日本経済新聞 2003/8/30
富士写が乳がん診断薬 独社と蛍光造影剤開発
古森杜長に聞く M&Aで技術取り込む
− これからの技術開発の方向性は。
ー デジタル化で従来の収益源だったフィルムなどが苦戦している。
ー 経営改革の重点課題は。
28, 2003 Schering
Schering's innovative method for breast cancer detection shows
first positive results in clinical phase I study
Schering AG, Germany announced today the start of the clinical
phase I trial for a new breast cancer detection method, which is
expected to offer the advantage of a sensitive and radiation-free
diagnosis. The technology combines the existing near-infrared
imaging method (optical mammography) with a special fluorescent
dye, which was jointly developed by Schering and Fuji
Photo Film Co., Ltd.,.
First results with this new type of contrast agent, SF64, in
women with suspected breast cancer have shown good safety and
tolerability. In all patients examined so far, tumors could be
clearly delineated.
“Breast cancer is
one of the most frequently causes of death in women and early as
well as precise diagnosis is crucial for successful therapy”, said Professor Gunter Stock, Member of
the Board of Executive Directors, responsible for research and
development. “Besides other
advantages, this innovative method offers a radiation-free,
cost-effective diagnosis and could avoid straining biopsies in
many cases. We expect finalization of the study by mid 2004.”
development of optical mammography with a fluorescent dye should
offer a suitable method of breast imaging to women who are
difficult to assess because of dense breasts or who have an
inconclusive X-ray mammogram. One potential of this new method
could be to drastically reduce the numbers of breast biopsies
that only show age related tissue changes but no breast cancer.
Furthermore, women with an increased genetic risk of breast
cancer could potentially benefit from this new development. These
women are at risk to develop breast cancer at a young age.
mammography may offer a sensitive diagnosing and screening method
for this patient group without the ionising radiation and
discomfort associated with X-ray mammography”, explains Dr. Thomas Moesta, principal
investigator of the fluorescent based optical contrast agent at
the Robert-Rossle Clinic of the Berlin Charite Hospital. “After intravenous injection of the
fluorescent dye, the breast is examined using laser light of near
infrared wavelength, in order to identify the tumor."
The study
Post menopausal women with suspected breast cancer participate in
the clinical trial of optical mammography, to evaluate the new
fluorescent dye SF64, which was co-developed by Schering and Fuji
Photo Film Co., Ltd., a leading imaging company with strong
background in fine chemical technology including fluorescence
dyes, in conjunction with the proprietary Computed Tomography
Laser Breast Imaging (CTLMR) system, newly developed by Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Plantation,
The Phase I trial will include 40 post menopausal women and is
embedded in a common activity between the Max Delbrueck Centre
for Molecular Medicine, the Charite, and the Helios Klinikum
Buch, all in Berlin, for the advancement of Optical Methods for
Tumor Detection. So far four patients were examined, and in all
of them tumors could be clearly delineated.
Furthermore, the trial demonstrated good safety and tolerability
of SF64 at the first dose level. Now, tests will also include
different dosage levels.
Optical mammography
Optical mammography is based on the penetration of near-infrared
(NIR) light into tissue. By using the CTLM system the new
contrast agent SF64 provides a unique fluorescent signal that may
help doctors to better detect breast cancer in women with dense
breasts or inconclusive results in X-ray mammography.
