日本経済新聞 2002/8/13
神戸製鋼 米の技術供与先が破たん 継承会社も支援
Republic Technologies
International Announces Plans to Reorganize Under Chapter 11
Republic Technologies International, LLC, the nation’s largest producer of special barquality
steel, today announced that it has filed to reorganize under Chapter 11 of
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
Republic filed avoluntary petition today in the U.S. Bankruptcy
Court in Akron, Ohio.
Republic has a commitment for $420 million in
debtor-in-possession financing from its existing lending group
that will enableit to continue normal operations.
"We intend to complete this reorganization as soon as
possible, and to emerge stronger than ever," said Joseph F.
Lapinsky, Republic’s
president and chief executive officer. "Although our cash
flow from operations has been positive for four straight
quarters, we took this step because extremely difficult market
conditions have made it impossible for us to meet our financial
obligations. Chapter 11 will give us the opportunity to
restructure these obligations.
"We are communicating with our customers, our employees and
our suppliers today to make it clear that we are making and
shipping steel," Lapinsky added. "But this
reorganization will require major changes. We are committed to
provide the best quality and service available to our customers,
and we’ve asked our
employees to focus on the customer like never before. We’re confident they will rise to the
"We are still the nation’s leading supplier of special bar quality
steel, with the largest market share in the industry and the
best technical expertise. We will continue to capitalize on that
position as we reorganize."
Republic has retained Lazard Freres, a globally prominent
financial advisory firm, to help direct its reorganization.
The company has alerted its employees that it expects to secure
immediate approval from the Bankruptcy Court to continue paying
wages and benefits. Republic also intends to continue its benefit
programs for retirees.
Republic Technologies International, based in Fairlawn, Ohio, is
the nation’s largest
producer of high-quality steel bars. With 4,600 employees and
2000 sales of nearly $1.3 billion, Republic was included in
Forbes magazine’s 2000 and
1999 lists of the largest U.S. private companies. Republic
operates plants in Canton, Massillon, and Lorain, Ohio; Beaver
Falls, Pa.; Chicago and Harvey, Ill.; Gary, Ind.; Lackawanna,
N.Y.; Cartersville, Ga.; Willimantic, Conn; and Hamilton, Ont.
The company’s products are
used in demanding applications in the automotive, agricultural,
aerospace, off-highway, industrial machinery and energy
USS/KOBE merges with Republic
Technologies International
Kobe Steel, Ltd. and the U.S. Steel Group of USX Corporation
concluded on August 13 EST a previously announced transaction
with the Blackstone Group and Veritas Group to combine the
steelmaking and bar producing assets of USS/KOBE Steel Company at
Lorain, Ohio with companies controlled by Blackstone -- Republic Engineered Steels, Inc. and
Bar Technologies, Inc. USS/KOBE was originally an equal
partnership joint venture between
Kobe Steel and USX.
The three companies were combined into a company called Republic
Technologies International, LLC. Blackstone and Veritas hold
approximately 64%, USX and Kobe Steel approximately 15% each, and other equity holders roughly 6%. RTI
is capitalized at $149.5 million and its chief executive officer
is Thomas N. Tyrrell. The new joint venture has a total
steelmaking capacity of 3.5 million short tons.
Steel Company was formed in July 1989 as a 50/50 joint venture between Kobe Steel and USX. USS/KOBE
carried out a large modernization program and benefited from
technical support from Kobe Steel. As a result, the joint venture
was profitable for seven years, from 1989 to 1995. However, the
rise of mini mills and a slump in the pipe business caused
USS/KOBE to go into the red from 1996.
The merger of the three companies into Republic Technologies
International has created the largest producer of quality bar and
wire rod in North America. Plans to improve the profitability of
RTI include shutting down old lines, investing in new facilities,
and reducing the workforce. In 2003, cost reductions of $265
million, in comparision to current levels, are expected to
further contribute to placing RTI in the black. In addition, Kobe
Steel will continue its technology support to RTI.
The seamless
pipe business of USS/KOBE Steel Company is excluded from this transaction and will
continue to operate as a 50/50 joint venture partnership between
Kobe Steel and U.S. Steel. The new joint venture is called Lorain Tubular Co.,
The Blackstone Group L.P., a private merchant bank headquartered
in New York, is engaged in principal investing, mergers and
acquisitions advisor, and liquid alternative asset management.
The Veritas Group is a private investment fund founded by Robert
B. McKeon in 1992.
Republic Engineered Steels, Inc. produced engineered steel bars.
Headquartered in Fairlawn, Ohio, Republic was formed in 1989 from
the steel bar division of LTV Steel Company, Inc. Its plants
included a bar mill in Massillon, a steelmaking plant in Canton,
Ohio, and various cold-finishing facilities.
Bar Technologies, Inc. was another producer of engineered steel
bars. Headquartered in Fairlawn, Ohio, Bar Tech was formed from
the bar, rod and wire operations of Bethlehelm Steel Corporation
in 1994. Its plants included a bar mill in Lackawanna, New York,
a steelmaking plant in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and various
cold-finishing facilities.
1999/8/16 神戸製鋼所
USS/KOBE Steel Company(以下USS/KOBE)の棒鋼・線材部門(上工程含む)と、米国投資グループのBlackstoneとVeritasの両社が所有するRepublic
Engineered Steels社(以下RESI)及びBar Technologies社(以下Bar
Technologies International,LLC』とし、出資比率はBlackstone、Veritas
社 名 | : | Republic Technologies International,LLC(Limited Liability Company) |
代 表 者 | : | トーマス N. ティレル(Thomas N. Tyrrell) |
資 本 金 | : | 149.5百万ドル |
生産能力 | : | 約350万ショートトン(粗鋼ベース) |
従業員数 | : | 約6,000名(2003年末には3,800名程度まで削減する計画) |
主な設備 | : | 旧USS/KOBE(ロレイン製鉄所) 高炉、転炉、ブルーム連鋳機、棒鋼線材圧延ミル(2ライン) 旧RESI(キャントン工場、シカゴ工場) 電炉、ブルーム連鋳機、新棒鋼ミル(計画)、 旧Bar Tech(ジョーンズタウン工場、ラッカワナ工場) 電炉、ビレット連鋳機、棒鋼ミル 製品加工(引抜き他)7工場 |
Tubular Co.,LLC)
(1)社 名 :Blackstone L. P.(ブラックストーン)
(2)会 長 :Peter G. Peterson(ピーター G
(3)所 在 地 :ニューヨーク市
(4)資 本 金 :非公表
(5)売 上 高 :非公表
(6)設立時期 :1985年
(7)従業員数 :214名(1997年)
(8)事業内容 :投資、不動産投資
(1)社 名 :Veritas Capital Partners L. P.(ベリタス
キャピタル パートナーズ)
(2)会 長 :Robert B. Mckeon(ロバート B
(3)所 在 地 :ニューヨーク市
(4)資 本 金 :非公表
(5)売 上 高 :非公表
(6)設立時期 :1992年
(7)事業内容 :投資
(1)社 名 :USS/KOBE Steel Company(USS/KOBEスチール
(2)社 長 :George F. Babcoke(ジョージ F.
(3)所 在
地 :オハイオ州ロレイン市(本社、工場)
(4)出 資 :当社50%、USX社50%のパートナーシップ
(5)設立時期 :1989年7月1日
(1)社 名 :Republic Engineered Steel Inc.(リパブリック
エンジニアード スチール)
(2)社 長 :Thomas N. Tyrrell(98年9月以降)
(3)所 在 地 :オハイオ州、フェアローン市(Fairlawn、OHIO)
(4)設立時期 :1989年
(5)事業内容 :棒鋼・線材の製造販売
場 :棒鋼工場、オハイオ州、マシロン市(Massillon、OHIO)
<旧Bar Techの概要>
(1)社 名 :Bar Technologies Inc. (バー
(2)社 長 :Thomas N. Tyrrell
(3)所 在 地 :オハイオ州、フェアローン市(Fairlawn、OHIO)
(4)設立時期 :1994年9月(ベスレヘム
(5)事業内容 :棒鋼・線材の製造販売
(6)工 場
New York)
〜Lorain Tubular Company,LLCの当社出資持分をUSX社に売却〜
Tubular Company,LLC」(以下LTC)における当社全出資持分をUSX社に譲渡することで、このほど基本合意しました。年内に譲渡を完了する予定です。
Steel Company(以下 USS/KOBE)を発足し、設立以降1995年まで7期連続の黒字を達成するなど順調に事業展開を図ってまいりました。ところが、棒鋼・線材市場での市況ダウン及びパイプ需要の極端な冷え込みにより、1996年以降赤字計上を余儀なくされてきました。こうしたなかで、USS/KOBEの棒鋼・線材部門は、本年8月に2社の米国電炉メーカーと合併し、米国の高級棒鋼・線材市場でのトップシェアを有する新会社「Republic Technologies
Coating Company(PRO-TEC)」、神鋼商事、日商岩井との合弁による鉄粉製造販売会社「Kobelco
Metal Powder of America ,Inc.(KOMPA)」となります。PRO-TEC社では1998年に第2めっきラインを増設し、自動車向けを中心とした旺盛な需要に対応しています。また、KOMPA社も今年で操業10周年を迎え、米国粉末冶金業界で確固たる地位を占めています。
【Lorain Tubular Company,LLCの概要】 | ||
社長 | :T.A.Coughlin | |
本社 | :オハイオ州ロレイン市 | |
設立 | :1999年8月13日 | |
従業員数 | :約500人 | |
事業概要 | :シームレス鋼管の製造 | |
設備 | :No.3鋼管工場(大径管 270〜660mm)能力31,000ST/月 | |
No.4鋼管工場(小径管 48〜114mm) 能力30,000ST/月 |
日本経済新聞 2003/1/20
三井化学・ダウ 高強度の樹脂
神鋼・USスチール 車重5%軽く