Chemnet Tokyo 2002/11/15



2002/9/27 BASF


 BASF(本社ドイツルートヴィッヒスハーフェン)と、シェルは、本日、シンガポールにおいて「エルバ・イースタン」(ELLBA Eastern)が正式に始動したことを発表しました。エルバ・イースタンはシェル・イースタン・ペトロリアム(Shell Eastern Petroleum) の子会社シェル・セラヤ・パイオニア(Shell Seraya Pioneer) とBASF サウスイーストアジア(BASF South East Asia) の折半出資合弁会社として、スチレンモノマーとプロピレンオキサイド(SM/PO)の製造を行います。
 この新プラントは年間55 万トンのスチレンモノマー(SM)と25 万トンのプロピレンオキサイド(PO)を生産する能力を誇り、この種のものとしてはアジア最大の生産拠点となります。シェルとBASF が5 億米ドル以上を投資したエルバ・イースタンは2002 年7 月に操業を開始し、1,500 万労働時間を通じて負傷による損失時間(LTI)ゼロという記録を打ち立てました。
 このプラントのオープニングセレモニーには、シンガポール政府より、ジョージ・ヨー通商産業大臣もBASF とシェルの代表者、従業員、政府関係者とともに出席しました。
 シェル・ケミカルズのエベルト・ヘンクス最高経営責任者(CEO)は、「当社の持続可能な発展に対する取り組みにおいて、経済的側面と雇用機会の創出が重要であることは言うまでもなく、環境への配慮も重要です。このプラントにおいて、我々は、独自の最先端SMPO 技術を駆使し、コスト面で多大な貢献を成し遂げ、同時に、環境への影響を最小限に留めるために貢献しています」と述べています。
 BASF 本社取締役のユルゲン・ハンブレヒトは、「長期的には、アジアでのポリウレタン需要は世界全体の3 分の1 を占めるとともに、年間の成長率も他の地域を大幅に上回ると予想されます。BASF は、ポリウレタン原料の世界的な生産能力を拡大する上で、このエルバ・イースタンのような世界規模の拠点を戦略的な重要拠点として力を注ぐつもりです」と述べました。
 BASF はエルバ・イースタンで製造されたプロピレンオキサイド(PO)を使用し、アジア向けのポリオールを生産します。ポリオールはポリウレタンの原料となります。汎用性の高いポリマーであるポリウレタンは自動車産業、冷蔵庫、スポーツ用品、家具、床材、靴底など幅広い用途に使用されています。プラントの始動により、BASF はアジアにおけるポリウレタン・システムへの取り組みを強化するとともに、この地域での基本的なポリウレタン製品を包括的に取り揃えたメーカーしての地位を確立します。またBASF はエルバ・イースタンによって、主にアジア地域の自社生産施設におけるスチレン需要に対応します。
 BASF とシェルはオランダ・モルダイクの同様なSM/PO コンプレックスを始めとして、すでにさまざまなプロジェクトを共同で推進しています。モルダイクの施設は1999 年に操業を開始しています。

Chemnet Tokyo


Shell homepage ( )

BASF and Shell Chemicals plan SM/PO plant in Singapore

A letter of intent was signed in December between Shell Chemicals Ltd and BASF Aktiengesellschaft, Ludwigshafen, Germany, regarding the formation of a new 50/50 joint venture for the production of Styrene Monomer (SM) and Propylene Oxide (PO) in Singapore.

The new world-scale facility would be built at the Seraya site in Singapore where Shell already has an SM/PO plant in a joint venture with Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (MCC), which has been in operation since May 1997.

The projected plant, which is planned to be onstream at the end of 2001, would be the fourth plant worldwide to utilise Shell's advanced proprietary SM/PO technology, and would have a production capacity of 250,000 metric tons p.a. of PO and 550,000 metric tons p.a. of SM. At present BASELL, another BASF/Shell joint venture, is building a similar plant, due to come onstream this year, at the Moerdijk site in the Netherlands.

Shell plans to enter into an arrangement with MCC for long-term off-take rights for a substantial volume of SM for the planned new facility. In addition to the planned SM/PO plant, Shell would expand its PO conversion capacity on the Seraya site through an investment in a world-scale Polyol plant and an expansion of the existing Propylene Glycol unit.

