日本とアジアの石油化学の現状その他を、各社のホームページや新聞雑誌情報を基にまとめた個人のデータベースです。 他のページへ トップページ その他化学及び周辺業界 医薬(トップ) バイオ(トップ) |
2001/10/2 バイエル Aventisの事業分類
バイエル社はアベンティス クロップサイエンス社の買収により農薬事業で大幅に躍進する。 アベンティス クロップサイエンス社の現在の株主であるアベンティス社(76%保有)とシェーリング社(24%保有)との交渉がこのほど完了し、買収契約が調印された。農薬事業については「バイエル クロップサイエンス」という社名の独立会社を設立する予定。
バイエル社、農薬事業の強化 アベンティス クロップサイエンス社の取得を目指す
アベンティス社、シェーリング社は、本日、アベンティス クロップサイエンス社の売却に関し、今後数週間にわたり、交渉相手をバイエル社に絞り込むことを発表しました。アベンティス社は作物保護・作物生産事業を行う、アベンティス クロップサイエンス社の76%の株を保有し、シェーリング社は残りの24%を保有しています。
Aventisの事業分類 http://www.aventisbehring.co.jp/
1950 ACCと武田薬品工業の各50%出資により、日本レダリー・ラボラトリーズ株式会社を設立 1962 日本サイアナミッド株式会社に社名変更 1993 シェルジャパン株式会社農薬部門を買収し、 農薬部門を強化 2000 BASFジャパン、日本サイアナミッドを買収 2001 BASFジャパン100%出資の子会社としてBASFアグロ株式会社を設立 1995 日本曹達、三井物産、BASFの3社合弁で新規除草剤の製造販売のため、日曹ビーエーエスエフ・アグロ株式会社を設立
Dow to Acquire Rohm and
Haas Company's Ag Chemicals Business
Transaction Bolsters
Dow AgroSciences' Presence in Fungicides, Specialty Markets
The Dow Chemical Company and Rohm and Haas Company announced today they have reached agreement for Dow AgroSciences LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dow, to purchase Rohm and Haas's Agricultural Chemicals business, including working capital, for approximately US $1 billion.
2001/10/1 ダウ日本
ダウ・ケミカル日本は、ダウ・アグロサイエンス事業にかかわる事業体制の変更とディーエーエス菱商株式会社(旧社名: 菱商農材株式会社)の社名変更を発表ダウ・ケミカル日本は、ローム・アンド・ハース・ジャパンと三洋貿易の合弁会社であったアグリードおよびアルファスの全株式を取得し、両社はダウ・ケミカル日本株式会社の100%子会社となりました。
社 名 株式比率 ダウ・ケミカル日本 51% 三菱商事 34% 大日本インキ 11% 三菱化学 4%
BASF crop protection division to
reflect global business
Two months after the signing of the basic contract for the acquisition of the Cyanamid division of the American Home Products Corporation, BASF announced today the organization of the future business. "Our new organization has to reflect the global character of the combined crop protection business of BASF and Cyanamid," said Friedrich Vogel, present and future President of BASF's Crop Protection division.
1994/11/10 http://www.ftc.gov/opa/predawn/F95/americanhome.htm
American Home Products Corporation (AHP) has agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that its $9.7 billion acquisition of American Cyanamid Company (Cyanamid) may substantially lessen competition in the U.S. markets for tetanus and diphtheria vac- cines, for certain biotechnology drugs used in treating cancer, and for research for a vaccine to treat rotavirus, a diarrheal disease that causes thousands of children's deaths annually. Under the proposed settlement, AHP will divest its tetanus and diphtheria vaccines business, license Cyanamid's rotavirus research, and discontinue reporting arrangements with licensees that may provide competitively-sensitive information about cytokine drugs used in conjunction with chemotherapy. AHP's corporate offices are located in Madison, New Jersey. Cyanamid is based in Wayne, New Jersey.
According to the FTC complaint detailing the charges, AHP and Cyanamid compete in the manufacture and sale of tetanus and diphtheria vaccines. These markets are highly concentrated, with relatively few competitors, and it is difficult and time-consuming for another company to begin to compete in them, the complaint alleges.
The proposed consent agreement to settle these charges would require that AHP divest its tetanus and diphtheria vaccine business to a Commission-approved buyer, and that it manufacture the vaccines for the buyer under contract while the buyer awaits Food and Drug Administration approval to manufacture them.
The research and development market for a rotavirus vaccine is also highly concentrated, according to the FTC complaint. AHP and Cyanamid are two of only three producers of vaccines with research projects either in or near the clinical trial stage required before drugs are approved by the FDA.
To assure that both the AHP and Cyanamid rotavirus vaccine projects continue independently, the consent agreement would require that AHP license Cyanamid's rotavirus vaccine research to a Commission-approved licensee and provide the licensee with certain technical assistance.
To maintain competition in the market for cytokines administered to patients undergoing chemotherapy, the agreement would require that AHP change a previously-established licensing agreement to assure that it does not obtain competitively- sensitive data.
The proposed Consent Order will also prohibit AHP, for ten years, from acquiring any interest in any entity engaged in the clinical development, or manufacture and sale, of tetanus, diphtheria, or rotavirus vaccines in the United States without prior approval from the Commission for ten years.
The Commission vote to approve the proposed consent for public comment was 4-0. In a separate concurring statement, Commissioner Mary L. Azcuenaga said: "Today, the Commission accepts for public comment a consent agreement settling charges that American Home Products' proposed acquisition of American Cyanamid Company is likely substantially to lessen competition in the markets for three existing diphtheria and tetanus vaccines and substantially to lessen competition to develop a new rotavirus vaccine and to develop and produce cytokines. This appears to be a strong antitrust case, but I seriously question whether the remedy is sufficient. In short, the order will not restore the competition lost as a result of the acquisition...Instead, the Commission should require the divestiture of a viable business unit, even if the business unit in question produces and sells products other than the vaccines in question."
The proposed consent will be published in the Federal Register shortly and will be subject to public comment for 60 days, after which the Commission will decide whether to make it final. Comments should be addressed to the FTC, 6th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20580.
Nisso BASF Agro (from BASF Homepage)
Established: 1995
Shareholders: BASF AG (45%), Nippon Soda Co. Ltd. (45%), Mitsui
& Co. Ltd. (10%)
Location of plant: Takaoka
Main lines of business: Cyclohexanone-based herbicides
Nisso BASF Agro Co. Ltd. is of strategic importance as its aim is
to consolidate BASF's position in the highly competitive soybean
markets of North and South America where BASF successfully
markets Nippon Soda's sethoxydim herbicide under BASF's brandname
POASTR. The company is to develop, produce and market a new
cyclohexanone-based herbicide discovered by BASF.
2002/9/19 石原産業
アルゼンチンにおける農薬販売子会社 石原アルゼンチナ社(IASA )の事業を縮小することにつき決定