日本経済新聞夕刊 2007/4/2
米韓FTA妥結 経済交流の拡大に弾み
FTA、取り残される日本 産業界に焦燥感も
2007/4/2 中央日報
The Financial Times Limited 2007/4/2
US and S Korea reach landmark trade deal
The US and South Korea said on Monday they had agreed on the terms of a comprehensive trade deal that will become Washington’s biggest trade pact in more than a decade and could boost bilateral trade by as much as $20bn a year.
The accord was reached just minutes before the final deadline was to expire for submitting the deal in Washington to take advantage of President George W. Bush’s authority to fast-track deals through the US Congress with a simple yes or no vote. There is a widespread understanding that the deal will not pass through Congress if it is opened up to debate and amendments.
The terms of the deal were not immediately available on Monday afternoon but US officials confirmed an agreement had been reached. Kim Hyun-chong, Korea’s trade minister, and Kim Jong-hoon, the chief negotiator, made no comment as they returned to the negotiation room after visiting President Roh Moo-hyun.
The negotiations were clearly difficult, becoming bogged down over sensitive sectors such as rice, beef, autos and pharmaceuticals.
The negotiators missed their first self-imposed deadline - at midnight on Friday Seoul time - then the second, more crucial deadline at 1am on Monday, continuing talks until almost midday Korean time.
Seoul and Washington held intensive discussions over the last 10 months to try to meet the ambitious timetable for forging a deal, which could see annual bilateral trade rise from $70bn to $90bn a year.
For the US, it represents the largest trade deal since the North America Free Trade Agreement accord was signed with Canada and Mexico more than a decade ago.
For Korea, the deal would give it much greater access to the markets of its second-largest trading partner. It could also act as a catalyst for the broader economic reform that many analysts think is needed to ensure the country does not become ”sandwiched” between economic giants China and Japan.
”Korea will not only have increased access to their second most important market but there will be increased momentum for market-based reform,” said Choi Byung-il, a trade expert at Ewha Women’s University in Seoul.
As Korea’s six-decade old military alliance with the US begins to weaken, the deal will also give them a new economic relationship, Prof Choi said. ”The number of US troops might being getting smaller but US investment and technology will increase. This will be a new era for the US-Korea alliance,” he said.
At the same time, the successful conclusion of the deal will give Korea increased leverage when they start negotiating with other major economies such as the European Union and China, analysts said. Seoul is due to start trade talks with Brussels next month.
Yonhap Newa 2007/04/02
Chronology of major events in S. Korea-U.S. FTA negotiations
South Korea and the U.S.
reached a last-minute free trade agreement on Monday. The
following is a chronology of key events in the 10-month-old
Sept. 20 - South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun and U.S. President
George W. Bush, speaking by telephone, state their willingness to
explore the possibility of an FTA.
Jan. 13 - South Korea's Agriculture Ministry announces the terms
for resumption of U.S. beef imports.
Feb. 3 - South Korean Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong and his U.S.
counterpart at the time, U.S. Trade Representative Rob Portman,
announce their intention to hold FTA talks.
March 28 - The Korean Alliance Against Korea-U.S. FTA, a
nationwide anti-FTA organization, is formed.
June 5 - South Korea, U.S. begin first round of formal talks in
July 10 - South Korea, U.S. exchange their first tariff phase-out
proposals in the second round of negotiations in Seoul.
Sept. 6 - South Korea, U.S. hold third round of talks in the U.S.
western city of Seattle.
Oct. 23 - South Korea, U.S. hold fourth round of talks on the
South Korean island of Jeju.
Dec. 4 - South Korea, U.S. hold fifth round of talks in the U.S.
ski resort town of Big Sky, Montana.
Dec. 30 - The U.S. formally refuses to accept South Korea's
request to soften its antidumping laws, one of South Korea's key
demands in a potential free trade deal.
Jan. 15 - South Korea, U.S. hold sixth round of talks in Seoul.
Washington's chief negotiator Wendy Cutler first reports progress
in key areas such as antidumping measures and pharmaceuticals.
