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インドネシア                    インドネシアのビニル・アルカリ状況

  Asahi-mas Subentra Chemical 


当初、旭硝子 35%, アサヒマス板硝子 10%, PPG(旭ペンのパートナー)15%,
    三菱商事 10%, スベントラ 15%, ロダマス 15% のJVとして設立(1986/9)。
現在、旭硝子 52.5%, 三菱商事 11.5%, Subentra 18%, Rodamas 18%


Standard Toyo Polymer (Statomer)

東ソー 30%, 三井物産 20%, 現地(サリム、ビマンタラ)50%
1999/9  東ソー 60%, 三井物産 40%に

Satomo Indovil 計画

当初、サリムが  サリム 50%, アトケム 25%, 住商 25%  でSulfino の塩素・EDC事業を生かし EDCからPVCまでの一貫生産を考えたが、アトケムが離脱、東ソーがPVC にのみ参加することとなったため次の二つの会社に分かれた。

Satomo Indovil Monomer
Satomo Indovil Polymer

その後サリムの経営破たんによりサリムの事業は管理会社の手に移り順次売却されることとなった。東ソー・住商によるサリム持分購入案があったが、入札が成立せず、2001/12 以下の企業のサリム持分は香港のEmperor Group に売却された。(発表文


インドネシアSIM、SIP 親会社が塩素供給を中断

    SIM破産整理  → 逆転   国際調停委に提訴


    PT. Pan Indonesia Bank Tbk. = Panin(ネシアのロ−カル銀行)が すべてを購入
Sulfindo is controlled by Susanna Tonojo who is reportedly backed by Panin's Mukmin.
            They bought Sulfindo from Emperor Group after IBRA sold it to Emperor.


PT SULFINDO ADIUSAHA  http://www.sulfindo.com/

Our goal is to satisfy both the customers' needs and shareholders' interest by combining best quality product, efficient production & distribution system, professional human resources and sound management.

PT SULFINDO ADIUSAHA was established in 1987. Our company was formerly known as PT INDO CHLOR PRAKARSA INDUSTRIES and afterward changed it's name to PT SULFINDO ADIUSAHA in 1995. We established our
caustic soda capacity around 232.000 DMT/year with membrane technology. As a world technology, besides supplying to domestic market, we also serves international market.

Over the time we has diversified our chemical business by creating products such of EDC, VCM, and PVC. We produces
265.000 mt of EDC, 100.000 mt of VCM, and 80.000 mt of PVC annually. All these products have strengthened and supported Sulfindo's presence in the market as an integrated Chlor-Alkali producer in Indonesia.

Our mission is to sustain long-term growth as a leading chemicals producer in ASEAN with Indonesia as its home base. We are committed to produce high quality chemicals at globally competitive prices and deliver efficient customer service at all times.

Being in the business for long period of time Sulfindo has earned international standard for quality assurance recognition. Sulfindo received ISO 9002 Certificate for caustic soda appreciation in April 2000.

Sulfindo plant is located in Merak covering a total area of 30 ha. Fast and efficient distribution of products is supported by presence of truck terminal that handles daily transportation activity. The plant is also equipped with a jetty with a loading and unloading capability of 35,000 MT.

当初は下記3会社に分かれていたが、その後統合した。2005/10/4 Sulfindo to complete SIP, SIM buyouts by weekend

Satomo Indovil Monomer

サリム(→Emperor Group) 50%, Brendswick (香港)25%, 住友商事 25%
  EDCはSulfindo から移管した上で増設
  VCM は アトケム法

Satomo Indovil Polymer

サリム(→Emperor Group) 50%, 東ソー 25%, 住友商事 25%     
PVC   東ソー法

PT Sulfindo Adiusaha  

サリム(→Emperor Group)の会社

   当初、水銀法電解 96(台湾の中古)とEDC 90

   水銀法電解スクラップ、旭化成法で電解新設 塩素200
   EDCはSatomo Indovil Monomer に移管


Sulfindo goes into technical default on pre-IPO bond

Sulfindo, an Indonesian chemical company, has breached two covenants on an outstanding US$151m pre-IPO bond arranged by Merrill Lynch in December 2005. One of the breaches concerns interest cover ratios.

Interest coverage ratioPretax income plus interest expense divided by interest expense.

Merrill Lynch has been quite active with regard to privately placed transactions over the past 12 months, including a $150 million pre- IPO convertible bond that it arranged for Golden State Environment Group Corp, a mainland water supplier and waste treatment company, in July. In December 2005 it completed a $151 million pre-IPO CB for Indonesian specialty chemicals group PT Sulfindo and in early May it wrapped up a privately placed highly structured deal that raised $500 million for a leveraged buyout of Hong Kong-listed Asia Aluminum by its chairman.

