Suzano Petroquimica@
Suzano Petroquimica is
the Latin American leader in the production of polypropylene
resins and the 2nd largest producer of thermoplastic resins in
The Company has a production capacity of 625 thousand
tons/year of polypropylene distributed within its three
facilities located in Maua (State of Sao Paulo), Duque de Caxias
(State of Rio de Janeiro) and Camacari (State of Bahia).
The Companyfs total production capacity will
increase by 250 thousand tons/ year up to 2008 with the expansion
of Maua and Duque de Caxias Units. These production capacity
expansions will sustain itfs leadership position in the
polypropylene business in Latin America and will turn the Company
into the second largest thermoplastic resins producer in the
In addition, Suzano Petroquimica is a joint
controlling shareholder of Riopol and Politeno, polyethylene producers, and Petroflex, synthetic elastomer producer;
both products are raw materials for the converters, as the
polypropylene (more details at SuzanoLs Groups section).
Our strategic focus is the polyethylene and polypropylene market.
Considering that the Brazilian demand for these products has
historically presented a high growth rate and that the per capita
consumption in Brazil is still much lower than other under
development countries, we believe there is an excellent growth
opportunity for those business segments in Brazil. We prioritize
investments in the polyethylene and polypropylene production in
the Southeast Region of Brazil, major consumer market for these
products, accounting for more than 60% of all the countryfs consumption.
September 01, 2005, Suzano
Petroquimica accomplished an important strategic objective
becoming an operational company through the
takeover of Polibrasil, the polypropylene producer whose
control Suzano Petroquimica used to share with Basell. As a result, Suzano Petroquimica
has dramatically enhanced its activities in terms of size and
relevance, which also enabled a significant simplification of its
corporate structure.
2005/9/1 @Polibrasil ‚ðBasell ‚©‚甃Žû @@@2005/11/30@Riopol starts
2005/12/1 Restructuring
Current Structure | After Restructuring |
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Suzano Petroqui'micafs Businesses
Since 1974, the actions of Suzanofs companies in the petrochemical
industry have always been pioneering. For Suzano Petroqui'mica,
technological know-how and innovation walk hand in hand.
First company to manufacture polypropylene in Latin America, is the segmentfs eading company in the region. Its three industrial units - Maua', State of Sa~o Paulo, Duque de Caxias, State of Rio de Janeiro and Camac,ari, State of Bahia - have a total installed capacity of 625 thousand ton/year. The three polypropylene plants are certified by ISO 9000, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.
(Polypropylene Resins)Installed Capacity
(thousand ton/year)after expansion
(thousand ton/year)Duque de Caxias
The company approved an of its Duque de Caxias complex, from 200.0 thousand tons to 300.0 thousand tons, and of its Maua' complex, from 300.0 thousand tons to 450.0 thousand tons. These investments are scheduled for the period from 2005 to 2008.
Founded in 1978, Suzano Petroqui'mica holds 100% of Polibrasil shares
2006/7/11@PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/
Suzano Petroquimica Concludes the First Phase of Its Polypropylene Capacity Expansion Project
Complying with Suzano Petroquimica's polypropylene capacity expansion schedule, the first phase of the project was concluded today. It allowed Maua's production capacity to increase by 60 thousand tons per year, reaching a nameplate capacity of 360 thousand tons per year. Maua's industrial site now has the biggest production capacity in a single site in Latin America.
The second phase of Maua's capacity expansion, which will add another 90 thousand tons per year, is estimated to be finished by the second quarter of 2008. Additionally, Duque de Caxias' facility expansion, in 100 thousand tons per year, is expected to be ready by the second quarter of 2007, together with Duque de Caxias' sea terminal.
Petroquimica will consolidate its position with a capacity of 875 thousand tons per year.
@Riopol@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Riopol starts
Riopol was created in 1996 to implement a grand project, the Rio de Janeiro Gas-Chemical Production Complex, in the vicinity of the Duque de Caxias refinery - Reduc, owned by Petrobras. The Complex was inaugurated on 23 June, 2005 and is comprised of two units - an ethane and propane pyrolysis unit, with installed capacity of 520 thousand ton/year of ethylene, and another unit producing high density (HDPE) and low density (LLDPE) polyethylene, with installed capacity of 540thousand ton/year.
Rio Poli'meros' Pyrolysis Unit has an annual production capacity of 520.0 thousand tons of ethylene and 75.0 thousand tons of propylene. Additionally, this unit has an annual production capacity of 5.0 thousand tons of hydrogen and 33.0 thousand tons of pyrolysis gasoline.
The Polymerization unit, on the other hand, has two independent production lines with an annual capacity of 270.0 thousand tons of polyethylenes each, for a total annual capacity of 540.0 thousand tons of polyethylene. This unit is of the swing type, capable of producing LLDPE and HDPE. This flexibility allows for adapting the product mix to the needs of the market.The Rio de Janeiro Gas-Chemical Production Complex is the first Brazilian petrochemical complex to use natural gas fractions as petrochemical raw-material to manufacture ethylene and the first integrated petrochemical project in Brazil, gathering production units of ethylene and polyethylene.
The shareholders of Riopol are Suzano Petroqui'mica (33,33%), Unipar (33,33%), Petroquisa (16,66%) and BNDESPAR (16,66%).Riopol is the result of a joint venture between us, Unipar, Petrobras (through Petroquisa) and BNDES Participac,o~es S.A.-BNDESPAR (''BNDESPAR''), and represents an investment of approximately US$ 1.08 billion. We hold approximately 33.3% of its total and voting capital being, together with Unipar, the largest shareholders. Petroquisa and BNDESPAR hold, each, approximately 16.6% of the total and voting capital of Riopol, and, in case BNDESPAR wants to sell its participation, Petroquisa has the right of first refusal, under specific circumstances.
@Petroflex@@Duque de Caxias (RJ), Triunfo (RS) e Cabo (PE)
Largest producer in Latin America, and sixth in the world, Petroflex holds today approximately 80% of market share in the Brazilian elastomers market. It has 3 industrial units: Duque de Caxias, State of Rio de Janeiro; Triunfo, State of Rio Grande do Sul and Cabo, State of Pernambuco, all certified by ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards, amounting to a total installed capacity of 410 thousand ton/year. Petroflex exports approximately 30% of its production to over 70 countries.
Petroflex offers more than 70 types of elastomers produced with raw materials from oil byproducts. Its products include synthetic ESBR, SSBR and BR rubbers, thermoplastic TR rubber, synthetic latex, PBLH and nitrilic NBR rubbers.
Units Installed Capacity
(thousand tons/year)Duque de Caxias
Created by Petrobras in 1962, Petroflex was the first petrochemical company to be privatized in Brazil, in 1992, as part of the National Privatization Program (PND). Petroflex is controlled by Suzano Petroqui'mica, Braskem and Unipar, which hold, together, 50.3% of the total capital.
Located in the Camac,ari Petrochemical Complex, State of Bahia, Politeno is one of the most important producers of polyethylene in Latin America.Its units, located beside the raw material central (Braskem), have installed capacity of 360 thousand ton/year and are certified by ISO 9001 and IISO14001 standards.
Plant Installed Capacity
(thousand ton/year)LDPE/EVA
Founded in 1974, Politeno is controlled by four shareholders: Suzano Petroqui'mica, Braskem and the Japanese Sumitomo and Itochu. For two subsequent years - 2000 and 2001 -, the Company was a finalist in the National Quality Award (PNQ), which was finally conquered in 2002. This award is considered the most important recognition of the efforts in pursuing excellence in quality in Brazil.
Companhia Suzano de Papel e Celulose@@@@@@@ @35%
Conepar--- Companhia Nordeste de Participacoes@@ 35%
Sumitomo Chemical@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 20%
Itochu Corporation@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@10%
* Conepar‚ÍBraskemŽq‰ïŽÐ
@Prodome Qui'mica e Farmace^utica Ltda (PQF)
Ending a 15-year relationship, German pharmaceutical company Merck & Co Inc has acquired control of Brazilian health products manufacturer Prodome Qui'mica e Farmace^utica Ltda (PQF) from local company Ache' Laborato'rios Farmace^uticos SA (ALF) and minority shareholder Gian Enrico Mantegazza for an undisclosed amount.
The Company's principal activity is to produce and manufacture propylene oxide, propylene glycol, polypropylene and other petrochemical by-products.
Suzano Petroquimica S.A.
Petroquimicah or gCompanyh) , and Basell International
Holdings BV (gBasellh), announce that today they have
reached an agreement in principle for the sale of the entire
shareholding interest of Basell at Polibrasil Participacoes S.A.
to Suzano Petroquimica, that, as a result, will own 100% of such
company and, indirectly, 98.1% of Polibrasil Resinas S.A. (gPolibrasilh), the Latin-American leader in
polypropylene production.
According to the agreement, Suzano Petroquimica will acquire 100%
of the shares of Basell Poliolefinas Ltda. (gBasell Brasilh), which has only one asset that
corresponds to its 50% stake of Polibrasil Participacoes S.A.,
controlling shareholder of Polipropileno S.A., with 98.1% of its
share capital, which has total control of Polibrasil, an
operating company with total production capacity of 625 kton/year
of polypropylene and 25 kton/year of compound polypropylene. The agreement also encompasses
the simultaneous sale to Basell of the totality of
the polypropylene compounding business of Polibrasil.
The amount to be paid for 100% of Basell Brazilfs, net of polypropylene
compounding business, is US$ 240 million.
The closing of the transaction, expected to occur during the
third quarter of 2005, is subject to the conclusion and execution
of the definitive agreements of the transaction, among other
conditions precedent and usual adjustments in this type of
For Suzano Petroquimica this is a historical milestone, as it
represents a fundamental qualitative upgrade: the Company will
cease to be only an investor and joint controller to become a
company with integrated strategic and operating functions. At the
same time, it confirms its key role as consolidating agent of the
petrochemical sector focused on the Southeast region of Brazil.
Through the total shareholding control of Polibrasil, Suzano
Petroquimica will become the third largest producer of
thermoplastic resins in Latin America and the largest producer of
polypropylene in the region.
After the closing of the transaction Suzano Petroquimica will
implement a corporate restructuring, aiming at simplifying its
structure and formally becoming an operating company. By this
means Suzano Petroquimica confirms its strategic commitment both
to the capital markets and to value creation to shareholders. As
soon as the basic framework of this organizational restructuring
is defined the Company will inform the market accordingly, in
compliance with the applicable regulations.
The solid relationship between Suzano Petroquimica, Basell and
their shareholders, carefully and respectfully built over the
last years, was crucial for the implementation of this landmark
transaction and will continue to be essential for the sustainable
development of both companies.
Suzano Petroquimica S.A.
Petroquimicah or the gCompanyh) announces that it has concluded
acquisition of the entire control of Polibrasil Resinas S.A. (gPolibrasilh). The financial settlement and the
property transfer , amounting to US$ 276.8 million, were
finalized today.
The transaction included the simultaneous sale to Basell
International Holdings BV (gBasellh) of Norcom Compostos
Termoplasticos do Nordeste S.A., to which the whole business of
polypropylene compounds, previously owned by Polibrasil, was
transferred to for the amount of US$ 23.0 million, resulting in a
net disbursement of US$ 253.8 million for the transaction.
Additionally, Suzano Petroquimica will implement a restructuring
to simplify its corporate structure and turn itself into an
operational company, accomplishing its commitment to the market.
As a result of this transaction, Suzano Petroquimica becomes the
Latin American leader in the production of polypropylene, with total production
capacity of 625 thousand tons per year, reaching 875 thousand tons per
year after the implementation of the approved expansion project,
and the second largest Brazilian producer of thermoplastic
resins, with consolidated net revenues of R$ 1.719 millions for
the period from Julyf04 to Junef05.
Corporate Restructuring
The corporate restructuring will evolve public tender offers to
the delisting of Polipropileno S.A. and Polipropileno
Participacoes S.A. and the incorporation, by Suzano Petroquimica,
of Suzano Quimica Ltda., Polibrasil Participacoes S.A., Suzano
Poliolefinas Ltda. (previously Basell Brasil Poliolefinas Ltda.)
Polipropileno S.A and Polibrasil Resinas S.A., besides the
incorporation of Polipropileno Participacoes S.A. by SPQ
Investimentos e Participacoes Ltda. The restructuring will allow
the use of the goodwill generated by the acquisition of
Polibrasil valued in excess of R$ 400 million, and will be
concluded until the end of 2005.
By turning itself into an operational company, Suzano Petroquimica will take a definitive step towards a new qualitative level, integrating its strategic management to the operational management, besides creating a simpler and more transparent corporate structure, as indicated above.
2005/12/1@Suzano Petroquimica
Suzano Petroquimica concludes its Corporate Restructuring and
becomes the largest polypropylene producer in Latin America
Suzano Petroquimica S.A., latin-american leader in
polypropylene production and a joint controlling shareholder of
relevant players in the petrochemical sector - Rio Polimeros
S.A., Petroflex Industria e Comercio S.A. and Politeno Industria
e Comercio S.A., informs that all corporate actions necessary to
transform Suzano Petroquimica into an operational company have
been completed yesterday.
In line with the commitment of simplifying its corporate
structure and improving transparency, in the Shareholderfs General Meeting held yesterday Suzano Quimica
Ltda., Polipropileno S.A., Polibrasil Resinas S.A. and Polibrasil
Compostos S.A. were merged into Suzano Petroquimica S.A., which succeeded them in all
rights and duties, reaching the following corporate structure:
@@@@@ŠeŽÐŠT—v Riopol@Petroflex@Politeno@PQF
This important corporate
simplification was possible due to the success (i) of the Public
Tender Offer for the Acquisition of Polipropileno S.A shares, which financial settlement
happened on November 29; and (ii) the redemption of its shares.
Accordingly, the Public Tender Offer for the Acquisition of
Polipropileno Participacoes S.A shares was also successfully
implemented, with financial settlement also happening on November
29,2005. Since the remaining float of shares after the Offering
was slightly higher than 5% of the its total capital, the
minority shareholders who did not adhere yet, still have the
possibility to sell their shares during a 3-month period,
starting November 29, 2005.
It is expected that after that 3-month period, SPQ Investimentos
e Participacoes Ltda. will be able to incorporate Polipropileno
Participacoes S.A..
As a result of the corporate actions implemented yesterday, Suzano Petroquimica assumes per se the position of the leading company in the polypropylene business in Latin America. The Company believes it has exceeded the market expectations with respect to the timetable for the implementation of its corporate restructuring and reaffirms its firm proposal of positioning the Company as one of the leaders in the Petrochemical Industry in Brazil and in Latin America.
November 30, 2005. Suzano
Riopol starts operation and concludes first sale of polyethylene
Suzano Petroquimica S.A.,
the Latin American leader in the production of polypropylene and
a joint controlling shareholder of relevant players in the
petrochemical sector - Rio Polimeros S.A., Petroflex Industria e Comercio
S.A. and Politeno Industria e Comercio S.A., aiming at keeping
the market updated on the initial operation of Riopol, announces
that the company has initiated its polyethylene production and
has already effected the first polyethylene sale.
After the start up of the industrial facilities and a period
stabilization of its operations, Riopol restarted its
polyethylene production process at its first production line last
week, which has a total production capacity of 270 thousand tons
of polyethylene
per year and that will be dedicated to the production of linear
low density polyethylene (LLDPE), which is already being produced
within the required specifications.
Almost 1,000 tons of polyethylene have been produced and the
Companyfs first sale, amounting to 50
tons, was made to a film producer in the State of Sao Paulo.
Riopol is also selling polymer-grade propylene to Suzano
Petroquimicafs polypropylene unit located close
to Riopol, and also hydrogen to Petrobrasf
Refinary in Duque
de Caxias,Rio de Janeiro.
Next week, the second polyethylene production line with also a
total production capacity of 270 thousand tons per year is scheduled to start
operating, and will be dedicated to the production of high
density polyethylene (HDPE).
The Riopol project has now overcome the normal difficulties faced
during its initial start up phase and Suzano Petroquimica is
confident that the companyfs activities should proceed at a
normal pace from now on. It is worth mentioning that Riopol
should have a quite fast learning curve, achieving the 460 thousand
polyethylene production expected for 2006.
Therefore, Suzano Petroquimica confirms its belief that Riopol, a
pioneer project in Brazil, is now definitely assuming its
relevant position in the Brazilian petrochemical industry.