Feb. 11 - South Korea, U.S. hold seventh round of talks in
Feb. 26 - South Korean Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong and U.S.
Trade Representative Susan Schwab hold talks in Washington to
narrow differences on the proposed free trade pact.
March 5 - South Korea, U.S. hold high-level agriculture talks in
Seoul to resolve key trade differences in farm goods, but fail to
make a breakthrough.
March 8 - South Korea, U.S. hold final round of formal talks in
Seoul. The sides agree on three out of 17 categories under
March 19 - South Korea, U.S. hold a series of informal meetings
in Seoul and Washington to narrow key differences in the areas of
automobiles, agriculture and textiles to forge a free trade pact.
March 26 - South Korea, U.S. hold 11th-hour negotiations to
conclude free trade agreement talks ahead of an end-of-March
March 31 - South Korea, U.S. extend their free trade talks by 48
April 2 - South Korea, U.S. reach a free trade agreement.
2007/3/31 中央日報
Bloomberg March 30,
U.S., South Korea Extend
Their Free-Trade Talks
The U.S. and South Korea agreed to extend talks toward a
free-trade agreement by 48 hours, said Kim Jong Hoon, the chief
South Korean negotiator for the agreement.
``Both sides formed a consensus that additional negotiations
would be helpful and necessary, and therefore the U.S. delegation
discussed this closely with its government and the Congress
overnight, and decided to extend the talks by 48 hours, to April
2, 1 a.m. Korea time,'' Kim said.
The two nations have struggled to reach an agreement over the
last 10 months. Yesterday, White House spokesman Tony Fratto said
the talks on the $29 billion accord, were ``not going well.''
Negotiators had set a target to conclude an accord by the end of
March 30 in the U.S. -- or 7 a.m. today in Seoul -- to get the
deal to Congress with time for ratification before President George
W. Bush's "fast track'' trade accord authority expires July
1. An
agreement may boost U.S. exports to South Korea by $19 billion,
with a $10 billion jump in shipments the other way, according to
the U.S. International Trade Commission.
The White House had said yesterday that the talks were ``not
going well.'' ``Unless the negotiations show some sign of
significant progress in the next few hours, this agreement will
most likely not come together,'' spokesman Tony Fratto said
yesterday in an e-mail.
Beef and Rice
South Korea is rejecting U.S. demands that it ease customs inspection
regulations on beef and
its rice market further, Deputy Minister of Agriculture
Trade Policy Min Dong Seok said on March 29. Many U.S. and South
Korean negotiators did not answer their mobile phones, text
messages or e-mails from reporters, even as the deadline passed.
``Negotiations continue between the U.S. and the Republic of
Korea on a number of outstanding issues,'' U.S. Trade
Representative spokesman Sean Spicer said in a statement handed
out by the U.S. delegation in Seoul. ``The negotiations must
conclude by 12 p.m. on Sunday, April 1 (Washington time), so that
the administration can decide whether to notify Congress of its
intent to sign by Sunday, April 1.''
The Republic of Korea is the official name of South Korea.
South Korean President Roh Moo Hyun will make the final decision
on the deal after being briefed by his negotiators. ``We will
consider every aspect and negotiate until the very last moment,''
he said on March 28. He is planning to address the nation after
the talks, regardless of whether they are able to reach an
agreement on the deal.
Bush, Roh Talk
Asked whether the extension was a good sign, USTR spokesman
Stephen Norton said, ``Yes, in that both sides obviously feel
that it is in each of their interest to continue to talk. If they
didn't feel it is worth it, they would have ended the
Bush called Roh early on March 29 Washington time to discuss the
trade negotiations, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.
``We remain hopeful about getting that done,'' she told
reporters. Roh had planned to address the nation on April 1 about
the talks whatever the outcome.
Greg Doud, chief
economist for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, said on
March 29 he understood trade negotiators in South Korea were at a
standoff. ``Both sides are dug in pretty strong,'' he said in a
telephone interview. A fully open South Korean market for U.S.
beef would be worth about $1 billion a year, Doud said.
