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Total, Abu Dhabi Oil Co To Build EUR100 Million Melamine Plant
Melamine joint venture inAbu Dhabi between ADNOC & AMI
Borouge to take over melamine project
Borouge to build 50,000 mt/year PP compounding facility in China
IPIC of Abu Dhabi signs a MoU with KazMunayGas for a petchem complex in Western Kazakhstan
Abu Dhabi to add value to plastics production
Abu Dhabi to set up world's largest chemicals complex
Cabot to manufacture masterbatch in Dubai
IPIC of of Abu Dhabi acquires NOVA Chemicals
“ChemaWEyaat”: A National Vision for Chemicals Conversion Industry in Abu Dhabi
ChemaWEyaat and Neste Jacobs sign Frame Work Agreement for Madeenat ChemaWEyaat complexes
IPIC Mulls Bayer Joint Venture, Not Acquisition
Borouge inaugurates its new compounding manufacturing plant in Shanghai
Borouge to build second PP
compounding plant in China by mid-2012
Abu Dhabi polymers Company Limited (Borouge)
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company, ADNOC 60 %
Borealis(Denmark-based leading polyolefins producer ) 40%
(2005/7 Statoil、Borealis株をアブダビ/OMV(オーストリア)に売却 )立地:Ruwais
エチレン 600千t
HDPE/LLDPE 450千t→580千t →600千トン
ブテン-1 27千tBorouge 2 Cracker
エチレン 1,500千トン
olefins conversion 752千トン
PP 2系列計 800千トン
PE 540千トンBorouge developing into world scale petrochemical complex
Borouge awards approximately USD 1.3 billion Borouge 2 Cracker (EU2) contract to Linde Engineering
Borouge Formally Signs US$3.1 Billion Contracts for Expansion Project
Borouge confirms PP compounds plant for the Chinese car industry
Borouge 3
The Borouge 3 project includes the construction of
an ethane cracker エチレン 1,500千トン
second generation Borstar(R) polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) units,
polyethylene units is 1,080,000 t/y and the polypropylene units, 960,000 t/y.
an LDPE unit 350,000 t/y
a Butene unit, as well as
related off-site utilities and marine facilitiesFoster Wheeler Awarded Contract for UAE Borouge STEP III project
Borouge initiates the feasibility study for Borouge 3
Green light for the Borouge 3 PE and PP expansion
韓国企業、UAEでBorouge 3 石油化学プラント工事受注
“ChemaWEyaat”: A National Vision for Chemicals
Conversion Industry in Abu Dhabi
first significant dowstream petrochemical investment
August 11, 2003 Dow Jones
Total, Abu Dhabi Oil Co To Build EUR100 Million Melamine Plant
French oil company Total SA (TOT) and Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., or ADNOC, said Friday that they've reached an agreement to invest EUR100 million in the construction of a new melamine plant in Abu Dhabi.
Total said the project will be carried out by Ruwais Fertilizer Industries, or Fertil, a fertilizer maker in which it holds a 33% interest and ADNOC owns a 67% stake.
August 8, 2003 Total
Total and ADNOC sign a memorandum of understanding for the construction of a melamine plant in Abu Dhabi http://www.total.com/ho/en/library/press/2003/030808.htm
Total and the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) signed a memorandum of understanding for the development and construction of a melamine plant in Abu Dhabi by the jointly owned Ruwais Fertilizer Industries (Fertil).
Created in 1980, Fertil is a joint venture between ADNOC (66.66%) and Total (33.33%) set-up to run a nitrogen fertilizer plant and market ammonia and urea primarily in Asia.
2004/11/8 Plasticsnews
Borouge developing into world scale
petrochemical complex
Borouge, Borealis’ joint venture with ADNOC, is expanding its
existing Borstar (注 PE商標)capacity and studying further expansion to
form a world scale petrochemical complex at Ruwais, Abu Dhabi in
the UAE. Building on the successful start up and first two years
of operation, increasing market demand for enhanced polyolefins
and more feedstock becoming available, the next steps are
underway to expand the Borouge petrochemical complex.
Borouge will invest USD 40 million
to debottleneck the existing Borstar enhanced polyethylene (PE) capacity
from 450,000 to 580,000 tonnes
per annum. The project, which includes expansion of material
handling facilities, is to be completed by Q2 2005. In addition,
Borouge will assume full off take of the existing 600,000 tonnes
per annum ethylene cracker.
To further develop Borouge, its
owners, ADNOC and Borealis, earlier this year signed a Memorandum
of Understanding and are proceeding with a feasibility study for
a new world scale cracker and downstream polyolefin plants. The
expansion is based on two ADNOC natural gas developments in Abu
Dhabi, equivalent to approximately 1.4 million tonnes ethylene. Conclusions are likely to be made during
2004 with expected start-up of the new plants in 2008.
Foster Wheeler Awarded Project Management Consultancy Services Contract for UAE Petrochemicals Complex Expansion
The existing Borouge facility includes a 600,000 metric tonnes per annum (mtpa) ethane cracker and also produces 580,000 mtpa of polyethylene. The Borouge STEP III project comprises a new ethylene complex, which includes a 1.4 million mtpa ethane cracker and boilers, a 540,000 mtpa polyethylene unit, two 400,000 mtpa polypropylene units, an olefins conversion unit and associated offsites and utilities. The polyethylene and polypropylene plants will both use Borealis' proprietary Borstar(R) technology. Project completion is expected in 2010.
The Plastics Exchange 2006/6/21
Abu Dhabi Polymers plans big expansion of petrochem facility
Abu Dhabi Polymers Company (Borouge) has announced a multi-billion-dirham expansion project at its petrochemicals manufacturing facility in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi. The project will be completed on schedule by mid-2010. Harri Bucht, chief executive officer of Borouge, said the expansion represents a new phase not just for the company but also for Abu Dhabi.
2006/11/28 Borouge
Borouge awards approximately USD 1.3 billion Borouge 2 Cracker (EU2) contract to Linde Engineering
Borouge, the leading provider of innovative plastic solutions, today announced that it has awarded the contract to build its new ethyne cracker to Linde Engineering; the cracker will have a capacity of approximately 1.5 million tons per annum and is considered to be the largest gas cracker in the world.
As well as the ethylene cracker, the Borouge 2 project comprises the world's biggest olefins conversion unit, producing 752 Kilotonnes per annum and two Borstar polypropylene plants with a combined annual capacity of 800 Kt along with a new Borstar Enhanced PE plant that will have an annual capacity of 540 Kt to compliment the existing 600 Kt unit.
ADNOC's newest company to
become operational in early 2009
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Agrolinz Melamine
International (AMI) signed
a contract on a new melamine production center in Ruwais, Abu
Dhabi, in early April.
The Abu Dhabi Melamine Industry will be another milestone of ADNOC's strategy to meet the world's growing demand for high value and specialized petrochemical products. The project cost is estimated at US$200 million of which ADNOC holds 60%, while Austrian Agrolinz Melamine International will own the remaining 40%.