Platts 2003/1/14

Indonesia's Satomo Indobil shuts VCM, PVC plants

Indonesia's Satomo Indobil Monomer closed its two VCM plants at the end of December for financial reasons, industry sources said Tuesday.


化学工業日報 2003/1/16

インドネシアSIM、SIP 塩ビ、月内操停へ 親会社が塩素供給を中断


化学工業日報 2003/2/25



破産宣告を受けたのは、サルフィンドと住友商事の合弁会社で二塩化エチレン(EDC)と塩ビモノマーを生産するサトモ・インドビル・モノマー(SIM)。同社に塩素を供給するサルフィンドが75%、住友商事が25%の株式を持つ。サルフィンドは、アジア経済危機で多くの資産がインドネシア金融再編庁(IBRA)の管轄下に置かれた旧サリム財閥のグループ企業の一つ。2001年にIBRAが競売にかけ、香港系の投資銀行(Emperor Group)が買収している。

化学工業日報 2003/3/19

 住友商事の異議申し立て通る 経営権の移管に焦点


化学工業日報 2003/5/2



化学工業日報 2003/8/1




    Eastern Polymer


     その後三菱商事 100% 出資 (トクヤマ/サンアローが技術指導)

    Siam Maspion Polymer → 
PT. TPC Indo Plastic & Chemicals 


     Siam TPC とインドネシアの雑貨大手 Maspion の 50/50 JV

Siam TPCはSiam Cement の化学部門 CemenThai Chemical と Thai Plastics & Chemicalsが 60/40 でシンガポールに設立した塩ビ投資会社

PVCは新第一塩ビ技術 (内部ジャケット 140m
3 リアクター2基の最新鋭設備)


    100% of shares held by Siam TPC Co., Ltd (Thai Plastic & Chemicals 40% / Siam Cement 60%

The Stock Exchange of Thailand へのTPCからの届出 July 27th , 2005

Increase Stake in P.T. Siam Maspion Polymers

As per offer of P.T.Maspion -Indonesia , a joint partner in P.T.Siam Maspion Polymers (SMP), to sell its shares (50%) in SMP to other original shareholders, namely The Thai Plastic and Chemicals Public Company Limited and The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (SCC) at its offered cost to the Company approximately 200 Million Baht, the Board of Directors of the Company, in their 76th and the 77th Meetings of the Board of Directors of Thai Plastic and Chemicals Public Company Limited (or "TPC") held on July 8th, 2005,and on July 26th, 2005, respectively, have resolved to approve the company's participation in the SMP share purchase from P.T.Maspion according to the current shareholding portion .

After the shareholders' restructuring,TPC's stake in SMP will effectively be increased to 40%, while the other 60% of SMP will be owned by SCC.

Founded in 1996 by the consortium of TPC (20%), The Siam Cement Public Company Limited (or "SCC") (30%) and P.T. Maspion (50%),SMP is a producer of PVC with a total capacity of 120,000 ton per year. It is located in Surabaya, Indonesia, and has a domestic capacity share of 19%.



   Philippine Resin Industries


     当初、東ソー 20%, 三菱商事 20%, Mabuhay Vinyl 49%, フィリッピン諸島銀行 11%
     2001/3  東ソー 50%、 三菱商事 50%

Mabuhay Vinyl Corp. 

現地資本 三菱商事 10%強出資
   PVC 28、電解(隔膜法)16千t
Philippine Resin Industriesに参加
2000/8 東ソー 22.68%出資
東ソー技術でIM転換、増強  +8千t


その他 Philippine Vinyl Co.   台湾華僑



   TPC Vina Plastic & Chemical
      Go Dau Industrial Area, Long Thanh Dist., Dong Nai Province

当初 Mitsui Vina Plastics & Chemical

三井化学 36%, 三井物産 10%, Thai Plastics & Chemicals (タイ)24%,
Vinaplast 15%, Fercemco 15%

三井撤退、TPCに譲渡  TPC 70% 

現状 100 → to 240,000 tons X
TPC Vina Plastic & Chemical Corporation denied rumours

2007/10/4 Platts

Thailand's TPC Samutprakarn plant 90,000 mt/year ( 60,000 mt/year + 30,000 mt/year)
60,000 mt/yearTPC VINA Plastics and Chemical Co. Ltd.Vietnam)に移管
90,000 mt/year にアップ、 to 190,000 mt/year


