Oct 2, 2011 arabnews.com 

First solar power plant opens in Farasan

An array of solar panels are seen at the Farasan solar plant in Jazan. (SPA)

Abdullah bin Mohammed Al-Suwayed, undersecretary of Jazan governorate, on Saturday inaugurated the first solar energy plant in the Kingdom to generate electricity with a capacity of 500 kilowatts.

Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) established the plant in collaboration with Japanese Showa Shell. SEC's Chief Executive Officer Ali Saleh Al-Barrak, Saudi Aramco President Khalid Al-Falih and the Japanese Ambassador to the Kingdom Shigeru Endo attended the inauguration.

The establishment of the solar power plant comes in line with SEC's efforts to introduce clean energy and save the transfer of equivalent of 28,000 barrels of diesel to the Farasan Island, southwest Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia hopes to reduce its use of fossil fuels that it would rather export by building nuclear and renewable power plants. The Farasan project should reduce diesel burning for power generation on the island.

Under the agreement, Showa Shell will own the project for up to 15 years, after which the assets will be transferred to SEC. Royal Dutch Shell owns one-third (33.24%)of Showa Shell, while Saudi Aramco holds about 14.96 percent.

2011/10/1 日本経済新聞










サウジ電力会社(Saudi Electricity Company)と昭和シェル石油(社長:新井純、本社:東京都港区台場2-3-2、以下:昭和シェル石油)は、サウジアラビア王国ファラサン島内の 500キロワット規模の太陽光発電所の運営に関するMOU(Memorandum of Understanding)を締結しましたのでお知らせします。 このパイロット・プラントは、ソーラーフロンティア株式会社(社長:亀田繁明、本社:東京都港区台場2-3-2、以下:ソーラーフロンティア)がかねてより建設を進めてきたもので、近々設置を完了し、稼働を開始します。同プラントは、ファラサン島にあるサウジ電力会社の「ファラサン・ディーゼル発電所」内にあり、将来に消費される約28,000バレルの軽油に相当する発電量が見込まれることから、燃料の供給コストの削減や島内の環境保全にも貢献する事ができます。なお、同プラントは、サウジアラビア王国内で初めての遠隔地における系統連係システムです。




サウジ電力会社の社長兼最高責任者であるアリ・アルバラック(Ali Al-Barrak, SEC President and CEO)は、次のように述べています。「ファラサン島のパイロット・プラントの出力は、年間864,000キロワット時を見込んでいます。このたびのソーラーフロンティアとの協力体制により我々は、サウジ電力会社のエネルギー資源ポートフォリオにおける太陽光の大きな可能性を確信しました。」



サウジ電力会社(SEC)は、2000年に設立した株式会社で、サウジアラビア政府が74.3%、サウジアラムコが6.9%、一般株主が18.8%の株式を保有しています。サウジアラビア王国において電力の発電、送電、配電を行っており、2009年12月末日時点で、約45,000MWの発電能力、 110kVから380kVの高電圧の送電網を42,703cct-km(サーキット・km)、161,229MVA能力の変圧機1.758台を含む変電所 609箇所、142,506MVA能力の配電変圧機306,107台、346,139cct-kmの配電網を有します。また、政府、産業、農業、商業、住宅など多様な分野における顧客約5,701,516件の取り扱い実績を有します。


ソーラーフロンティア株式会社は昭和シェル石油株式会社(5002, T)の100%子会社であり、CIS薄膜太陽電池の生産・販売を行っています。世界最大規模となる宮崎県の第3工場(国富工場:年産900MW)は、 2011年2月より商業生産を開始しており、2011年夏頃にはフル生産体制に移行する予定です。既に稼働している宮崎第1工場および宮崎第2工場と合わせて、約1GW(1,000MW)のCIS薄膜太陽電池の年産能力の確立を目指しています。
ソーラーフロンティア株式会社が生産・販売するCIS薄膜太陽電池は、銅、インジウム、セレンを使用して、当社の独自技術で生産する次世代太陽電池であり、経済効率が高く、環境に優しいことが特徴です。太陽電池の設置容量(kW)あたりの実発電量(kWh)が従来型のものに比較して高い(年間発電量で約 8%の差、当社調べ)だけでなく、原料からリサイクル処理まで高い環境意識で設計・生産されています。また、黒一色のデザインが評価され、内閣総理大臣表彰「第2回ものづくり日本大賞」で優秀賞(製品・技術開発部門)、財団法人日本産業デザイン振興会が主催する「2007年グッドデザイン賞」では特別賞エコロジーデザイン賞を受賞しました。


昭和シェル石油株式会社(5002, T)は東京証券取引所の上場会社で、エネルギー産業における100年以上の歴史を持つ企業です。
















2009/5/29 昭和シェル石油、太陽電池事業 1600億円投資



Jacobs Wins Contract with InoChem for in Saudi Arabia

Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.  announced today it was awarded the second phase of InoChem’s project management consultancy (PMC) services contract to undertake, among other important activities, the development of its soda ash and calcium chloride manufacturing complex in Yanbu Industrial City, Saudi Arabia.

