日本経済新聞 2002/9/30
新型燃料電池開発へ 経産省・大阪ガス 2005年度実用化
天然ガスの利用促進 小型で高効率
2003年春 荏原
2004年度 東芝、松下電器産業
2005年度 三菱重工業・クボタ<自動車搭載型>
2002年末 トヨタ自動車、ホンダ
2003年度 日産自動車
2003-6-3 Asia Chemical Weekly
Japanese consortia to decide on DME
future by year's end
Two heavyweight Japanese consortia
which are currently assessing the viability of dimethyl ether
(DME) as a replacement fuel for diesel, liquefied petroleum gas
(LPG) and other vehicle fuels expect to decide whether to move to
commercial production by the end of this year or early next year.
DME International, a consortium of nine major companies led
by the giant NKK Corp, expects to start production from a 33 000
tonne/year DME pilot plant from October or November this year. A
decision on whether to go into commercial production - either in
Australia, Qatar or Indonesia - is expected early next year.
DME, which is led by
Mitsubishi Gas Chemical (MGC), expects to finalise a study on
whether or not to proceed with a 1.7m tonne/year DME plant on the
Burrup Peninsula in Western Australia by the end of the year.
Two-thirds of the Yen20bn cost of
DME International’s pilot
plant, as well as some of its operating cost, is being met the
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (Meti) - an indication of
how serious the Japanese government is about developing,
commercialising and mass producing low-cost DME.
Output from the plant will be used
for testing, and if early indications prove that DME can be
synthesised cost-effectively, DME International intends to start
preparations for commercialisation of the product in Q1 2004,
with design and construction of a full-scale plant starting
almost immediately.
The first phase of commercial
production of 850 000-1.65m tonne/year of DME is slated to start
in late 2006, with output scheduled to build to 3.33m tonne/year
by 2008.
DME International general manager
Yasuto Ando said the company was not yet committed to going ahead
with a full-scale project and was still investigating where to
locate it. However, Ando said studies had shown that DME could be
price competitive with diesel and LPG and the aim was to reduce
its price to the level of liquefied natural gas (LNG).
He added that a lot of work still
had to be done on DME production technology, market development,
rules on safety for those using DME and tax regulations. However,
he said with the government offering incentives for the
development of DME, and bearing in mind the clout of the company’s nine partners, it was possible that any
hurdles could be overcome. Apart from NKK Corp, the nine partners
are Nippon Sanso Corp, Toyota Tsusho Corp, Hitachi, Marubeni
Corp, Idemitsu Kosan, INPEX Corp, TotalFinaElf and LNG Japan
MGC-led Japan DME also has a
powerful consortium, made up of Itochu and engineering firms JGC
and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
The company has delayed moving ahead
with the project on the Burrup on several occasions as it fine
tunes the existing methanol dehydration technology which it plans
to use in the Australian project.
The other problem faced by Japan DME
- one that has plagued all of the companies planning projects on
the Burrup - is the high construction costs in Western Australia
and the region’s limited
The company has submitted an
intermediate study to the Japanese and Australian governments in
an effort to secure subsidies for the $500-600m project.
However, industry sources say the
Federal and state governments in Australia have already pledged
some A$220m on the Burrup to support multi-user infrastructure
and the two governments may not be ready to offer too many other
incentives to attract companies to their planned world-scale gas
processing centre in the far north-west of Western Australia.
〜 世界初の燃料用途DME事業化を目指して…
三菱ガス化学株式会社、日揮株式会社、三菱重工業株式会社及び伊藤忠商事株式会社は、次世代のクリーン燃料として発電用燃料、LPG代替用途、ディーゼル油代替用途に期待されているジメチルエーテル(CH3OCH3; DME)の事業化の可能性を共同して検討してきました。今般、世界で最初の燃料用途DME事業化を目指して、製造候補地を原料天然ガスが豊富に賦存し、エネルギーの中東依存脱却の一助となる西オーストラリア州ダンピアに定め、2006年末操業開始を目標に詳細な事業化調査(FS)を開始した。本FS実施に当たって、その遂行主体となるDME事業化調査会社を上記4社にて設立することに合意したのでお知らせ致します。DME事業化調査会社の概要は下記の通りです。
猶、本FSの実施に対して、経済産業省資源エネルギー庁、オーストラリア連邦政府及び西オーストラリア州政府から種々ご支援を戴いています。オーストラリア連邦政府のミンチン産業科学資源大臣からは、本DMEプロジェクトを連邦の重要プロジェクトとして認定する(Major Project Facilitation Status)というレターを既に受領しています。
1. 社名 | : | 日本DME株式会社(登記名:
日本ディー・エム・イー株式会社) (英文名: Japan DME Ltd.) |
2. 所在地 | : | 東京都千代田区丸の内二丁目5番2号 (三菱ガス化学株式会社本社内) |