Schering AG is a research-based pharmaceutical company. Its
activities are focused on four business areas:
Gynecology&Andrology, Diagnostics&Radiopharmaceuticals,
Dermatology as well as Specialized Therapeutics for disabling
diseases in the fields of the central nervous system, oncology
and cardiovascular system. As a global player with innovative
products Schering AG aims for leading positions in specialized
markets worldwide. With in-house R&D and supported by an
excellent global network of external partners, Schering AG is
securing a promising product pipeline. Using new ideas, Schering
AG aims to make a recognized contribution to medical progress and
strives to improve the quality of life: making medicine work
Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. http://www.imds.com/
Located in Plantation, Florida, Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (IDSI) is a medical technology company engaged in the research and development of a non-invasive breast imaging system. IDSI is a pioneer in the field of medical optical imaging and has made major strides in the early diagnosis of breast abnormalities. Since the Company’s inception in early 1994, IDSI has developed a revolutionary breast imaging device, named Computed Tomography Laser Breast Imaging (CTLMR) that utilizes state-of-the-art laser technology and proprietary algorithms to create three dimensional cross sectional images of the breast without the use of x-rays and compression.
Recognizing that a non-invasive painless breast imaging system would be a benefit for the consumer and the medical industry, IDSI placed its primary focus in an area of a enormous concern: breast cancer. With over 800,000 biopsies preformed each year and 700,000 of those resulting in normal findings, a need for a breast imaging system that was not limited by age, density, or size was evident.
Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. has entered the final stages of the FDA Pre-Market approval process for its CTLMR patented breast imaging system. The company has received the CE Marking, UL listing, and ISO 9002 certification, enabling sales in the international markets.
日本経済新聞 2003/9/2
新日本科学 開発期間を短縮 米バイオに出資
新日本科学 Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL) http://www.snbl.co.jp/
研究受託事業 | |
国際的視野で行われる新薬開発は、ますますスピードアップが重要なファクターとなってきました。新日本科学グループでは、国内はもとより、グローバルな製薬会社からの研究を受託し、新薬開発のサポート体制を確立しています。 研究受託事業は、45年以上の経験と実績を誇る「安全性研究受託部門」、臨床第I相試験を受託する「臨床薬理研究受託部門」、そして臨床第II・III相試験におけるモニタリング業務や臨床統計解析、薬事コンサルティングを行う「臨床開発受託部門」の3部門で協働しています。 | |
: | |
●安全性研究受託部門 新薬のヒトへの安全性を外挿したり、薬物動態を調べたりする部門です。「安全性研究所」は鹿児島県吉田町に、「薬物代謝分析センター」は和歌山県海南市にあり、毒性学・薬理学・病理学・生化学・微生物学・遺伝子工学・薬物代謝学等の専門家があらゆる角度から医薬品の安全性を探求しています。米国ワシントン州シアトル市郊外には、海外での安全性研究拠点として「SNBL USA, Ltd.」があり、新日本科学グループの国際的展開を担っています。 ●臨床薬理研究受託部門 臨床薬理研究受託部門を担う株式会社新日本科学臨床薬理研究所は、提携先の医療機関CPC クリニ ック(鹿児島)と協働して臨床第I相試験を実施しています。新規事業部門のSMO事業本部(神戸)では、独自の研修システムで教育したCRC(治験コーディネーター)を各地の提携先の医療機関に派遣して、質の高いスピーディーな治験を実施する支援体制づくりを行っています。今後の国際共同治験の実施に向けて、複数の国立大学とその地域医療機関や医師会とコンソーシアムの結束をはかり、治験の円滑な推進をはかっています。 ●臨床開発受託部門 臨床開発受託部門では、充実した社内教育制度により訓練されたCRA(モニター)によるモニタリング業務に加えて、製薬会社で豊かな経験を積んだ専門家によるメディカルライティングや薬事コンサルティングが主な業務です。従来、臨床薬理研究部門で受託していた統計解析とデータマネージメントも臨床開発受託部門で実施されるようになり、充実した環境が整備されています。また、海外からの顧客に応える体制づくりも進み、国際共同治験の実施も視野に入ってきました。 |
