日本経済新聞 2004/10/6-                  温暖化対策

京都議定書発効へ 秒読み 温暖化対策







 地球温暖化の元凶といわれる化石燃料に課税し、消費を抑制する効果があるとされる環境税。 1990年代に導入論議が盛り上がり、賛同する政治家を「環境族」と呼ぶ空気もあったが、経済界の反対や政府部内の意見の不一致でいつの間にか忘れられていた。そんな「幻の税金」が、再び脚光を浴び始めた。ロシアの批准によって温暖化ガスの排出量の削減を先進国に義務付けた京都議定書が発効する見通しとなったためだ。



2005/3/23 住友化学


 バイオ炭素基金は、森林保全、植林、バイオ燃料などのプロジェクトに投資し炭素クレジットを獲得することを目的として世界銀行が2004年5月に設立した基金で、京都議定書で定めた京都メカニズム※2のうち、途上国を対象とした「クリーン開発メカニズム」(Clean Development Mechanism※3)と先進国同士で行う「共同実施」(Joint Implementation※4)を活用したものです。また、この基金は炭素クレジットの獲得だけでなく、プロジェクトを通じて自然環境保全、途上国の生活基盤の向上など広く環境・社会へ貢献するものであるため、出資を決定しました。

※1 炭素クレジット

※2 京都メカニズム

※3 Clean Development Mechanism(CDM)

※4 Joint Implementation(JI)

2005/10/18 毎日新聞夕刊

廃プラ燃焼時 CO2が半減 新添加剤を開発 東京理科大ベンチャー


朝日新聞 2005/10/25

炭素1トンで環境税2400円 環境省が具体案発表




2007/1/23 日本経済新聞夕刊

温暖化ガス 米で削減義務化提言 GEなど10社経営者ら 10年間で最大10%



日本経済新聞 2007/1/25

温暖化対策踏み込まず エネルギー政策に新味



日本経済新聞 2007/2/2

E∪が温暖化ガス10%削減法案 石油会社、義務に 2020年期限


航空機の排出規制  11年からEU発着の航空機にCO2排出枠を設定。超過した航空会社は排出権購入
研究南発の強化  EU中期予算でCO2排出削減の研究・開発費を5割増に
再生可能エネルギーの拡充  化石燃料から風力・水力・太陽光への転換を進め、20年までに消費量の20%に
自動車の排出規制  新車のCO2排出量を12年までに1km走行あたり120g (1995年比で約35%削減)にする目標を義務付けへ

2007/1/31 AP

EU Proposes Cleaner Fuel Requirements

The European Commission on Wednesday proposed requirements to make fuel for transport vehicles cleaner as of 2011 to cut emissions of gasses that contribute to global warming.

Under the plan, fuel suppliers would have to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 1 percent as of 2011 and achieve a 10 percent overall cut by 2020.

"It will further underpin Europe's shift towards the low-carbon economy that is essential if we are to prevent climate change from reaching dangerous proportions," said EU Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas.

The proposal, which must be approved by the EU's 27 member nations, was criticized by the Greens group in the European Parliament as insufficient.

"Focusing on fuel quality alone to address emissions from road transport is like trying to quench a forest fire with a water pistol," said Green energy spokesman Claude Turmes.

"By placing a disproportionate emphasis on fuel quality, the Commission is diverting attention from the real problem - the cars that use the fuel," he said.

The EU executive office has postponed a decision on forcing car makers to cut cars' carbon dioxide emissions because German automakers said mandatory limits would force them to cut jobs.

The auto industry is likely to miss a voluntary target to cut average CO2 emissions for new cars, and the European Commission has threatened to draft rules that would set a legally binding limit of 120 grams of CO2 per kilometer by 2012.

The car industry and the EU executive agreed to cut emissions from new cars to 140 grams of carbon dioxide per kilometer by 2008. A year before that midterm target, the current average is around 163 grams.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday pledged to oppose a strict EU limit on car emissions, arguing that different models should face different caps.

The overall level of carbon dioxide emissions from road transport has risen 22 percent since 1990 as the number of vehicles on the road rises and drivers travel greater distances. Passenger cars and vans made up 14 percent of Europe's carbon dioxide emissions in 2004, the European Environment Agency said.