3. 設立日 | : | 平成13年6月21日(予定) | |
4. 資本金 | : | 100百万円 | |
5. 出資比率 | : | 三菱ガス化学(株) 日揮(株) 三菱重工業(株) 伊藤忠商事(株) |
25% 25% 25% 25% |
6. 代表取締役 | : | 中村 博海
三菱ガス化学(株) 常務取締役 天然ガス系化学品カンパニー プレジデント |
9. 事業内容 | : | (1) DMEの事業化調査 (2) DMEの市場調査、用途開発、マーケット戦略の策定 (3) DMEの規格、安全性の確立の検討 (4) DME事業化に必要な投融資の検討 (5) 西オーストラリア地区のDME事業化検討及び評価 (6) その他DME事業化検討に必要な事項 |
10. FS実施期間 | : | 約1年間 | |
〈 日本DME(株)が検討する事業の概要 〉 | |||
a. 事業内容 | : | DMEの製造販売 | |
b. 総投資額 | : | 500〜600 MMUS$ | |
c. 製造規模 | : | DME 4,000〜7,000 トン/日(140〜240万トン/年) | |
d. 製造候補地 | : | 西オーストラリア州ダンピア | |
e. 操業開始 | : | 2006年末目標 | |
f. 製造プロセス | : | 三菱ガス化学法
DME製造プロセス (メタノール合成及び脱水法DME合成の最適組合わせにより構築される) |
g. 天然ガス使用量 | : | 160〜280 MMSCFD(420〜740万Nm3/日) | |
h. 従業員数 | : | 約150人 |
東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(TEC、取締役社長広瀬俊彦)は、中国の「瀘(ろ)天化集団公司」(Lutianhua Group Incorporated、本社:四川省瀘(ろ)州)が建設を計画している、年産11万トンのDME(Di-Methyl Ether)プラントにかかわる商談を進めておりましたが、このほど合意に達し契約調印いたしました。
West Chemical City)の一環として近年積極的に投資を行っており、現在当社の参画の下で年産45万トンメタノール、同2万5千トンBDO(ブタンジオール)プラントを建設中のほか、2003年8月には年産1万トンDMEプラントを完成し順調に稼動中です。今回の「エネルギー用」としての年産11万トンDMEプラント計画も同構想に沿ったものであり、これは世界最大のDMEプラントとなります。
West Chemical City)
Oil Search is pleased to
announce the signing of two agreements with Mitsubishi Gas
Chemical Company, Inc (MGC) and Itochu Corporation (ITC) to
progress a proposed petrochemical plant, to be located at Napa
Napa near Port Moresby. The Co-operation Agreement (CA) and the
Indicative Terms Agreement (ITA) will provide the framework to
enable discussions to begin on a comprehensive gas supply
agreement and for the commencement by MGC/ITC of detailed
feasibility work on both the plant and market development in
Japan. The proposed petrochemical plant will be designed to
produce dimethyl ether (DME) from methanol.
The Indicative Terms Agreement covers the supply of gas for a
period of up to 20 years at up to 86PJ per annum.
Peter Botten, Oil Search’s Managing Director said: “We are
delighted to have signed these two agreements with Mitsubishi Gas
Chemical Company and Itochu, two well respected and highly
experienced Japanese companies. The agreements allow MGC/ITC to
carry out detailed feasibility work and to advance marketing
efforts for the products. Oil Search will also commence detailed
engineering and commercial activities to mature this development
option and further define and finalise the optimum gas supply for
this significant volume of gas”.
Gas for the petrochemical plant could be sourced from a number of
licences within Oil Search’s substantial portfolio in PNG in
which it has equity. Oil Search intends to enter into discussion
regarding gas supplies with the relevant Joint Venture partners,
including the PNG Gas Project Joint Venture.
Mr Botten added: “We believe that this is a very positive
step towards securing a petrochemical plant for PNG. This
represents a cornerstone for PNG’s incountry gas industry
development and continues the Company’s push to commercialise its
substantial gas and liquids resources”.
Papua New Guinea's Oil Search
Papua New Guinea's biggest oil and gas company, Oil Search, plans to spend more than £112 million on exploration and development activities this year, an increase of 67 percent. This will enable the company to drill several new exploration wells and to make a start on the North West Moran and South East Manada fields, which are believed to have recoverable oil reserves totalling approximately 90 million barrels.
Last year, Oil Search became the operator of all the oil producing projects in PNG, following its acquisition earlier in the year of Chevron Niugini Ltd., the PNG subsidiary of US energy giant ChevronTexaco. Oil Search, which is 18.25 percent state owned, is also the operator of the Hides Gas Project, which it has managed since 1998.
The launch
of the Napa Napa oil refinery - PNG's first - is expected to
give a significant boost to the country's overall economic
performance. Built by InterOil Corp. of Canada, which is also
involved in oil exploration in PNG, it is the single largest
investment project undertaken in the country.
( http://www.worldreport-ind.com/papua/petroleum.htm)
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1.名 称 燃料DME製造株式会社
2.社 長 未 定
3.本社所在地 新潟県新潟市
4.資本金 4億6500万円
三菱ガス化学 29.15%
伊藤忠商事 13.25%
石油資源開発 12%
太陽石油 10%
トタルDMEジャパン 10%
豊田通商 10%
日揮 5.3%
三菱重工業 5.3%
三菱化学 5%
6.事業内容 ジメチルエーテルの製造
7.設立時期 平成19年4月予定
8.生産開始時期 平成20年6月予定