トランスレーショナルリサーチ事業 | |
国内外の大学やベンチャー企業など、優れた発想や卓越した才能を持ち、当社の企業理念を共有で きる研究者を支援したい、そして世界に通用するビジネスモデルとして育てたい。そんな私たちの企業姿勢を形にしたのがトランスレーショナルリサーチ事業です。日本ばかりでなく、国際的視野で事業を展開。すでに大学研究者らと共同で設立した事業や合弁会社が、ベンチャービジネスとして成果をあげつつあります。 |
業務提携 | |
私たちは、医療機関や大学などの研究施設と業務提携を行っています。そのひとつが、メリーランド州立大学(ボルチモア)との合弁会社University Medicines International, LLCで、合衆国で初めての州立大学と民間企業との合弁会社として知られ、新しいビジネスモデルとしても欧米で注目を集めています。 |
FindBioVenture http://www.findbioventure.com/html/vdata/20412-03.html
名称 | トランザイム(株) | ファイル No. | 20412-3 |
主題 | トランザイム社は応用ゲノム分析、タンパク質分析、薬剤開発に独自の技術を開発している。 | ||
概容 | トランザイム社の技術は、臨床的に関連のある生物系において、遺伝子の機能やタンパク質の発現を研究することを可能とするものである。TExT(テキスト:商標、Tranz Expression Technologyの略)は、任意の組織から得た分割中または分化後の哺乳動物細胞において遺伝子を効率的に発現させる方法である。トランザイム社のやり方では、様々な一次及び樹立細胞培養物、器官培養物、生きた動物の器官などにおいて、高レベルのタンパク質を空間的・時間的に調節して発現させることができる。レンチウイルスの遺伝特性に基づく同社のTranzVector(トランズベクター:商標)技術は、遺伝物質を染色体に取り込むものである。宿主は、送り込まれた遺伝子を自身のDNA複製の一部として発現する。レンチウイルスは、複製細胞又は休止細胞のDNA中に入り込む能力があることから、他の遺伝子送達法よりずっと有利となる。トランザイム社のTranzAssay(トランズアッセイ:商標)はTExTとTranzVectorを使って、現在薬剤発見に使用されているスクリーニング法に対して、細胞ベースの高性能分析系を組み立てる。同社はまず、嚢胞性線維症、眼病、神経障害、抗ウイルス療法、がんの分野での薬剤発見を促進することに焦点を当てている。トランザイム社は既得及び出願中合わせて8つの米国特許を持つと共に、8つの国際特許出願を持つ。 | ||
掲載日 | 4.12.2002 |
Tranzyme www.tranzyme.com
Tranzyme is a drug discovery and development company uniquely
focused on the treatment of diseases associated with the
neurosensory system including the eye, the ear and the brain.
Tranzyme has developed a proprietary functional biology platform
based on gene delivery and controlled expression from in vitro to
ex vivo to in vivo.
The Company’s proprietary technology
addresses critical needs in the drug discovery process by
introducing high quality biology and providing a seamless
transition through all phases of the discovery process. Tranzyme
is leveraging its technology through partnerships and internal
programs to drive the discovery and development of novel
therapeutics. The Company has already established over a dozen
strategic partnerships around the world and has secured access to
a number of important therapeutic targets for neurosensory
diseases. Tranzyme is initially focused on neuroprotection in
diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, and hearing loss.
TranzVectorTM: Tranzyme’s gene transfer technology based on
lentivirus genetics. TranzVector has the ability to integrate
into the DNA of all types of mammalian cells regardless of
whether the cells are multiplying or resting. Thus, target genes
can be delivered to cells of great commercial interest, including
stem cells, cardiovascular cells, endothelial cells, neurons,
retinal cells, and others. Once genes are delivered by
TranzVector, the cells have long-term expression of the
integrated genetic material.
TExTTM: Tranz Expression
Technology. Tranzyme’s gene expression
technology that permits high-level, spatially- and
temporally-regulated expression of genes in a variety of primary
and established cell cultures, in organ cultures, and in organs
of live animals. The breadth of applications for this technology
includes expression of proteins in clinically relevant cell types
for specialized assays, gene function discovery, target
validation and animal model development.
