2006/9/28 信越化学、300mmウエハー生産能力の大幅増強を決定
地域 | 会社名 | |
日本 | 信越半導体 | |
北米 | S.E.H.アメリカ | |
アジア | 台湾 | 台湾信越半導体 |
マレーシア | S.E.H.マレーシア S.E.H. (Shah Alam) |
英国 | S.E.H.ヨーロッパ |
SUMCOは住友金属工業のシチックス事業本部(旧 住友シチックス、当初は大阪チタニウム)と三菱マテリアルシリコン(旧 チッソ電子化学+日本電子金属)が2002年に事業統合したもので、当初の社名は三菱住友シリコン。2005年8月に現社名に改称した。
シリコンウェハーの製造では米国に SUMCO Phoenix、SUMCO Southwest、フランスにSUMCO France、インドネシアに SUMCO Indonesia をもっている。
51%、台湾プラスチックグループ が49%を出資し、麦寮の台塑工業園区に230億円を投じて月産10万枚の300mmシリコンウェハー工場を建設中。
Siltronic AGはWacker
Chemie の子会社でMunich
現在、Wacker が Siltronic を米国の投資会社 Francisco Partners に売却する交渉を行っているとの噂が流れている。.
Chemical が米国でシリコン製造のためMonsanto Electronic Materials Company
Nobel Silicon がイタリアにシリコン工場を建設している。
1989年にドイツのVEBAの子会社 Huls がMonsanto から同社を買収、別途1987年に買収したDynamit Nobel Silicon と合併させ、MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc とした。MEMCのブランドが有名なため、この名前を残した。
1995年にNew York で上場、その後もHuls は72%の株を持っていたが、Huls の親会社 VEBA が VIAG と統合して E. On になり、E. On は同社の売却を決め、2001年にTexas Pacific Groupに全持株を売却した。Texas Pacific はその後、大部分を売却し、25%を保有している。
MEMCは1991年に韓国で三星電子、Pohang Iron & Steel とのJVのPosco Huls を設立した。 2000年に MEMC はPohang Iron & Steel の持株を買収して80%の株主となり、社名をMEMC Korea Company.と改称した。
また、1994年には台湾で China Steel その他とのJV、Taisil Electronic Materials, Inc.を設立した。2005年には台湾初の300mm ウェーハをスタートさせた。
1995年にはTexas Instruments とのJV、MEMC Southwest, Inc.を設立し、Texas Instruments の既存プラントを活用している。
2006/9/20 300mmウエハー生産能力早期大幅増強を決定
(信越化学 2004/12/22
信越半導体 300mmウエハー生産能力を国内外で大増設
→ 前倒しで完了し、グループ全体で現在月産70万枚に引き上げた。
日本経済新聞 2005/10/15
300ミリウエハー SUMCO、生産能力2倍 月産70万枚に 2009年までに1300億円投資
平成13年6月26日 公正取引委員会
1 本件の概要
(1) 本件は,住友金属,三菱マテリアル及びその100%子会社である三菱マテリアルシリコン(株)(以下「三菱MS」という。)が,経営資源の効率的利用等を目的として,次世代の300mmシリコンウエハー(以下「300mmウエハー」という。)を含め,両社のシリコンウエハー事業全体を統合しようとするものである。
(注) 住友金属,三菱マテリアル及び三菱MSは,平成11年3月,共同出資会社である潟Vリコン・ユナイテッド・マニュファクチュアリング(以下「SUMCO 」という。)を設立し,シリコンウエハーのうち次世代の300mmウエハーについて,技術開発及び試作品用生産設備の管理・運営を共同で行っている。(2)シリコンウエハーとは,半導体回路の基板となる円盤状の材料であり,ユーザーである半導体メーカーがこれを加工・切断して,ダイオード,トランジスタ,IC(集積回路),LSI(大規模集積回路)などの電子機器用のシリコンチップにしている。
2 独占禁止法上の考え方
ア 販売金額シェアで10%を超す競争業者が複数存在し,そのうち1社は20%を超す競争業者であること。また,複数の海外の有力メーカーが国内に参入し,生産拠点を持っていること
イ ユーザーは大手半導体メーカー等であり,その価格交渉力は強く,シリコンウエハー価格も年々下落傾向にあること
ウ ユーザーは,競争的価格での購入等を目的として,複数のメーカーからシリコンウエハーを購入していること【※1】1999年7月、住友金属工業(株)、三菱マテリアル(株)、三菱マテリアルシリコンの共同出資により、300mmシリコンウェーハの開発・製造会社として(株)シリコンユナイテッドマニュファクチュアリングが設立。
商号:コマツ電子金属株式会社 (Komatsu Electronic
Metals Co. , Ltd.)
