





The Trans-Asian Railway (TAR) was initiated in the 1960s with the objective of providing a continuous 14,000-km rail link between Singapore and Istanbul (Turkey), with possible onward connections to Europe and Africa. The link offered the potential to greatly shorten the distances and reduce transit times between countries and regions, while being a catalyst for the notion of international transport as a tool for trade expansion, economic growth and cultural exchanges.

The international events that punctuated the 1960s, 1970s and early 1980s influenced the momentum of the concept during these three decades. However, with the political and economic changes that took place in the region in the 1980s and early 1990s, the development of the TAR concept was revived.

Given the extent of the territory covered, the differences in standards, and differences in the levels of technical development between railways in the region, ESCAP adopted a step-by-step approach to define the TAR network. The network was initially divided into four major components which were studied separately. These components are:

(i) a northern corridor connecting the rail networks of China, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, the Russian Federation and the Korean Peninsula;

ii) a southern corridor connecting Thailand and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan with Turkey through Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran with Sri Lanka also part of the corridor;

a subregional network covering the ASEAN and Indo-China subregions; and

(iv) a north-south corridor linking Northern Europe to the Persian Gulf through the Russian Federation, Central Asia and the Caucasus region.

2005年12月28日 社団法人 国際港湾貨物流通協会


インドシナ半島への直接ルートの敷設は、これまで国連ESCAPが、「汎アジア高速道路網(AH:Asian Highway)」や「汎アジア鉄道網(TAR:Trans-Asian Railway)」の推進の一環として、早くから努力を傾注してきており、経済発展と共にアジア欧州首脳会議(ASEM)でも注目されるようになって、急速に実現への兆しが見えるようになった。