Car makers have cut emissions by nearly 13 percent, they say, but blame consumers for the missed targets, because they are not buying smaller cars or hybrid-fuel models in high enough numbers.

   2007年2月20日  田中 宇




 これはデンマークの学者ヘンリク・スベンスマルク(Henrik Svensmark)らが10年以上前から研究しているもので、以下のような説である。宇宙は、星の爆発などによって作られる微粒子(荷電粒子)で満ちており、微粒子は地球にも常にふりそそぎ「宇宙線」として知られている。大気圏にふりそそぐ宇宙線の微粒子には、その周りにある水蒸気がくっついてきて水滴になり、雲をつくる。ふりそそぐ宇宙線が多いほど、大気圏の雲は多くなる。(ほかに雲の水滴の核になるものとして、地上から舞い上がった塵の微粒子がある)






February 13, 2007

Warming climate blamed on cosmic rays

MAN-MADE climate change may be happening at a far slower pace than has been claimed.

Scientists claim that cosmic rays from outer space play a far greater role in changing the Earth's climate than global warming experts previously thought.
In a book, to be published this week, they claim that fluctuations in the number of cosmic rays hitting the atmosphere directly affect the amount of cloud covering the planet.
High levels of cloud cover blanket the Earth and reflect radiated heat from the sun back out into space, causing the planet to cool.

Henrik Svensmark, a weather scientist at the Danish National Space Centre who led the team behind the research, said the planet was experiencing a natural period of reduced cloud cover due to fewer cosmic rays entering the atmosphere.
This, he said, was responsible for much of the global warming.

He said carbon dioxide emissions due to human activity were having a smaller impact on climate change than scientists thought.

Dr Svensmark last week published the evidence in the Proceedings of the Royal Society Journal.

Some climate change experts have dismissed the claims as "tenuous". Giles Harrison, a cloud specialist at Britain's Reading University, has studied cosmic rays and their effect on clouds and believes the impact on climate was much smaller than Dr Svensmark claims.

Dr Harrison said: "I have been looking at cloud data going back 50 years over the UK and found there was a small relationship with cosmic rays. It looks like it creates some additional variability in a natural climate system but this is small."

毎日新聞 2007/4/3

米連邦最高裁 温室効果ガス規制 政府に促す判決


2007/4/2 New York Times

Justices Rule Against Bush Administration on Emissions

The Supreme Court ruled today, in what amounts to a rebuke of the Bush administration, that the Environmental Protection Agency has the authority to regulate carbon dioxide from automobile emissions, and that it has shirked its duty in not doing so.

In a 5-to-4 decision, the court found that the Clean Air Act expressly authorizes the E.P.A. to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, contrary to the E.P.A.'s contention, and that if the agency still insists that it does not want to regulate those emissions, it must give better reasons than the "laundry list" of invalid considerations it has offered so far.

Today's decision is surely not the last word in the continuing debate over the effects of global warming and what can, or should, be done about it. But it was still highly significant in at least two respects.

First, the majority brushed aside the Bush administration's assertion that the Clean Air Act does not treat carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases as "pollutants," and thus does not give the E.P.A. the authority to regulate them.

Secondly, the five justices declared that contrary to the administration, Massachusetts and the 11 other states and various other plaintiffs that sued the E.P.A. do indeed have legal standing to pursue their suit. In order to establish standing, a federal court plaintiff must show that there is an injury that can be traced to the defendant's behavior, and that the injury will be relieved by the action the lawsuit seeks.

"E.P.A.'s steadfast refusal to regulate greenhouse gas emissions presents a risk of harm to Massachusetts that is both 'actual' and 'imminent,' " Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the majority, citing two standards linked to standing.

"E.P.A. identifies nothing suggesting that Congress meant to curtail E.P.A.'s power to treat greenhouse gases as air pollutants," Justice Stevens wrote. Instead, the agency resorted to "impermissible considerations" in rejecting the plaintiffs' request to regulate those admissions, the justice wrote.

