減産に踏み切るのは初めてという。 同社が保有するTDI設備の年間生産能力は、大分工場12万トン、鹿島工場11万7,000トンの合計23万7,000トン。世界3大メーカーの一角を 占めている。両工場で生産するTDIの圧倒的多数を中国を中心とした海外への輸出でさばいてきた。9月までは、国際需給バランスが均衡していたため安定し た輸出を継続でき、また価格もCFRベースでトン4,000ドル台という比較的高値を維持できた。 しかし、いわゆる“リーマンショック”が表面化してからは中国からの引き合いと注文が激減。10月の契約数量が大幅に縮小するとともに価格も一気に 3,000台に急落する事態となった。そこで同社では10月入りとともに稼動率を80%に落として模様を眺めていたが、その後も一向に中国の需要が回復の 兆しを見せないためついに50%という未曾有の減産に踏み切ることにしたもの。 中国の需要が急激に縮小してきた要因について同社では、寝具や家具、マットレスといったウレタン使用製品の対米輸出がばったり止まったことと、中国の需 要家の間にTDIの輸入価格値下がりが必至と予想する向きが急速に増えて買い控え機運が一気に広がってきたことを挙げている。 後者はともかくとして、前者については急速な事態の改善は期待できないというのが同社をはじめとした関係者に共通した見方となっており、このため同社で は年内いっぱいは5割操業を継続していくほかないと判断している。大手商社の中には、同社等の減産が続けば遠からず中国の市中在庫が不足することになるの で年明けには引き合いがあるていど活発になると見る向きが多い。 |
2008/10/29 Platts
US export PVC prices hit 5-year low with offers at $600/mt FAS
Export PVC prices in the
US continued to spiral lower this week hitting their lowest
levels in over five years. Following lower Asian values, US PVC
export prices plummeted further with offers heard at $600/mt FAS
Houston this week. A precise number was difficult to pin down,
sources said, as buyers were reluctant to do deals given rapidly
decreasing prices.
"It's hard to conclude business," said one source.
"There are few inquiries and buyers will then go shop around
and then come back with a price that's $50 lower."
Bids to domestic suppliers were heard earlier in the week at
$600/mt FAS Houston and were talked lower by mid-week.
"If you were to offer $600/mt right now, you could probably
get a deal done but then you wouldn't be able to sell," said
one participant. "You would be stuck with high-priced
material." Since the end of August, PVC export values have
fallen over $600/mt on the back of weak demand.
The last time prices were under $600/mt was back in September,
2003 when PVC export values were assessed at $590/mt FOB USG.
Sources expressed mixed sentiment on where the bottom might be
with some participants pointing out that producers will begin to
slash rates or shutter production. "I don't see how it can
go much lower," said one source.
Furthermore, credit issues continued to add problems to an
already complicated milieu as participants reported continued
difficulties in obtaining credit letters. "Banks are not
comfortable issuing letters of credit let alone extending
credit," said a source.
Sources anticipated that there was room for prices to fall
further with some estimating the floor to be as low as $500/mt
FAS Houston.
2008年11月12日 |
三井化学、PTAの対中輸出価格600ドルを目指す |
三井化学はこのほど、中国の大手ポリエステル企業各社ならびにトレーダー筋に対してPTA(高純度テレフタール酸)の11月の輸出価格をトン当たり CFR600ドルとする考えを示して了承を求めた。最近のスポット品のCFR価格が同580〜590ドルで推移している点を考慮して同600ドルを提示 し、受け入れを要請したもの。 同社は、過去数ヶ月の輸出分もほぼスポット相場と同じレベルの価格に設定してきた。スポットものの7月以降の月間平均価格は、7月が1,170ドル、8 月が1,050ドル、9月が860ドル、10月が720ドルと下降の一途をたどってきた。したがって、同社の輸出価格も同じ幅で下降を続けてきたことにな る。 |
日本経済新聞 2008/11/20
合成樹脂、アジアで急落 ナフサ値下がり