The new company, which is expected to be operational in the first quarter of 2009, will be the 15th ADNOC Group subsidiary and the third petrochemical company after Fertil and Borouge. It will produce 80,000 tons of melamine per annum, using urea from Fertil as a feedstock.
Borouge to expand production to include melamine
Borouge announces that it is continuing with the construction of a new melamine plant in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, the location of its existing world-scale polymer production facilities. The company is planning to take over a project currently being undertaken by the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and AMI Agrolinz Melamine International (AMI) in Ruwais.
The development would see the creation of a melamine plant with an annual production capacity of 80,000 tonnes. The front end engineering and design phase has begun and it is expected that production would come on stream following the completion of Borouge 2, the major expansion which will triple Borouge’s Borstar® polyolefin production capacity.
Borouge Formally Signs US$3.1 Billion Contracts for Expansion Project
Borouge, a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, today formally signed contracts valued at approximately US$3.1 billion for Borouge 2, the major expansion project at the company’s production facilities in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates.
The contract with Tecnimont S.p.A., worth approximately US$1.855 billion, is for the construction of three new Borstar® technology polyolefins units and associated material handling facilities, laboratory facilities and marine works. This is the largest supplier contract Borouge has signed since its inception as a company in 1998 and is awarded on a lump sum turnkey basis.
The contract with Tecnicas Reunidas S.A., worth an estimated value of US$1.234 billion, is for the construction of the offsite and utility facilities for the expanded plant, and is awarded on a convertible lump sum turnkey basis.
In January 2007, Borouge began the first stage of the construction process, when it formally signed a US$1.3 billion contract with Linde Engineering/CCC for the construction of a new ethylene cracker. The contract was awarded to Linde/CCC on a lump sum turnkey basis, with preliminary work already under way and completion scheduled for 2010.
Borouge to invest in automotive market with new compounding facility in China
Borouge, a leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, today announced that it plans to develop a compounding facility in China for the manufacture of high performance polypropylene compounds for applications in the automotive and electrical appliance sectors.
The new compounding facility will be constructed in the Shanghai area and will have an annual capacity of up to 50,000 tonnes with further expansion possibility. It will be strategically located to take advantage of the supply of Borstar® polypropylene from its production plant in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi through an advanced logistics concept and to serve current customers such as VW, GM and PSA in China, future customers in China and other Asian and Middle East markets.
Jan 8, 2008 WAM Abu Dhabi
IPIC signs a MoU with KazMunayGas
International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) and JSC NC
" KazMunayGas", Kazakhstan's national oil-and-gas
company signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperation in
construction of a petrochemical complex in Western Kazakhstan.
KazMunayGas JSC NC is the biggest oil-and-gas company in
Kazakhstan and a major player in the field of discovery and
production of oil and natural gas.
A source at IPIC said that a feasibility study on the project is
underway, and the details will be announced later. He added that
the two companies have agreed to exchange expertise and
technology to boost the project. Both companies IPIC and
KazMunayGas would assert their intention to develop and tighten
the relationship and cooperation between them.
The total worldwide investments of IPIC, the Abu Dhabi state
enterprise responsible for foreign investments in the oil and
chemicals sector, is valued at USD 11b.
Earlier last year IPIC had announced that it will increase its
investments to USD 20b dollars in the next 5 years to promote Abu
Dhabi as a strategic investor in oil and energy industry in the
Abu Dhabi to add value to plastics production
government of Abu Dhabi is to provide investment funding to
develop downstream plastics processing, mirroring what the Saudi
Arabian government did in the mid '70s. Its Abu Dhabi Basic
Industries Corporation (ADBIC) is to launch a $150 million
investment fund this year which will
make available money for entrepreneurs to set up plants to
convert locally produced plastics into finished goods.
Separately, ADBIC itself is currently planning to invest $3·82 billion
in a plant to make pipes, cables and automotive parts.
Abu Dhabi Basic Industries Corporation (ADBIC)
Capital to launch $150m fund for plastic sector
Abu Dhabi is set to launch
a string of industry- specific investment funds, which
will make available money to the entreprenuers, to boost
industrial activity in the emirate, to convert locally
produced raw material into finished goods, said an
official. "We will begin with an Investment Fund for Plastic sector, with a size of $150 million, to be launched this year, said Abdullah Saeed Al Darmaki vice president Abu Dhabi Basic Industries Corporation (ADBIC), speaking at a session on industrialistation in the emirate, at Abu Dhabi Economic Forum. Since, Abu Dhabi has to grow in all industrial areas like aluminum, iron and steel and others, so next logical step would more sector dedicated Investment Funds for those sectors, as well. The funding will come from the government, while ADBIC would be the executing agency. He did not elaborate on whether funding will be provided at subsidised rate of interest etc. The inspiration to the fund comes from Saudi Arabia, which in mid seventies launched a fund which used to set up petrochemical downstream industry, as an incentive. That money has resulted in a sprawling SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) industry, providing tens of thousands jobs and contributing to the economy. Asked why an Investment Fund for Plastic sector is being launched, he said that since a Petrochemicals Park will be launched in Industrial City of Abu Dhabi this year, in cooperation with ZonesCorp, where downstream industry would be setup, using resin manufactured in Abu Dhabi.
"So, we
would be using our plastic raw materials into
manufacturing finished goods for local as well as exports
markets, said Al Darmaki. |
January 17, 2008 khaleejtimes.com
Abu Dhabi to launch industrial cities for polymer and metals
Abu Dhabi would have two
industry- specific economic zones called 'Polymer Park' and
'Metal Park'.
Large as well as medium scale industries would be set up in the
zones by the private sector, capitalising on the emirate's strong
comparative advantage of capital, abundant and cheap energy
resources, labour and ideal access to markets, said an official.
"Polymer Park would use Abu Dhabi's prime
product polymer resin as a raw material to be converted into
value added consumer as well as industrial products, while
industries to be set up in the Metal Park, would use aluminum and steel as
raw material to manufacture goods for exports purposes,"
said Dr Jim White, chief operating officer of Abu Dhabi Basic
Industries Corporation (ADBIC), while speaking to reporters, on
the sidelines of Executive Forum on 'The world in 2008',
organised by The Economist .
He said that government would be deciding on the tax and other
benefits to
be allowed to the industries to be set up in the two parks.
About the Polymer Park, he said it is well in advanced stage, and
may be announced as early as this quarter, while the Metal Park
is in conceptual stage, which may take some time.
Both industrial parks would be located in the Industrial City of
Abu Dhabi, located outside Mussafah industrial
estate, for
which land has already been earmarked, and infrastructure would
be developed very soon.
The polymer park would be the advanced version of Taiwan's
plastic industry, which
is a symbol of value addition and export- led job creation.
The initial response from large companies as well as SMEs to this
industrial zone has been overwhelming and within 18 months of the
launch, the first plastic factory would go into ground-breaking
phase. The size of the investment being looked at would be $20-25
million, and leading names in the industry would have their
manufacturing facilities, he said.
Dr Jim White estimated that through the next five years, the
industrial zone would generate $1 billion worth investment.
