化学工業日報 2002/8/13

住友化学、NOCの出資比率でライオンデルと協議           住化発表


(1997/12/9 昭和電工発表)










本社 東京都中央区日本橋一丁目12番8号 第二柳屋ビル
工場 千葉県袖ヶ浦市北袖2
プラント能力 PO15万t/年
株主 米国アーコケミカル 50%
住友化学株式会社 45%
昭和電工株式会社 5%


(2001/10/19 住友化学、ライオンデル・ケミカル社)


 住友化学は、これまでライオンデル・ケミカル(Lyondell Chemical Company 、本社: 米国テキサス州ヒューストン、CEO: D. F. Smith )との合弁会社である日本オキシラン(株)(本社: 東京都中央区、社長: 大石幸男)でプロピレンオキサイド事業を展開してまいりましたが、このたび、住友化学とライオンデル・ケミカルは、住友化学のプロピレンオキサイド単産法の商業化に関して、グローバルな協力に向けた仮合意書を締結しました。
 一方、千葉でプロピレンオキサイドの新プラントの起工式に参加したライオンデル・ケミカルのモーリス・ゲルブ上席副社長は「ライオンデル・ケミカルと住友化学は25 年以上にわたり、日本オキシランを通じプロピレンオキサイド事業で良きパートナーとして協力してまいりました。併産品を生成しないプロ

(2000/9/6 住友化学発表)


 プロピレンオキサイドは、ポリプロピレングリコール、プロピレングリコール、界面活性剤などに使用され、それらの用途はポリウレタンフォーム、エラストマー、塗料、接着剤、不飽和ポリエステル樹脂など多岐にわたっております。プロピレンオキサイドの国内需要は、今後、非フォーム分野の伸びが期待され、全体としても安定的に推移すると思われます。一方、高成長を続けているアジア地域では、ポリウレタンフォーム分野を中心に年7 〜8 %の伸びが期待されます。
 住友化学は、これまで関連会社の日本オキシラン(株)でスチレンモノマーの併産法によるプロピレンオキサイドの製造(生産能力は年産17 万トン)、販売を行ってまいりました。このたび開発した新製造プロセスでは併産品が生成されないため、併産品のスチレンモノマーの需要に左右されず、プロピレンオキサイドの需要に即応した生産体制を整えることができます。
 現在、国内メーカーのプロピレンオキサイド生産能力は、日本オキシランの年産17万トンを含め、年産約35万トンですが、近年では、旺盛な需要に支えられ、日本オキシランは、定修年には、プロピレンオキサイドを多量に輸入せざるをえない状況にあります。住友化学では、新プロセスをもとに、国内で年産20万トンクラスの商業プラントを2002 年に稼働させ、供給不足を解消するとともに、さらなる事業の拡大を図ることにしております。また、本技術を武器に海外立地を行い、積極的な事業展開を図る予定です。

旭硝子ホームページ http://www.agc.co.jp/kagaku/uretan/uretan.htm 


  旭硝子は原塩を電気分解して得られる塩素を利用して、クロルヒドリン法によるプロピレンオキサイド(PO)を生産しています。 旭硝子のウレタン関連商品はこのPOを出発原料として、末端商品にいたるまで幅広い商品展開を図っており、ウレタン以外の分野へもその裾野を広げています。 当社のウレタン関連商品群は以下のように分類されます。




基礎商品 プロピレンオキサイド(PO)
機能商品 高分子量・低副生物ポリエーテルポリオール




*POは隣接の武田薬品工業に供給 (武田は2001年にウレタン事業を三井化学と統合し、三井武田ケミカルを設立)

March 29, 2001 Dow Announces Delay in New POSM Project 

The Dow Chemical Company announced today that the construction of a world-scale propylene oxide and styrene monomer (POSM) facility to be built on the U.S. Gulf Coast would be delayed. The new plant, the first Dow facility to utilize a co-product POSM process, was scheduled to start-up in mid-2004.

"The project is temporarily being delayed as a result of a shift in propylene oxide supply/demand balances," said Bob Wood, Group President of Dow's Thermoset Business Group, which includes the Propylene Oxide and Propylene Glycol businesses, as well as Polyurethanes, Polyurethanes Systems Houses, and Epoxies & Intermediates. "We review supply/demand balances on a regular basis and will adjust the timing for the POSM project as necessary," he said.