代表者:代表取締役社長 阿部 隆司
売上高:866億円 (2006年3月期)
台湾子会社に300mmウェーハ工場を建設 平成17年1月14日
コマツ電子金属(社長 池田邦雄、本社 長崎県大村市)は、今般台湾プラスチックグループとの合弁会社である当社連結子会社の台湾小松電子材料股イ分有限公司(英語名略称:FKS)に、300mmウェーハ工場の建設を決定しました。
<FKSの概要>1)会社名 :台湾小松電子材料股イ分有限公司
3)設 立 :1995年11月21日
4)資本金 :42億6,875万新台湾ドル
5)出資比率:コマツ電子金属・・・51% 台湾プラスチックグループ・・・49%
6)代表者 :董事長:王 永慶 総経理:滝口 蓮一
7)所在地 :台湾雲林縣麦寮郷台塑工業園区10号
MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc.
Dynamit Nobel Silicon (DNS) builds a plant in Merano, Italy. DNS
would later combine with Monsanto Electronic Materials Company to
form "MEMC" in 1989.
MEMC is a leading global supplier of wafers to the semiconductor industry. Wafers are the fundamental building block on which nearly all microelectronic applications are made. These applications, or “devices”, make possible the Internet and electronic commerce, computers, consumer electronics, automobiles, telecommunications, industrial automation and control systems, and analytical and defense systems.
MEMC operates nine manufacturing facilities in every key semiconductor region in the world, including Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Europe, and the United States. MEMC's diversity of manufacturing locations ensures a presence in all major semiconductor markets. This has been our strategy since the company's inception over 40 years ago as the first merchant manufacturer of silicon wafers in the world!
On August 6, 1959, St. Louis, Missouri-based Monsanto Chemical Company announced a new ultra-pure "Silicon Metal" electronics division. Construction began immediately on a manufacturing plant in rural St. Charles County, approximately 30 miles west of Monsanto headquarters. The plant was designed to produce silicon "used in the manufacture of transistors and rectifiers". The new business venture, Monsanto Electronic Materials Company, was a culmination of several years of research at two of Monsanto's labs in St. Louis and Dayton, Ohio.
According to the original press release, the rural location of the facility was chosen because, "The nature of ultra-pure silicon is such that it must be manufactured in an area where the atmosphere is free from even the slightest impurities". Today, the St. Peters plant is the largest of MEMC's facilities and serves as the corporate world headquarters. It is also serves as the world headquarters for MEMC's research and development.
The first silicon wafer produced in 1959 was 19mm in diameter!
The 1960's marked a period of steady growth for the company and solidified MEMC's reputation as a technology leader. It was a time of true pioneering work by MEMC scientists in electronic materials. In fact, much of their work remains an industry standard even today. One of these innovations was Chemical Mechanical Polishing. Wafer polishing quickly became a flatness standard because customers were striving for smaller, faster circuits. Over the course of the decade, one-inch wafers eventually gave way to 1.5" wafers. Epitaxial deposition made its first appearance at MEMC in 1966. However, the big story of the '60s, and widely considered a pioneering breakthrough in silicon materials science, was the discovery of Zero Dislocation silicon crystals by MEMC Fellow, Dr. Horst Kramer.
The fact that MEMC and the semiconductor industry experienced simultaneous and sustained growth during the 70's was no coincidence. As the demand for smaller, faster, integrated circuits surged, MEMC added capacity in 1970 with the construction of the Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia facility. Within a few years, MEMC would add crystal and polishing capacity at the St. Peters plant. The 70's were also about technology advancement, as wafer diameters progressed from 2.25" to 5" (125mm) in 1979. Throughout the decade, MEMC helped the silicon industry progress with further Chemical Mechanical Polishing, Zero-D crystal, and wafer flatness innovations.
In the 80's, MEMC continued to forge the technology roadmap. MEMC was the first to commercially introduce 150mm diameter wafers in 1981. A new, state-of-the-art, manufacturing facility was built in Spartanburg, South Carolina to handle the growing demand for silicon wafers. Then in 1982, MEMC pioneered Epi for CMOS applications, a major turning point in the semiconductor industry. By applying an epitaxial layer to the surface of a silicon wafer, MEMC made more advanced applications possible. In 1983, MEMC constructed the Utsunomiya, Japan plant, becoming the first non-Japanese wafer maker with manufacturing and research facilities in Japan. The following year, MEMC became the first wafer manufacturer to commercially produce 200mm diameter wafers, once again, an industry leader.