"This envisaged investment, which demonstrates our faith in the economic development of the Asia Pacific region, would provide a great opportunity for both parties to further grow their Styrene Monomer and Propylene Oxide businesses and strengthen their worldwide position in these markets," said Rob Van Loon, Shell Chemicals Ltd, Vice President, SMPO and Urethanes.

BASFサウスイーストアジアとシェル・イースタン・ペトロリアムによる折半出資の合弁企業、エルバ・イースタン(ELLBA Eastern)が設立され、酸化プロピレンおよびスチレン・モノマー生産工場の建設を開始。2002年に稼動予定。  

(オランダのモーダイクでSM年産56.5万トン/PO25万トンの併産設備をスタートしているBASELL C.V.はELLBA C.Vと改称。)    

(2001/7/3 ExxonMobil発表)  

ExxonMobil's Singapore Chemical Plant Now Operating

ExxonMobil Chemical's world-scale Singapore Chemical Plant on Jurong Island is operating. The highly-integrated complex is now supplying petrochemical products to the marketplace, further establishing ExxonMobil Chemical as a leading provider of products in the Asia Pacific region.

"ExxonMobil Chemical's petrochemical plant in Singapore truly is the model for integration being applied in the industry around the world," said Daniel S. Sanders, president, ExxonMobil Chemical Company. "This state-of-the-art, world-scale facility is fully integrated with ExxonMobil's refinery in Singapore and employs the latest chemical processing technologies for high-performance manufacturing."

The grassroots US$2 billion petrochemical facility, the company's single largest investment in the Asia Pacific region, has four plants designed to deliver a wide range of petrochemical products to customers. Its centerpiece is an 800,000-ton-per-year steam cracker, which produces ethylene, propylene and other products for several downstream chemical plants in and around Singapore. The facility also features a 480,000-ton-per-year polyethylene plant, the largest single reactor plant of its type in the world, a 315,000-ton-per-year polypropylene plant, a 150,000-ton-per-year oxo alcohol plant and a 155-megawatt cogeneration unit that provides power to both the refinery and the chemical plant.

"We are proud to be an investor in the continually growing Singapore economy," said Stan Tebbe, ExxonMobil Chemicals regional director, Asia Pacific. "With our Singapore Chemical Plant now onstream, our ability to consistently supply customers in the Asia Pacific region is further enhanced. The additional annual product capacity will significantly strengthen our global supply capability. We will be able to better serve our customers with multiple supply sources at highly competitive rates."

Over the coming months, the plant will complete additional, normal equipment testing and gradually achieve full processing capability. The top priority at the facility is a safe operation.

"We are proud of our employees and contractors who have worked so hard in the design, construction and safe start-up of this complex," said Tebbe. "Every employee and contractor at the Singapore Chemical Plant is committed to safe ongoing operations." The project, worldwide in both execution and organization, had a work force that peaked at more than 7,400 people from 41 countries.

ExxonMobil Chemical is a global leader in technology, product quality and customer service with petrochemical manufacturing and/or marketing operations in more than 150 countries around the world.

2005/1/24 ExxonMobil Chemical

ExxonMobil Chemical to Expand Ethylene Capacity in Singapore

ExxonMobil Chemical is expanding the capacity of its steam cracker in Singapore.

The Singapore Chemical Plant, ExxonMobil Chemical's single largest investment in the world, started up in 2001. This project will increase its ethylene capacity by 75,000 tons per year to more than 900,000 tons per year. Project completion is expected by 4Q 2006.

ExxonMobil Chemical continuously seeks opportunities to enhance its manufacturing capability to respond to customers' needs. "The increase in ethylene capacity demonstrates ExxonMobil's commitment to be a reliable global supplier. At the same time, it further enhances the Singapore Chemical Plant's position as a world-class facility," said Lynne Lachenmyer, Asia Pacific Manufacturing Director, ExxonMobil Chemical Asia Pacific.

Ethylene is a basic building block for a variety of chemicals and plastics, such as polyethylene, which is used in applications such as plastic containers and bags.

The economic growth in Asia Pacific has been robust, and the demand for petrochemical products closely mirrors this trend. This expansion will help position us to continue to meet the growing demand in this region," said Lachenmyer.