Metal Park: This park would also create Abu Dhabi's niche in the
sector. When the two aluminum smelters and mega
steel mills
are rolled out, raw materials too would be consumed by these
industries, he said.
In this regard, ADBIC has taken over Abu Dhabi's premier steel
mill, whose capacity is being multiplied to 5 million metric
tonnes , under a five year plan, from present levels of 700,000
metric tonnes, in a phased manner. The phase which is already
half-way through will see production being doubled to 1.4 million
metric tonnes, costing $1 billion.
The steel unit will import raw material from Brazil and Canada
and convert it into steel bars and other products for local use.
Emirates Steel Industries (ESI), formerly Emirates Iron & Steel Factory (EISF) is a wholly owned government factory strategically located at the recently developed Industrial City of Abu Dhabi (ICAD). The factory is the largest steel plant in the UAE, utilising the latest rolling mill technology to produce reinforcing bars for the construction industry.
Established in 2001 to satisfy the growing demand for quality steel products for the UAE’s fast developing construction sector, ESI is the only significant domestic supplier of deformed reinforcing steel bars (rebars). The rolling mill 圧延工場has a design capacity of 600,000 tons of rebar per year and the Company is currently running at full capacity.
ESI produced 165,000 tons of rebar in 2002; 385,000 tons in 2003; 500,000 in 2004; and 600,000 in both 2005 and 2006. ESI currently sells 100% of its production within the UAE.
Feb.3 2008 Reuters
Abu Dhabi plans $6.5bn steel, plastics plants
State-owned Abu Dhabi Basic Industries Corp (Adbic) plans to invest $6.5 billion to build a plastics factory and expand a steel plant, part of the emirate's drive to reduce its reliance on oil.
The plastics plant, a joint venture, will be ready next year, Abdullah Saeed Al-Darmaki, vice president for petrochemicals at Adbic, told Reuters on Sunday on the sidelines of an investment conference in the UAE capital.
"The investment in the plant will total 14 billion dirhams ($3.82 billion)," Darmaki said, declining to identify the partner.
"The plant will be used for making pipes, cables, automotive parts, and other products mainly used in the region."
Adbic will invest a further 10 billion dirhams in expanding a steel plant by 50 percent until 2010, the company's chairman, Hussain al-Nowais, told Reuters.
"We are creating the largest integrated steel plant in the region that will have capacity of 3 million tonnes per annum," Nowais said. Capacity now is 2 million tonnes per year.
Emirates Steel Industry was set up five years ago with capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year before being taken over by Adbic.
"Adbic is trying to create a cluster of industries in Abu Dhabi to support each other," Nowais said. "Our aim is to add value and the industries should be economically feasible."
Feb 20,
2006 Herald Tribune
World's largest aluminum plant to be built near Abu Dhabi
Mubadala Development, an investment company of the government of Abu Dhabi, has said it would team up with Dubai Aluminium to build the world's largest aluminum plant for $6 billion as the country seeks to take advantage of inexpensive energy and low labor costs in the region.
The plant, to be built near Abu Dhabi, the capital, would produce 1.2 million metric tons of aluminum a year and would require the construction of a 2,600-megawatt power plant, Mubadala said Saturday. The world's largest plant is Russian Aluminium's Bratsk smelter in Siberia, which processed 965,000 metric tons of aluminum in 2004.
"There is ample room for additional capacity on the back of strong international demand," Dubai Aluminium's chief executive, Abdullah Kalban, said in the statement.
Gulf states including Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Oman are investing billions of dollars to build smelters in an effort to utilize abundant inexpensive natural gas and low-cost labor.Power accounts for 29 percent of the cost of producing aluminum, making plants in the United States and Europe less profitable than those in the Middle East, a region with two of the world's top three holders of gas reserves.
Mubadala is using the emirate's oil wealth to invest in regional infrastructure and energy projects and buy stakes in foreign companies like Ferrari.
Dubai plans to expand output of aluminum at its Jebel Ali smelter by at least one-third by 2010, to more than one million tons a year from a planned 760,000 metric tons a year in 2006, to meet added demand from China.
Global aluminum demand this year will grow 4.8 percent, to three million tons, beating production by 105,000 metric tons, Goldman Sachs said in a Feb. 14 report.Metal prices have soared because production has failed to keep pace with expanding demand, led by China.
2008/4/7 Borouge Foster Wheeler Awarded Project Management Consultancy Services Contract for Expansion
Borouge announces further
strategic expansion of polyolefins operations beyond Borouge 2
Borouge, the leading provider of innovative, value creating
plastics solutions today announced that it has initiated the
feasibility study for Borouge 3: a further expansion of its
polyolefin operations in Abu Dhabi to add approximately 2.5
million tonnes per year of capacity by 2014.
Abu Dhabi to set up
world's largest chemicals complex
Abu Dhabi, which is setting up Chemicals Industrial City in
Taweelah's Khalifa Industrial Zone, has finalised its plan to
establish the world's largest chemicals complex.
The multi-billion dollar project, due to complete in 2013, will
manufacture olefins, aromatics, oxide and ammonia derivatives.
May 05, 2008 fibre2fashion.com
ADIC to develop Chemicals Industrial City in Taweelah area
Abu Dhabi Ports Company
(ADPC) has signed an MOU with Borealis / Abu Dhabi Investment
Council ADIC on behalf Chemaweyaat, an initiative developed by
ADIC and the International Petroleum Company (IPIC) to speed up
Abu Dhabi’s involvement in the Chemical
Industry, with the objective to locate the new planned Chemicals
Industrial City at Khalifa Industrial Zone at Taweelah.
2008/5/8 Khaleej Times
UAE set to become plastic-free by 2012
The UAE will become a plastic-free country by 2012 Dr Rashid
Ahmed bin Fahad, Minister for Environment and Water, said
Speaking to Khaleej Times on the sidelines of a Press conference
to announce the Offshore Arabia Conference and Exhibition to be
held in January 2009 at the World Trade Centre, Dr Rashid said
the UAE Government was planning to phase out use of plastic as
part of its strategic plan.
"To achieve the plastic-free status, my ministry is
currently preparing a strategy to completely phase out plastic
usage in the country," he pointed out.
The minister noted: "The environmental hazards posed by
plastic is a global issue. We have launched several initiatives
to reduce the use of plastic. However, we need time to implement
it as we have to replace plastic with an adequate
alternative." He added: "We'll soon announce the
details of the strategy. The UAE cares about its
environment," he said.
When asked about the recent oil spill in Fujairah and in Dubai,
Dr Rashid said the government had a contingency plan to avoid
incidents. This, he said, would be done by implementing strict
laws and introducing a new mechanism to prevent such incidents.
"Oil spills are happening because of individual mistakes. We
have a clear vision to address this issue. All GCC countries have
a clear strategy to avoid any environmental hazards in the
Arabian Gulf due to oil production and transportation. We are
committed to ensuring the safety of marine life in the
region," he said.
IPIC, Borealis in Uzbek
plant deal
Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) of Abu Dhabi and Vienna-based Borealis have
signed a Memorandum of Understanding on a major fertiliser
complex in Uzbekistan.
