シャープ 太陽電池の世界 http://www.sharp.co.jp/sc/library/sun/sunindex.htm
● 太陽電池は光を電気に変える発電機 | |
太陽電池は英語でSolar cell(ソーラーセル)といいます。電池というと乾電池を思い出しますが、太陽電池はこれとは違い、次のような特長をもっています。 |
・ | 太陽の光を電気に変える発電機です。(蓄電機能はありません。) | |
・ | 光が当たったときだけ発電するため、夜は発電しません。夜間に太陽電池を使用する場合は蓄電池を併用して、昼間に発電した電気を蓄えておきます。 | |
・ | 電流は直流です。(家庭の電気は交流です) | |
● 家庭で使える太陽電池 | ||
太陽電池は家庭でも使えます。太陽電池で起こした電気を蓄えておく場合は、蓄電池を接続します。また、太陽電池の電気は直流で、家庭の電気は交流ですから、直流を交流に変えるインバータも接続します。こうすると太陽電池で起こした電気で、テレビや冷蔵庫を動かすことができます。 |
性その他 現在の主な用途 単結晶シリコン ◎ ◎ 豊富な使用実績がある 宇宙用、地上用 多結晶シリコン ○ ◎ 将来、大量生産に適している。 地上用 アモルファス △ △ 蛍光灯下で、比較的よく作動 民生用(電卓、腕時計) 単結晶化合物
(GaAs系統)◎ ◎ 重く、割れやすい 宇宙用 多結晶化合物
(CdS、CdTe、CulnSe2など)△ △ 資源量が少ない
矢野経済研究所 2002/7/10
太陽電池市場の現状と将来展望 2002
・ | 2001年度の国内太陽電池市場規模は、容量ベースで対前年比47%増の192.7MW、金額ベース(メーカー出荷額ベース)で730.1億円。 |
・ | 用途別シェア(容量ベース)は、2000年度8割弱のシェアを占めた住宅用が57%と大きく交代、逆に海外輸出が2000年度9%から30%へ大きく拡大。 |
・ | メーカーシェアは、2000年度と大きな変動なし。トップがシャープで81.1MW、以下、京セラ、三洋電機、三菱電機と続く。 |
・ | 国内太陽光発電システム市場規模は、住宅用と公共・産業用あわせて127.4MWと対前年度比16%増。金額ベースで1,010.2億円(システム端末販売額ベース)。 |
・ | 国内太陽光発電システムの市場規模は、今後住宅用システムを中心に拡大し続け、2005年度には304.8MW/1,597.3億円、2010年度には973.7MW/3,086.9億円(ともにシステム端末販売額ベース)に拡大すると予測。 |
2001年 世界の主要メーカー太陽電池生産量 京セラホームページから
* BP Solarex changes name to BP Solar
Siemens Solar → jv with Shell → Shell Solar (Shell 100%)
うち セル・モジュールメーカー 14社
(株) エム・エス・ケイ、鐘淵化学工業(株)、川崎重工業(株)、キヤノン (株)、京セラ (株)
(株) 神戸製鋼所、三洋電機 (株)、シャープ (株)、昭和シェル石油 (株)、フジプレアム(株)
豊国工業(株)、松下電器産業 (株)、三菱重工業(株)、三菱電機 (株)
日本経済新聞 1998/1/22
太陽電池付き屋根材 消費電力の8割供給
日刊工業新聞 2002/9/4
*押出し形材アルミ屋根パネル アルアピア
1998/11/5 鐘淵化学
●本社・工場所在地 : 兵庫県豊岡市神美台(かみよしだい) ●敷地面積 約55千u ●設立 平成10年10月 ●資本金 10億円(授権資本40億円) ●会長 大西 優(鐘淵化学取締役電材事業部長) ●社長 吉岡 哲男 ●従業員数 約150名の予定 ●事業内容 太陽電池の製造・販売 ●設備能力 20MW/年。平成12年度中に40MWに増強の予定 ●工場稼働 平成11年10月の予定
透ける太陽電池 昼は窓 夜は広告塔 鐘淵化学、大型パネル量産化
2000/12/26 川崎重工
◆ 一般住宅用太陽光発電システムの概要
発電出力 | : | 1〜5kw | |
販売開始 | : | 2001年1月 | |
販売目標 | : | 300ユニット(2001年) | |
標準価格 | : | 55万円/kW(発電パネル、インバータ、支持架台等を含む3kWシステムのkW当り工場渡し単価。現地据付工事費は含みません。) 対象の住宅によって仕様、数量、工事条件が異なりますので協議のうえ代価を決定します。 |
: |
ミサワホームに太陽電池を供給 住宅分野に本格進出
2002/7/23 シャープ
太陽電池増産ライン稼動 年間生産能力148MWに
(米国・PV NEWS紙 調査)
● 太陽電池セルライン 年産能力推移
2000年6月 2001年7月 2002年7月 セル年産能力 54MW 94MW 148MW
● 投資金額 45億円
日本経済新聞 2002/11/14
シャープ、米で生産 太陽光発電装置 市場拡大にらむ
BP Solar is one of the world's
largest manufacturers of photovoltaic (PV, i.e. solar electric)
products and systems. BP Solar has nearly 30 years of experience
in the advancement and promotion of photovoltaics.