TranzAssayTM: Tranzyme’s assay development and drug discovery
technology. Reporter systems and event screens are used to detect
specific stimuli such as activation of signal transduction
pathways, proteolysis, and viral transcription and replication.
TranzAssay systems use multiple components and regulatory
sequences that often require delivery of a set of genes on
separate TranzVectors (in trans), resulting in the optimal and
regulated expression of the component genes.
TranzEmbryoTM: Tranzyme’s revolutionary technology to create
genetically modified (transgenic) animals.
This technology combines TranzVector and TExT platforms to clone
genes of interest into animal embryos. TranzEmbryo enables the
creation of animal models of disease in virtually any mammalian
species with extremely high (>50%) success rate.
DNA-Directed RNAi: The combination of gene silencing technology
(RNAi) and Tranzyme's gene delivery and expression technology
offers a revolutionary means of producing gene “knockdowns”
quickly and
The combined technologies will be ideal for both in vitro and in
vivo applications and will fast track the discovery and
validation of drug targets. Tranzyme’s technology enables siRNA
to be delivered in the form of DNA, thus bypassing inefficiencies
inherent in delivering RNA per se, ensuring long-term expression,
an attribute of particular value in the design of animal models
for drug discovery.
& Development
Neurosensory Drug Discovery: Tranzyme is building an intellectual
property portfolio of novel therapeutic targets and lead
compounds for applications in diseases associated with the
neurosensory system, including the eye, the ear, and the brain.
The Company will initially focus on neuroprotective mechanisms in
diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma, diabetic
retinopathy and hearing loss. Tranzyme’s strategy is to:
* Enter into partnerships with companies interested in the CNS
* Seek rights to targets and compound libraries for neurosensory
* Build specialized biological assays and animal models for
neurosensory diseases
* Screen compound libraries, late-stage therapeutics and approved
drugs for potential neurosensory indications
Gene Function
& Target Validation: The combination of gene delivery and
gene silencing (RNAi) technologies provide a vertical integration
of the discovery process from in vitro to ex vivo to in vivo, to
facilitate the understanding of gene function, provide target
validation and develop highly-specific assays for drug discovery.
Tranzyme’s technologies also permit
the co-expression of interacting proteins in a variety of
mammalian cells as the final validation of the relevance of the
protein interactions.
Assay Development & Drug Discovery: Tranzyme’s technologies are being used to build
assay systems that regulate delivered gene(s) to closely mimic
the biological setting. These assays will be used to can compound
libraries against the gene of interest using a clinically
relevant cell line. Tranzyme is initially focusing efforts on
accelerating drug discovery in neurosensory diseases,
neurodegenerative disorders, cystic fibrosis, and anti-HIV
Protein Expression: Tranzyme’s technologies are being
used for rapid high-level expression of properly folded proteins
in cell types that naturally express the protein of interest.
These proteins are likely to be superior to proteins expressed in
heterologous systems such as bacteria, yeast and insect cells,
and are potential drug targets in biochemical assays. Tranzyme
has successfully expressed soluble, secreted and integral
membrane proteins including GPCR's, ABC transporters, proteases,
deacetylases, kinases, nucleotide sugar transporters, and sulfate
Animal Models: The study of the neurosensory system and the brain
is limited by the lack of genetically modified animal models for
target validation, assay design and library screening. Tranzyme
is applying its TranzEmbryo technology in the creation of animal
models in mammalian species that could not be subjected
previously to genetic manipulation because of the limitations of
embryo transformation. Such animals include guinea pigs, rabbits,
ferrets and hamsters, which have particular relevance in modeling
the neurosensory system.
Corporate Partnerships
Tranzyme has established over a dozen industry partnerships
around the world. The Company has been a proven partner for a
number of biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies focused on
diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease and stroke.