After 30 years as a division of agricultural and chemical giant Monsanto, the electronic materials division began a new era under the ownership of Huls AG, a subsidiary of VEBA AG. In April 1989, Huls consolidated the former Monsanto division with Dynamit Nobel Silicon Holdings, Inc. (DNS) which had been acquired by Huls in 1987. The new company name: MEMC Electronic Materials, Inc. The DNS Novara and Merano, Italy facilities became part of the MEMC family. The abbreviated moniker of Monsanto Electronic Materials Company, "MEMC", was retained due to brand name equity and customer recognition. A year later, the MEMC World Headquarters was moved from Palo Alto, California, to St. Peters, Missouri.
The new MEMC experienced explosive growth in the nineties through technological innovation and strategic partner alliances. In 1991, MEMC again demonstrated silicon leadership as one of the first wafer suppliers to manufacture 300mm wafers. That same year, the "Posco Huls Company" (PHC) joint venture was created between MEMC, Samsung Electronics, LTD and Pohang Iron & Steel Co., LTD. The Chonan facility was built to produce 200mm wafers primarily for the Korean market. Three years later, "Taisil Electronic Materials, Inc." (Taisil) was established as a joint venture in Taiwan between MEMC, China Steel, and others. Taisil built the facility in the Hsinchu Science Park in order to serve the growing Taiwan semiconductor market. In 1995, MEMC forged yet another strategic alliance with Texas Instruments called "MEMC Southwest, Inc.". MEMC Southwest began operations by utilizing an existing 6" TI facility. Several years later, 200mm capacity was added with a new, separate, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility.
Because polysilicon is the primary raw material for all silicon wafer manufacturers, MEMC purchased a granular polysilicon production facility from Albemarle Corporation and renamed the enterprise "MEMC Pasadena, Inc.", in 1995. Granular polysilicon provides inherent efficiencies and cost advantages over traditional chunk polysilicon. Furthermore, MEMC believes granular polysilicon has unique advantages in the production of 300mm wafers.
The highlight of the 1990's was MEMC stock trading on the New York Stock Exchange under "WFR". The Initial Public Offering on July 12, 1995 raised more than $440 million dollars in capital. VEBA AG retained a majority interest in MEMC following the IPO and throughout the 90's.
Unfortunately, and much like the entire semiconductor industry, MEMC experienced volatile and negative business conditions in 1998 and 1999. A severe drop in consumer electronics demand, coupled with worldwide over-capacity, forced MEMC (and the silicon industry) into a devastating downturn. However, MEMC survived one of the longest and most severe downturns in history with the title, "Biggest financial turnaround in electronic materials history", according to Rose Associates.
In 1999, parent company and largest shareholder VEBA AG, announced that it had merged with VIAG AG to form one of Europe's largest conglomerates, E.ON AG. In connection with the merger, E.ON decided to divest of all non-core businesses in order to focus on energy. Also in 1999, the Company received a record number of patents. Sixty-two patents were issued worldwide with half being issued in the United States. Two of the most important products developed and presented with base patents were MDZ, and Perfect SiliconTM. Perfect SiliconTM brand wafers are a breakthrough in silicon technology by eliminating crystal defects at the wafer surface and throughout the wafer bulk.
In October 2000, MEMC purchased the 40% interest in PHC from Pohang, Iron & Steel Company, increasing its ownership to 80%. As a result, the joint venture was re-named "MEMC Korea Company".
On November 13, 2001, Texas Pacific Group and its co-investors, entered into an agreement with E.ON AG to purchase E.ON's 72% interest in MEMC and all of E.ON's outstanding loans to MEMC. Founded in 1993, Texas Pacific Group is a private investment partnership with capital of more than $8 billion. The partnership also has close ties to the semiconductor industry. Other technology companies in their substantial portfolio are; On Semiconductor, Seagate, Globespan, and Gemplus. In addition, they also have invested in a much broader range of industries including, Del Monte Foods, J. Crew, Punch Taverns, Bally, Ducati Motorcycles, Oxford Health Plans, and Magellan Health Services. Together with TPG, our goal is to advance MEMC's global position and to secure our place amongst the leaders in the semiconductor industry.
On February 24, 2005, TPG Wafer Holdings LLC, completes the sale(s) of 85,000,000 shares of common stock. TPG's beneficial ownership of the company's common stock is reduced from 63% to approximately 25%.