Under the terms of the agreement, Jacobs is providing PMC services during all phases of the project. The services are being led and closely supervised by Jacobs’ Al-Khobar office, with work being executed out of multiple locations around the world and specialist support from its offices in Shanghai, Abu Dhabi and Antwerp.

InoChem is the first manufacturer of soda ash in Saudi Arabia and the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf region, as well as the biggest manufacturer of calcium chloride in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

In making the announcement, Abdul Aziz Yahya Al-Muaiyyad, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of IDEA Soda Ash & Calcium Chloride Co. (ISACC), said the signing is just another important milestone in the overall development of the project progressing on time and on track. “We are delighted to continue working with Jacobs on our manufacturing complex in Yanbu Industrial City, where we are building one of the Kingdom’s strategic projects to diversify economy and reduce dependence on oil exports. Not only will the project contribute to industry developments through supplying its products to a number of downstream manufacturing projects, it will also contribute to achieving a Saudization rate of up to 75 percent of the total workforce,” he said.

Jacobs’ Group Vice President Bassim Shebaro stated, "Jacobs has been involved with the InoChem project since commencing work on the concept phase, and we are proud to have been selected to continue our work on one of the most strategic projects in the Kingdom.” He added, “Our services are being led from our Saudi operations, which further demonstrates our commitment to Saudization through the recruitment, training and development of local Saudi talent, in line with InoChem priorities.”

ISACC is a Saudi limited liability company based in Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia. ISACC is leading the development and establishment of InoChem (Saudi joint stock company) to own, build and operate the industrial complex. The industrial complex operations are planned to commence in 2018.

Jacobs is one of the world's largest and most diverse providers of technical professional and construction services.


ISACC is the pre-incorporation legal entity to develop and form Khair Inorganic Chemical Industries Co. "InoChem", a Saudi investment being founded by IDEA International for Investment and Development Company, MEDA Chemical Group , and a group of businessmen and major investment companies. InoChem will own, construct, and operate a greenfield Soda Ash and Calcium Chloride Industrial Complex in Yanbu Industrial City, Saudi Arabia. The Project, which is scheduled to start up early 2018, will be the first producer of Soda Ash in the GCC and the largest producer of both Soda Ash and Calcium Chloride in the MENA region.

Since the conceptualization of the project, ISACC has taken various steps and commissioned several studies (technical, financial and market) on Soda Ash and Calcium Chloride to establish the feasibility of the project in Saudi Arabia. The Project development is now at an advanced stage and all the necessary industrial licenses, project land, natural gas, heavy fuel oil, and utilities allocation have been secured. All licenses and allocations obtained by ISACC for the purposes of the Project will be novated to InoChem upon its formation.

The industrial complex will include a factory for the production of 300,000 tons of Soda Ash, which considered the first of its kind in the Gulf region and the largest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The complex also includes a calcium chloride plant that is considered the largest in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region with an annual capacity of 300,000 tons. InoChem will also include advanced processing and recycling units to ensure achieving highest level of environmental protection standards and cost optimization. It will be developed in accordance with the best international standards in such industry, achieving the highest level of safety, health, environmental protection and quality standards.

Saudi Arabia’s soda ash consumption is expected to reach about 627,000 tons annually by 2018 (394,000 tons in 2013 actual) and about 187,000 tons of calcium chloride (165,000 tons in 2013 actual), both of which are currently being imported from abroad. Soda Ash is used in the manufacturing of glass, detergents, and inorganic chemicals, while calcium chloride is mainly used in the drilling and exploration of oil and gas fields.

First solar power plant opens in Farasan

Softbank to Build World’s Biggest Solar Park in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia and SoftBank Group Corp. signed a memorandum of understanding to build a $200 billion (約21兆円)solar power development that’s exponentially larger than any other project.

SoftBank founder Masayoshi Son, known for backing ambitious endeavors with flair, unveiled the project Tuesday in New York at a ceremony with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman. The powerful heir to the throne of the world’s largest crude exporter is seeking to diversify the economy and wean off a dependence on oil.