Gene Function & Target Validation: In August 2001, Tranzyme
signed an agreement with NeoGenesis Drug Discovery, Inc. in the
areas of gene expression and protein function discovery. In
October 2001, Tranzyme entered into a broad collaboration with
the University of Utah Genome Center to jointly develop gene
libraries for gene function discovery and subsequent target
In February 2003, Tranzyme entered into a collaboration agreement
with Benitec, Ltd. (Queensland, Australia), a leader in high
throughput gene silencing technology. Tranzyme and Benitec will
jointly develop and market their gene silencing and gene delivery
technologies. The combined technologies provide a revolutionary
means of producing gene ‘knockdowns’ quickly and efficiently, ideal for both in
vitro and in vivo applications. The collaboration will target the
pharmaceutical industry and facilitate the discovery and
validation of drug targets.
The companies will also develop proprietary targets using the
combined technology for future joint drug discovery and
Assay Development & Drug Discovery: In October 2001, Tranzyme
announced a partnership with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Therapeutics, Inc., a non-profit affiliate of the Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation, to develop novel cell lines to be used for cystic
fibrosis (CF) drug discovery. Tranzyme will use its gene delivery
and expression technology to establish immortalized human
bronchial epithelial cell lines derived from normal individuals
and CF patients expressing varying levels of either mutant or
wild-type CFTR genes. The resulting cell lines will be available
to the CF research community for screening and drug discovery as
well as for Tranzyme’s internal drug discovery
In February 2002, Tranzyme announced the formation of a joint
collaboration with Gemin X Biotechnologies, Inc., (Montreal,
Quebec) to discover new drugs for the treatment of neurological
disorders using Gemin X’s proprietary
apoptosis-regulating gene technologies. These genes are expected
to have significant utility in treating diseases in which excess
apoptosis is the etiologic factor including stroke, head trauma,
Alzheimer’s disease and neurosensory
diseases. Tranzyme will develop cell-based assays and animal
models expressing mutant and wild-type versions of the gene in
order to validate its function. Gemin X and Tranzyme will then
use the cell-based assays and animal models to screen small
molecule drugs designed by Gemin X.
In May 2002, Tranzyme announced a license agreement and
multi-year research collaboration with Quark Biotech, Inc. (QBI).
QBI is an established genomics-based drug discovery company
working in a variety of disease indications. QBI is licensing
Tranzyme’s platform technologies to
further their R&D programs in gene function discovery, target
validation and lead identification. QBI is providing research
funding and will make milestone and royalty payments, as well as
an equity investment in Tranzyme. Tranzyme gains access to
certain proprietary targets, which the Company can develop for
its neurosensory drug discovery program.
Also in May 2002, Tranzyme entered into a partnership with
Targacept, Inc. to develop a novel bioassay for CNS drug
discovery. The novel cell-based assay will express nicotinic
acetylcholine receptors provided by Targacept. These receptors
are implicated in a variety of neurodegenerative diseases. The
bioassay will be critical for discovering compounds that have a
neuroprotective function. Tranzyme will retain rights to develop
and utilize the bioassay for its internal neurosensory drug
discovery efforts.
In September 2002, Tranzyme announced a strategic alliance with
BD Technologies (Becton, Dickinson & Co.), which is expected
to lead to the development and commercialization of novel
products for drug discovery as well as cell and tissue
engineering. BD Technologies will access Tranzyme’s proprietary gene delivery and expression
technologies and explore the utility of Tranzyme’s technologies in specific cell types of
interest. BD Technologies will have rights to market products
resulting from the use of Tranzyme technology, with Tranzyme
receiving a fee from the sale of each product. In addition,
Tranzyme gains access to undisclosed intellectual property for
its internal drug discovery programs.
In March 2003, Tranzyme was awarded funding from the Institute
for the Study of Aging to develop cellular and animal model
systems for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Tranzyme
will use its proprietary TranzVector gene delivery system to
create neuronal cell lines expressing single or multiple
AD-related genes for use in high-throughput assays of
beta-amyloid production. Using similar technology, Tranzyme will
create rapid and inexpensive non-transgenic mouse models for AD
drug discovery. In addition, Tranzyme will create a transgenic
rat model for AD.