During the second half of 2000, Dow completed PO expansions in Freeport, Texas, and Plaquemine, La., for a combined total of 160 million pounds per year of additional capacity. The company also has invested in an additional 45 million pounds of capacity in Stade, Germany, slated to come on-line later this year.

"These expansions, which roughly equal one-third of the capacity that will be provided by the POSM project, will allow a delay in the project while at the same time adequately meet our revised forecast for demand," Wood said.

The shortfall in styrene monomer resulting from the delay will be bridged by moving forward on existing plans for adding conventional styrene capacity. "We are bringing forward capacity increments in existing styrene plants," stated Geoff Tegg, Dow's Global Director for Aromatic Derivatives. "We are also reviewing the timing and size of our planned new ethyl benzene/styrene monomer plant in Brazil."

"The addition of new capacity remains an important part of Dow's overall growth goals and commitment to PO and its derivatives," said David Pashalidis, who heads the Propylene Oxide and Propylene Glycol business at Dow. "The capability to use either chlorohydrin or POSM technology will provide Dow with the flexibility to practice the most appropriate and cost effective technology on a site-by-site basis around the world, assuring that we will remain a leader in supplying low-cost PO derivatives," he said.

Propylene oxide applications include polyurethanes, propylene glycol, chemical intermediates, flame retardants, synthetic lubricants, oil field drilling chemicals, and textile surfactants. Styrene monomer is commonly used in such applications as synthetic rubber, packaging, auto parts and consumer electronics.

Dow is a leading science and technology company that provides innovative chemical, plastic and agricultural products and services to many essential consumer markets. With annual sales of $30 billion, Dow serves customers in more than 170 countries and a wide range of markets that are vital to human progress, including food, transportation, health and medicine, personal and home care, and building and construction, among others. Committed to the principles of sustainable development, Dow and its 50,000 employees seek to balance economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

Chemical Week 2000/7/19


DOW CHEMICAL SAYS IT WILL BUILD A world-scale propylene oxide-styrene monomer (POSM) plant at one of its Gulf Coast sites. The unit will use
POSM technology licensed from chemical firm Nizhnekamskneftekhim  (Tatartstan, Russia). All of Dow's 1.8-million m.t./year PO capacity uses an epichlorohydrin process.

The plant is scheduled for completion in mid-2004 and will have annual capacities for
250,000 m.t. of PO and 575,000 m.t. of styrene, says Dow. Company officials would not disclose the cost to build the plant but say it will be comparable to POSM plants built by competitors. POSM plants typically cost $350 million-$400 million, observers say.

Dow is taking "an important step" toward maintaining its position as a producer of low-cost PO derivatives by adding POSM technology, says Bob Wood, business group president/polyurethanes (PUs), PU systems, PO, propylene glycol, and epoxy resins and intermediates.

Dow's internal PO demand is growing at 5%/year for use in its polyether polyols, PG, and glycol ethers, says Dave Pashilidis, general manager/PO and propylene glycol (PG). The company's future expansions will incorporate both technologies, says Pashilidis. Dow has gained flexibility in geography and overall economics, he says. Previously, Dow had to tie PO plants to chlor-alkali as well as propylene supply olefins plants. The
epichlorohydrin-based process consumes approximately 1 lb of chlorine/lb of PO produced. "With POSM, we need a cracker with available ethylene, propylene, and benzene," he says.

Dow's Freeport, TX and Plaquemine, LA sites are the most likely locations for the plant because of their existing infrastructure and port access, says Pashilidis.

Chemical Week May 29, 2002

BASF, Solvay Confirm Plans for H2O2-Propylene Oxide

BASF and Solvay have confirmed CW's exclusive report that they will join forces to build a complex to produce propylene oxide (PO) based on a
new BASF process that uses hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a propylene oxidant. The companies say they are considering possible sites in the Nafta region and in Asia for plants with capacity for 200,000 m.t./year of H2O2 and 250,000 m.t./year of PO. They plan to make their selection within two years. BASF says it expects to complete the complex in 2007-08. The companies declined to reveal the anticipated investment costs.

The two companies will be equal owners of the H2O2 unit, and BASF will be sole owner of the PO plant. The PO unit will consume 180,000 m.t./year of H2O2, BASF says. Solvay, the world's leading producer of H2O2, has been looking for new outlets for the product.

