
日本経済新聞 2007/6/30              Washington Post    New York Times

中国「終身雇用」へ新法 来年から施行
 労働者保護に力点 企業、コスト上昇も


外資 労使対立回避へ動く 
 日系企業 賃金制度を改善へ



強制労働事件 契機に
 企業の反発抑え 難産の末に採決


6月 外資が国内主要設備業者を買収する際、国務院の意見を求めることを義務化
9月 外資が「国家の経済安全」にかかわる国内企業や「重点産業」「著名ブランド」を買収する際に商務省審査を義務化
11月 国家発展改革委員会がハイテク・環境技術などの重視姿勢を鮮明する2010年までの「利用外資計画」を発表
12月 自動車産業の構造調整方針を発表
3月 企業所得税(法入税)を外資と国内企業で一本化する法案を全人代で採択(2008年施行)
6月 「独占禁止法」草案に外資の中国企業買収への規制条項を追加。「国家の安全」にかかわる案件は政府による審査が必要に


2007-06-29 www.chinaview.cn

China's legislature adopts labor contract law

  China's top legislator Wu Bangguo on Friday urged local governments and trade unions to do their best to protect workers' legal rights after lawmakers voted for a labor contract law.


    According to the law, officials will face administrative penalties or criminal prosecution for abusing their authority or neglecting their responsibilities that result in serious harm to the interests of workers.


    Under the new law, if employers don't sign a written contract with their employees within a year after the employees start to work for them, it should be taken as that they have signed a labor contract of no fixed term.

    "Employers should not force employees to work overtime and employees can terminate the contract without early notice to the employers if they are forced to work by violence, threat or restriction of personal freedom," the law reads.