
Rogers INOAC Corp. (RIC) Announces Plans to Open New Production Line in China

Rogers INOAC Corporation (RIC), Rogers' 50/50 joint venture with INOAC Corporation, announced that a new production line is being planned for the manufacture of PORON® urethane materials in Suzhou, China. The new line is expected to be fully operational during the third quarter of 2004. It will be capable of manufacturing both RIC and Rogers grades of PORON urethanes.

Rogers INOAC Corporation (RIC), located in Nagoya, Japan, manufactures and supplies PORON urethane foam materials to customers in Japan and other parts of Asia. In the U.S., Rogers High Performance Foams Division, located in Woodstock, CT, manufactures PORON urethane materials.

Mr. Toshio Inukai, General Manager of RIC, remarked, "RIC's PORON urethanes business has grown considerably since the mid-90s and is currently close to capacity. Due to high demand for PORON materials in mainland China and other parts of Asia, RIC will be building a manufacturing line in Suzhou, China."

Mr. Peter Kaczmarek, VP - Rogers High Performance Foams Division in CT, said, "RIC and Rogers are close partners in supplying our unique PORON products to customers throughout the world. RIC's new line will enable us to address the rapid growth of the use of PORON products in Asia through high-quality production in China. Global customers of RIC and Rogers will have the assurance and rapid service of multiple worldwide manufacturing locations for PORON products."

The new production line will be located in the production campus of Rogers Technologies Suzhou Co. Ltd (RSZ), a wholly owned subsidiary of Rogers Corporation, and will use proprietary process technology from Rogers and RIC to meet the highest standards of quality and consistency.

ロジャースイノアック   http://www.poron.jp/

 日本で最初にウレタンフォームを開発し、70余年の伝統と技術のもと、ポリマープロダクトの総合メーカーとなったイノアックコーポレーション。1832年創業という長い歴史のなかで、材料基礎技術・通 信・電子・画像分野で最先端企業として確固たる地位を築きあげたロジャース社。 この日米両者の優れた素材開発力、最先端技術を相乗的に融合し、グローバルに各分野で、卓越した先端技術を生かした個性のある製品の供給をとおして、ユーザーの信頼と満足を得るために、1984年ロジャースイノアックは、生まれました。






イノアックコーポレーション     http://www.inoac.co.jp/


Rogers社(U.S.A.)   http://www.rogerscorporation.com/

Rogers Corporation, is a global enterprise with manufacturing facilities located across the United States and Europe and sales offices in China, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore. We also have joint ventures with Inoac Corporation and Mitsui Chemicals in Japan, Chang Chun in Taiwan and 3M here in the US. We are an assertive, agile company whose specialty materials make tomorrow's products possible.

You may not know our name, but whenever you reach for your cell phone, boot up your laptop, start your car, put on your shoes, open your mail, or even look at the watch on your wrist, we're there.

Our printed circuit materials enable the smaller, lighter, faster electronic products that are making computing and communications easier and more convenient every day. Our high performance foams protect your phones and computers from life's little misadventures, while at the same time they protect communications base stations from the elements in all types of climates. Our electroluminescent lamps light your cell phone, your dashboard, and are even small enough to light your wristwatch. Our busbars help power electric locomotives. Our elastomers are in the US Postal Service's mail sorters. There's not enough room on this page to talk about all of our materials, but I think you get the picture.