"Its action was therefore'arbitrary, capricious, or otherwise not in accordance with law,' " Justice Stevens went on. Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, David H. Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen G. Breyer joined his decision.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. dissented, along with Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr. The chief justice said his dissent "involves no judgment on whether global warming exists, what causes it, or the extent of the problem." Rather, he wrote, the kind of dispute in this case is better resolved by Congress and the executive branch rather than the courts.

Contrary to what the majority held, the plaintiffs failed to show a cause-and-effect relationship between global warming and actual injury, the chief justice wrote. For instance, he dismissed as "pure conjecture" a plaintiffs' assertion that Massachusetts is gradually losing its coastal territory to higher sea levels generated by global warming.

The majority did not declare that the E.P.A. must find that greenhouse gases are a danger because they contribute to global warming. But the justices said the agency can escape its regulatory duties "only if it determines that greenhouse gases do not contribute to climate change, or if it provides some reasonable explanation as to why it cannot or will not exercise its discretion to determine whether they do."

The tone of the majority opinion seemed to suggest that the E.P.A. would face a high barrier in arguing that greenhouse gases are not harmful. Justice Stevens alluded extensively to scientific findings in recent years attesting to the dangers of the gases, and he noted that the plaintiffs' affidavits detailing those dangers were not contested.

The majority dismissed the E.P.A.'s argument that even if it did have authority to regulate carbon dioxide emissions, it could exercise its judgment in declining to do so. "Put another way, the use of the word'judgment' is not a roving license to ignore the statutory text," the decision stated.

Nor was the majority persuaded by the defendants' arguments that even if carbon dioxide emissions do contribute to global warming, they are but a small part of the worldwide problem. "Agencies, like legislatures, do not generally resolve massive problems in one fell swoop, but instead whittle away over time, refining their approach as circumstances change and they develop a more nuanced understanding of how best to proceed," the majority wrote.

In a friend-of-the-court brief of behalf of 18 scientists who specialize in climate issues, Robert B. McKinstry Jr. of Philadelphia and several other lawyers asserted that the E.P.A. had tried to create the impression that there is more uncertainty about global warming than really exists among scientists. "It is virtually certain that what has been observed so far is only the beginning," the brief said.

A White House spokeswoman said she could not comment at length on today's ruling. "We haven't had a chance to review the opinion in full," said Dana Perino. "People at E.P.A. and across the government are going to have to do that. I can't speak to the broader implications of the bill."

The court rejected the E.P.A. argument that it was constrained from regulating carbon dioxide emissions because doing so would require it to tighten mileage standards, a consideration that belongs to the Department of Transportation. "That D.O.T. sets mileage standards in no way licenses E.P.A. to shirk its environmental responsibilities," the ruling said.

Final word or not, today's decision pleased environmentalist groups. "The Supreme Court has reaffirmed what we have been saying all along: the Clean Air Act gives E.P.A. authority to fight global warming," said Howard Fox, a lawyer for Earthjustice, who argued the case before a federal appeals court.

Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said; "It's an historic moment when the Supreme Court has to step in to protect the environment from the Bush administration."

Besides Massachusetts, the plaintiff-states were California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington. Other plaintiffs included the District of Columbia, Baltimore, New York City and a dozen environmental groups.

Several automobile trade groups sided with the E.P.A., as did the states of Alaska, Idaho, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas and Utah.

日本経済新聞 2007/4/7

国連バネルが報告採択 温暖化、全地球に影響
 湿地最大30%消失 動植物30%絶滅も




 国連パネル報告 欧州に悲観論、米中が反発 原案より数値縮小






New York Times October 24, 2007

How to Cool the Globe


DESPITE growing interest in clean energy technology, it looks as if we are not going to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide anytime soon. The amount in the atmosphere today exceeds the most pessimistic forecasts made just a few years ago, and it is increasing faster than anybody had foreseen.

Even if we could stop adding to greenhouse gases tomorrow, the earth would continue warming for decades - and remain hot for centuries. We would still face the threat of water from melting glaciers lapping at our doorsteps.

