

Comalco Ltd      http://www.comalco.com.au/

2000年7月にRio Tinto のTOBで100%になった。それまでは72.43%を所有
2007/7/17 Rio Tinto、Alcanを買収 アルミ生産で世界最大に

  : Comalco is a supplier of bauxite, alumina and primary aluminium to world markets, with sales in 1999 of over $2.3 billion

  Comalco New Zealand
  A wholly-owned subsidiary of Comalco Limited which owns and manages the company's aluminium interests in New Zealand.
  Bauxite mines
  Weipa - Queensland
Boke - West Africa
  Alumina refineries
    Eurallumina - Sardinia
QAL - Queensland
Comalco Alumina Refinery - Gladstone
  Aluminium smelters
    Bell Bay - Tasmania
Boyne Smelters - Queensland
Tiwai Point - New Zealand

株主  Rio Tinto (100%) 


1955   It was only in 1955, when Harry Evans, a geologist with Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd, was searching for oil on Cape York Peninsula, that the significance of Weipa's red cliffs was realised. Evans identified the red earth as bauxite - good grade and easily extractable.
1956   Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation Pty Ltd was formed to develop the bauxite deposits at Weipa. This marked the beginning of Australia's integrated aluminium industry.
1957   The Commonwealth Aluminium Corporation Pty Ltd entered into a partnership with the British Aluminium Company Ltd, and soon afterwards the company became known as Comalco.
1970   Comalco became a public company.
1971   Tiwai Point plant officially opened.
1982   Boyne Island smelter officially opened.
2000   RioTinto obtains 100% ownership of Comalco.


Rio Tinto      http://www.riotinto.com/

Rio Tinto plc and Rio Tinto Limited operate as a single business entity with the same board of directors, a unified management, and a combined portfolio of mineral resources which is well balanced by both geography and commodity.


2000/7/11 Rio Tinto

Notice to London Stock Exchange

Rio Tinto Limited has today completed the compulsory acquisition procedures under its takeover offer for all shares in Comalco Limited and
Comalco is now wholly owned by Rio Tinto Limited.

For the information of the market, a total of 2,142,634 Rio Tinto Limited shares and 3,161,939 Rio Tinto plc shares have been issued to those Comalco shareholders who elected to receive shares under the Offers.

2000/2/24 Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto offer for full ownership of Comalco

Rio Tinto Limited announced today that it proposes to make a cash offer of A$9.50 per share for all the shares in Comalco Limited it does not already own.
Comalco is already 72.43 per cent owned by Rio Tinto.