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EU新化学品規制 「REACH」

EU Whitepaper "Strategy for a future Chemicals Policy" (2001/2/27)

   新化学品規制案     2003/5EU発表   



欧州議会 「REACH」規制を可決 来年6月に導入


REACH あす施行

First REACH hit list targets polymer components and additives








T.総論 (Topic: Duty of care, Chemical safety assessment, Data sharing/consortia formation, Procedures for downstream users, Other)

1. 我が国は、EUが達成しようとする「人の健康保護や環境保全」という目的の重要性については理解しており、EUの本件に対する取組の姿勢に敬意を表する。
2. しかしながら、言うまでもなく、こうした措置は「持続的な開発」の考え方に沿ったものであるべきである。したがって、達成しようとする目的に照らして必要以上に、企業によるイノベーションや経済活動を阻害し、国際貿易・投資の障害にならないよう全体の適切なバランスに配慮すべきと考える。この観点から、我が国は、今般の規則案がEU域内における化学産業、ユーザー産業のみならず、日本を含む域外諸国の貿易及び投資に対して与える影響について、特に以下のような諸点につき懸念を有している。
3. 第一に、目的に照らして過剰な義務を事業者に課すものではないかという点である。膨大な数にのぼる既存化学物質を取り扱う事業者は、小規模な企業も含めて多岐に渡るものであり、安全性に係るデータ取得や初期リスク評価の義務付けの範囲を合理的に設定しなければ、制度全体が円滑に運用できない。その際、REACHと化学物質を規制する既存の制度間の同様な義務の重複は避けるべきである。また、事業者の営業秘密にも適切な配慮が必要である。
4. 第二に、必要以上に貿易制限的ではないかという点である。特に、成形品に含まれる物質に関する規制案(Point63、Point64)については、記述に一般的、抽象的な表現が多く、実際の運用次第では、必要以上にEUへの輸出に支障が生じ、貿易制限的な効果を持つおそれがあり、WTO諸協定との整合性にも問題が生じうるおそれがある。
5. 第三に、規制制度の国際調和の動きとの整合性確保である。化学品規制に関してはOECDなどの場を通じて国際的に様々な制度の調和の動きが進められている。特に、内分泌かく乱作用が疑われる化学物質については、試験方法の開発など国際的に科学的知見の集積が進められている段階であり、現時点で、内分泌かく乱作用のみを根拠として製造・使用を制限するのは時期尚早である。また、域外のGLP施設で取得されたデータの認証等は引き続き進められるべきである。
6. 第四に、規則案の適用の統一性、透明性、EU各加盟国において公平性が確保されるか否かという点である。物質の安全性評価など制度の執行については各加盟国の判断に任されている部分が多く、その運用が加盟国毎に異なることがあってはならないと考える。また、規制(legislation)案中の様々な概念が一般的、抽象的に記述され、具体的かつ実質的な規制範囲が明確になっていないため、ガイドラインの設定等により各加盟国当局毎の裁量により恣意的に範囲が定められないことを確保する必要がある。
7. 欧州委員会及び加盟国当局はREACHシステムの実行可能性を確保するために、然るべき人員数及び知見を有する者から成る体制を整備し、制度導入前にその実行可能性を明らかにすべきである。
8. 今後、欧州委員会が、インターネット・コンサルテーション等を通じて提出される意見やコメントを十分考慮し、よりワーカブルな制度として更に検討されることを期待する。我が国としては、今回提出した意見及び質問についての欧州委員会からの回答を期待するとともに、引き続き、規制案の内容についての意見交換の実施を要望する。また、引き続き必要に応じて質問・意見を提出する。

(Topic: Chemical safety assessment, Information flow, Registration procedure, Intermediates, Data sharing/consortia formation)
   現在の欧州指令67/548/EEC(The 7th Amendment)で認められている「総代理人(Sole Representative)」制度は新たな制度においても存続させるべきである。
(Topic: Registration procedure, Procedures for downstream users, Data sharing/consortia formation)