At 200 gigawatts, the project planned for the Saudi desert would be about 100 times larger than the next biggest proposed development, according to data compiled by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

“It’s a huge step in human history,” Prince Mohammed said. “It’s bold, risky and we hope we succeed doing that.”

Son said he envisions the project, which runs the gamut from power generation to panel and equipment manufacturing, will create as many as 100,000 jobs and shave $40 billion off power costs. The development will reach its maximum capacity by 2030 and may cost close to $1 billion a gigawatt, he said.

“The kingdom has great sunshine, great size of available land and great engineers, great labor, but most importantly, the best and greatest vision,” Son told reporters at a briefing.

The agreement deepens SoftBank’s ties with the Saudi Arabia, and advances the crown prince’s ambition to diversify its economy.

“SoftBank seeks investment and Saudi needs energy, so it may make sense to sort the financing out in a large block and then separately hammer out the phases and the technical details,” said Jenny Chase, head of solar analysis at BNEF. “It is worth noting that many of these memorandums of understanding do not result in anything happening. ”

SoftBank was said to be planning to invest as much as $25 billion in Saudi Arabia over the next three to four years. That’s a boost for Prince Mohammed, who’s been at the forefront of the Vision 2030 campaign to diversify the kingdom’s economy away from oil by that year. SoftBank is said to have aimed to deploy as much as $15 billion in a new city called Neom, which the crown prince plans to build on the Red Sea coast.

The Japanese company’s Vision Fund is also said to plan investments of as much as $10 billion in state-controlled Saudi Electricity Co. as part of efforts to diversify the utility into renewables and solar energy.

Son, who is known as a savvy investor with a flair for the spotlight, has been promoting clean energy since the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster and recently completed a 50-megawatt wind power farm in Mongolia. He has also pushed a plan dubbed “Asia Super Grid,” a plan to connect Asian nations by grids and undersea cables to distribute clean energy.

The kingdom’s deal-making has quickened as it pursues Prince Mohammed’s diversification goals. Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund, which has more than $224 billion in assets, spent about $54 billion on investments last year. The sale of about a 5 percent stake in oil giant Saudi Arabian Oil Co. is expected to provide more funds.

Saudi Arabia also plans to build at least 16 nuclear reactors over the next 25 years at a cost of more than $80 billion. Electricity demand in the country has risen by as much as 9 percent a year since 2000, according to BNEF.



Saudi Sipchem, Sahara sign binding deal for merger

Saudi International Petrochemical Co. (Sipchem) and Sahara Petrochemical Co. have entered into a legally binding agreement governing the terms and conditions for implementing a business merger of equals, the companies said in separate bourse statements.

Sipchem will be making a recommended offer to acquire all the issued shares in Sahara in exchange for the issuance of new shares in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations of the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and Companies Regulations. 

A total of 366.67 million new Sipchem shares will be issued for Sahara shareholders at an exchange ratio of about 0.84 new Sipchem shares for each share of Sahara.

Sipchem’s capital is going to increase to 733.33 million shares after the conclusion of the deal, whereby Sahara shareholders will own 366.67 shares of the new company representing 50 percent of total capital.

Ahmed Alohali, the current CEO of Sipchem, will hold the same position at the new combined group, while Saheh Bahamdan, Sahara’s current chief executive, will be the operations manager. 

Both parties have agreed to withhold cash dividend from the date of the implementation until the completion of the deal unless the distribution policy matches the ones approved at the time. In that case, dividend distributed for the second half of 2018 shouldn’t exceed SAR 240 million for each company’s shareholders.   

The distributing company will also have to meet the statutory reserve requirements and any other required reserves. 

Both parties will negotiate in good faith, distributing dividend to their shareholders if the deal is not concluded by June 30, 2018, to avoid any changes to the swap agreement. 

Upon completion of the transaction, Sahara shares will be delisted from Tadawul and will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sipchem, the statement added. 

On Oct. 3, Sipchem and Sahara signed a non-binding memorandum of understanding (MoU) to carry out a merger, whereby the former will fully acquire the latter via share swap, Argaam previously reported. 


2013年12月にサウジの石油化学会社  Saudi International Petrochemical Company (通称 Sipchem) と Sahara Petrochemical Company の2社は両社の合併に向けMOUを締結した。2013年6月から交渉してきたもの。

サウジ政府のGeneral Retirement Organization とAl Zamil 一族のAl Zamil Holding Group がSipchem とSahara の大株主となっている。


2014/6/12 サウジの石油化学 2社の合併 中止