The two companies have signed the MoU with Uzbekistan's State Joint-Stock
Company (Uzkimyosanoat ウズベキスタン化学品公団) to conduct a feasibility study
for the construction of the world-scale fertilizer complex.
Scheduled to start up in 2012, this would be the largest plant
nutrients complex in Central Asia and would comprise an ammonia
unit and a urea plant.
The study should be completed by the end of 2008 and will be used
as the basis of decision for further project steps in first
quarter of 2009.
"We are excited to be partnering with Uzbek side, this MoU
reflects the strong trust and relation between the three
companies to pursue further opportunities in various
fields," said Khadem Al Qubaisi, managing director of IPIC.
"Both IPIC and Borealis see a bright future in partnering
with Uzkimyosanoat to tap into Central and Eastern Asia's dynamic
growth markets," said Hubert Puchner, vice president, sales
and marketing fertilizer and melamine in Borealis.
IPIC is an investment company wholly owned by the Government of
Abu Dhabi. For over 20 years IPIC has successfully invested in
many projects all over the world.
Borealis is a leading manufacturer of plastics, and 65 per cent
of its shares are owned by IPIC. Headquarter of Borealis is
located in Vienna.
State Joint-Stock Company Uzkimyosanoat consists of 12 chemical plants, 13 distributing companies, two engineering and scientific research institutes and a logistics company. Borealis is second in Europe manufacturer of plastics, and 65 % of its shares are owned by IPIC.
Scheduled to start up in 2012, this would be the largest plant nutrients complex in Central Asia and would comprise Ammonia Unit and Urea Plant, a press release said Wednesday. It added the study should be completed by the end of 2008 and will be used as the basis of decision for further project steps in first quarter of 2009.
2008/7/23 tehrantimes.com/
IPIC, Kazakhstan set up $1b energy fund
Abu Dhabi
government-owned IPIC and Kazakhstan have agreed to launch a $1
billion fund
to invest in energy and other sectors, the company said.
International Petroleum Investment Co (IPIC) signed an agreement
with the government of Central Asia’s largest oil producer to set up
the fund, the company said in a statement without giving details
of planned investments.
An IPIC executive told Reuters that IPIC and Kazakhstan would each provide $500
million for
the fund, which would have a broad array of investments.
IPIC is rapidly expanding in the international oil and gas
sectors. The company invests in oil and gas related assets for
the Abu Dhabi government, which controls more than 90 percent of
the oil reserves in the United Arab Emirates, the world's
fifth-largest oil exporter.
IPIC already has plans to develop a $5 billion-plus
petrochemical project in Kazakhstan and it has signed accords with
state firms in neighbouring Uzbekistan to set up energy joint
ventures there.
IPIC is also studying oil and gas opportunities with Royal Dutch
Shell in Turkmenistan.
IPIC said last year it planned to increase its investment
portfolio to $20 billion from $11 billion over five years and was
eyeing deals in the Caspian Sea region.
2008/8/2 neurope.eu/
IPIC, Bassel eye Kazakh petrochemical market
As it has been announced earlier, Kazakhstan is planning to start the construction of its largest gas chemicals complex in the village of Karabatan in the Atyrau region. Although there is no much time left until the start of the works, but no investor has been determined so far for this expensive project. The plant in Karabatan will be one of the 30 breakthrough projects Kazakhstan hopes would help change the country’s current image of a primary materials supplier to a country capable of producing high value products from its main riches - oil and gas. The cost of the new project is over USD five billion. The designed capacity of the future facility is 800,000 tonnes of polyethylene and 400,000 tonnes of polypropylene a year. These products can be exported to many countries worldwide. “Our plant is still on paper, but a huge line for many years ahead has already formed for its products.
This indicates the high demand for the petrochemical products and once again proves that we have made a right decision to build such a facility,” an informed source close to the project told New Europe. Indeed, according to many international experts, petro- and gas chemicals industry is one of the most profitable in the world now. And therefore, the investment-oriented businessmen and banks are so interested in such a promising project as the Kazakhstan gas chemicals plant. The main condition for investment in the project is that AO Kazakhstan Petrochemical Industries (KPI) (a subsidiary of the national company KazMunaiGas), the project leader, holds a 50 percent interest in it. KazMunaiGas is currently negotiating with several potential investors. Today, we can talk about two serious contenders for participation in the project - the Arabic International Petroleum Investment Co (IPIC) and the European concern Bassel.
Aug 2, 2007 Reuters
UAE's IPIC, Shell eye Turkmen oil, gas
The UAE's IPIC and Royal Dutch Shell are considering joint exploration for oil and gas in Turkmenistan, UAE's state news agency WAM reported.
The International Petroleum Investment Co. (IPIC) invests in oil-related projects for the government of Abu Dhabi, which controls more than 90 percent of the United Arab Emirates oil reserves. The UAE is the world's sixth-largest oil exporter.
IPIC and Turkmen officials also discussed building a $500 million urea plant with capacity to produce 700,000 tonnes per year.
IPIC's Managing Director Khadem Al-Qubaisi met with the Turkmen President Kurbanguly Berdymukhamedov in Ashgabat, WAM reported late on Wednesday.
Both the oil and gas exploration and the urea plant were pending government approval, WAM reported.
"Working with IPIC to enter the oil and gas sectors in Turkmenistan is an ideal opportunity to reinforce Shell's position in the region, which is growing," WAM's Arabic service quoted Gavin Graham, Shell's vice president of new business in the region, as saying.
IPIC told Reuters last month it planned an aggressive move into oil and gas exploration and production and was eyeing deals in the Caspian. IPIC aims to double its investment portfolio to $20 billion in the next five years.
Turkmenistan is the second-largest producer and exporter of gas in the states of the former Soviet Union after Russia. It plans to raise gas exports by a quarter this year to 58 billion cubic metres.
British Plastics &
Rubber 2009/1/9
Borouge confirms PP compounds plant for the Chinese car industry
While other polymer companies are cutting production capacities
Borouge, the joint venture between Borealis and the Abu Dhabi
National Oil Company, is to press ahead with expansion in China.
The company has confirmed that it is to go ahead with its 50,000 tonnes PP
automotive compounds plant in the Fengxian District of Shanghai and says this is the first phase
of "further investments in the key markets including China
despite the current prevailing global financial crisis."
Although its initial capacity is 50,000 tonnes the new
compounding plant could be expanded by 80,000
tonnes. It
will be sourced with polypropylene from the Borouge
2 project which
is expanding Borouge's resources in Abu Dhabi and will make TPO
and mineral and glass fibre reinforced compounds for car bumpers,
body panels, door cladding, dashboards and air intake manifolds.