旭化成 2001/3/22 発表 





 製造工場 水島支社(岡山県倉敷市)
 生産能力 4万4千トン/年
  (コポリマー 2万4千トン、ホモポリマー 2万トン/年)
 主な用途 耐摩耗性、強靱性に優れることから、機能樹脂として、電機、自動車、

(1996/8/22 発表)


 旭化成はこの度、下記の通りシンガポールにおいてポリアセタール・コポリマー( 「テナック-C」)の製造販売会社を設立し、同樹脂の製造プラントを建設することを決定致しました。






(2000/7/13 旭化成/三菱ガス化学 発表)               生産開始


 旭化成工業株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:山本一元)および三菱ガス化学株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、社長:大平 晃)は、この度共同で、下記の通り、シンガポールでPPEパウダーの製造設備を建設することで合意しましたのでお知らせいたします。


1. 背景

(1)  旭化成は、千葉県袖ヶ浦市に年産能力35,000トンの変性PPE樹脂製造設備を有する、米国GEプラスチック社に次ぐ世界第2位のメーカーです。
(2)  三菱ガス化学は、四日市工場に年産能力変性PPE樹脂換算10,000トン相当の製造設備を有し、旭化成に次ぐ世界第3位のモノマ−からPPEパウダーまでを一貫生産しているメ−カ−です。変性PPE樹脂の製造及び販売は三菱エンジニアリングプラスチックス株式会社が担当しています。

2. 製造設備の内容

製造設備:  原料からの一貫製造設備です。
生産能力:  PPEパウダー   年産30,000トン
立  地 :  シンガポール共和国ジュロン島
総投資額:  約120億円
着工予定:  2001年春
完成予定:  2002年10月

3. 両社の分担内容

(1) 2.6キシレノールおよび変性PPE樹脂 

      資本金 :21.5百万USドル(旭化成グループ100%)


社名:ポリキシレノール シンガポール


資本金 :35百万USドル
出資比率 :旭化成グループ 70%、三菱ガス化学グループ 30%


<年産能力>        旭化成      三菱ガス化学
 PPEパウダー      21,000トン    9,000トン
(変性PPE樹脂換算   48,000トン   21,000トン)

<参考資料> 変性PPE(ポリフェニレンエーテル)樹脂について






Chemical Week 2002/6/26

Singapore Firm to Raise Propylene Capacity

Petrochemical Corp. of Singapore (PCS) says it will increase propylene capacity at Jurong Island by 10%-20%. Combined propylene capacity of the companys two crackers is currently 600,000 m.t./year. PCS is a 50-50 joint venture of Shell Chemicals and a consortium of Japanese companies led by Sumitomo Chemical. Technology for the expansion will be selected by year-end, and construction will begin when PCS receives approval from Sumitomo and Shell, it says. The expansion, which will cost about $100 million, is necessary because propylene supply in Asia is becoming increasingly tight, PCS says.

Platts 2002/8/6

Shell mulls non-PCS Singapore ethylene JV with Sumitomo

Shell is still studying the feasibility of a new joint venture ethylene plant in Singapore with Sumitomo Chemicals, which would be a separate entity from the Petrochemical Corp of Singapore, Shell executive vice president Rein Willems told Platts. The project, if realized, would come online after 2005, he said.
The PCS is a JV among Shell and a consortium of Japanese petrochemical firms led by Sumitomo. Mitsui Chemical and Sumitomo had announced in late 2000 their plan to build an integrated petrochemical complex in Singapore that would center around a 1-mil mt/yr ethylene plant. Mitsui and Sumitomo are set to merge their petrochemical divisions in October 2003, becoming one of Asia's largest petrochemical producers.

Platts 2002/11/1

Shell still in talks with Sumitomo for JV ethylene plant

Shell is still in talks with Japan's Sumitomo Chemicals on the possibility of building and operating a new ethylene plant in Singapore, executive vice president Rein Willems said Friday.
But he stressed that there was no finalization on a joint venture agreement. Shell may make a decision on this by 2003, he commented. He added that if the Singapore project would come onstream, it would be about three years after its Greenfield petrochemical joint venture in Guangdong China would start up. Shell and China's CNOOC Petrochemicals will bring onstream an 800,000 mt/yr ethylene plant and derivative units in late 2005. Sumitomo had announced late 2000 a plan to build an integrated petrochemical complex in Singapore that would center around a 1-mil mt/yr ethylene plant.