

Finolex Industries                to double PVC capacity to 260,000mt/yr



Finolex Industries belonging to the P. P. Chhabria of Finolex Group has a production capacity of 130,000 tonnes of PVC, 32,850 tonnes for PVC pipes and 735 tonnes of PVC fittings.


New Dehli (RPRASAD - Platts)--2002/10/14

India's Finolex to double PVC capacity to 260,000mt/yr

India's Finolex Industries Ltd is to double its polyvinyl chloride production capacity at its Ratnagiri plant, near Mumbai, to 260,000 mt/yr.

2003/1/27 Financial Times

Finolex plans VCM/PVC start in 1Q/2Q 2003.

In 1Q or 2Q 2003, Finolex Industries Ltd plans to start construction of a $100 M 130,000 tonnes/y PVC plant at Ratnagiri, India.

化学工業日報 2004/2/16



Platts 2006/1/30

India's Finolex to double PVC capacity by March

India's Finolex Industries Ltd is to double its poly vinyl chloride resin production capacity to 260,000 mt/yr at Ratnagiri, near Mumbai, by March, the company said Saturday.

Finolex is to increase its PVC pipe production capacity from its current level of 85,000 mt/yr to 100,000 mt/yr by consuming the PVC to be produced from the new facility.