As well as the manufacturing facility in Shanghai, Borouge also
plans to set up large scale logistics and distribution centres in
Shanghai (600,000 tonnes/year) and in Guangzhou (300,000
4/13/2009 Borouge
Borouge commits to further the strategic expansion of its
polyolefins operations in Abu Dhabi
o | Borouge 3 to come on stream in Q4 2013 to capture the additional feedstock availability resulting from the upstream refinery and gas processing expansions of ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company). |
o | Approximately 2.5 million tonnes per year (t/y) of polyolefins capacity to be added to support Borouge’s growth in the Middle East and Asia |
o | Borouge 3 project adds low density polyethylene (LDPE) production capacity to Borouge’s portfolio to meet the needs of the growing wire and cable infrastructure markets |
Following the successful
completion of the feasibility study announced last year, Borouge, a
leading provider of innovative, value creating plastics
solutions, has decided to enter the FEED (front-end engineering
and design) stage of its Borouge 3 project. The Company is
thereby continuing with its plans to significantly expand its
polyolefin operations in Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates,
by adding approximately 2.5 million t/y of capacity by the 4th
quarter of 2013. The expansion will enable Borouge, a joint
venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and
Borealis, to meet the growing demands of the high value
polyethylene and polypropylene markets in the Middle East and
Asia. The addition of low density polyethylene (LDPE) capacity
will also enable Borouge to grow in the wire and cable
infrastructure market.
The Borouge 3 project includes the construction of an ethane cracker,
second generation BorstarR polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene
(PE) units, an LDPE unit and a Butene unit, as well as related
off-site utilities and marine facilities, at its plant in Ruwais, some 250
kilometres west of Abu Dhabi. The addition of 2.5 million t/y of
will boost Borouge’s total production capacity to 4.5
million t/y by the end of 2013.
Borouge’s current capacity is 600,000
tonnes of polyethylene per year, and the Borouge 2 expansion
project will increase its capacity to 2 million t/y. Construction
of Borouge 2 began in late 2007 and consists of an ethane cracker
of 1.5 million t/y, an olefins conversion unit of 752,000 t/y
(the world’s largest), two BorstarR PP units
with a combined annual capacity of 800,000 t/y, and a BorstarR PE
unit with an annual capacity of 540,000 t/y.
Joint press release from Borouge and The Linde Group: Borouge awards USD 1.075 billion contract for ethane cracker in Abu Dhabi to The Linde Group
Borouge, a leading
provider of innovative, value creating plastics solutions, has
awarded a contract worth USD 1.075 billion to The Linde Group, a
world leading gases and engineering company, to build another 1.5
million tonnes per year (t/y) ethane cracker at its production
site in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
"The awarding
of this contract confirms Borouge's commitment to the Borouge 3
project, a major expansion of our production facility in Ruwais,
which will increase the total capacity of the plant to 4.5
million tonnes of polyolefins annually by the end of 2013,"
says Abdulaziz Alhajri, CEO of Abu Dhabi Polymers Company
(Borouge). "In addition to the ethane cracker, the expansion
includes the construction of second generation Borstar®
polypropylene and
polyethylene units, a low density polyethylene unit and a Butene
unit, as well as related off-site utilities and marine
facilities." "Nowhere else in the world
has a petrochemical company installed so much olefins capacity in
such a short time as Borouge is currently doing in Abu
Dhabi," says Dr Aldo Belloni, member of the Executive Board
of Linde AG. "We at Linde Engineering are proud to be the
supplier of ethylene technology for the Ruwais complex. Our
relationship with ADNOC, enriched by our gases joint venture
'Elixier', and Borealis is now stronger than ever, thus making
The Linde Group the leading gases and engineering company in the
Middle East."
The contract will be
executed on a 'lump sum turnkey' basis whereby the construction
work will be executed by the Consolidated Contractors Company
(CCC). The new cracker, the third of its kind to be built by The
Linde Group for Borouge in one decade, complements the 600,000 t/y
and 1.5 million t/y ethane crackers, the latter of which is currently
under construction as part of the plant's expansion from 600,000
to 2 million t/y of polyolefins by mid-2010, and ultimately 4.5
million tonnes of polyolefins annually by 2013.
After completion of
the new cracker, Borouge will have the world's largest ethane
cracker complex, setting a new benchmark for the industry.
Borouge is a joint
venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one
of the world's largest oil and gas companies, and Borealis, a
leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions.
The awarding of the contract is a major milestone in the
Company's growth strategy in the infrastructure, automotive and
advanced packaging markets in the Middle East and Asia, and is an
important step in the development of the Abu Dhabi petrochemicals
Tacaamol complex of Abu Dhabi National Chemicals(ChemaWEyaatis) be completed in 2015
Tacaamol, a joint venture
between International Petroleum Investment Company (Ipic) and Abu
Dhabi National Chemicals, also known as Chemaweyaat, will commence feed for
petrochemical production early next year.
The multi-billion complex, the largest in the world, is being
developed in Abu Dhabi's proposed Taweelah Chemicals
Industrial City
and will be developed in phases and fully operational
in 2015. The
city is being developed by Chemaweyaat to help diversify the
predominantly oil-based economy by setting up complementary
industries and associated services.
Mohammed Al Azdi, Chief Executive Officer of Chemaweyaat, said:
"Tacaamol, a joint venture recently
established between Chemaweyaat (51 per cent) and Ipic (49 per
cent), is
the first phase of Chemaweyaat and is well on track. Tacaamol
complex is a multi-billion project and will be completed in 2015.
Feed is schedule for commence in 2010."
Al Azdi was speaking to Emirates Business on the sideline of a
petrochemical conference in Abu Dhabi:
Though he refused to elaborate on the investment in Tacaamol 1
complex, according to earlier reports it will cost more than $10
billion (Dh36.70bn).
He said feedstock would be six million tonnes of light, medium
and heavy naphtha supplied through pipeline from the 280kbpd
condensate refinery of Takreer in Ruwais. The complex was
expected to seven million tonnes a year petrochemical products.
Al Azdi also disclosed another project called Al Chemeya had been proposed to help speed
up the setting up of the chemical industrial city. Al Chemeya
project, he added, was conceived as a propylene
derivatives complex structured around twin world scale 650kta
propane dehydrogenation plants. "It is in the planning
stage with the feasibility study for the project has already been
completed," he added.
Addressing the fourth annual Petchem Arabia conference organised
by World Refining Association, Al Azdi said the Chemaweyaat's
vision was to be a new and leading player to the Middle East
chemical scene.
He said: "Our goal is to grow our businesses to become one
of the region's top chemical companies, and in concert with
Ipic's businesses to be represented in the top ten chemical
companies globally. The plan also includes acquisitions by Ipic.
"To achieve this vision we have a unique position affording
both access to hydrocarbon reserves of Abu Dhabi and the strong
support of the Abu Dhabi Government."
Al Azdi said two projects, Tacaamol and Al Chemeya, were on the
path to development, with the first due on-stream by 2015.
About using liquefied petroleum gas and naphtha for chemicals in
Abu Dhabi, he said both products were set for further growth.
"Naphtha is set to grow from about eight million tonnes per
year to more than 12 million tonnes, and much of the growth will
be in light pentanes from gas processing. LPG production in Abu
Dhabi is also set to double from eight to 17 million tonnes per
year. At the same time the global LPG market is oversupplied as
natural gas competes for premium demand sectors," he said.