BASF says it has been testing the PO process in a pilot plant at Ludwigshafen. The company says that it has collected and analyzed all the data required to design and operate a world-scale PO plant based on H2O2.
In contrast to traditional PO production, the new process makes no by-products except water,says Jean-Pierre Dhanis, president/polyurethanes at BASF. The process is much more cost-effective and flexible than traditional PO technologies, Dhanis says. BASF declines to give further details.

Dow Chemical has an H2O2-based PO technology that it is considering using for a project in China . Degussa and Uhde are developing a similar technology, and Sumitomo is working on a process that uses cumene hydroperoxide as the oxidizing agent.

2002/05/31 独BASF発表


 BASF(本社 ドイツ、ルートヴィッヒスハーフェン)は、過酸化水素をベースとするプロピレンオキサイド(PO)の新しい生産プロセスを開発しました。すべての関連プロセス装置が統合されているパイロットプラントにおいて、世界規模となる新プラントの設計・運営に必要な全データの集計および分析が行われました。建設場所などを含む新プラントの詳細については、今後2年以内に決定されます。年間生産能力は約25万トンとなります。現在、有力候補地のアセスメントが行われており、将来的な経済環境などを考慮することになっています。

注  多量の過酸化水素(プロピレン1トンに対し0.6トン)を 使用するため、POプラントの横に過酸化水素のプラントを建設してもコスト高になる。非常に安い過酸化水素が出来るかがこのプロセスのポイント。

化学工業日報 2002/8/5



2002/8/1 Dow

Dow and BASF to Pursue Joint Development of Process Technology for Propylene Oxide

The Dow Chemical Company and BASF announced today plans to join forces in the development of technology for the manufacture of propylene oxide (PO) utilizing hydrogen peroxide (HP) as a key raw material.

Both companies have significant patent portfolios as well as extensive pilot plant experience with the hydrogen peroxide route to PO (HP-PO process).

The HP-PO technology owned by Dow was acquired with the companys acquisition of EniChems polyurethanes business in May 2001.UCCPolimeri持分と交換)  EniChem was a pioneer in the development of the hydrogen peroxide process technology, holding a portfolio of patents dating from the early 1980s. BASF has been developing the HP-PO technology since 1995 and is now in the final stage of its development.

"Producing propylene oxide via the HP-PO process represents a significant improvement in cost-effectiveness when compared to existing processes, and eliminates the complications of handling co-products," said Bob Wood, Business Group President of Dow Thermosets, which includes Dow
s Propylene Oxide and Propylene Glycol business unit, along with Polyurethanes, Polyurethanes Systems and Epoxy Products & Intermediates.

"We believe that combining the research and development strengths of both companies, through this joint development effort, will improve and accelerate commercialization of the HP-PO process technology," said John Feldmann, member of BASF
s Board of Executive Directors with responsibility for BASFs Plastics & Fibers segment, which includes BASFs global Polyurethanes division. "A straightforward design without co-products will allow flexible investment decisions with respect to timing and location," Feldmann said.

"Both companies have made tremendous steps in the development of this technology in recent years, and we expect additional value in a joint development," said Jean-Pierre Dhanis, President of BASF
s Polyurethanes division. "Should the technology meet our mutual expectations, we could have the basic design of a commercial world-scale PO plant available in time for start up as early as 2006", Dhanis said.

"As a leading PO manufacturer with a broad process technology portfolio ? chlorohydrin, propylene oxide/styrene monomer (PO/SM) and now HP-PO ? Dow is enhancing its ability to cost-effectively serve customers according to their individual needs and geographic locations," said David Pashalidis, global business director for Dow
s propylene oxide and propylene glycol business.

Propylene oxide is used in the manufacture of polyurethanes, propylene glycol (PG), chemical intermediates, flame retardants, synthetic lubricants, oil field drilling chemicals and textile surfactants.

With sales in BASF
s Polyurethanes division of ?2.7 billion in 2001, BASF is one of the worlds leading suppliers of polyurethane basic materials and polyurethane systems.

BASF is the world
s leading chemical company, based on 2001 sales. It aims to increase and sustain its corporate value through growth and innovation. BASF offers its customers a range of high-performance products, including chemicals, plastics, coatings systems, dispersions, agricultural products, fine chemicals as well as crude oil and natural gas. BASFs distinctive approach to integration, known in German as "Verbund," is its strength.

