日本経済新聞 2008/9/23

後発医薬品 世界最大手、日本進出
 イスラエルのテバ・ファーマ 興和と合弁設立へ

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd (イスラエル)が日本市場に本格参入する。近く中堅製薬会社の興和と開発・販売の合弁会社を設立する。新薬に比べ価格の安い後発薬は医療費削減の流れを受けて4、5年後に国内で1兆円超の市場規模となる見通し。豊富な品種を持つテバの参入で需要増に弾みがつきそうだ。成長市場を巡り、国内の製薬再編が加速する可能性もある。

 テバ、日本参入 規模拡大カギ


M&A (カッコ内は買収額)

2007年4 インドのZydus Group が日本ユニバーサル薬品を買収(非公開)
    10 Mylan Laboratoriesが独Merckの後発薬事業を買収(7500億円)
  インドのLupin が共和薬品工業を買収(100億円弱)
20086 第一三共がインドのランバクシー・ラボラトリーズ買収を発表 (最大5000偉円)
    7 イスラエルのテバが後発薬世界5位の米バーの買収を発表 (7900億円)


September 24, 2008 Teva

Teva and Kowa Announce Strategic Partnership to Create a Leading Generic Pharmaceutical Company in Japan
  Goal to Reach Sales of $1 Billion in 2015

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and Kowa Company, Ltd. today announced that they have signed a definitive agreement to establish a leading generic pharmaceutical company in Japan. The company, Teva-Kowa Pharma Co., Ltd. will seek to leverage the marketing, research and development, manufacturing and distribution capabilities of each company to become a broad based supplier of high quality generic pharmaceutical products for the Japanese market and reach sales of $1 billion in 2015. Each company will have a 50% stake in Teva-Kowa Pharma, which will become operational in 2009.

"Combining Kowa's knowledge of and established reputation within the Japanese market with Teva's global leadership and expertise in generics should enable us to maximize the opportunity available in this important growth market," said Shlomo Yanai, Teva's President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our objective is to provide the Japanese generic market, which is expected to double in volume in the next 5 years, with high quality and affordable pharmaceuticals, supporting the government's stated objective of increasing generic penetration. This strategic partnership is an important milestone in executing Teva's five year strategic plan, as it provides a robust platform for Teva to further strengthen its global leadership and establishes a strong presence in the Japanese market."

Yoshihiro Miwa, Kowa's President and Chief Executive Officer, added, "I am delighted to be able to report this agreement with Teva, the world's top generic pharmaceutical company, which will enable us to offer high quality generic pharmaceutical products to patients in Japan. The strategic alliance between Kowa and Teva will leverage both companies' respective strengths to meet the needs of medical institutions and patients for high quality and cost-effective generic pharmaceuticals. For Kowa, this agreement will enhance our efforts to establish a strong management platform to support diversified business operations in the prescription, over-the-counter and generic pharmaceutical products areas. By combining our respective capabilities in a new company, Kowa and Teva are creating a unique business model and a robust base in Japan's generic pharmaceuticals market."

Japan is the second largest pharmaceutical market in the world, valued at approximately $80 billion (1$=100 JPY). Generics represent only 5.7% in value (approximately $4.6 billion) or 16.9% in volume in 2006 according to the IMS and the data from the Japanese Generics Manufacturing Association. In 2007, the Ministry of Finance announced a plan to double generic utilization to 30% by 2012.

About Teva
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., headquartered in Israel, is among the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world and is the world's leading generic pharmaceutical company. The Company develops, manufactures and markets generic and innovative human pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, as well as animal health pharmaceutical products. Over 80 percent of Teva's sales are in North America and Europe.

About Kowa
Kowa Company, Ltd. started operations as a cotton wholesaler in Nagoya in 1894 and has currently grown into a multinational Japanese company with approximately 50 affiliated companies. Kowa actively engages in various businesses from two main aspects: Merchandise which deals with daily commodities like textile goods, machinery, building materials and chemical products, and Maker which manufactures and sells innovative pharmaceutical products, OTC products, consumer healthcare products, electro-optical apparatus and information and communication systems. For pharmaceutical business, Kowa is responsible for sales and marketing of innovative drugs and focuses on promoting cardiovascular drugs, such as treatment drug for hypercholesterolemia "Livalo tablet" and hypertension drug "Olmetec tablet" through its wholly owned subsidiary, Kowa Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. In addition, Kowa has focused on lifestyle diseases (arteriosclerosis, kidney disorder and diabetes) as main strategic therapeutic area for research and development. Kowa is also responsible for sales and marketing of OTC and consumer healthcare products such as Cabagin KOWA, Vantelin KOWA, Q&P KOWA etc through another wholly owned subsidiary, Kowa Shinyaku Co. Ltd with the concepts of conditioning medication/self-care medication for the contribution of maintaining and controlling health condition of people. Paid-in Capital 3,840 million yen, Annual Sales, 221.4 billion yen (Consolidated in FY2007), Total number of employee 4,432 (As of end of March 2008 (consolidated). Please refer further information at http://www.kowa.co.jp/.