Commenting on Abu Dhabi's development plan for hydrocarbon
resources, Al Azdi said presently the chemicals sector in the
emirate was relatively under-developed compared to neighbouring
countries despite the fact having the fourth largest crude oil
and gas production the GCC.
He said: "The plan is to optimise use of the emirate's
hydrocarbon feedback resources; provide maximum economic value
added to the emirate and achieve development goals in terms of
employment opportunities for nationals."
“ChemaWEyaat”: A National Vision for Chemicals
Conversion Industry in Abu Dhabi, UAE
In support of the Government of Abu Dhabi’s drive to diversify its
investment portfolio and enhance its involvement in adding value
to its natural resources, a strategic decision has been taken to
accelerate the Emirate’s investments in the Chemical
Industry by establishing Abu Dhabi National Chemicals
Company (ChemaWEyaat). An agreement has been reached
between the Abu Dhabi Investment Council (The Council) and
International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) to set up
ChemaWEyaat (literally meaning chemicals in English). Abu Dhabi
National Chemicals Company is entrusted to develop Madeenat
ChemaWEyaat in the new Mina Khalifa Industrial Zone located in Abu Dhabi’s Taweelah area.
The first complex is projected to begin production in 2014, and
is estimated by some industry specialists to carry an investment
cost of around US $ 10 billion. ChemaWEyaat Venture 1 Company is
underway to finalize the pre-FEED (Front End Engineering Design)
The Venture 1 company will encompass total exports of more than
10 million tons per year of several chemical products, including
(figures in thousands tons per annum): Paraxylene 1370,
Benzene 340, Cumene 400, Phenol 60, Acetone 110, Bisphenol A 160,
Polycarbonate 130, Polypropylene 420, Mono-Ethylene Glycol (MEG)
900, Di-Ethylene Glycol (DEG) 46, Tri-Ethylene Glycol (TEG) 3,
Ethanol Amine 100, Butadiene 200, MTBE 140, Polyethylene 950,
Urea 1000 and Melamine 80. Venture 1 is expected to be the
world’s largest fully integrated grass
root chemical complex. It will have the world’s largest reformer
(70kbbl/day), naphtha cracker (1,450kta Ethylene + 690kta
Propylene), BTX unit (Para-Xylene 1370 + Benzene 860kta),
Ethylene Oxide unit (790kta) and melamine unit (80kta).
Discussions by Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company (ChemaWEyaat)
to attract reputable international and local joint venture
partners with advanced technology, operating & marketing know
how and leading market positions to participate as J.V Partners
in Tacaamol Complex are underway. Discussions are also underway
to plan for several complexes/companies in the future.
Master Plan implementation for “ChemaWEyaat Industrial City”
will start soon
with the involvement of Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC). A
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between Abu Dhabi
National Chemicals Company and ADPC on May 4, 2008. ChemaWEyaat
Industrial City is expected to host multiple mega-Chemical
Complexes companies utilizing Abu Dhabi’s gas and liquid feed stocks.
Discussions are underway to plan the next complex/company. The
future magnitude of ChemaWEyaat Industrial City is considered to
be like Jubail Industrial City in Saudi Arabia, while the model
of the Chemical Complexes is of “full integration”, similar to BASF “Verbund”
concept. Abu Dhabi
National Chemicals Company Group is expected to include service
companies for chemicals ships, projects execution, etc., along
with several shared service centers in the areas of: Innovation,
Finance, IT, Human Resources, etc working under Mushtarak
Corporation, the name of the 100% ChemaWEyaat-owned shared
services company. Port Khalifa is expected to provide world class
dedicated export terminals for dry and liquid chemical products
for Madeenat ChemaWEyaat Corporation.
The creation of Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company and
ChemaWEyaat Industrial City will support a rapid development of
adjacent industries and businesses; namely real estate
development, service industries, and general downstream
processing and conversion industries to support industries in
Port Khalifa.
In addition to Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company, there are
two other petrochemical entities in Ruwais (Abu Dhabi) involved
in the petrochemical business based on dry gases (Methane and
Ethane): Borouge 60% ADNOC, 40% Borealis Boards is 65% owned by
IPIC& 35% owned by OMV. OMV IS ALSO 19.5% by IPIC producing
polypropylene and polyethylene from ethane, and Fertil (68%
ADNOC, 22% Total) producing Ammonia & Urea from Methane.
Without a doubt, Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company is going to
be a fundamental wheel in Abu Dhabi Government’s high speed yet subtle drive in
this millennium.
May 5, 2009
Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company (ChemaWEyaat) and Neste Jacobs sign Frame Work Agreement for Madeenat ChemaWEyaat complexes
Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company (Chemaweyaat) signed today signed a long term Frame Agreement with Neste Jacobs, who will perform Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) and benefit ChemaWEyaat with their expertise in polyolefins and aromatics in relation to the development of the ChemaWEyaat Industrial City (Madeenat ChemaWEyaat). Madeenat ChemaWEyaat is being launched by ChemaWEyaat in the Khalifa Port Industrial Zone (KPIZ) in Taweelah. The first complex will include the world’s largest most integrated complex of chemicals of more than ten million tons/per year production quantities including: a world scale cracker, downstream propylene and ethylene derivative units, and reformer, BTX, glycols, phenol and derivatives units that are intended to form part of the first complex. Both entities are committed to establish a long term partnership and make full use of the resources needed to provide a state of the art, safe, reliable, cost effective, maintainable and operable facility that is delivered on schedule and meets all of the current environmental regulations.
Established in 2008, Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company (ChemaWEyaat) is a holding company structured to establish ChemaWEyaat Industrial City (Madeenat ChemaWEyaat); further maximizing the value of Abu Dhabi’s oil & gas feedstocks through advanced chemicals industry technologies. Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Company and Madeenat ChemaWEyaat will support a rapid development of adjacent industries and businesses; namely real estate development, service industries, and general downstream processing and conversion industries to support industries in Mina Khalifa. ChemaWEyaat is owned by fellow government entities IPIC 40%, Abu Dhabi Investment Council 40%, and Abu Dhabi National Oil Company 20%.
Based in Porvoo, Finland, Neste Jacobs has over 40 years of experience in working in various process plant investment projects in oil refining, petrochemicals and chemicals processes in Europe, North America and the Middle East, with a specialization in EPCM services and process technology licensing.
"We are very pleased to consolidate our cooperation and we look forward to working together with Neste Jacobs in the development of the complexes that will reside in Madeenat ChemaWEyaat” said Mr. Mohamed Al Azdi, CEO of ChemaWEyaat.
Officials from Neste Jacobs state: “We see the signing of the Frame Agreement as a recognition of our capabilities to work on projects in the region and we are confident that this long-term partnership approach will provide the base to the highest degree of success and achievement in the development of ChemaWEyaat”.