What can be done? One idea is to counteract warming by tossing small particles into the stratosphere (above where jets fly). This strategy may sound far-fetched, but it has the potential to cool the earth within months.

Mount Pinatubo, a volcano in the Philippines that erupted in 1991, showed how it works. The eruption resulted in sulfate particles in the stratosphere that reflected the suns rays back to space, and as a consequence the earth briefly cooled.

If we could pour a five-gallon buckets worth of sulfate particles per second into the stratosphere, it might be enough to keep the earth from warming for 50 years. Tossing twice as much up there could protect us into the next century.

A 1992 report from the National Academy of Sciences suggests that naval artillery, rockets and aircraft exhaust could all be used to send the particles up. The least expensive option might be to use a fire hose suspended from a series of balloons. Scientists have yet to analyze the engineering involved, but the hurdles appear surmountable.

Seeding the stratosphere might not work perfectly. But it would be cheap and easy enough and is worth investigating.

This is not to say that we should give up trying to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Ninety-nine percent of the $3 billion federal Climate Change Technology Program should still go toward developing climate-friendly energy systems. But 1 percent of that money could be put toward working out geoengineered climate fixes like sulfate particles in the atmosphere, and developing the understanding we need to ensure that they wouldnt just make matters worse.

Think of it as an insurance policy, a backup plan for climate change.

Which is the more environmentally sensitive thing to do: let the Greenland ice sheet collapse and polar bears become extinct, or throw a little sulfate in the stratosphere? The second option is at least worth looking into.

Ken Caldeira is a scientist at the Carnegie Institutions department of global ecology.


2007年11月17日 asahi

温暖化対策「今後20年の努力重要」 IPCC統合報告







November 17, 2007 New York Times

U.N. Report Describes Risks of Inaction on Climate Change

In its final and most powerful report, a United Nations panel of scientists meeting here describes the mounting risks of climate change in language that is both more specific and forceful than its previous assessments, according to scientists here.

Synthesizing reams of data from its three previous reports, the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for the first time specifically points out important risks if governments fail to respond: melting ice sheets that could lead to a rapid rise in sea levels and the extinction of large numbers of species brought about by even moderate amounts of warming, on the order of 1 to 3 degrees.

The report carries heightened significance because it is the last word from the influential global climate panel before world leaders meet in Bali, Indonesia, next month to begin to discuss a global climate change treaty that will replace the Kyoto protocol, which expires in 2012. It is also the first report from the panel since it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in October - an honor that many scientists here said emboldened them to stand more forcefully behind their positions.

As a sign of the deepening urgency surrounding the climate change issue, the report, which was being printed Friday night, will be officially released by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on Saturday.

The full report was embargoed from news organizations until Saturday. But drafts have been circulating for weeks, and descriptions of its findings began to appear on Web sites and in news agency reports on Friday. Bush administration officials held a news conference to discuss the report but insisted that their comments be withheld until after its official release.

This document goes further than any of the previous efforts,said Hans Verolme, director of the World Wildlife Funds Global Climate Change Program. The pressure has been palpable ? people know they are delivering a document that will be cited for years to come and will define policy.

The previous three sections, released between February and April, focused on one issue at a time: the first on science, the second on how the world could adapt to warming and the third about how countries could mitigate,or reduce the greenhouse gases produced.

This fourth and final assessment - the so-called synthesis report - seeks to combine lessons from all three. Its conclusions are culled from data contained in the thousands of pages that were essentially technical supplements to the panels previous publications. How that data is summarized and presented to the world is a powerful guide to what the scientists consider of utmost importance at the end of a five-year process, offering concrete guidelines for policy makers.

You look to a synthesis report to provide clarity, to clarify what was obscure in previous reports,said Michael Oppenheimer, a climate scientist at Princeton University. Now, how can we take these findings and formulate a policy response thats quick enough and big enough?

While drafts of the panels reports are written by panels of scientists, the language is reviewed and often altered by delegates from 130 governments who meet before their final approval and release. Those negotiations took place here this week, and were often contentious, with the United States, China and India raising many objections, said scientists who spoke on condition of anonymity because they are not allowed to publicly refer to any countries by name.