July 18, 2008 Teva Pharmaceutical

Significantly Strengthens Teva's Market Leadership Position in the U.S. and in Key Global Markets Acquisition Expected to Be Accretive in the Fourth Quarter after Closing

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and Barr Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced today that they have signed a definitive agreement under which Teva will acquire Barr, the fourth largest generic drug company worldwide. Under the terms of the agreement, each share of Barr common stock will be converted into $39.90 in cash and 0.6272 Teva ADRs. Based upon the unaffected NASDAQ closing price of Teva's ADRs on July 16, 2008, the indicated combined per share consideration for each outstanding share of Barr common stock amounts to $66.50, or a total consideration of $7.46 billion plus the assumption of net debt of approximately $1.5 billion.

Teva expects the transaction to close in late 2008 and to become accretive to GAAP earnings in the fourth quarter after closing. This purchase price represents a premium of 32% to Barr's average daily closing price on the New York Stock Exchange for the 52-week period ending on July 16, 2008, and 42% to the closing price on July 16, 2008.

This acquisition will further enhance Teva's leadership position in the U.S. and will significantly strengthen its position in key European and Central and Eastern European markets. On a pro forma basis, 2007 revenues of the combined company would have been approximately $11.9 billion. The combined company will have an unmatched global platform, operate directly in more than 60 countries and employ approximately 37,000 people worldwide.

The companies' highly complementary product offerings and development pipelines will extend Teva's generic and proprietary offerings for customers globally. By adding development resources and breadth to Teva's product portfolio and pipeline, particularly the Paragraph IV and first to file opportunities, Teva will bring more products to market while increasing access to affordable medicines. The transaction also bolsters Teva's specialty pharmaceutical platform through the addition of Barr's substantial women's health portfolio to Teva's respiratory franchise, further enhancing Teva's balanced business model.

Shlomo Yanai, President and Chief Executive Officer of Teva, said, "The acquisition of Barr will elevate Teva's market leadership to a new level. The combination of our two companies provides an outstanding opportunity strategically and economically: It will enhance our market share and leadership position in the U.S. and key global markets, further strengthen our portfolio and pipeline, and provide upside to our strategic plan, by allowing us to exceed our 20/20 goals for 2012."

Mr. Yanai continued, "We have long admired Barr as a highly-focused company with an excellent management team. This is a transaction in which two great, strong companies are joining forces to capture an even greater share of the growing opportunities in generics and deliver even more value to our stakeholders."

Bruce Downey, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Barr, said, "This transaction will enable Teva to capitalize on Barr's portfolio of unique generic and proprietary products, benefit from our capabilities in biologics, and expand its presence in important Central and Eastern European markets. This agreement has the full support of Barr's Board of Directors and senior management, and will benefit the shareholders, customers and employees of Barr."

Key benefits of the transaction include:

About Teva
Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., headquartered in Israel, is among the top 20 pharmaceutical companies in the world and is the leading generic pharmaceutical company. The company develops, manufactures and markets generic and innovative pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. Over 80 percent of Teva's sales are in North America and Western Europe.

About Barr
Barr Pharmaceuticals, Inc. is a global specialty pharmaceutical company that operates in more than 30 countries worldwide and is engaged in the development, manufacture and marketing of generic and proprietary pharmaceuticals, biopharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients. A holding company, Barr operates through its principal subsidiaries: Barr Laboratories, Inc., Duramed Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and PLIVA d.d. and its subsidiaries. The Barr Group of companies markets more than 120 generic and 27 proprietary products in the U.S. and approximately 1,025 products globally outside of the U.S.