の120〜150億ドルから今後5年で200億ドルに拡大する計画を明らかにした。同常務理事は、「IPICは新規部門への投資を拡大している。IPIC はエネルギー部門、非エネルギー部門での良い機会を探している」「IPICは非エネルギー部門への投資に際しては、所有するアアバル・インベストメンツ
(Aabar Investments)を活用して行く」(ガルフ・ニューズ紙 2009年1月10日)と述べ、今後の投資活動の拡大に意欲を見せた。
企業を既存の投資と融合させねばならない」(ブルムバーグ通信 2009年1月10日)と続け、慎重且つ大胆に投資を進める意向を示した。以下では、ハディーム・アル・クベイシ常務理事の記者会見での発言内容を主な項目別に整理することしよう。
★ |
IPICが株式の40%を所有するケマウィヤアト(Chemaweyaat)は、アブダビの石油化学事業に少なくとも700億ドル投資する計画である。 |
★ | 第一段階が200億ドルで、第二及び第三段階が500億ドルである。 |
★ | 総延長距離370km(229.9マイル)のハブシャン(アブダビ)〜フジャイラ石油パイプライン事業(通油能力150万B/D)は建設中であり2010年初には完工する。 |
★ | 同パイプラインはADNOCのマーバン原油を通油しフジャイラから輸出する。 |
★ | フジャイラに能力1000万バレルから1200万バレルの貯蔵庫を建設する。 |
★ | 同貯蔵庫はADNOCにリースする方法もあれば、IPIC自身が運営する方法もある。 |
★ | 提案された総額60〜70億ドルのフジャイラの製油所(製油能力50万B/D)については依然検討中であるが、精製能力は引き下げられよう。 |
★ | 昨年承認した総額50億ドルのパキスタンのハリーファ・ポイント製油所事業(能力25万B/D)は課題を抱えている。 |
★ | ハリーファ・ポイント製油所事業は、両国政府が再協議し、どうするかを決めねばならない。 |
★ | 我々は基本的問題が解決するまで本事業を延期する。 |
★ | カスピ海事業については最大20億ドルまで投資する。 |
★ | 同事業にはドイツの石油サービス会社MAN Ferrostaalが含まれることになろう。 |
★ | スペイン第二の石油会社Compania Espanola de Petroleos SA(Cepsa)やオーストリア最大の石油会社OMV AG株を買い増すかもしれない。因みに、現在の保有比率はCepsaが9.5%、OMVが17.6%である。 |
★ | Aabar Investmentsを通じた非石油株の購入を検討している。 |
(注)IPIC は2008年、ポルトガル最大の電力会社EDP-Energias de Portugal SAやドイツの石油サービス会社MAN Ferrostaalの株式を購入した。また、過去には、HSBCホールディングスやEuropean Aeronautic, Defence & Space Coなどの株式も購入している。
October 29. 2009
IPIC’s links to Europe grow stronger
with agreement
Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum
Investment Company (IPIC) agreed to share ownership of its Nova
Chemicals unit with the Austrian petroleum company OMV, deepening
its long-standing relationship with the European firm in which it
holds a 19.6 per cent stake.
Under an agreement struck about a month ago, Borealis, an IPIC-OMV
chemicals joint venture based in Vienna, would acquire
24.9 per cent of Nova from IPIC. The deal received regulatory
clearance from the European Commission last week.
is currently reviewing synergies between us and its other
portfolio companies with the objective of creating a new global
polyolefins leader,” Nova said earlier this month. “In this context, IPIC and OMV have
decided to share control of us similar to their successful joint
ownership and control arrangements for Borealis.”
IPIC on July 6
acquired Nova, which has its headquarters in the
US city of Pittsburgh and produces plastics and other commodity
chemicals in North America and Europe, for about US$2.3 billion
(Dh8.44bn) including debt. The deal came after Nova ran into
financial difficulties during the global recession.
The transaction gave IPIC, which is owned by the Abu Dhabi
Government, an entry to the North American petrochemicals market
as well as boosting its European assets.
OMV is IPIC’s major partner in the European
chemicals sector. Borealis is 64 per cent owned by IPIC and 36
per cent by OMV. The two firms also jointly own AMI Melamine
International, an Austrian fertiliser and chemicals venture.
For more than a decade, OMV has also been a partner with IPIC and
the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company in Abu Dhabi’s main domestic chemicals
In addition, IPIC and OMV are partners in a Pakistani oil
refinery and have plans for joint ventures in oil and gas
Now they must also jointly attend to helping Nova weather the
economic slump that continues to grip much of North America and
Europe. Nova’s seven-member board would include
four directors nominated by IPIC, two by OMV and one by Borealis.
Nova had estimated its July and August revenue at $742 million,
down 48 per cent from $1.42bn for the comparable period last
year. “Margins have improved during 2009,
but have not yet recovered to levels experienced prior to the
economic slowdown that began in the fourth quarter of 2008,”
the company said.
IPIC Mulls Bayer Joint Venture, Not Acquisition, Chairman Says
International Petroleum
Investment Co. said it's discussing a venture with companies
including Bayer AG to establish a petrochemical plant in Abu
Dhabi, and has no plan to buy the German company’s MaterialScience unit.
ICIS news today reported IPIC was in talks with five
petrochemical companies including Bayer MaterialScience, and expected to close a European
acquisition by the first quarter of 2010. The news service, which
covers the chemical and energy industries, cited IPIC Chairman
Khadem Abdulla Al-Qubaisi.
never said we were acquiring any of these companies,”
Al-Qubaisi said in
a telephone interview with Bloomberg today. “My statement was misinterpreted.”
IPIC, an Abu Dhabi
state-run company, is talking to Bayer, Nova Chemicals
Corp., Borealis AG, and a couple of South Korean companies about
a joint venture with Abu Dhabi National Chemicals Co., Al-Qubaisi said. IPIC owns 40
percent of Abu Dhabi National Chemicals, which is known as Chemaweyaat.
we will establish a plant with Bayer but nothing is finalized,”
he said. “All of these talks are for
joint-venture projects and right now we are just talking.”
Bayer in September
hired Marijn Dekkers as its new chief executive officer, the
first outsider to take the top job. Some analysts speculated the
appointment may herald a breakup of the 146-year-old German drug
and chemical maker.
IPIC names Bayer MaterialScience in list of possible acquisitions
International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) is in talks with five major petrochemical players in the US and Europe, including Bayer MaterialScience, and expects to close a European acquisition by the first quarter of 2010, the managing director of the Abu Dhabi-based company said on Tuesday.
Khadem Al Qubaisi said technology from the new company would be used to develop petrochemical projects in Abu Dhabi. The purchase would also continue IPIC’s geographical expansion, he said.
“We want to select the right player with the right technology. We want to bring this company to Abu Dhabi. The intention is to bring this company to work on [Chemaweyaat].”
4/20/2010 Borouge
Borouge inaugurates its new compounding manufacturing plant in
* Borouge inaugurates its first manufacturing plant outside of
the Unites Arab Emirates (UAE)
* The manufacturing plant in Shanghai confirms Borouge’s commitment to its customers in
* Capability to supply up to 50,000 tonnes per year of compounded
resins to the Chinese automotive and household appliances markets
* Application Centre in Shanghai to develop tailored-application
Borouge, a leading provider of innovative, value creating
plastics solutions, inaugurated its first compounding
manufacturing plant in China at a ceremony held at the plant in Shanghai on April 20, 2010. Designed to
provide innovative plastics solutions to the rapidly growing
local automotive and household appliances industries, the new
plant has the capacity to supply up to 50,000 tonnes per
year (t/y) of compounded resins to its customers.