   受益の程度に応じて負担をすることが「公平なコストシェアfair cost sharing」に最も資すると考えられるが、製造・輸入数量に応じたコストシェアを事業者間で行うことは、競争法の適用、営業秘密の保護等の関係で現実には極めて困難である。
(Topic: Authorisation procedure, Data sharing/consortia formation)
(Topic: Evaluation procedure, Data sharing/consortia formation)
 評価(Evaluation)は、各加盟国(Member States)で担当することとなっているが、現在の指令67/548/EECに基づく審査において既に各加盟国の経験には差があり、そのため評価のレベルに大きな差が生じていることも懸念される。REACHにおける評価は、当該化学物質のリスクを判定していく上で極めて重要な作業であり、その内容に差が生じることはREACHのシステム自体が機能しないことを意味する。


2003/7 METI


1. 欧州化学品規制について
@ 新規化学物質に関する規制と既存化学物質に関する規制を単一の規制の枠組みへ移行。
A 登録の際には有害性データや暴露データの提出を求めるだけでなく、既存化学物質について従来政府が行ってきたリスク評価の実施義務を産業界に転嫁すること。
B リスク評価の義務を、化学物質の製造・輸入業者だけでなく、ユーザ産業にも課すこと。
C 発癌物質など懸念される化学物質については、個々の用途毎に上市認可システムを導入(産業界においてリスクが極めて小さいこと等が証明できない限り、上市を禁止)。
D 上記のほか、一定の条件の下で、化学品を使用している成形品(article)についても含まれる化学物質についての登録を要求すること 
   (REACH:Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals)システム)
@ 注意義務(Duty of Care)(第3条、第63条)
A 化学品の安全性評価(第4条−附属書T、第32条−附属書XI)
B 物質に関する情報をサプライチェーンの中の他の者に伝達する義務(第6条)
C 登録(Registration)プロセス(第7条〜第25条)
・年間生産量・輸入量1000t超 −施行後3年(2008年?)
・年間生産量・輸入量100t超  −施行後6年(2011年?)
・年間生産量・輸入量1t超    −施行後11年(2016年?)
・1t以下               −対象外

・ 年間生産・輸入量1000t超−レベル2(慢性毒性、発癌性、蓄積性等) 8千万円〜数億円
・ 年間生産・輸入量 100t超−レベル1(亜慢性毒性等)          約4500万円
・ 年間生産・輸入量  10t超−ベースセット(各種基本毒性)       約3000〜4000万円
・ 年間生産量・輸入量 1t超−物理的性状・毒性データ(in vitro) 約650万円
D 評価(Evaluation)プロセス(第35条〜第43条)
E 認可(Authorization)プロセス(第44条〜第55条)
F 制限プロセス(第57条〜第62条)
G 成形品の上市に関する登録(第64条)
(1) EU域内の化学産業だけでなく、EU域内の化学品のユーザー産業、EU域外の産業に対しても、登録、評価、認可等の新たな義務が生じ、大きな影響が生じるおそれがある。
(2) EU域内において試験等に要するコストは欧州委員会によると、10年間で約21億〜70億ユーロと試算されている。これ以外にも認可制度への対応コストのほか、下記のような生産停止に伴う代替品への転換コストなど相当程度のコスト増が予想されている。
(3) 試験等のコストに耐えられず、年間生産量100t以下の化学品の約20-40%が欧州市場からなくなるとの試算もある(独産業連盟の調査)。また、独においては、15万人〜235万人の雇用減少につながるとの試算もある(独産業連盟調査)。
(4) 我が国の産業としては、以下のような影響が出ることが予想される。
@ EU向け化学品輸出の一部について、試験コストの負担増、輸出断念の影響。
A EU向けの化学品を含む製品輸出の一部について、試験コストの増加、材料転換、輸出断念の影響が出る可能性がある。
B EUに進出している企業の一部について、試験コストの負担増、材料転換、生産の域外待避などの影響が出る。
C EUに輸出を行っていない場合であっても、EUにおいて禁止された化学物質について、国内需要減少の影響が出る可能性がある。
 ・ 5月15日:在欧日系ビジネス協議会(JBCE)が、EU白書に関して、電子電機機器や自動車など化学品のユーザー企業の立場からポジションペーパーを送付(@競争力の阻害要因とすべきでない、A国際的協調の必要性、B有害物質規制指令との整合性など)。
 ・ 5月30日:日本化学工業協会が、欧州委員会委員あてに白書に関する意見をまとめたレターを送付(@現実的な制度にすべき、AWTO協定と整合的であるべき、B中間体・ポリマーに関する除外、等の具体的要望)。
 ・ 11月25日:日・EU規制対策対話の優先事項の一つとして、新化学品規制についての要望事項を提出(登録期限の弾力化、制度の合理的運用、製品・低リスク品に関する除外など)。
 ・ 2月12日 :平沼大臣が独産業連盟ロゴフスキー会長と会談の際に意見交換。
 ・ 2月14日 :平沼大臣がラミー欧州委員(通商)に懸念を表明。
 ・ 3月4/5日:日EU規制改革対話(於:ブラッセル)において取り上げ、環境総局、企業総局、貿易総局に対して懸念の表明を行い、規制のバランスの必要性について働きかけを行った。
 ・ 3月2〜8日:経団連ミッションの訪欧
 ・ 5月15日 :産業政策ダイアログにおいて、佐野経済産業審議官からマンガソン企業総局総局長に対して働きかけを行った。
 ・ 5月15日 :規制案がインターネット上のパブリックコメントに付される。
 ・ 5月16日 :マンガソン企業総局長と化学業界及び主要業界(自動車、電子電機、繊維)との間の意見交換を行った。
 ・ 5月22〜23日:APEC化学ダイアログにおいてAPEC各国又はAPECとして懸念をEUに対して意見提出を行う方向で今後調整を行うことを決定(ダイアログ共同議長から欧州委委員あてレター)。
 ・ 6月16日 :欧州委員会(環境総局、企業総局、貿易総局)と当省との間で、TV会議を実施。新規制案の内容についての確認及び意見交換を行った。
 ・ 7月10日 :インターネットコンサルテーション締切り


日本経済新聞 2006/12/14     日化協コメント

EU 化学物質 6月に新規制 欧州議会可決
 3万種類を登録・安全性評価 企業の負担重く





  施行時期 規制内容 規制に関係する業界
RoHS指令 06年7月 鉛、水銀など6物質の使用を原則的に禁止 主に電機、情報、精密機器
REACH 07年6月 約3万種類の化学物質について安全 性評価などを企業に義務づけ 化学、自動車、 電機など幅広く


2006/12/13 NYT

Europe Parliament to Regulate Chemicals

Under the rules, producers will have to register the properties of chemicals with an agency to be set up in Helsinki, Finland, that will have powers to ban those presenting significant health threats. Companies will be required to gradually replace the most high-risk chemicals -- so-called persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic substances -- where safer alternatives exist. If no alternative exists, producers will have to submit a plan to develop one.

Because of fears over potential job losses, the parliament scaled back chemicals-testing requirements in the first reading of the law -- known as REACH, for Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals -- last year. Some 13,000 substances, deemed of high concern, face automatic testing, but almost all tests were waived for little-used chemicals of which only 1 to 10 metric tons are produced or imported into the EU annually.

EU governments further scaled back the law passed Tuesday on second reading in an effort to reduce costs for the EU's chemicals industry, worth about $582.9 billion and employing 1.3 million people in 27,000 companies.

The registration process for all of the 30,000 chemicals should be completed in 11 years. The first stage of the process aims to register substances that are produced in the largest quantities and the most harmful ones, such as carcinogens, mutagens and toxins affecting reproduction.


これまであった40の法律が単一のシステム REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals) に統合される。
Chemicals Agency Helsinki に設置される。




cost/benefit 分析に照らしてのみ承認する物質のリストに含むかどうかは、最新の科学データに基づき6年後に検討する。


The registration provisions oblige manufacturers and importers of substances to obtain, where necessary by performing new tests, knowledge on the substances they manufacture or import and to use this knowledge to ensure responsible and well informed management of the risks which the substances may present.

