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日本経済新聞 2003/8/30

富士写が乳がん診断薬 独社と蛍光造影剤開発     


August 28, 2003 Schering

Schering's innovative method for breast cancer detection shows first positive results in clinical phase I study

Schering AG, Germany announced today the start of the clinical phase I trial for a new breast cancer detection method, which is expected to offer the advantage of a sensitive and radiation-free diagnosis. The technology combines the existing near-infrared imaging method (optical mammography) with a special fluorescent dye, which was
jointly developed by Schering and Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd.,.

The study
Post menopausal women with suspected breast cancer participate in the clinical trial of optical mammography, to evaluate the new fluorescent dye SF64, which was co-developed by Schering and
Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd., a leading imaging company with strong background in fine chemical technology including fluorescence dyes, in conjunction with the proprietary Computed Tomography Laser Breast Imaging (CTLMR) system, newly developed by Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc., Plantation, Florida.

Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc.   http://www.imds.com/

Located in Plantation, Florida, Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (IDSI) is a medical technology company engaged in the research and development of a non-invasive breast imaging system. IDSI is a pioneer in the field of medical optical imaging and has made major strides in the early diagnosis of breast abnormalities.

日本経済新聞 2003/9/2           Tranzyme発表

新日本科学 開発期間を短縮 米バイオに出資 新薬を共同研究


新日本科学 Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL)     http://www.snbl.co.jp/



           FindBioVenture http://www.findbioventure.com/html/vdata/20412-03.html

名称 トランザイム(株) ファイル No. 20412-3
主題 トランザイム社は応用ゲノム分析、タンパク質分析、薬剤開発に独自の技術を開発している。



Tranzyme is a drug discovery and development company uniquely focused on the treatment of diseases associated with the neurosensory system including the eye, the ear and the brain. Tranzyme has developed a proprietary functional biology platform based on gene delivery and controlled expression from in vitro to ex vivo to in vivo.


Research & Development

Corporate Partnerships

June 5, 2003 Tranzyme        解説

Tranzyme Receives Equity Investment from the Biggest Japanese CRO, SNBL Group

Tranzyme, Inc., a drug discovery company focused on the diseases of the neurosensory system, announced today that it received an equity investment from Shin Nippon Biomedical Laboratories (SNBL) Group of Tokyo, Japan .

2003/09/03 杏林製薬


リード探索およびリード最適化に関する受託研究機関であるディスカバリーパートナーズインターナショナルインク(社長・COO Taylor Crouch)と創薬シーズの探索における委託研究契約を締結いたしました。

● ディスカバリーパートナーズインターナショナル社の概要

会社名 :Discovery Partners International, Inc.
代表者 :Taylor Crouch (President & COO)
所在地 :San Diego, California(米国カリフォルニア州サンディエゴ)
設立 :1995年
従業員 :236名
売上高 :$41.3MM
株式 :2000年7月NASDAQ上場


リード最適化研究   http://www.fuji-ric.co.jp/report/200305/topics1.html



[A] 病気の機序の理解・薬のターゲットとなるタンパク質の同定
[B] ターゲットタンパク質と結合する化合物候補(リード化合物とよばれる)の探索および最適化
[C] 薬物動態(体内における吸収、分布、代謝、排出)や毒性などの前臨床試験・臨床試験


Discovery Partners International    http://www.discoverypartners.com/

Discovery Partners International, Inc. (Nasdaq: DPII) is a leader in drug discovery collaborations. DPI offers integrated services, products, and systems that span the drug discovery continuum, including target characterization, targeted and screening-library design and synthesis, high throughput and high content screening, lead generation and optimization, gene expression analysis, and protein crystallization.