As one of the world's leading
solar companies, BP Solar operates nine manufacturing plants in
the U.S., Spain, Australia, and India. Four of these plants
manufacture our crystalline products, two plants manufacture our
thin film products, and three plants are used for assembling our
products in the local regions. BP Solar is also expanding with
new plants under construction in Spain and Germany.
BP Solar is at the forefront of
the international solar electric industry producing over 50
megawatts of solar products each year. We are headquartered in
Linthicum, Maryland USA and have over 30 sales and technical
offices positioned throughout the world. Through our global sales
network, we work locally, but think globally. Thus, we are able
to provide the highest quality of customer service available
within the PV industry.
1973 | Solarex Corporation is formed |
1980 | BP enters solar industry via purchase of Lucas Energy Systems |
1983 | Solarex acquires RCA amorphous silicon technology |
1983 | Amoco Oil Company purchases Solarex Corporation |
1984 | Solarex purchases Exxon's Solar Power Corporation |
1987 | Solarex introduces the "Mega" cell: 114 mm x 114 mm |
1995 | Solarex becomes a business unit of Amoco/Enron Solar, a partnership of Amoco Oil Corporation and Enron Corporation |
1999 | BP and Amoco merge to form BP
Amoco plc BP Amoco purchases Enron's share of Solarex BP Solar and Solarex merge to form BP Solarex BP Solarex changes name to BP Solar |
2001 | BP Solar is integrated into BP's Gas, Power and Renewables Business Stream |
2002/9/4 BP
BP Powers Largest Solar Installation In UK
Eighty-seven thousand state-of-the-art photovoltaic cells supplied by BP Solar are to be used in the construction of the new TXU-Europe building in Ipswich. The 200kw project represents the largest solar installation of in the UK and is scheduled for completion in December this year
The photovoltaic cells, which are housed in glass panels and serve the dual purpose of replacing conventional materials while simultaneously harnessing energy from natural light to produce clean energy, will provide an output of over 200kw at peak performance. This is over 10% of the maximum power requirement of the building.
BP Solar says the building will represent a showcase for Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) technology, widely regarded as a key feature of buildings of the future. "The project is significant because it proves that the technologies are available to deliver practical solar energy systems," said BP Solar Business Executive Manager Ray Noble.
"It is also meeting the Government’s challenge to the construction industry to integrate renewable energy into buildings, and because we have been involved in the design process from the very beginning of the project, we have been able to develop a design that will maximise the benefits of PV, in terms of performance and substitution of conventional cladding material."
The £35 million building project, which is beginning to take shape in the heart of the Ipswich Village redevelopment area, is effectively creating a new sustainable ‘clean energy’ headquarters for TXU-Europe, the UK’s largest domestic electricity supplier. All 1,000 of TXU-Europe’s staff based in five existing offices in the Ipswich area will be relocated to the new building.
High performance grid-connected mono-crystalline silicon photovoltaic panels will be incorporated in the design of the buildings, replacing conventional cladding materials on roofs and facades. On the sunniest days, the system will generate 200kWp, meeting all the electrical requirements of the site.
The system will also cut carbon dioxide emissions. It is estimated that over the course of a year emissions of CO2 will be reduced by some 140 tonnes and that the photovoltaic panels will generate a significant percentage of the site’s total electricity. The installation of the Photovoltaic package will be completed and commissioned by November.
Shell Solar is part of Shell Renewables, one of the five core businesses of Shell Group.
Solar was established to develop commercial opportunities in
solar energy.
In 2001, subject to economic review, Shell
committed to invest 0.5 to 1 billion dollars in solar
photovoltaics (PV) and wind energy in the period from 2001 to
Shell Solar recently joined the top tier
players in the solar PV industry when it integrated its
business with Siemens Solar. (jv with Siemens → Shell 100%)
The key objective is to sell solar
solutions at a profit and thus meeting the criteria of
sustainable development in a commercial way. To achieve this the
solar business is to grow in line with the market, currently
growing at around 20% - 25% a year.
Shell Solar is involved in photovoltaics,
the technology that converts light directly into electricity. We
are not involved in solar thermal, the technology that uses the
heat of the sun.
We have access to both mono- and multi
crystalline cell technologies (the current main stream solar cell
technologies) and to CIS or thin film technology, the next
generation of PV technology. Well-established in the
manufacturing of two types of solar cells and modules,
single-crystal silicon and copper indium diselinide (CIS), we are
the first company in the world to start series production of CIS
solar modules. These thin-film modules boast an efficiency of
over 11 percent, which is clearly higher than with competing
thin-film technologies.
Shell Solar has supplied solar cells and
modules with a peak power of over 300 megawatts. This represents
around one fifth of total solar power installed worldwide.