Manufacturers and importers shall address the risks of any use identified to them by their downstream users. A downstream user has the right not to identify a use, in which case he would have responsibility for performing a chemical safety assessment. Conversely, the manufacturer is not obliged to supply a substance for a use that he feels he cannot support. For purposes of enforcement as well as for reasons of transparency, the registration information is to be submitted to the authorities.






The information through the supply chain provisions ensure that all users of substances have the information they need to use them safely. This requires information to be passed both up and down the supply chain, and between all actors in that supply chain. The primary tool for information transfer is the safety data sheet, as set out in Annex Ia. The Reach regulation replaces the current Safety Data Sheets Directive

2006/12/13 European Parliament

Parliament adopts REACH - new EU chemicals legislation and new chemicals agency

Parliament adopted the compromise it negotiated with Council on the new regulation for chemicals, REACH, which will oblige producers to register all those chemical substances produced or imported above
a total quantity of 1 tonne per year. Registration will affect about 30,000 substances. For more hazardous substances, producers will have to submit a substitution plan to replace them with safer alternatives.

When no alternative exists, producers will have to present a research plan
aimed at finding one. The compromise package agreed with the Council and tabled by 4 political groups (EPP-ED, PES, ALDE and UEN), was approved with 529 in favour, 98 against and 24 abstentions.

The regulation will enter into force progressively
from June 2007, and the registration process will take 11 years to be completed. The calendar for registration depends on the risk of the substance and the quantity produced. All covered substances will have to be registered by 2018. REACH also creates a new Chemicals Agency, to be based in Helsinki, which will be responsible for the authorisation process.

Registration will affect about 30,000 substances. The calendar for registration depends on the risk of the substance and the quantity produced. All covered substances will have to be registered by 2018.

European Parliament President Josep Borrell commenting on the EP adoption of REACH said: "This vote, on one of the most complex texts in the history of the EU, sets up an essential piece of legislation to protect public health and the environment from the risks of chemical substances, without threatening European competitiveness. It offers EU citizens true protection against the multitude of toxic substances in everyday life in Europe."

REACH will replace the current dual system which differentiates between:
- "new" chemicals, i.e. the roughly 3,000 substances placed on the market after 1981, the year since which formal authorisation has been required by Community legislation,
- "existing" substances, placed on the market before 1981 and numbering around 100,000. REACH replaces the current 40 legislative texts with a single regulation establishing a single system called REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals).

Helsinki Chemicals Agency
REACH replaces the current 40 legislative texts with a single regulation establishing a single system called
REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals). It also creates a new Chemicals Agency, to be based in Helsinki, which will be responsible for the registration and authorisation process.

The authorisation process will cover about
3 000 substances considered more dangerous. The Agency will be responsible to authorise them and the producers will have to present either replacement proposals or research plans to develop alternatives. The authorisation will be for a limited time period.

The regulation transfers
the burden of proof regarding testing and evaluation of the risks of chemicals from the authorities to industry.

It also includes obligations of duty of care for the industry and of communication to the public about dangerous substances in products. It also includes safeguards for confidential information and provisions to avoid duplication of animal testing.

The issues at second reading
The EP Environment Committee, voting on 10 October 2006, adopted a very firm position by 42 votes to 12 with six abstentions. Essentially following the recommendations of its rapporteur Guido Sacconi (PES, IT), it made no less than 172 amendments to the Council text, seeking to reinstate several points from first reading which had not been accepted by the Member States. Apart from the substitution of the most hazardous substances, the amendments related to the operators' "duty of care", a compulsory chemical safety report for chemicals in amounts of less than 10 tonnes and the promotion of alternatives to animal testing.

A series of trialogues - EP, Council and Commission - was then held to narrow the gap between the different institutions and, if possible, clinch an agreement on REACH at second reading so that it can be implemented swiftly. The talks concluded successfully on 30 November after the sixth trialogue, less than a week before the deadline (6 December at 6pm) for tabling amendments for the plenary vote.