  VCMはマレーシア(Vinylchloride Malaysia)から

(化学工業日報 2000/9/11)

三井化学 ベトナム合弁撤退 塩ビ関連事業の再編完了  



(Asian Chemical News 1999/10/19) 

抄訳 三井ビナは現在のPVC8万トンを12万トンに引き上げる計画を持つが、条件として輸入品をカットするため輸入関税3%を25%に上げるよう要求している。三井は将来的には原料クロルアルカリまで遡る計画を有する。

Viet PVC expansion hinges on tax hike

MITSUI Vina & Plastic Chemicals said its decision to expand its PVC plant in Dong Nai, Vietnam - from 80,000 tonne/year to 120,000 tonne/year - hinges on whether the Vietnam government agrees to its request to increase the PVC import tax from 3% to 25 % .

Rival investor
Marubeni Corp is also pushing the Vietnam government to provide more incentives for its 100,000 tonne/year PVC project in Baria, Vung Tau.

July 16, 2003 Financial Times

Thai Firm Raises Investment into PVC Production in Vietnam

Thailand's TPC group is spending $30 million in expanding production of poly vinyl chloride (PVC) grain at the existing Plastic & Chemical Ltd. (TPC Vina) in southern Dong Nai province's Go Dau Industrial Park, sources from the foreign company said.

The move aims to increase the capacity of TPC Vina
to 240,000 tons of PVC per annum when the project is finished, from 100,000 tons, and to raise the group's total investment in the field in Vietnam to $100 million.


THE $90-million Thai-backed TPC Vina Plastic & Chemical Corporation last week denied rumours the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin manufacturer would make an additional $30 million investment to double its current capacity over the next two years.

富美(フーミー, Phu My) Plastics & Chemicals      2016年初頭に増設 →150千トン


当初計画は Occidental 40%, 丸紅 30%, ベトガス 15%, トラマツコ 15%
1996/6 Occidental の撤退決定
  Occidental の代わりにマレーシアの Petronas が参加(40%)
2000/5 出資比率見直し 
 ペトロナスが50%, PetroVietnam 43%, Tramatsuco 7%

 → 2006/9 Thai PVC producer TPC buying 43% share in Vietnamese PVC firm 実現せず
 → 2007  
Petronas International 93%

VCMはマレーシア(Vinylchloride Malaysia)から

稼働 早期増強も

2013/11 旭硝子、ベトナムのPVCメーカーPhu My Plastics & Chemicalsを買収

(Chemnet Tokyo 2001/7/10)


マレーシアのペトロナス社はベトナムで、現地パートナーとの塩ビ(PVC)生産合弁会社・Phu My Plastics & Chemicals社を介し、出資額7千万ドル(US)の塩ビ工場の建設を開始した。生産能力は年間10万トンでホーチミン市より南東85キロに立地。

Phu My Plastics and Chemicals Co., Ltd (PMPC)

Phu My Plastics & Chemicals Company Limited was incorporated upon the issuance of Amended Investment License No. 1305/GPDC3 dated 6 May 2000 by Ministry of Planning & Investment (MPI).

PetroVietnam Gas Company (PVGC) - 43%
Petroliam Nasional Berhad of Malaysia (PETRONAS) - 50%
Import - Export Technical Raw Material Trading and Supplying Company (Tramasuco-Vietnam) - 7%

Total capital investment: 70 million US dollars.

Principal Activity
Manufacturing suspension PVC resins, VCM, Ethylene dichloride and Chloral Alkali with a capacity of 100,000 MTPA.

Location: Cai Mep, Ba Ria - Vung Tau

The plant will commence production in the 3rd quarter of year 2002 with four main grades of PVC resin which will be used as feedstock by plastics fabricators to manufacture industrial goods. PMPC will increase production capacity in a second phase to keep up with market development. With the most advanced European technology, the PVC products of PMPC will meet International Quality Standards with a fast, friendly, and efficient sales and service staff, PMPC is certain to become the favorite supplier of Vietnamese and regional plastics Companies.

(日本経済新聞 2000/2/17)

ベトナムの塩ビ生産合弁 丸紅が参加中止 国内需要低迷  



化学工業日報 2003/1/8

越のPVC合弁が稼働 ペトロナス年10万トン、早期増強も



2006/9/26 Platts

Thai PVC producer TPC buying 43% share in Vietnamese PVC firm

Thai PVC producer Thai Plastic and Chemicals Public Co Ltd has obtained board approval to purchase a 43% share in Vietnamese PVC firm Phu My Plastic and Chemicals, from Petrovietnam Oil and Gas Corp.