On August 30, 2005, MEMC celebrated the start of 300mm wafer production at its Taisil facility in Hsinshu, Taiwan with a traditional "Ribbon Cutting" ceremony. MEMC now becomes the first producer of 300mm wafers in Taiwan.
Siltronic posts profit amid polysilicon boom
Mark LaPedus
EE Times
(03/17/2006 8:58 PM EST)
SAN JOSE, Calif. ? Amid strong demand for its polysilicon products in the solar market, Wacker-Chemie AG’s silicon wafer unit on Friday (March 17) said that it returned to profitability on growing sales for 2005.
The silicon wafer unit, Siltronic AG (Munich, Germany), reported an EBIT of 5.8 million euros ($7.1 million) in 2005, compared to a loss of 100.7 million euros ($122.8 million) in 2004.
Silitronic generated sales of 925 million euros ($1.1 billion) in 2005, up 13.7 percent from 813.7 million euros ($992.5 million) in 2004.
In the 300-mm wafer segment, the unit’s volume growth was far above the overall average at 69 percent. And it benefited from a series of cost-cutting measures over the years.
For example, the closure of two 200-mm production sites in 2003 and 2004 boosted capacity utilization rates at lines in Singapore, Hikari, Japan, and Portland, Ore., in 2005, according to the company. Another turnaround factor was the expansion of 300-mm capacity at its factory in Freiberg, Germany.
It’s been a topsy-turvy time for Siltronic, which shelved its initial public offering in Germany in 2004. Despite the growth, the company has been losing ground to other silicon wafer makers, including MEMC, SEH and SUMCO.
Wacker Chemie is also said to be in talks to sell its wafer making subsidiary, Siltronic, with U.S. investment firm Francisco Partners being among interested parties, according to a recent report.ーーー
Wacker-Chemie GmbH(以下「Wacker-Chemie」)グループは、新日本製鐵株式会社(以下「新日鐵」)が保有するワッカー・エヌエスシーイー株式会社(以下「WNC」)の株式全部(発行済株式総数の45%)を本年9月30日までに買い取ります。これによりWacker-ChemieグループがWNCの全株式を保有することとなります。
Wacker-Chemieグループは、日本市場の重要性を充分に認識し、今後ともWNCを通じて日本における事業基盤を強化・拡充していく方針であり、WNCはこうした方針のもとに、アルゴンアニール品や次世代を見据えて開発を進めているSOI (Silicon on Insulator)等の高付加価値商品の売上拡大を図ると共に、将来的には12インチウェーハのライン増強も視野にいれて積極的な事業展開を図っていきます。
(連絡先) 新日本製鐵株式会社 総務部広報センター 中島(03-3275-5023)
ワッカー・エヌエスシーイー株式会社 総務部 和久田(0833-72-8406)
代表取締役社長 Dr. Albrecht P. Mozer (アルブレヒト モッツアー)
資本金 135億円 (ワッカー55%、新日鐵45%)
総資産 450億円
本社 東京都中央区
従業員 約1千人
昨年売上高 約200億円
主要工場 光工場(山口県光市) 12インチライン, 8インチライン、6インチライン
マレーシア工場 (ケタ州クリム) 8インチライン
2.ワッカーケミー社(Wacker-Chemie GmbH)
CEO Dr. Peter Alexander Wacker (ピーター アレキサンダー ワッカー)
資本金 260.8百万ユーロ (約313億円 1ユーロ=120円で換算、以下同じ。)
総資産 2,762百万ユーロ (約3,310億円)
本社 ドイツ ミュンヘン市 (主要工場 ブルグハウゼン市 ミュンヘンより約150km東)
従業員 約17千人
昨年売上高 2,678百万ユーロ (約3,210億円)
事業内容 シリコンウェーハ、苛性ソーダ等化学品、シリコン樹脂・シリカ等のシリコン製品の製造販売
3.ワッカーシルトロニック社(Wacker Siltronic AG)
CEO Dr. Wilhelm Sittenthaler (ウィルヘルム シッテンターラー)
資本金 100百万ユーロ (約120億円)
総資産 1,248百万ユーロ (約1,500億円)
本社 ドイツ ブルグハウゼン市
工場 ドイツ、ブルグハウゼン他2地区、
従業員 約7千人
売上規模 1,017百万ユーロ (約1,220億円)WNC連結ベース
事業内容 シリコンウェーハ、多結晶シリコンの製造・販売