日本経済新聞 2005/10/23
原油生産復旧 来年にずれ込み
米石油精製団体代表に聞く 製油所新設
ー 製油所や原油生産の全面復旧のメドは。
ルイジアナ州沖に原油・ガス田を持つ住友商事では引き続き現場の被害状況を確認できないまま。(日本経済新聞 2005/9/8)
cf 三菱商事:テキサス州沖の「マスタング・アイランド726」
COATINGS, INC. 立地:Belle Chasse)の操業を8月28日から停止している。「周辺の交通網が寸断され、正確な様子を把握できない」という。(毎日新聞 2005/9/3)
工場内生産棟の被害は一部上屋ならびに防火設備が損傷したものの、屋内生産設備への被害は皆無でした。現在慣らし運転を実施中で、被災前比約50%の生産に回復しています。なお、全面再開は11 月中旬の見込みです。
(中国塗料 2005/10/12)
ルイジアナ州 Addisで塩化ビニール樹脂工場を運営する信越化学工業(Shintech)は同州の災害復興基金に200万ドルを寄付した。工場はハリケーン上陸直後に一時操業を停止したが8月末に復旧している。(日本経済新聞2005/9/8)
Much of Gulf of Mexico
Oil Still Blocked (New York Times 2005/8/10)
120 Gulf of Mexico oil and gas platforms were still shut down Saturday and nearly 60 percent of
the gulf's normal daily oil production remained blocked from the
market because of evacuations due to Hurricane Katrina, a federal
agency said.
Following a survey
of 56 energy companies, the Minerals Management Service reported
122 of the 819 staffed platforms in the gulf were shut down,
blocking 897,605 barrels -- or 59.8 percent of the Gulf's normal
daily production of 1.5 million barrels.
The shutdowns also
blocked 3.8 billion barrels of natural gas from market, or 38.2
percent of the gulf's normal daily gas production of 10 billion
cubic feet, the agency said.
US aromatics markets
facing uncertain days due to Katrina impact
The major
facilities still down as of Friday(9/2) were:
-- ChevronPhillips, Pascagoula, Mississippi, 11,700 b/d benzene,
1,000 b/d toluene, 10,300 b/d xylenes, 1-bil lbs/yr paraxylene.
-- ConocoPhillips, Belle Chase, Louisiana (Alliance), 4,000 b/d
benzene, 3,800 b/d xylene.
-- ExxonMobil, Chalmette, Louisiana (Chalmette Refining),
3,400 b/d benzene, 5,200 b/d xylene, 600-mil lb/yr PX, 155-mil
lb/yr OX.
Other aromatics production facilities reportedly running at
reduced rates Friday were:
-- ExxonMobil, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 7,800 b/d benzene,
8,800 b/d xylene.
-- Dow, Plaquemine, Louisiana, 14,600 b/d benzene
(py gas extraction). (Platts 2005/9/2)
Oil now
expects to restart this weekend its 245,000 bpd oil refinery in Garyville, Louisiana.
Another plant, Motiva Enterprises LLC's 230,000 bpd refinery in Convent, Louisiana, could restart within
a week.
But Motiva is still
assessing damage at its 240,000 bpd refinery in Norco, Louisiana, and little is known
about damage at some of the Gulf Coast's other big facilities.
*Motiva Enterprises
=Shell Oil and Saudi Aramco
At least two -- Chevron Corp's plant in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and ConocoPhillips' plant in Belle
Louisiana -- are believed to have suffered flood damage. (September 2, 2005 New York Times)
ロイヤル・ダッチ・シェル系のカプライン・パイプライン(Capline Oil Pipeline:ルイジアナ州のセントジェームズからイリノイ州のパトカまで日量最大120万バレルの原油を輸送)
(2005/9/9 日本経済新聞)
Ethylene Plants 百万lbs/y
Dow says operations at its St. Charles site remain shut and that
it continues to assess potential damage at the site. “Many facilities are still
without power [at St. Charles] and the basic facilities
are not up and running at the site,”
Dow says. A
majority of its St. Charles employees remain under
mandatory hurricane evacuation and have been unable to
return to their homes in the area. “Non-essential personnel do
not need to report to work at St. Charles Operations
until further notice,” Dow says. “The site is stable at this
time and, given availability of power and utilities will
be coming back on line safely as soon as practical.”
