

1.Khor Al Zubair (PC-1)
    エチレン 130千トン
    LDPE    60千トン
    HDPE    30千トン
    EDC    110千トン
    VCM    66千トン
    PVC     60千トン

   1980 完成後、1980-88 イラン戦争で不稼動
1991  戦争で被害
2003年 部分再開

2.Musayyib  空爆の対象 

   エチレン  250千トン
   EG      55
   EO     20
   PP     100
   ブタジェン   70
   SM     145
   PS      80
   SBR    80
   MTBE   60
   ブテン1   15
   ABS    15
   styrene acrylonitrile copolymer 5

   1980年代 戦争で建設延期
1988 着工
1991 ほぼ完成時に戦争で被爆
1992年 部分稼動

Ministry of Industry & Minerals- Chemical & Petrochemical Sector
 ( Iraq Investment and Reconstruction Task Force of the U.S. Department of Commerce.

  • Furat State Company: Produces chlorine and caustic soda. Current production capacity of chlorine / caustic soda is 50,000 tons/ year.
  • State Company for Tires: Produces tires and related rubber products. Design capacity 600,000 tires / year, current production capacity 500,000 tires / year.
  • Northern & Southern Fertilizer State Company: Produces urea. Design capacity 1.5 million tons/year, production capacity 790,000 tons / year.
  • Petrochemical State Company: Produces low and high density Polyethylene, Chlorine and Sodium Hydroxide. Design capacity 60,000 tons/year (LDPE), 30,000 tons/year (HDPE). Production capacity 36,000 tons/year (LDPE), 19,000 tons/year (HDPE).
  • Al-Mishraq Sulfur State Company: Produces sulfur and sulfuric acid. Design capacity 820,000 tons/year of sulfur, production capacity 400,000 tons.
  • Phosphate State Company: Produces sulfuric and phosphoric acid.
  • State Company for Paper Industries: Produces paper, boards, and egg trays
  • State Company for Batteries: Produces lead acid batteries and dry batteries.
  • State Company for Rubber Industries: Produces tires and pipes.
  • Ibn Sina State Company: Produces all types of acids.
  • That-al-Sawari State Company: Produces boats, insulation material and resins.