It enables the company to achieve cost leadership and gives it a decisive competitive advantage in the long term. BASF acts in accordance with the principles of Sustainable Development. In 2001, BASF had sales of ?32.5 billion (approx. $29 billion) and over 90,000 employees worldwide. BASF shares are traded on stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA), New York (BF), Paris (BA) and Zurich (BAS). Further information on BASF is available on the Internet at www.basf.com.

Dow is the world
s largest producer of propylene oxide, polyether polyols, propylene glycol and P-series glycol ethers. Dows polyurethanes business offers one of the industry's broadest product lines, which are used in rigid foams, flexible foams, adhesives, sealants, coatings, elastomers, agrifibers and many other applications.

Dow is a leading science and technology company that provides innovative chemical, plastic and agricultural products and services to many essential consumer markets. With annual sales of $28 billion, Dow serves customers in 170 countries and a wide range of markets that are vital to human progress, including food, transportation, health and medicine, personal and home care, and building and construction, among others. Committed to the principles of sustainable development, Dow and its approximately 50,000 employees seek to balance economic, environmental and social responsibilities.

2003/8/6 BASF

BASF and Dow advance the development of new Propylene Oxide production process

BASF and The Dow Chemical Company announced today that they have made significant progress in advancing the technology for the manufacture of propylene oxide using hydrogen peroxide as a key raw material (HPPO).

The two companies announced their intention to combine research efforts in August 2002. In the interim, the two companies have completed detailed evaluations of the technology possessed by each party and a
contract for joint development was signed in July 2003.

In the past year, we have made significant progress in defining the process technology for a world-scale HPPO facility. An HPPO facility would allow the production of propylene oxide without co-products and be expected to significantly lower capital costs, when compared to currently practiced technologies,said Bob Wood, Business Group President for Dow Thermosets, which includes Dows Propylene Oxide/Proplyene Glycol business unit.

Production plants using the new process will require less infrastructure, have a smaller footprint and be extremely cost-efficient even at lower capacity utilization,said Dr. John Feldmann, member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF Aktiengesellschaft with responsibility for BASFs Plastics segment, which includes BASFs global Polyurethanes division.

BASF and Dow anticipate the
completion of their pilot plant-scale research, by the end of 2003. The engineering for the first world-scale HPPO plant is expected to begin at that time. The two parties are evaluating options for an HPPO plant that could start-up as early as 2007, with an expected annual capacity of 300,000 metric tons. Integrated sites owned by BASF and Dow in the United States and in Europe are currently being reviewed as possible locations for a plant.

Propylene oxide is used in the manufacture of polyurethanes, propylene glycol, chemical intermediates, flame retardants, synthetic lubricants, oil field drilling chemicals and textile surfactants.

Nature 15 May 2001    http://www.nature.com/nsu/010517/010517-5.html

PO comes clean
  A high-volume industrial chemical may have just got greener.

 Chinese researchers have come up with a cleaner, greener way to synthesize the chemical propylene oxide (PO)*. Four and a half million metric tonnes of PO are currently produced every year to make, among other things, detergents, cosmetics, de-icers, paints, and food and tobacco additives.
 There are currently two ways to make PO -- one uses the environmental pollutant chlorine, and the other produces large amounts of unwanted by-products. However, Xi Zuwei and his team at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics have discovered how to convert the petrochemical propylene to PO using a new, recyclable tungsten-based 'reaction-controlled phase-transfer' catalyst that produces nothing else but water.
 They hope to scale up their synthesis -- which is still at laboratory level -- within four years. Unfortunately, it uses hydrogen peroxide to drive the reaction, which is more expensive than the eventual product. The researchers get round this by producing hydrogen peroxide 'on the fly' from cheaper starting materials. Whether the scaling will be economically viable remains to be seen.
 'Reaction-controlled phase-transfer' catalysts maximize the yield of a reaction while keeping the catalyst easily separable from the reaction mixture. In this case, the solid catalyst dissolves in the hydrogen peroxide -- a soluble catalyst aids a reaction far better than an insoluble one. When the peroxide is used up, the catalyst comes back out of solution unscathed, so it can be filtered off and re-used.

Zuwei, X. et al. Reaction-controlled phase-transfer catalysis for propylene epoxidation to propylene oxide. Science 292, 1139 (2001).