The amendments adopted on 13 December reflect the compromise thrashed out with representatives of the Member States, the REACH regulation, once rubber-stamped by the Council, will enter into force progressively from June 2007.

The main features of the compromise struck between Parliament and the Council and adopted by the European Parliament are:

- Authorisation of hazardous substances
the most dangerous substances, there will be an obligation for producers to submit a substitution plan to replace them with safer alternatives. Where no alternative exists, producers will have to present a research and development plan aimed at finding one. Under a review clause, it will be decided after six years, on the basis of the latest scientific data, whether endocrine disruptors should be included in a list of substances which can only be authorised in the light of an analysis of their socio-economic costs and benefits. A clause was agreed to review after six years, on the basis of the latest scientific data, the inclusion of these substances among those which can only be authorised in the light of an analysis of the socio-economic costs and benefits.

- Registration of substances
The Commission must decide in 12 years' time whether or not to recommend extending the requirement for chemical safety reports for substances produced or imported
in amounts of less than 10 tonnes per year. This deadline was shortened to seven years for cancerous or mutagenic substances or those toxic to reproduction. The intellectual property provisions were strengthened, with data protection extended from three to six years.

- Duty of care
As MEPs wanted, the "duty of care" principle will be enshrined in the regulation. It will be in a recital stipulating that the manufacturing, import or placing on the market of substances must be done prudently and responsibly, to ensure that, under reasonably foreseeable circumstances, human health or the environment are not adversely affected. This will involve collecting all necessary information on the substances in question and relaying all recommendations about risk management along the distribution chain.

- Animal welfare
The promotion of alternatives to the animal testing of chemicals, an issue of prime concern to MEPs, is now included among the goals of REACH. To avoid duplication of animal testing, interested parties will have 45 days to state their views before each new plan for animal tests. Information on toxicity to human beings should if possible be discovered using means other than tests on vertebrate animals, through alternative methods such as in vivo procedures. These alternative methods must be validated by the Commission, once recognised by the agency, or international institutions. The Commission will submit a report every three years on the use of alternative tests and, if necessary, bring forward fresh legislative proposals.

- Evaluation of substances
Parliament will appoint two members of the Helsinki-based European Chemicals Agency and the Executive Director will have to undergo a hearing with MEPs before his/her appointment is confirmed. However, Parliament's demands for guarantees of the independence of the agency's members vis-a-vis industry and the publication of declarations of interest were not accepted.

- Communication of information
A clause was added on the duty to inform the public about dangerous substances contained in products. The distribution chain, including consumers who request it, must be informed of the presence of any chemical in an amount greater than 0.1% of the total product weight. The Commission must consider the possibility of establishing a European quality mark for chemical products.

- Comitology
The Council accepted a number of amendments bringing REACH into line with the new comitology provisions, which give the EP a right of scrutiny over certain Commission decisions.

Entry into force
Following the compromise, REACH is due to enter into force progressively from 1 June 2007.

Brussels, 13th December 2006 European Commission

REACH: Commission welcomes European Parliament vote on new EU chemicals legislation

With the agreement of the European Parliament today, the REACH Regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals) comes near to final adoption. The European Commission welcomes this vote which brings to an end over three yearsnegotiations on a comprehensive reform of manufacturing, marketing, import and use of chemical substances. The compromise reached between Council and Parliament will improve health and environment while safeguarding innovation and competitiveness. The Council is expected to finally adopt the package at the Environment Council on 18 December, so that REACH can enter into force on 1 June 2007. )

Commission Vice-President Günter Verheugen responsible for enterprise and industry policy, said: I welcome the end to a long period of uncertainty which has hung over these negotiations. This compromise is good for health and environment, while keeping European businesses competitive and encouraging innovation. It is very important that the final agreement also takes into account the special situation of the SMEs. In addition, replacing over 40 legislative instruments with a one single regulation is yet another practical example of Better Regulation and cutting red tape in Europe. Another positive aspect is that every effort has been made under REACH to reduce animal testing to the absolute minimum.