Shell Solar sales in 2001
Mono-crystalline modules............34,6
modules...............9,4 MW
CIS .............................................0,4
Total ........................................44,4
Shell and Siemens agree joint venture in solar energy
Siemens Solar GmbH (Siemens) and Shell Renewables (Shell) announced today that they have reached agreement to form a joint venture in their solar energy businesses. Shell and Siemens regard this co-operation as key for growth and necessary to execute their ambitious targets for solar energy. Subject to relevant regulatory approvals and consultations, the joint venture, Siemens and Shell Solar Gmbh, will begin operation in April 2001.
The agreement follows negotiations Siemens and Shell announced at the beginning of December 2000. Shell will, initially, contribute its German solar businesses and a considerable cash injection into the joint venture, receiving newly issued shares in return. The shareholdings in the new joint venture will be: Siemens A.G. 34% E.ON Energie AG 33% and Shell 33%. Before the end of 2002 Shell will contribute its remaining business.
The joint venture will have two managing directors: Gernot Oswald, the current Managing Director of Siemens Solar and Philippe de Renzy Martin, Chief Operating Officer of Shell Solar. Philippe de Renzy Martin said: “This co-operation shows Shell’s commitment to make solar energy work. As a leading and experienced energy company we are convinced that the best way to make solar energy a major part of the energy mix is to make it a commercial success. The combination of these two experienced solar companies makes this possible.”
Gernot Oswald said: “Bundling of the complementary strengths of the partners will improve our potential to grow even faster and to expedite the worldwide implementation of solar energy.”
Shell to acquire partners' stakes in Solar energy joint venture
Shell Renewables (Shell), Siemens AG (Siemens) and E.ON Energie AG (E.ON) announced today that Shell intends to acquire all the shares held by Siemens and E.ON in their solar photovoltaic (PV) joint venture company, Siemens und Shell Solar GmbH. The combined business, to be 100% owned by Shell, will be known as Shell Solar with full corporate integration taking place over the next six months. The deal is subject to relevant regulatory approvals.
Shell's Philippe de Renzy-Martin, who will be Executive Vice President of the new company, said: "This is good news for our customers, our staff and partners, and for the whole solar industry. Our integrated company will have the people, the reach and the resources to build a sustainable, commercially successful solar PV business around the world."
The integration of the Shell and Siemens solar PV businesses brings together world-class operations in both research & development and manufacturing and will employ around 1100 people. "Solar PV is one of the fastest-growing of all the technologies in a rapidly developing part of the global energy market," commented Mr de Renzy-Martin. "Shell has a strategic commitment to making renewable energy a commercial reality, and this move is a key step in building a strong, global solar business."
At present, shareholdings in the joint venture are: Siemens AG 34%, E.ON Energie AG 33% and Shell 33%. The new entity will have a fifteen per cent share of the global PV market.
The deal reaffirms the Royal Dutch/Shell Group's commitment to new energies - solar, wind, hydrogen and geothermal. The Group announced last year that, subject to ongoing economic review, it would invest $0.5 billion to $1 billion over the next five years to continue developing these businesses, concentrating primarily on solar and wind energy.
Astropower, Inc. http://www.sba.gov/sbir/tibbetts/astropower.html
is the largest US-owned manufacturer of solar
cells and modules and the fifth largest in the world. The Company was formed in 1983
as a division of Astrosystems, and initially generated revenues
principally from research and development activities on
government contracts. In 1989, the Company was established as a
separate corporation, and secured venture capital funding. At the
same time, the move toward commercial activities began as the
Company started the manufacture of solar cells. The growth of the
Company was financed in part with private placements of equity to
high net worth individuals. In February 1998, the Company
completed its initial public offering, raising $16.7 million. The
funds were used to complete the fit-up of the Company’s second
manufacturing facility and to fund further growth in its
AstroPower has leveraged many of its
products with SBIR developed technologies. Innovations achieved
through the SBIR program permeate the product spectrum from solar
cells to high performance mid-infrared photodiodes. At the
present time AstroPower is introducing a significant new product
for portable electronic power and battery charging applications.
This spin-off product, SunVolts, is based heavily on a high
performance space solar cell effort funded by BMDO. Without SBIR,
the exceptionally risky space product would never have been
attempted and consequently the SunVolts opportunity would never
have presented itself. Significant revenues are expected in the
coming year with AstroPower supported production increases
through the year 2001 to keep pace with the rapidly growing
customer base.
AstroPower’s product revenues have grown at more than
60% per year for the past six years. Employment has grown
significantly as well. At the end of 1994, AstroPower had 95
employees. By December 31, 1998, total employment had grown to
258. AstroPower’s growth has been due to a strategy of
joining with indigenous partners around the world to develop a
strong regional presence, significant increases in its production
capacity, and strong market growth overall. Nearly 80% of
AstroPower’s product revenues are international.
For the next several years, AstroPower
plans growth in product revenues of 50% per year. The Company
sells into the $20 billion distributed power generation market,
where electric power is generated at the site of consumption.
AstroPower has a strong customer base and is increasing market
share due to its superior and cost-effective product lines.