2003/03/17 住友化学










 本社   東京都中央区日本橋
 千葉工場   千葉県袖ヶ浦市
 設立   1972年
 資本金   84億円
 事業内容   プロピレンオキサイドおよびスチレンモノマーの製造および販売
 従業員数   約70名
 社長   高馬博司
 副社長   中川喬
ライオンデル・ケミカル(Lyondell Chemical Company)概要
 本社   米国テキサス州ヒューストン
 設立   1985年
 事業内容        :   大手石油化学会社。
プロピレンオキサイドおよびその誘導品(プロピレングリコール、ブタンジオール、プロピレングリコールエーテル等)、プロピレンオキサイドの副産品であるスチレンモノマー、MTBE の大手メーカー。
傘下に北米での大手エチレン、ポリエチレンメーカーであるエクイスター(Equistar Chemicals)をもつ
 CEO   D.F. Smith


2003/3/18 Lyondell

Lyondell Chemical Company Strengthens Asian Position

Lyondell Chemical Company (NYSE: LYO) has fortified its position as a global producer and marketer of propylene oxide (PO) by strengthening Nihon Oxirane Company, Ltd. (NOC), its 30-year joint venture with Tokyo-based Sumitomo Chemical Company, Ltd.

Lyondell and Sumitomo have agreed to transfer to NOC Sumitomo's recently completed PO manufacturing plant in Chiba, Japan. The new plant, which utilizes Sumitomo's new PO processing technology, should begin commercial operation in April and will be transferred to NOC by 2006. Until then, NOC will market the plant's production for Sumitomo. The joint venture currently operates another PO plant in Chiba that utilizes Lyondell's propylene oxide/styrene monomer (POSM) technology. Together, the two plants will have a capacity to produce approximately 400,000 tons of PO annually.

NOC will have rights to the new PO process technology in Asia and the Middle East. Lyondell also will have rights to the technology, adding a third PO technology to its commercial portfolio.

NOC also plans to license Lyondell technology to build and operate a new propylene glycol (PG) manufacturing plant in Chiba. Both Lyondell and Sumitomo will make additional changes to expand NOC's market position in Asia for PO and PG and to improve NOC's cost structure.

Effective March 31, Lyondell will sell
a 10 percent share of its ownership in NOC to Sumitomo in exchange for $28 million, reducing Lyondell's ownership interest in the joint venture to 40 percent.

As a result of these efforts, NOC will be a leading producer and marketer of PO and PG throughout Asia.

Lyondell is one of the world's leading producers of PO and derivative products and the only major PO producer with manufacturing plants in North America, Europe and Asia.

Lyondell Chemical Company, (www.lyondell.com ), headquartered in Houston, Texas, is a leading producer of propylene oxide (PO), propylene glycol (PG) and other PO derivatives such as butanediol (BDO) and propylene glycol ether (PGE). Lyondell also is the world's number three supplier of toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and a producer of styrene monomer and MTBE as co-products of PO production. Through its 70.5% interest in Equistar Chemicals, LP, Lyondell also is one of the largest producers of ethylene, propylene and polyethylene in North America, as well as a leading producer of polypropylene, ethylene oxide, ethylene glycol, high value-added specialty polymers and polymeric powder. Through its 58.75% interest in LYONDELL-CITGO Refining LP, Lyondell is one of the largest refiners in the United States, processing extra heavy Venezuelan crude oil to produce gasoline, low sulfur diesel and jet fuel.

2003/4/17 住友化学


 新プラントは、住友化学が開発した「気相法ベックマン転位触媒」と、イタリアのエニケム社が開発した「アンモキシメーション法」を組み合わせることで、従来法では生産するラクタム1トンあたり1.6 〜4.0トンもの大量に発生する硫安を全く副生しない、世界最初の本格的設備です。愛媛工場内にある既存設備(年産能力

プロピレンオキサイドは、ポリプロピレングリコール、プロピレングリコール、界面活性剤などに使用され、それらの用途はポリウレタンフォーム、エラストマー、塗料、接着剤、不飽和ポリエステル樹脂など多岐にわたります。アジア地域の需要は年7 〜8%の伸びが期待されます。

Financial Times May 30, 2003

Another direct oxidation route to propylene oxide.