PMPC has a 100,000 mt/year PVC plant in Vung Tau province. It started operations in 2002, with Petrovietnam and Malaysia's state-owned oil, gas and petrochemical giant Petronas as major shareholders.

既存株主 ペトロナス50%, PetroVietnam 43%, Tramatsuco 7%
        Petrovietnam is officially known as Vietnam Oil and Gas Corporation,


2007/06/18 nst.com.my

Petronas consolidates stake in Vietnams Phu My Plastics

Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) is in the process of transferring its entire 50 per cent interest in Vietnams Phu My Plastics and Chemicals (PMPC) to Petronas International Corporation Ltd (PICL), its wholly-owned international investment subsidiary.

The national oil corporation has also reached an agreement with PetroVietnam for the transfer of the latters 43 percent stake in PMPC to PICL, Petronas said in a statement here today.

Once this is finalised, PICL will own 93 percent interest in PMPC, with the remaining seven percent stake held by Vung Tau Shipyard Company.

The parties are now in the final stage of formalising the necessary documents for submission to the Vietnamese authorities for approval,Petronas said.

PMPC is a company incorporated in Vietnam which owns and operates a 100,000 metric tonnes per annum polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plant in the Ba Ria Vung Tau province, within the Phu My Industrial Zone, about 85 kilometres south-east of Ho Chi Minh City.

PMPC markets its PVC both in Vietnam as well as overseas.

  従来 今後
Petronas 50%   0%
Petronas International  0%  93%
PetroVietnam 43%   0%
Vung Tau Shipyard  7%   7%

インドネシア サリム・グループ 



Holdiko was established in relation to the
settlement between the Salim Group and the Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency ("IBRA") with regard to liquidity credits provided to BCA and the affiliated loans which exceeded the Legal Lending Limit given by BCA to Salim Group affiliated companies.
As part of the Settlement Agreement with IBRA, the Salim Group transferred shares and assets in 107 companies to Holdiko.

注 東ソー・三井物産が日本側100%出資としたスタットマーも当初はサリムとのJV 別紙記事

化学工業日報 2001/7/27) 

インドネシアで塩ビ再編の動き   サリムがグループ事業売却  
       住友商事―東ソー共同で応札へ  合弁サトモ株も対象 電解から一貫


PT. Holdiko Perkasa December 06, 2001発表

  Proceeds 25% Above Previous Highest Bid

The Indonesian Bank Restructuring Agency (IBRA) and PT Holdiko Perkasa (Holdiko), a holding company established pursuant to the Shareholding Settlement Agreement between IBRA and the Salim Group, today announced that Holdikos entire shareholdings in the Sulfindo Group has been sold to Durability Enterprise Ltd. of the Emperor Group in Hong Kong, for gross proceeds of USD 41.2 million.

The Emperor Group is one of Hong Kong's most dynamic organizations that has been flourishing for over 50 years, and owns an extensive network comprising over 300 subsidiaries and associated companies with business in Hong Kong, China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
Sulfindo Group consists of (i) PT Sulfindo Adiusaha (SAU), a producer of chlorine and caustic soda, (ii) PT Satomo Indovyl Monomer (SIM), a producer of Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) and Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM), and (iii) PT Satomo Indovyl Polymer (SIP), an operator of a Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC) production plant.

Emperor Group  http://www.emperor.com.hk/eg_pf.htm

From its humble beginning as a small watch and clock retail shop at Shanghai Street in Kowloon in 1942, Emperor Group has grown steadily to become one of Hong Kong's most forward-thinking and dynamic organisations, and has been flourishing for over 50 years.
Employing over 5,000 staff, the Group now comprises 4 publicly listed companies: Emperor International Holdings Ltd.(163), Emperor (China Concept) Investments Ltd. (296), and Emperor Technology Venture Ltd. (283) and Global Food Culture Group Ltd. (970) The Group also owns an extensive network comprising over 300 subsidiaries and associated companies with business in Hong Kong, China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
At the core of the Group's corporate strategy is a policy of diversification, spreading risks to create a broad and financially buoyant base, and maximising investment and profit opportunities. Today, Emperor Group has diversified into multifarious industries, including property development and investment, banking and financial services, watch and jewellery retailing and manufacturing, furniture and fashionable novelties retailing, entertainment, hotel, publishing, marine products trading and culturing, apparels trading and retailing, distilled water manufacturing and distribution, food catering and restaurant, etc.