Commissioner Stavros Dimas, responsible for environmental policy, said: REACH is an extremely important piece of legislation, which will significantly improve the protection of human health and the environment. It will increase our knowledge about chemicals, enhance safety, and spur innovation while encouraging substitution of highly dangerous substances by safer ones."

Once in force, REACH will require the registration, over a period of 11 years of some 30.000 chemical substances in use today, a process which will allow to fill information gaps on the hazards of substances and to identify appropriate risk management measures to ensure their safe use. The onus will be on industry to generate the data required and to identify the measures needed to manage the risks. In addition, REACH will allow the further evaluation of such substances where there are grounds of suspicion of risks and foresees an authorisation system for the use of substances of very high concern. This applies to substances that cause cancer, infertility in men and women, genetic mutations or birth defects and to those which are persistent and accumulate in our bodies and the environment. The Authorisation system will strongly encourage companies to switch to safer alternatives. In fact, all applications for an authorisation need to include an analysis of alternatives and a substitution plan where a suitable alternative exists.

REACH will also enable more rapid total or partial bans where unacceptable risks are detected. In addition, measures are foreseen to ensure that animal testing is kept to the strict minimum and to encourage the use of alternative testing methods. Finally, REACH ensures a comprehensive flow of information about the risks of substances throughout industry and to consumers.

REACH is an example of better regulation as it simplifies the EU legislation on chemicals by replacing 40 existing pieces of legislation and creating a single system for all chemicals.

The day-to-day management of the new requirements will be carried out by the new European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) which will be established in Helsinki

The benefits for health and environment as well as business benefits from, for example, improved consumer confidence in chemicals are expected to outweigh by far the initial increased costs for companies. Moreover, the agreement between the Parliament and the Council has also on balance reduced the administrative and financial burden for companies, in particular for the substances supplied in lower volumes benefiting mainly SMEs. The positive incentives for innovation in the proposal have also been strengthened by encouraging substitution of highly dangerous substances.

The first REACH obligation, pre-registration, will take place from 1 June 2008 to 30 November 2008. It will be followed by registration in three and half, six or eleven years, depending on the volume band or level of concern of the substance. This information and evidence demonstrating the safe use of the substance need to be submitted in a registration dossier to the new Agency.

Companies and authorities should now intensify their preparatory activities so that they will be ready to fulfil their duties in time. Detailed guidance documents and specific IT-tools are currently being developed to make the transition to the new system as easy as possible (see Memo/06/488). Users of chemicals are advised to communicate proactively with their suppliers to ensure that their uses are covered by the registration dossiers of manufacturers and importers.

2006年12月14日 日本化学工業協会


2006年12月13日、欧州議会において欧州の新化学品規制(REACH ※)案に対する修正案が可決されました。

日本化学工業協会(以下 日化協)としては「人の健康と環境保全」や「世界の持続的発展」をうたったREACHの趣旨そのものには賛同してきました。しかしながら、同法案は、日欧間の化学品貿易や欧州域内で事業を展開している日系化学企業の活動に悪影響を及ぼす懸念のみならず、従来のサプライチェーンに変化をもたらしユーザー業界にも影響を及ぼす懸念は払拭されていません。さらに、その運用面において問題点や現時点では不明な点が数多く残されており、施行にあたり大きな混乱が生ずることが予想されます。


今後、欧州閣僚理事会の合意を経て、来年6月にはREACHが施行されると見込まれています。それを踏まえ、日本化学工業協会では、今後、わが国の化学企業のREACHへの円滑かつ的確な対応をサポートすることに注力すると共に、ガイドライン(RIP:REACH Implementation Project)の適正化や運用の明確化など、引き続きREACHの動向を注視し、必要な対応をとっていく考えです。

※REACH :the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals

日本経済新聞 2007/5/31

リーチ 欧州の化学物質規制 あす施行

 化学大手 対応急ぐ
  三菱化学 対象製品データ化 
  住友化学 グループ横断組織




EU、国際標準化狙う  企業負担世界で52億ユーロ


三菱化学 グループ約60社参加の横断組織発足へ
住友化学 グループ横断の対応組織を発足
三井化学 10事業部門の環境安全担当を通じて情報共有
大日本インキ化学工業 ドイツに常駐の専任者を派遣し、情報収集
日本化学工業協会 専門チーム発足。会員企業への情報提供など
アーティクルマネジメント推進協議会 松下、旭化成など参加。 業界横断で対応策協議


October 14, 2008 British Rubber & Plastics

First REACH hit list targets polymer components and additives

Seven chemicals of importance to polymer processors are included in the first 15 substances on the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of CHemicals) candidate list, which marks them as materials of concern whose presence must be notified.