Scientists at Tokyo University and Nippon Shokubai have developed a silicon-tungsten catalysts that converts olefins, including propylene, into their relevant oxide using hydrogen peroxide as the oxidizing agent. The compound has selectivity of over 88% and gives yields of from 90% to over 99% depending on the olefin. No efficiency is lost on scale-up.
Sumitomo Chemical recently commissioned the first commercial-scale direct oxidation plant for PO at Chiba, Japan. This uses a titanium-based catalyst and cumene hydroperoxide as the oxidizing agent.

Asia Chemical Weekly 2003/6/11

Shell Develops a Route to Propylene Oxide from Cumene

Shell says it has developed a catalytic process technology to produce propylene oxide (PO)
via the oxidation of cumene. The technology can be used to produce PO on its own; or along with phenol and acetone. The process is more efficient than conventional technologies, Shell says. Those include the chloroyhydrin route, which has chlorinated byproducts, or the oxirane process, which produces PO along with coproduct styrene monomer (SM) or methyl tert-butyl ether.

Both the oxidation of the cumene and the final reaction with propylene are more efficient processes. You get better selectivity from the catalyst, so higher yield, and less by-products,says Garo Vaporciyan, a principal innovator at Shell. The by-product you get left with, mainly alcohol, can easily be turned back into cumene by adding hydrogen and used again.Specifics of the process were not disclosed. The technology is being developed by Shells SM/PO product business unit.

A growing number of producers have been working on ways to replace conventional PO processes. Most have focused on the direct catalytic oxidation of propylene. Sumitomo Chemical recently started up the first commercial-scale direct oxidation plant for PO at Chiba, Japan. That process uses a titanium-based catalyst and cumene hydroperoxide as the oxidizing agent, sources say. Shell says its SM/PO group is also exploring a direct oxidation route, including the use of gold and silver catalysts.

Scientists from the University of Tokyo and Nippon Shokubai say they have developed a silicon-tungsten catalyst that converts olefins including propylene into their equivalent oxide using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as the oxidizing agent. Dow Chemical and BASF, and Degussa and Uhde are separately working on direct oxidation processes that use H2O2. Lyondell says it has developed a technology that converts propylene, hydrogen and oxygen into PO without requiring a separate source of H2O2.


日本経済新聞 2003/9/17

石化中間原料 住友化学が参入               
 2004年末稼働 国内最大の生産力 アジアに輸出


2003/09/17 日本オキシラン


 日本オキシラン株式会社(NOC)〈住友化学工業株式会社(住友化学)とLyondell Chemical Co., Ltd. (ライオンデル・ケミカル)の合弁会社〉は千葉工場においてプロピレングリコール(PG)プラントを建設することを決定致しました。





 (1)設 立     :1972年
 (2)本 社     :東京都中央区
 (3)資本金     :84億円
 (4)出資比率   :住友化学60%、ライオンデル・ケミカル40%
 (6)社 長     :高馬博司
 (7)副社長     :中川喬、ジェフリー L.ウィリアムズ

Dow 2004/8/31

Dow and BASF to commercialize innovative HPPO technology; finalizing plan to construct a world-scale propylene oxide plant

World-scale plant to use the innovative and most cost-efficient HPPO process technology
Construction scheduled to begin in 2006 at BASFs Antwerp Verbund site; commercial production expected in 2008

The Dow Chemical Company and BASF Aktiengesellschaft announced today that the new innovative Hydrogen Peroxide to Propylene Oxide (HPPO) technology is ready to commercialize. BASF and Dow are proceeding with plans to construct a world-scale HPPO plant at BASFs Verbund site in Antwerp, Belgium. Construction is scheduled to start in 2006, and the plant is expected to come on stream in 2008. The plant will serve the growing demand for PO derivatives, in particular in the polyurethane industry.

In July 2003,
BASF and Dow combined their research efforts in the field of propylene oxide (PO) manufacturing on the basis of propylene and hydrogen peroxide (HP). The results of this joint HPPO process development, which have exceeded the high expectations, are available for commercial use to both parties.

Initially, the new production facility will have an annual capacity of
300,000 metric tons. An advantage of the new technology is that co-products are avoided and nothing but the end product, PO, and water is generated. Furthermore, production plants using this process have a smaller footprint, need less infrastructure and require a significantly lower investment compared with conventional PO production processes.