Dow has
previously said that it will likely be a matter of weeks
before normal operations at St. Charles can resume. * St. Charles: 2,000-acre site just upriver from Hahnville and 40-acre site in Norco Dow Chemical says that its Plaquemine operations were less severely impacted and that most plants are operational or are in the process of being brought back online. Most employees at Plaquemine were able to report to work yesterday. However, Dow says all marine and rail transportation to the site has been shutdown due to the effects of Hurricane Katrina. (September 1, 2005 Chemical Week) ExxonMobil says that operations at Chalmette Refining, a joint venture between
ExxonMobil and PDVSA, remain shut, after being safely
shut down prior to the hurricane on August 28. ExxonMobil
Chemical has production for benzene, para-xylene,
ortho-xylene, and toluene production at the Chalmette
site. ExxonMobil says that it cannot yet provide an
assessment of any potential damage caused by the
hurricane at Chalmette. Shell says access to the Norco chemical operations was still limited as of September 2, and damage is still being assessed. Chevron
Phillips Chemical (CP Chem) says that it is the
process of restarting operations at its St. James, LA plant, a major production site
for styrene monomer, after shutting the site down in
anticipation of Hurricane Katrina. |
新日本石油開発 http://www.noex.co.jp/j/activity/us.html
新日本石油開発が100%出資するNippon Oil Exploration U.S.A. Ltd.は、1990年にテキサス州ヒューストン郊外のオーチャードノース・ガス田の権益を50%取得し、米国での事業を開始しました。その後、メキシコ湾における探鉱事業や資産買収によって事業規模を拡大してきました。 2001年には、アコンカグア・ガス田(MC305鉱区)の権益を12.5%取得しました。同ガス田では、世界最深の深海パイプラインであるキャニオン・エクスプレス・パイプラインを通じて、2002年9月から生産を開始しています。 上記のガス田以外に、当社が権益を保有する生産資産としては、ヴァーゴ・ガス田(Viosca Knoll 779/822/823鉱区)や、当社がオペレーター(操業管理会社)として天然ガスを生産しているフォーダム・ガス田(Main Pass 226/227鉱区)があります。 また、2004年、メキシコ湾深海部では、シェブロンテキサコ社より一部取得した鉱区の探鉱活動を実施しています。 さらにメキシコ湾では、ポゴ社(Pogo Producing Company) がオペレーターとして天然ガスを生産しているEI(Eugene Island Area)256鉱区(上右図)において、生産中の天然ガス層を除く同鉱区権益を25%取得し、試掘を実施しました。 2005年4月には米国のデボン社が保有するメキシコ湾大陸棚域油・ガス田群の権益を買収しました。買収したのは64鉱区における28の油・ガス田(うち19の油・ガス田でNOEX USAがオペレーターとなります)で、これらの油・ガス田の生産量は当社権益分の合計で、現在、日量約1万3千バレルとなっています(天然ガスについては原油換算)。 |
2005年2月23日 住友商事
住友商事株式会社(社長:岡 素之)は、100%子会社のSummit
Gulf Venture LLCを通じ、在米探鉱開発会社NCX Companyより米国メキシコ湾における生産中及び既発見未開発のガス田権益を取得しました。
現行中期経営計画AA Planにおいて、英国領北海等において積極的に事業展開を図ってきましたが、今般米国メキシコ湾でのガス田権益資産を加えることにより、石油・ガス上流事業ポートフォリオの一層の拡充を図るものです。
Colonial Pipeline, headquartered in Alpharetta, GA., delivers a daily average of 100 million gallons of gasoline, home heating oil, aviation fuel and other refined petroleum products to communities and businesses throughout South and the Eastern United States. Colonial consists of more than 5,500 miles of pipeline, originating at Houston, Texas, and terminating at the New York harbor. |
Chalmette |
St. Charles (2,000-acre site just upriver from Hahnville and 40-acre site in Norco) | Shell Norco | |
Plaquemire (AddisにShintechプラント) | ||
St. James, LA |
Hurricane Rita
「リタ」上陸 米石油産業の心臓部直撃
(日本経済新聞 2005/9/25)
日本企業にも影響 信越化学など工場操業停止
大手商社では、三菱商事がテキサス州沖などで操業中のガス田5鉱区について21日早朝までに生産を停止、人員を避難させている。双日もリタの進路に当たる5鉱区で権益を保有しているが、沖合の生産設備は無人で波や風が強くなると自動的に操業を停止する仕組みになっているという。(日本経済新聞 2005/9/25)
Refinery Port Arthur:Valero、Motiva Enterprises LLC、Total SA Beaumont:ExxonMobil Baytown:ExxonMobil Houston :Valero、LYONDELL-CITGO Refining LP (JV of Lyondell Chemical and CITGO Petroleum*) DeerPark:Shell Texas City:Valero、BP、Marathon Petroleum Company LLC(旧 Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLP**) Chocolate Bayou:ConocoPhillips Lake Charles:CITGO、ConocoPhillips * CITGO
Petroleum:owned by
PDV America, Inc., an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary
of Petro'leos de Venezuela, S.A., |
Platts 2006/8/15
PDVSA to sell
Houston refinery stake to partner Lyondell
Citgo, the US-based
subsidiary of Venezuelan state oil company PDVSA, will sell its
share in Houston's 265,000 b/d Lyondell refinery to its partner,
the Lyondell Chemical Co., PDVSA president Rafael Ramirez said
Ramirez said PDVSA
decided to sell the refinery because price formulas built into
its contract with Lyondell discounted the price of Venezuelan
crude when oil prices were low. Those price formulas forced
Venezuela to sell its crude to the refinery at an average price
of $2.09/barrel less than its price on the open market between
1993 and 2004.
Citgo and Lyondell
signed a letter of intent in April to jointly sell the whole
refinery, which is the 11th largest in the US and can upgrade
heavy crude and can process jet fuel and low-sulfur diesel.
But on July 16,
Lyondell informed Citgo that it wanted to buy its participation
in the refinery directly, citing its contractual preferences, he