PQU, Brazil's first basic
petrochemical products plant, was incorporated December 12, 1966
under the name Petroqui'mica Unia~o Ltda., with a capital of
50,000 cruzeiros. Its proposition was the ambitious project of
installing Latin America's largest petrochemical complex,
resulting from the agreement between Refinaria e Explorac,a~o de
Petro'leo Unia~o S.A., in Capuava, Santo Andre' (the present-day
RECAP of Petrobras, then owned by the Soares Sampaio, Ultra and
Moreira Salles groups), and the American company Phillips
In 1968, Phillips Petroleum withdrew from the project, being
replaced on June 15 (at a special stockholder's meeting) by
Petroquisa, the latter being authorized to associate with PQU in
December of the same year. In this way, Petroqui'mica Unia~o
became a joint-stock company.
The basic design of the plants was contracted with Lummus, of New
Jersey, a company of great experience with similar facilities,
while engineering and assembly supervision were in charge of
Socie'te' Franc,aise de Techniques Lummus (SFTL), a subsidiary of
the former. The construction and assembly work started with the
laying of the foundation-stone on April 11, 1969.
Petroquisa's participation as a shareholder of PQU assured the
organized and balanced implementation of Sa~o Paulo's
Petrochemical Complex, basically comprising the central plant and
additional 39 companies being supplied with the basic and
intermediate products generated.
From 1971 onward, PQU's shareholder body was composed by 90% of domestic
capital, from Petrobras (Petroquisa) and Unipar, a domestic
private group, and 10% of foreign capital, from companies such as
International Finance Corporation, Provident International
Corporation, Citicorp, and Venture Capital Ltd.
On June 15, 1972, Petroqui'mica Unia~o S.A. started up its
production, inaugurating Phase I of the complex. Phase II was
completed in March 1974, when the rated capacity of 300 thousand
tons of ethylene per year was achieved. In the same year, the
ethylene pipeline was extended to Cubata~o. By decision of its
shareholders, PQU now also supplied the low density polyethylene
plant owned by Union Carbide.
In November 1980, the DBN I (Debottlenecking) project was
completed, increasing ethylene production from 300 thousand to
360 thousand tons per year.
In January 1989, the Polibutenos S.A. Indu'strias Qui'micas - PIB plant starts up, with 12 thousand tons yearly capacity. PIB is an association of Petroqui'mica Unia~o with Unipar and Chevron do Brasil, the plant being installed within the PQU industrial complex, making use of its infrastructure, and employing its butenes stream to produce polyisobutenes in several viscosity ranges. This product, until then imported, is employed as dispersant in lube oil additives, in the formulation of protective varnishes, water-proofing of electric cables, and manufacture of industrial products.
Brazil's Petrobras says to buy Suzano petrochem firm
Brazilian state oil
company Petrobras said on Friday it had agreed to buy control of
Suzano Petroquimica for 2.1 billion reais ($1.1 billion) in the
second major Brazilian petrochemicals deal this year.
In March, Petrobras and two partners, Latin America's largest
petrochemical company Braskem and Ultrapar Participacoes , bought
petrochemical and fuel company Ipiranga for $4 billion.
2007/3/23 ƒuƒ‰ƒWƒ‹‚ÅΖûEΖû‰»Šw‹ÆŠE‚ÌÄ•Ò
ƒuƒ‰ƒWƒ‹‘‰cΖû‰ïŽÐPetrobras‚ÆUltra GroupABraskem‚Ì3ŽÐ‚ª‹¤“¯‚ÅA“¯‘‚ÌΖû¸»E”Ì”„AΖû‰»Šw‚̘V•Ü‚ÌIpiranga‚𔃎û‚·‚éB19“úAPetrobras‚ª”•\‚µ‚½B
PP@”\—Í@içƒgƒ“j | ||||||||||||||||||||
Suzano Petroquimica
We are the leading
company in Latin America in the production of polypropylene, a
thermoplastic resin, 100% recyclable, widely used in the
manufacture of textile and civil construction supplies, domestic
appliances and packages for the food, cosmetics, pharmaceutical
and civil construction industries, and which is presented in
three basic types: homopolymers, heterophasic copolymers and
random copolymers.