Dow is very pleased with the joint development effort with BASF and the resultant improvements made to HPPO Technology, said Mike Gambrell, Dow Sr. Vice President for Chemicals and Intermediates. The final process design is better than the early stage HPPO processes of both companies and shows the advantages of this collaboration.

The joint development of the HPPO technology together with Dow has been very successful. Now we are going to start the commercialization jointly. The HPPO plant in Antwerp will be the first in the world based on this new technology, said Dr. John Feldmann, member of the Board of Executive Directors of BASF Aktiengesellschaft with responsibility for BASFs Oil & Gas and Plastics segments, which includes BASFs global Polyurethanes division.

Propylene oxide is used in the production of polyurethanes, propylene glycol, chemical intermediates, flame retardants, synthetic lubricants, oil field drilling chemicals and textile surfactants.

2006/3/8 Dow

Dow Signs HPPO Joint Venture Agreement with BASF

The Dow Chemical Company announced today that it has signed a joint venture agreement with BASF to construct a new propylene oxide manufacturing facility using the recently co-developed hydrogen peroxide route to propylene oxide (HPPO) technology. Construction of the new 300,000 MT plant will begin this year with startup planned in early 2008. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

"HPPO is an attractive, lower-cost, and commercially-viable process for producing propylene oxide," said Earl Shipp, Business Vice President, Dow Oxides and Glycols. "BASF has been a great partner for us since we began co-developing HPPO technology in 2003."

The joint venture will build and operate the commercial-scale HPPO plant
in Antwerp Belgium. A separate joint venture company will own and further develop the HPPO (hydrogen peroxide route to propylene oxide) technology. The two companies will have equal off-take rights to the PO produced by the Antwerp plant.

Dow and BASF first announced that they would combine their research efforts to expedite the development and commercialization of HPPO technology in August 2002.

Dow considers the development of additional projects in Asia using the HPPO technology a priority and it is currently studying various alternatives and potential locations for future PO investment.

Dow is a diversified chemical company that harnesses the power of science and technology to improve living daily. The Company offers a broad range of innovative products and services to customers in more than 175 countries, helping them to provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging and personal care products. Built on a commitment to its principles of sustainability, Dow has annual sales of $46 billion and employs 42,000 people worldwide. References to "Dow" or the "Company" mean The Dow Chemical Company and its consolidated subsidiaries unless otherwise expressly noted.

March 05, 2009 Dow

New BASF and Dow HPPO Plant in Antwerp Completes Start-Up Phase
 Worlds largest plant using new HPPO technology
 Sustainability through greater energy efficiency

BASF SE (BASF) and The Dow Chemical Company (Dow) announced today that the world's largest commercial-scale propylene oxide (PO) plant and the first based on the innovative hydrogen peroxide to propylene oxide (HPPO) technology jointly developed by BASF and Dow has completed its start-up phase and is running stably. Both companies are very satisfied with the performance of the new process which is regarded as a historical milestone in PO production.

This HPPO complex, with a capacity of 300,000 metric tons PO per year located at BASF's site in Antwerp, Belgium, provides economies of scale, a reduction of wastewater and lower energy usage. PO is a core ingredient for the polyurethanes industry.

"HPPO is an exciting new technology that will improve the competitiveness of our polyurethanes business while also supporting Dow's sustainability efforts through greater energy efficiency, reduced physical footprint, and improved environmental performance," said Pat Dawson, president of Dow Polyurethanes. "The start-up is a culmination of considerable research and development and is a tribute to the longstanding and successful partnership of Dow and BASF."

"We are proud to have such an outstanding example of state-of-the-art technology at one of our sites," Jacques Delmoitiez, President of BASF's Polyurethanes division, said. "This HPPO plant will further strengthen our successful polyurethanes business. Its advanced technology and world-scale capacity secures a cost leadership position for both companies. BASF and Dow are the first to run the new HPPO technology on a world scale plant."

In 2003, Dow and BASF began their joint process research program to develop and commercialize the HPPO technology. This joint venture allowed the two companies to combine their innovation strengths and thereby commercialize the technology more rapidly than would have been possible by either partner alone. The HPPO joint venture partners broke ground for the production facility in September 2006.

The benefits of HPPO

Compared with conventional PO process technologies, HPPO offers unique economical and environmental benefits:

Economic benefits

New PO plants built using the HPPO technology are more economical because they:

Environmental benefits

The new HPPO technology brings environmental improvements to the PO industry by: