日本経済新聞 2006/12/14

EU 化学物質 6月に新規制 欧州議会可決
 3万種類を登録・安全性評価 企業の負担重く




  施行時期 規制内容 規制に関係する業界
RoHS指令 06年7月 鉛、水銀など6物質の使用を原則的に禁止 主に電機、情報、精密機器
REACH 07年6月 約3万種類の化学物質について安全 性評価などを企業に義務づけ 化学、自動車、 電機など幅広く

2006/12/13 NYT

Europe Parliament to Regulate Chemicals

Some dangerous chemicals could be banned from the European market and about 30,000 substances used in everyday products ranging from detergents to toys will have to be registered in a central European Union database under a law approved Wednesday.

The European Parliament passed the law -- one of the most complex and far-reaching EU regulations ever -- after years of haggling marked by intense lobbying by the European chemicals industry and by protests from environmentalists who sought more restraints on the industry.

The law, a compromise balancing health and environmental concerns against fears that excessive red tape would stifle business, puts the burden of proof on companies to show that industrial chemicals and substances used in everyday products are safe.

It is likely to take effect in mid-2007.

''It is a major step forward for public health, workers' safety and protection of the environment. In the end, we want to get rid of the most dangerous chemicals while boosting research and development in Europe,'' said Italian Socialist Guido Sacconi, who was charged with steering the legislation through the EU assembly.

Under the rules, producers will have to register the properties of chemicals with an agency to be set up in Helsinki, Finland, that will have powers to ban those presenting significant health threats. Companies will be required to gradually replace the most high-risk chemicals -- so-called persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances -- where safer alternatives exist. If no alternative exists, producers will have to submit a plan to develop one.

Because of fears over potential job losses, the parliament scaled back chemicals-testing requirements in the first reading of the law -- known as REACH, for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals -- last year. Some 13,000 substances, deemed of high concern, face automatic testing, but almost all tests were waived for little-used chemicals of which only 1 to 10 metric tons are produced or imported into the EU annually.

EU governments further scaled back the law passed Tuesday on second reading in an effort to reduce costs for the EU's chemicals industry, worth about $582.9 billion and employing 1.3 million people in 27,000 companies.

The registration process for all of the 30,000 chemicals should be completed in 11 years. The first stage of the process aims to register substances that are produced in the largest quantities and the most harmful ones, such as carcinogens, mutagens and toxins affecting reproduction.

The direct costs of supplying safety information about a substance range from $26,500 to $530,000, depending on the volume of data requirements, according to the parliament.

REACH replaces some 40 directives currently governing the use of chemicals in the EU. In the past, companies could sell almost any chemical without being required to provide detailed health and safety information.

The compromise has been criticized both by industry, which complains it is too complicated and will burden companies with unnecessary bureaucracy, and environmentalists, who say it will allow dangerous chemicals to enter the market through loopholes.

''This deal is an early Christmas present for the chemicals industry, rewarding it for its intense and underhand lobbying campaign. We are deeply worried that the key goal of this legislation - to offer EU citizens and the environment sufficient protection from dangerous chemicals - appears to have been lost in the haste to agree a compromise,'' said lawmaker Caroline Lucas of Britain's Green Party.

Environmentalists are also worried that under REACH, many high-concern chemicals will be allowed onto the market if producers can prove they can adequately control them.

The United States has also expressed concern about the law, worried about its effect on U.S. exports. But EU leaders said the legislation would set a global standard and called on the Americans and other nations to adopt similar restrictions.

''From a global perspective, the safety requirements established by REACH will be on a completely new level,'' said Finnish Trade Minister Mauri Pekkarinen, speaking for the EU presidency.

日本経済新聞 2007/5/31

リーチ 欧州の化学物質規制 あす施行
 化学大手 対応急ぐ
  三菱化学 対象製品データ化 
  住友化学 グループ横断組織



EU、国際標準化狙う  企業負担世界で52億ユーロ


三菱化学 グループ約60社参加の横断組織発足へ
住友化学 グループ横断の対応組織を発足
三井化学 10事業部門の環境安全担当を通じて情報共有
大日本インキ化学工業 ドイツに常駐の専任者を派遣し、情報収集
日本化学工業協会 専門チーム発足。会員企業への情報提供など
アーティクルマネジメント推進協議会 松下、旭化成など参加。 業界横断で対応策協議


October 14, 2008 British Rubber & Plastics

First REACH hit list targets polymer components and additives

Seven chemicals of importance to polymer processors are included in the first 15 substances on the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) candidate list, which marks them as materials of concern whose presence must be notified.

Smithers Rapra has been monitoring the development of the candidate list, which is due to be published before the end of the month. It says that as soon as the list is published "companies must immediately communicate the presence of these substances in all products if present at above 0.1 per cent weight/weight. Consumers can request information on these substances to suppliers or directly to retailers, in which case answers must be given within 45 days."

"In the longer term", says Rapra, "the use of candidate list substances will be phased-out through an 'Authorisation' scheme. Exceptions can however apply, such as for the use of a substance as an intermediate. Unlike many other parts of REACH, obligations relating to candidate list substances apply irrespective of tonnage; a fact that is catching many companies unaware."

The seven substances on the initial list are:

・ポリスチレン用の臭素系難燃剤 HBCDD
・タイヤ添加剤 二塩化コバルト
MDI製造用のMDA (methylene dianiline)
・ゴム、ペイント、接着剤などの難燃剤 SCCPs(短鎖塩素化パラフィン)

Inclusion of DEHP, "the most widely used plasticiser which has served many diverse polymer product sectors over the past 60 years" means that its likely demise may signal the end of many commonly used substances throughout industry, says the company.
Smithers Rapra is offering warning of potential REACH problems through its REACH and material consultancy services which anticipate key additives and materials being discontinued or phased-out.