Protein Expression: Tranzyme is working with Active Pass
Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and others to deliver ABC transporter genes
into various mammalian cell lines and to express and purify the
resulting proteins using tranz expression technology (TExT).
Genetically Modified Animals: Tranzyme has entered into a
partnership to develop TranzEmbryo technology with Ozgene Pty,
Ltd. (Canning Vale, WA, Australia). Ozgene will employ
TranzEmbryo to create genetically modified mice and rats for the
global research market.
June 5, 2003
Tranzyme 解説
Receives Equity Investment from the Biggest Japanese CRO, SNBL
Tranzyme, Inc., a drug discovery company
focused on the diseases of the neurosensory system, announced
today that it received an equity investment from Shin
Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL) Group of Tokyo , Japan . The
SNBL Group is investing US $1 million in Tranzyme stock. In
addition to the equity investment, the two companies have
initiated discussions to establish a broad strategic alliance.
Additional terms of the investment were not disclosed.
SNBL was established in 1957 as the first pharmaceutical contract
research organization (CRO) in Japan . Since that time SNBL has
evolved into an international full service CRO, offering quality
research services at every stage of the drug development process.
Today, SNBL is Japan ’s largest CRO and has an
international presence with operations in the US and Europe .
SNBL offers services from exploratory drug efficacy and safety
testing, through clinical development, to submission and beyond.
“We made this equity investment in Tranzyme
because we are impressed by their unique focus on diseases of the
neurosensory system, areas in which SNBL Group has considerable
internal expertise,” commented Ryoichi Nagata,
M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of SNBL Group. “In addition, we are confident in the
management's ability to leverage their expertise to establish
valuable drug discovery partnerships. We see potential synergies
with Tranzyme’s drug discovery efforts
as the SNBL Group has state-of-the-art proteomics technology
(NanoSolution, Inc.) and a unique nasal drug delivery system
(Translational Research, Ltd.).”
The proceeds
from this financing will go towards accelerating Tranzyme’s drug discovery programs in the
neurosensory area. Through its current industry partnerships,
Tranzyme has secured access to druggable targets and compound
libraries that have potential implications in diseases associated
with vision, hearing, balance, taste and smell. This financing
will provide the capital needed to refine the unique neurosensory
assay systems required for these targets thereby enhancing the
screening of therapeutic candidates.
“The relationship with SNBL will allow
Tranzyme to advance its business objectives on several fronts,” said Vipin K. Garg, Ph.D., President &
CEO of Tranzyme, Inc. “In addition to providing
financial resources, SNBL brings comprehensive GLP pre-clinical
testing and development capabilities that meet global regulatory
standards. These capabilities will be critical to Tranzyme as we
identify our own lead compounds and progress them towards
clinical development during the next year.”
Shin Nippon
Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL) Group was founded in 1957 and is
recognized as the first and foremost Contract Research
Organization (CRO) in Japan with both preclinical and clinical
capabilities. Based on a preclinical foundation, the Group now
offers full-service worldwide drug development capabilities,
providing the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries with
the highest quality research services available at every stage of
the drug development process, from early phase discovery through
to post marketing stage. The Group has expanded beyond CRO
operations to include NanoSolution, Inc. and Translational
Research, Ltd. NanoSolution, Inc. offers high-speed nanoscale
proteomic analysis in post-genome research, using a direct
nanoflow HPLC system with the world’s highest throughput.
Translational Research, Ltd. provides impetus and support for
research at universities and private enterprises and utilizes
SNBL’s internal preclinical and clinical
capabilities to lead drug development through licensing to the
pharmaceutical sector. Its first application is in the field of
intranasal insulin delivery system. For more information about
SNBL Group visit www.snbl.com.