Beef Inspections
The U.S. is
pressing South Korea, formerly the third- largest buyer of
American beef, to relax customs rules such as rejecting
individual shipments that contain bone fragments. Bush on
Wednesday told the cattlemen's association in Washington that
persuading South Korea to remove restrictions on beef imports was
``an important part of our foreign policy.''
Beef inspections
aren't ``a matter for negotiation in the framework of the FTA,''
Min told reporters on March 29.
South Korea is also
refusing U.S. demands to increase access to its rice market. ``If
the South Korean government has to consider rice as part of the
FTA, the deal will break down,'' Prime Minister nominee Han Duck
Soo told lawmakers on March 29 during his confirmation hearing.
South Korean
farmers have violently opposed opening the nation's markets, with
two dying of injuries in 2005 and 60 people injured in clashes
last year. About 10,000 protesters against free trade staged
sit-ins and rallies in front of the Seoul City Hall and in front
of the U.S. Embassy on March 25.
Candlelight Vigil
About 8,000
protesters rallied last night in front of Seoul City Hall, and
scuffled with the police to try and approach the presidential
Blue House. They disbanded around 10 p.m. without major incident.
The two sides are
also at odds over U.S. automobile exports, and South Korea wants
to include its goods made in a North Korean industrial complex in
the free-trade deal.
The free-trade
agreement, if ratified, would be the biggest for the U.S. since
the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement. South Korea has
already signed FTAs with Chile, Singapore and the European Free
Trade Association, consisting of Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and
Liechtenstein. It is in negotiations with Canada and Japan and
discussions with India, and is examining deals with China and the
European Union.
Deputy U.S. Trade
Representative Karan Bhatia, with Assistant U.S. Trade
Representative Wendy Cutler, have been leading the U.S.
delegation. They were unavailable for comment.
2007/3/30 朝鮮日報
asahi 2007年03月21日
米議会公聴会で市場開放求める声相次ぐ 米韓FTA交渉
ファストトラック権限とはFast Track ―― 直訳すれば、「高速コース」となろうが、より正確には、ファストトラックとは@議会の大統領に対する通商協定交渉権限の付与、A協定案に対する議会の一括審議手続き―― の2 要素から成る。
上記@の大統領に対する議会権限の付与は、米国憲法の規定に由来する。米国憲法第1 条第8 節は「連邦議会は次の権限を有する。租税、関税、一般税および消費税を賦課徴収すること....(中略).... 諸外国との通商、各州間の通商、およびインディアンの諸部族との通商を規制すること」(下線部は筆者付記)と定める。憲法は、対外通商協定締結交渉を含む通商分野は議会の権限に属すると明示しているのである。かかる権限を大統領に付託するということは、議会にとっては憲法上認められた自らの権限を委ねることに等しい。したがって、ファストトラックの採択は大統領に対する議会の信任投票という側面を有する。
Aの一括審議手続とは、大統領が締結した対外通商協定に対する議会の権限を制約するためのメカニズムである。この審議手続きが採択された場合、大統領の締結した対外通商協定について、議会は一定期限(通常60 日)以内にこれを全面的に支持するか、全面的に拒否するかの二者選択しか許されない。協定条文の修正や選択的採択はできないのである。
出所: 通商弘報
発行年月日: 2006年02月08日
日本経済新聞 2007/4/12
検証 米韓FTA 韓国、牛肉譲りコメ死守 農産物譲歩多く自動車には執着
牛肉と自動車を最大の争点に、米国と韓国が激しい攻防を続けた自由貿易協定(FTA)の妥結から1週間あまり。韓国は超大型FTAに沸いたが、農業を中心に国内への影響を懸念する声も依然根強い。米韓両国は何を得て、何を譲ったのか検証した。 「コメを譲歩対象から除外するという国民との約束を守った」ーー。韓国外交通商省の金通商交渉本部長は、交渉が妥結した2日、聖域を死守した成果を強調した。米国はコメ市場の開放を要求したが、韓国は原則論を貫いた。だが「米国の本命はコメではなく牛肉」というのが関係者の一致した見方だ。