The scientists and country representatives who had flocked here this week to participate in negotiations on the final wording applauded as the panels chairman, Rajendra Pachauri, declared the panels years of work concluded, just after 10:30 p.m. on Friday.

Even though the synthesis report is more alarming than its predecessors, some researchers believe that it still understates the trajectory of global warming and its impact. The I.P.C.C.s scientific process, which takes five years of study and writing from start to finish, cannot take into account the very latest data on climate change or economic trends, which show larger than predicted development and energy use in China.

The world is already at or above the worst case scenarios in terms of emissions,said Gernot Klepper, of the Kiel Institute for World Economy in Kiel, Germany. In terms of emissions, we are moving past the most pessimistic estimates of the I.P.C.C., and by some estimates we are above that red line.

The panel presents several scenarios for the trajectory of emissions and climate change. In 2006, 8.4 gigatons of carbon were put into the atmosphere from fossil fuels, according to a study in the proceedings of the National Academy of Science, which was co-written by Dr. Klepper. That is almost identical to the panels worst case prediction for that year.

Likewise, a recent International Energy Agency report looking at the unexpectedly rapid emissions growth in China and India estimated that if current policies were not changed the world would warm six degrees by 2030, a disastrous increase far higher than the panels estimates of one to four degrees by the end of the century.

While the United States, Saudi Arabia and China tried to change the text in order to play down the consequences of global warming, developing nations ? which will bear the initial brunt of climate change ? were much more forceful than at previous meetings in opposing these efforts, one scientist who was in the negotiating room said.

"I suspect that will continue,he said. As they feel more and more threatened by the sea and the storms they will insist that, as one of them put it, We do not want this report to be warm and fuzzy when the reality is cold and risky,or something like that,he said.

One novel aspect of the report is a specific list of Reasons for Concern.It includes items that are thought to be very likely outgrowths of climate change that had been mentioned in previous reports, like an increase in extreme weather events.

But it for the first time includes less likely but more alarming possibilities, like the relatively rapid melting of polar ice. Previous reports focused more on changes the scientists felt were highly likely.

This time, they take a step back and look at the totality,Dr. Verolme said. Saying it is less likely to occur, but if it does we are fried.

One such area is the future melting of ice sheets in Greenland and western Antarctica. In earlier reports, the panels scientists acknowledged that their computer models were poor at such predictions, and did not reflect the rapid melting that scientists have recently observed. If these areas melt entirely, seas would rise 40 feet, scientists said. While scientists are certain that the sheets will melt over millennia, producing sea-level rises, there is now evidence to suggest that it could happen much faster than this, perhaps over centuries.

In my view that would make it not just difficult, but impossible to adapt successfully, some of my colleagues would say catastrophic,said Dr. Oppenheimer. If they say that its possible that melting could occur in centuries leading to meters of change, thats a headline.

This final report also puts more emphasis on the ripple effect of small degrees of temperature change, some of which are already being seen, such as species extinctions and loss of biodiversity.

A relatively modest degree of warming - one to three degrees - spells a lot of trouble and I think that was not clear in the previous report,Dr. Oppenheimer said. He said part of the reason for the lack of clarity was that governments had messed aroundwith the language and structure of the report during the approval process.

This time around, the consequences of different degrees of climate change will be better laid out so that the ministers who meet in Bali next month will understand the options and the consequences of inaction. This should light a fire under policy makers,Dr. Oppenheimer said.


IPCC 第4次統合報告書
 温暖化、海面上昇何世紀も 被害軽減へ適応策訴え








農業   作物種や生育時期の調整、植樹による土壌流出防止
インフラ   移住、護岸、緩衝帯としての湿地整備、砂浜の補強
健康   熱中症対策、気候の影響を受けやすい疾病の管理、水の衛生管理、救急医療
観光   観光施設の多様化、スキー場の高所への移設、人工雪
交通   温暖化や排水に配慮した道路・鉄道などの整備
エネルギー   電線地中化、再生可能エネルギーの利用、単一電源への依存低下、省エネ


2008/9/29 日本経済新聞

太陽、活動停滞続く 「50年ぶり静かさ」地球、気温低下も