2007年4月19日 Zydus

インドのザイダス・グループ、 日本ユニバーサル薬品を買収 日本での活動を強化へ

 医薬品の世界的企業であり、インドで屈指の総合製薬企業であるZydus グループ(会長兼社長:Pankaj R. Patel、本社:グシャラート州・アーメダバード)は、世界第2 の医薬品市場である日本での事業基盤を強化すべく、本日、日本ユニバーサル薬品株式会社(本社:東京都青梅市、社長 松岡邦衛)の株式を100%取得して、同社との提携を進めることを発表しました。
 日本のジェネリック薬市場は、現在約30 億米ドル(3600 億円)で、金額的には5%、数量的には17%程度のシェアにすぎず、今後、市場の増大が予測されています。
 ザイダスは、日本でのジェネリック薬市場への参入を狙い、2006 年9 月にザイダスファーマ株式会社を設立しましたが、今回の提携により、その活動を飛躍的に発展させる予定です。
日本で最初に細粒剤を開発した会社として知られ、その製品の高度な品質と健全な営業活動を評価され、大学病院、国立病院を含む全国で4,000 を超える病院、診療所でその製品が採用され、使用されています。
 ザイダスは、日本ユニバーサル薬品が過去40 年間にわたって確立してきた経営方針や病医院・医薬品卸その他取引先との間の良好な関係を尊重し、重視してまいります。
 ザイダスは、その製品戦略に基づき、毎年、日本市場向けに最低5〜6 品のジェネリック新薬を開発し、3〜4 年間で40〜50 品を揃える予定でいます。 更に、WIN・WINを前提としたジェネリック製薬会社を含む他社からの製品の製造販売権の承継やライセンス等も検討してまいります。
 ザイダスのパテル会長兼社長は、「日本において永続的に事業を展開するのが我々の目的であるが、今回の提携は、ザイダスの日本におけるジェネリック薬市場での価値を人々に知って頂く契機となり、また、2010 年以降、この日本市場がザイダスにとってグローバル企業に発展するための大きな鍵になると確信している。」と述べております。

 インドのアーメダバードに本社を置くザイダス・グループは、1952 年に設立され、インドの医薬品市場において第5 位の会社です。
 2006-07 年におけるグループの販売高は約414 百万米ドル(490 億円)です。 グループの事業所は、世界40 か国以上に及び、全世界で6,000 を超える従業員を擁しており、その内、新薬の開発研究に250 名、製剤研究に250 名、プロセス・リサーチに100名の研究員を配置しております。

 設立 :1966 年11 月
 本社 :東京都青梅市藤橋3−9−2
 工場 :同上
 資本金:1 億円
 売上高:1 億5400 万円(2006 年12 月)
 従業員:20 名(2006 年12 月末現在)
 製品 : 全て医療用医薬品、主たる製品は胃炎・胃潰瘍、口腔・咽頭疾患治療剤「ノズレン細粒」
 流通 :メディセオ、アルフレッサ、スズケン、東邦薬品、バイタルネット、ケーエスケー、アスカム、明祥等の医薬品卸、一部直販。

2007.10.11 共和薬品工業


Lupin Limited(本社 インド・ムンバイ、以下「ルピン社」)と資本提携することとし、ルピン社が弊社株式の過半数を取得することになりましたのでお知らせ致します。


 尚、ルピン社は研究注力型の主要なジェネリック企業です。また、プネ市に最先端の研究所を有し、抗結核薬及びセファロスポリン(抗感染症)、CVS(心血管系)のグローバル・リーダーであり、糖尿病薬、非ステロイド性抗炎症薬、抗ぜんそく薬においても優れた存在感を有しています。現在、アメリカ及びヨーロッパを含む多くの先進国及び発展途上国に向けて、原薬及び製剤の開発、製造及び販売を行っています。2006年会計年度の売上は約203億ルピー(約 600億円)です。

October 2, 2007 Merck

Merck Completes Sale of Generics Business to Mylan for EUR 4.9 Billion

Merck KGaA announced today that it has completed the sale of its worldwide Generics business to Mylan Laboratories Inc, Canonsburg, PA USA. Closing was accomplished via a purchase agreement whereby Mylan acquired all Merck Generics companies throughout the world for EUR 4.9 billion.
Proceeds of the sale will be booked in the fourth quarter. As previously announced Merck intends to use the funds to pay down debt.
As part of the transaction, Mylan has the right to use the Merck name in connection with the acquired business for a transitional period of up to two years after closing.
Merck Generics generated EUR 1,819 million of sales in 2006 and had nearly 5,000 employees.

Merck is a global pharmaceutical and chemical company with sales of EUR 6.3 billion in 2006, a history that began in 1668, and a future shaped by 30,000 employees in 63 countries. Its success is characterized by innovations from entrepreneurial employees. Merck's operating activities come under the umbrella of Merck KGaA, in which the Merck family holds an approximately 70% interest and free shareholders own the remaining approximately 30%. In 1917 the U.S. subsidiary Merck & Co. was expropriated and has been an independent company ever since.