Tranzyme, Inc. is a privately held drug discovery and development
company uniquely focused on the treatment of diseases associated
with the neurosensory system including the eye, the ear and the
brain. Tranzyme has developed a proprietary functional biology
platform for compound screening and drug discovery. Tranzyme is
leveraging its technology through partnerships and internal
programs to drive the discovery and development of novel
therapeutics. The Company has already established a dozen
strategic partnerships around the world and has secured access to
a number of important therapeutic targets for neurosensory
diseases. For more information about Tranzyme visit www.tranzyme.com
杏林製薬株式会社(社長荻原郁夫)は、この度、リード探索およびリード最適化に関する受託研究機関であるディスカバリーパートナーズインターナショナルインク(社長・COO Taylor Crouch)と創薬シーズの探索における委託研究契約を締結いたしました。
● ディスカバリーパートナーズインターナショナル社の概要
会社名 | :Discovery Partners International, Inc. |
代表者 | :Taylor Crouch (President & COO) |
所在地 | :San Diego, California(米国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ) |
設立 | :1995年 |
従業員 | :236名 |
売上高 | :$41.3MM |
株式 | :2000年7月NASDAQ上場 |
リード最適化研究 http://www.fuji-ric.co.jp/report/200305/topics1.html
[A] 病気の機序の理解・薬のターゲットとなるタンパク質の同定 [B] ターゲットタンパク質と結合する化合物候補(リード化合物とよばれる)の探索および最適化 [C] 薬物動態(体内における吸収、分布、代謝、排出)や毒性などの前臨床試験・臨床試験 ゲノムは「生命の設計図」ともいわれるように、タンパク質の1次構造(アミノ酸配列)を規定する遺伝子の集合である。ゲノム創薬とは、このゲノムの情報を土台として上記の創薬の各ステップの高度化・効率化をはかることを指す。たとえばステップ[A]においては、ある疾病の患者と健常者の遺伝子情報をマイクロサテライトやSNPs(一塩基多型)といった多型情報として抽出し、相関をとることにより、その疾病の原因となる遺伝子を特定することが可能となる(ゲノムワイド相関解析)。
Discovery Partners International http://www.discoverypartners.com/
Partners International, Inc. (Nasdaq: DPII) is a leader in drug
discovery collaborations. DPI offers integrated services,
products, and systems that span the drug discovery continuum,
including target characterization, targeted and screening-library
design and synthesis, high throughput and high content screening,
lead generation and optimization, gene expression analysis, and
protein crystallization. DPI has actively contributed to dozens
of drug discovery collaborations, working on many of the most
promising new biological target areas for the biotech and
pharmaceutical industries. Discovery Partners International is
headquartered in San Diego, California and has operations in the
United States and Europe.
Operational Structure
Discovery Partners is organized into three discovery units,
working closely together to support the discovery process from
target validation through to optimize leads for IND submission.
The company's units comprise the following:
Integrated Drug Discovery: Focused on executing
multi-disciplinary collaborations aimed at discovering and
optimizing new therapeutic drug leads. This unit specializes in:
Lead finding (utilizing high throughput, high content, and in
silico screening); Lead optimization (utilizing medicinal
chemistry, biology, and computational modeling inputs); and, In
vitro toxicology (utilizing our Xenometrics gene expression
profiling technologies).
Discovery Chemistry: Comprising the former
ChemRx organization, dedicated to providing outsourced chemistry
capabilities to the pharmaceutical and biotech industries and to
fulfilling the chemistry needs of DPI's IDD customers. This unit
regularly provides custom, novel chemistry libraries of drug-like
compounds, designed, synthesized, purified, and scaled to meet
specific industry lead finding requirements.
Discovery Systems: Comprising IRORI
combinatorial chemistry products, Crystal Farm・automated crystal incubation systems, ARCS・ultra-high throughput screening systems,
and related services designed to enable our customers to transfer
or acquire our technologies to enhance their own internal
capabilities in drug discovery.