ƒJƒ^[ƒ‹‘S} | Ras Laffan |
The Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO)
Š”ŽåFQatar Petroleum (2001/1‰üÌj@80%
@@@@@‹Œ@Qatar General Petroleum Corporation (QGPC)
@@@@Elf Atochem of France@20%
@@@@@@@i“–‰ Elf Atochem 10%, Enichem of Italy @10% )
@@@@‚k‚c‚o‚d@ 360çƒgƒ“@+ 300çƒgƒ“iLDPE-3)
@@@@Sulphur@@ 70çƒgƒ“
Š”ŽåFQatar Petroleum@25.5%@+29.7%
@@@@The Qatar Petrochemical Company (QAPCO) @31.9%
@@@@Norsk Hydro@ 29.7% ¨0
@@@@Elf Atochem @12.9%@@@@»•iF ƒJƒZƒCƒ\[ƒ_@336,400ƒgƒ“
Q-Chem @@
Š”ŽåFQatar PetroleumiQGPCj@@51%
@@@@Chevron Phillips Chemical@49%
@@@@‚g‚c‚o‚d@ 450çƒgƒ“
Q-Chem II@iˆÈ‰º‚RŒv‰æ‚Ì”•\j
Š”ŽåFQatar PetroleumiQGPCj@@@51%
@@@@Chevron Phillips Chemical@@49%
—§’nFMesaieed iQ-Chem plant —×Új
»•iFHDPE @350çƒgƒ“
@@@@Normal Alpha Olefins @345çƒgƒ“
‰Ò“®F2008.2006/6/8 ‹NHŽ®
Š”ŽåFQatar Petrochemical Co. iQAPCOj@ 63%
@@@@Qatar PetroleumiQGPCj@@@@@@1%
@@@@Atofina @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 36% @@@@
Š”ŽåFQ-Chem II@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ 53.31%
@@@ Qatofin@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ 45.69% @@
@ @@ Qatar PetroleumiQGPCj @ @@@@@@@ @1%
—§’nFRas Laffan Industrial City
@@@@@ƒGƒ`ƒŒƒ“ƒpƒCƒvƒ‰ƒCƒ“i120‚‹‚j‚Å Mesaieed ‚Ö
Š”ŽåFHonam Petchem @@@@@@@@@@@@@@30%
@@@Qatar Intermediate Industries Holdings @70%@@
—§’nF Mesaieed
»•iFethylene, propylene, benzene
@@@ PP @@700çƒgƒ“ @Basell's Spheripol technology
@@@ SM @@600
@@@ PS@@ 220
@@@ ethylene-to-propylene conversion units
‰Ò“®Fsecond half of 2011.Foster Wheeler Awarded Front-End Engineering Design and Management Contracts
Qatar Fuel Additives Company Ltd. (QAFAC)
Š”ŽåFQatar Petroleum (QP) @50%
@@@ Chinese Petroleum Corporation (CPCF‘ä˜p)@ 20%
@@@ Lee Chang Yung Chemical Industry Corporation (‘ä˜p)@ 15%
@@@ International Octane Limited @@15%
@@@@‚l‚s‚a‚d@@ 610 çƒgƒ“
Qatar Petroleum^ExxonMobil Chemical @Gas-to-Liquid (GTL) project
—§’nFRas Laffan Industrial City
Œ´—¿Fethane feedstock in Qatar's North Field
”•\@@@@¨@Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil to scrap gas-to-liquids plan
Qatar, ExxonMobil sign MOU for 1.6-mil mt/yr ethylene cracker@
@@@@@¨@Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil Chemical Sign Heads of Agreement for Petrochemical Complex
@@@@¨Qatar Petroleum and ExxonMobil
Chemical Sign Agreement for Petrochemical Complex in Ras Laffan
@@@@@@@@@@@a 1.6 MTA steam cracker, two 650
KTA gas phase polyethylene plants,
@@@@@@@@@@@and a 700 KTA
ethylene glycol plant.
Qatar Petroleum^Shell
ethane based cracker and derivatives complex
@@@@Qatar Petroleum and Shell sign a Letter of Intent for the Development of a World-Scale Petrochemical Complex
Qatar Petroleum and Shell sign MoU to jointly develop major petrochemicals project in Qatar
@@@@other olefin derivatives
SEEF Ltd. Company iwww.seefqatar.com.qaj@Linear Alkyl Benzene
—§’nFadjacent to Qatar Petroleum Refinery in the industrial area of Mesaieed
oŽ‘FQatar Petroleum holding 80% @@United Development Company (UDCj20%
”\—ÍF100,000 metric tons of Linear Alkyl BenzeneQatar's First Linear Alkyl Benzene Plant Inaugurated
2012/2/11 thefreelibrary.com
QATAR,VIET NAM : Siam Cement Group forms JV with Vietnamese and Qatari partners
for petchem complex in Vietnam.
The Siam Cement Group (SCG) has established a joint venture with Vietnamese and
Qatari partners facilitating investment in a $4.5bn petrochemical complex in Ba
Ria-Vung Tau province, Vietnam.
An annual production capacity of the complex on Long Son Island will be of 1.4
million tons olefins using ethane, propane and naphtha as feedstock. It will
feature storage facilities, port, jetty, power unit along with other utilities.
Major part of these downstream petrochemical products would be for supply at
Vietnam s local market.
According to Siam Cement, the project will be commercially viable within four
Decision in regards to the firm's investment in the project will be done in
2013. Total 28% stake in the project will be held by Siam Cement, and 18% to be
owned by its unit, Thai Plastics and Chemical. QPI Vietnam, a subsidiary of
Qatar Petroleum International, Petrovietnam and Vinachem to own the balance
@ @ capacity total cost Projects under progress Linear Alkyl Benzene sulphonate (LABS) + Sodium Silicate project @@20,000t/y @@50m$ HDPE Pipes project @@10,000t/y @@30m$ Poly acetal resins project @@30,000t/y @ 130m$ Projects under study Phosphorous complex project @ 100,000t/y @@25m$ Phenol/Acetone + Polycarbonate resins project @ 100,000t/y @ 600m$ VCM project @ 160,000t/y @@60m$ Etylene Diamine project @@ 7,000t/y @@60m$ Benta + Erythrtol project @@60,000t/y @@35m$ TDI complex project @ 100,000t/y @ 300m$ Futuristic projects Plastic sheets @@50,000t/y @ Paraffin oils project @@ 5,000t/y @ White oils for sophisticated engines @@70,000t/y @ Liquid Aspirin project @@37,000t/y @ Paraffin candles project @@ 5,000t/y @