The manufacturing plant is the first-ever facility of Borouge
outside of the United Arabic Emirates and has the potential to expand to
80,000 t/y in the future. Leveraging the additional 800,000
t/y polypropylene capacity at its petrochemical complex in Abu
Dhabi and the strong relationships that Borouge is developing
with the Chinese automotive value chain, the Shanghai
manufacturing plant will provide a range of innovative plastics
solutions for bumpers, body panels, dashboards and door
Borouge is currently also establishing an Innovation Centre
in Abu Dhabi
and an Application Centre at the Shanghai
plant to enhance its ability to execute research and development
and conduct product performance reviews in close proximity to its
Adjacent to the manufacturing plant, Borouge is putting into
operation its logistics hub, which will be capable of handling
up to 600,000 tons of value-added polyolefins per year thereby
improving its local supply chain to the infrastructure and
advanced packaging markets in addition to the automotive markets.
韓国企業が昨年の原子力発電所工事に続き、アラブ首長国連邦(UAE)で17億ドル(約1500億円)規模の超大型石油化学プラント工事の受 注に成功した。
受注したのは、UAEのブルージュ社が発注した「ブルージュ第3次石油化学プラント」で、三つの工事のうち現代建設が一つ、サムスン・エンジニアリングが二つを受け持つ。両社は26日(現地時間)にこれらの工事を受注したこ とを27日、発表した。両社が受注した工事は、UAEのルワイス工業団地に建設される世界最大規模のポリマープラント建設事業だ。
サムスン・エンジニアリングは約12億5000万ドル(約1100億ドル)規模のポリオレフィンプラント(PE108万トン、PP96万トン)と4億ドル(約360億円)規模の低密度 ポリエチレンプラント(35万トン)を、イタリア・テクニモン社と共同で受注した。サムスン・エンジニアリングはこのうち、約8億ドル(約720億円)の工事を受け持つ。今回の工事受注で、現代建設は45億ドル(約4100億円)、サムスン・エンジニアリングは26億ドル(約2400億円)の海外受注実績をそれぞれ記 録した。
Borouge 3 project includes the construction of an ethane cracker エチレン 1,500千トン second generation Borstar(R) polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) units, polyethylene units is 1,080,000 t/y and the polypropylene units, 960,000 t/y. an LDPE unit 350,000 t/y a Butene unit, as well as related off-site utilities and marine facilities |
Borouge, a joint-venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), one of the world's major oil companies, and Borealis, a leading provider of chemical and innovative plastics solutions, has awarded three major Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contracts valued at approximately US$ 2.6 billion for its Borouge 3 expansion project in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, in the UAE. These significant investments will expand the production capacity of the plant to 4.5 million tonnes per year (t/y) by 2013, making it the largest integrated polyolefins site in the world.
A contract worth US$ 1,255 billion for the construction of two Borstar® enhanced polyethylene and two Borstar® enhanced polypropylene units, as well as a contract worth US$ 400 million for the construction of a 350,000 t/y low density polyethylene (LDPE) unit, was awarded to the Joint Venture consortium Tecnimont of Italy and Samsung Engineering of South Korea, on a lump sum turnkey basis. The annual capacity of the polyethylene units is 1,080,000 t/y and the polypropylene units, 960,000 t/y.
In addition, a contract worth US$ 935 million for the Utilities and Off-site facilities for the expanded plant was awarded to Hyundai Engineering and Construction of South Korea.
These contracts represent an important milestone in the fulfilment of Borouge's growth strategy in the Middle East and Asia. The investment in LDPE production spearheads the Company's ability to manufacture innovative solutions for the global wire and cable market in addition to the pipe, automotive and advanced packaging markets.
Borouge has already awarded a US$1.075 billion contract to Linde Engineering for the construction of the Borouge 3 ethane cracker and the site preparation is being executed by Al Asab General Transportations and Contracting Establishment.
Borouge to build second PP compounding plant in China by mid-2012
Borouge of the United Arab Emirates announced at the weekend plans for a second polypropylene compounding plant in China, to be completed by mid-2012. William Yau, head of Borouge Marketing Co, signed an agreement for the project on Saturday, with local government officials from Nansha and Guangzhou. Based at Guangzhou in Guangdong province, the unit will have a capacity of 105,000 mt/year. Like the first unit, the plant's output will be directed to the local automotive and appliance sectors.
Borouge inaugurated its first China-based PP compounding plant last month in Shanghai. The plant can produce up to 50,000 mt/year with provisions made to accommodate an expansion of up to 30,000 mt/year at a later time.
Both Chinese compounding plants will use PP resins supplied by Borouge's 800,000 mt/year PP plant in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, which is slated to begin test runs between July and August. The PP plant in Ruwais will be supported by an olefins conversion unit that will be able to turn out 752,000 mt/year of propylene. Borouge is a joint venture between the Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. and Austrian plastics firm Borealis.
UAE and China launch $10 billion strategic
investment fund
Both nations have also signed a number of
agreements in past 3 days
The UAE and China on December 14 agreed to launch a $10 billion strategic
co-investment fund to enhance the economic and political ties between the two
The agreement was signed during an official visit to China by His Highness
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme
Commander of the UAE Armed Forces, and a delegation of ministers, reports state
news agency WAM.
The Chinese President Xi Jinping was also present at the signing ceremony of the
UAE-China Joint Investment Cooperation Fund.
“The formation of this investment fund is a reflection of the growing
partnership between the UAE and the People’s Republic of China,” said His
Highness Mohammed bin Zayed, adding that both the countries will step up their
cooperation and will work more closely to develop their economies.
President Jinping hoped the fund will deepen the strategic and economic
relationship between China and the UAE, whose bilateral trade stands at $54.8bn
today and is expected to reach $60bn by the end of the year. It was $63 million
in 1984 when the two countries first established formal bilateral diplomatic
“This fund will also play a critical role in supporting the ‘One Belt, One Road’
strategic initiative, as we work towards improving connectivity and cooperation
with our regional partners across Eurasia,” adds President Jinping.
The Chinese leader’s ‘One Belt, One Road’ plan focuses on connectivity and
cooperation among countries, primarily in Eurasia, which also includes Middle
Eastern states.
Dr Sultan Al Jaber, Minister of State, who is also part of the delegation, said
that the UAE is a strong supporter of the strategic plan.
Both nations have also signed nine agreements during the Abu Dhabi Crown
Prince’s three-day visit.
The UAE-China Joint Investment Cooperation Fund,
which will focus on conventional and renewable energy, infrastructure,
technology and advanced manufacturing, will be managed and operated by Mubadala
Development Company, the Abu Dhabi-based investment and development company,
China Development Bank Capital (CDBC) and China’s State Administration of
Foreign Exchange (SAFE).