トヨタは、FCHV-4(Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicle:燃料電池ハイブリッド乗用車)
【新型燃料電池ハイブリッド乗用車 主要諸元(計画値)】
車両 ベース車両 クルーガーV 全長/全幅/全高(mm) 4,735/1,815/1,685 重 量(kg) 1,850 最高速度(km/h) 150以上 乗車定員(人) 5 燃料電池 種 類 固体高分子形 出 力(kW) 90 モーター 種 類 交流同期電動機 最高出力(kW(PS)) 80(109) 最大トルク(N・m(kg・m)) 260(26.5) 燃 料 種 類 純水素 貯蔵方式 高圧水素タンク 最高充填圧力(MPa) 35 2次電池 種 類 ニッケル水素電池
日本経済新聞 2003/1/10
燃料電池「充電」可能に 北大が開発水素、繰り返し利用
燃料電池マッチ箱大 生ごみ原料、微生物活用 シャープなど基礎技術
日本経済新聞 2003/4/16
三菱商事 燃料電池の素材開発 本荘ケミカルと共同で新会社
日本経済新聞夕刊 2003/5/8
2003/5/7 GM
Dow Plans To Use GM Fuel Cells in
World's Largest Fuel Cell Transaction
The Dow Chemical Company, the
world's largest chemical manufacturer, and General Motors Corp.,
the world's largest automobile manufacturer, have reached initial
understanding on the world's largest fuel cell transaction to
The intent of this is for GM to commercialize
its hydrogen fuel cell technology to generate electricity from
hydrogen created as a co-product at Dow's operations in Freeport,
Texas. The 30-square-mile
complex in Freeport, 65 miles east of Houston, is Dow's largest
manufacturing facility.
If tests proceed according to plan,
Dow could eventually use up to 35 megawatts of power generated by
500 GM fuel cell units on an ongoing basis. This is enough
electricity to power 25,000 homes for a year and is more than 15
times bigger than any other known fuel cell transaction. The test
is expected to begin during the fourth quarter of 2003 and to run
through 2005, with plans to commercialize starting in 2006. Dow
and GM teams are currently working to remove the final hurdles
for placing the fuel cells in Dow's chemical manufacturing
facility. A final agreement between the two industrial giants is
expected to be signed in the next few months.
"This is a significant
milestone-not only from a technology and business perspective,
but from an environmental one as well," says Bill Jewell,
Dow's business vice president of energy. If the tests are
successful, Dow could become the largest user of fuel cell
generated electricity in the world. "Technology moves
forward in steps. This step can prove the feasibility of
manufacturing and using fuel cells in significant
Larry Burns, GM vice president of
research and development and planning, and Peter Molinaro, global
leader of climate change for Dow, jointly announced the
arrangement in the U.S. capital.
"While this is a milestone
event," Burns said, "and it points to a growing
interest among businesses in using fuel cells to power factories
and buildings, the most compelling reason for GM to collaborate
with Dow is ultimately to reduce the cost of fuel cells and
improve their durability so that we may put them in cars by the
end of the decade."
Though Texas is the first place
where Dow and GM will test this technology, the two companies are
already discussing the use of fuel cells to convert hydrogen to
electricity in other Dow locations in the U.S. and Europe. "
Using hydrogen to generate
electricity is no longer reserved for spacecraft," said
Dow's Molinaro. "This collaboration can place us at the
threshold of common use of fuel cells to power significant
portions of our economy. We are very excited about this
collaboration with General Motors and about what it could mean in
the pursuit of greater energy diversity, ultimately leading to a
hydrogen economy."
"This is a small but
significant step on the path to a more sustainable energy
future," Molinaro stated."We applaud this move by Dow
to be a fuel cell pioneer and to explore new technologies that
lead to a more sustainable energy profile," Burns added.
The Dow-GM opportunity typifies the
type of creative deals that will arise in the new Hydrogen
This is an excellent example of
environmental stewardship making good business sense," Burns
said. "By
efficiently recycling co-product hydrogen with a fuel cell, Dow would be able to reduce its emissions
and create electricity competitive with its other energy
supplies. This kind of creativity will generate a stream of
entrepreneurial thinking that will ultimately accelerate the
arrival of the Hydrogen Economy. This deal is just a start."
"As we reduce costs and improve
durability, new applications will emerge that serve industrial,
commercial and, finally, consumer power and transportation
needs," Burns said. "GM will continue to lead the
development of these applications."
Both Dow and GM are members of the
Green Power Market Development Group, a unique partnership
between the World Resources Institute (www.wri.org) and twelve
major U.S. corporations, dedicated to building corporate markets
for green power. WRI praises the Dow-GM fuel cell plan."
With a fuel cell transaction this
size, Dow and GM continue to show that they are serious about
alternative energy," said Jonathan Lash, president of WRI.
"This collaboration between Dow and General Motors, two
partners in WRI's Green Power Market Development Group,
demonstrates the type of innovation and leadership that will be
required to build sustainable energy markets."
General Motors (NYSE: GM), the
world's largest vehicle manufacturer, designs, builds and markets
cars and trucks worldwide, and has been the global automotive
sales leader since 1931. GM employs about 350,000 people around
the world. More information on GM can be found at www.gm.com.
Dow is a leading science and
technology company that provides innovative chemical, plastic and
agricultural products and services to many essential consumer
markets. With annual sales of $28 billion, Dow serves customers
in more than 170 countries and a wide range of markets that are
vital to human progress, including food, transportation, health
and medicine, personal and home care, and building and
construction, among others. Committed to the principles of
Sustainable Development, Dow and its approximately 50,000
employees seek to balance economic, environmental and social
GMとダウ・ケミカル社は、世界資源研究所(以下WRI)と米国の主要企業12社で構成される自然エネルギー市場開発グループ(Green Power Market Group)のメンバーで、WRIはGMとダウ・ケミカル社による共同プロジェクトを賞賛している。
WRI 代表のジョナサン・ラッシュは、「この大規模なプロジェクトにより、GMとダウ・ケミカル社は代替エネルギーに対する真摯な姿勢を表明した。共同プロジェクトは、恒久的なエネルギーの確保に必要とされる革新性と強力なリーダーシップの典型を提示している」と語った。