Communication of information
A clause was added on the duty to inform the public about dangerous substances contained in products. The distribution chain, including consumers who request it, must be informed of the presence of any chemical in an amount greater than 0.1% of the total product weight. The Commission must consider the possibility of establishing a European quality mark for chemical products.

The seven substances on the initial list are:

・ポリスチレン用の臭素系難燃剤 HBCDD
・タイヤ添加剤 二塩化コバルト
MDI製造用のMDA (methylene dianiline)
・ゴム、ペイント、接着剤などの難燃剤 SCCPs(短鎖塩素化パラフィン)

2011/5/22 British Plastics & Rubber 

Cadmium ban acknowledges the importance of recycling PVC

  A further step to ban cadmium from being used as a colorant or stabiliser in plastics is being taken by the European Commission as an amendment to the REACH regulations. The EC has been clamping down on the use of cadmium - a carcinogenic substance which is also toxic in the aquatic environment - since 1988 when it adopted a resolution for an action programme to combat environmental pollution by cadmium.
     The European Union has generally prohibited cadmium in plastics since 1992, but the metal was still allowed in some rigid PVC as no alternatives were available. However, there now are alternatives and the European PVC industry's "Vinyl 2010" programme elected to phase out cadmium from all PVC. The problem lies in PVC products made when cadmium was accepted as a processing aid, and which now are being recycled.
     The REACH amendment becomes effective from December this year and will be listed in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (Regulation No 1907/2006 for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals). In amending REACH the Commission acknowledges that "PVC is a valuable material that can be recovered a number of times" and the new legislation allows the re-use of recovered PVC containing low levels of cadmium in a limited number of construction products, without danger for the public or environment - the use of cadmium in all other plastic products is prohibited. The Commission adds that "in order to fully inform buyers, construction products that will be made of this recovered PVC will be marketed with a specific logo." European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Potocnik commented: "The measure encourages the recycling of PVC waste, which represents significant progress in the efforts to save resources."
     The revised REACH regulation also bans the use of cadmium in brazing ろう付け rods other than for "very specific professional uses" and in jewellery.


Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics
Reference: IP/11/620 Date: 20/05/2011

Brussels, 20 May 2011

Chemicals/REACH: EU to ban cadmium in jewellery, brazing sticks and all plastics

Cadmium in jewellery, plastics and brazing sticks will be banned in the EU from December 2011. High levels of the harmful substance cadmium have been found in some jewellery articles, especially in imported imitation jewellery. Consumers including children risked being exposed to cadmium through skin contact or through licking. The new legislation prohibits the use of cadmium in all types of jewellery products, except for antiques. The ban also covers cadmium in all plastics and brazing sticks, which are used to join dissimilar materials as fumes that are released during this process are highly dangerous if inhaled.

European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani, responsible for industry and entrepreneurship said: "This is positive news for consumers, as well as for industry, since it has already developed alternatives to this substance. It also proves, once more, the essential role played by REACH in granting high standards on health safety. "

European Commissioner for the Environment Janez Poto?nik said: "The ban on cadmium in jewellery will protect consumers, in particular children. It is equally good for the environment, as cadmium-free plastics will help to reduce pollution. The measure encourages the recycling of PVC waste, which represents significant progress in the efforts to save resources."

The ban ensures that EU consumers are better protected against exposure to cadmium, and will reduce environmental pollution from cadmium. It will be adopted as an amendment under REACH.

The new legislation prohibits cadmium in all plastic products while encouraging the recovery of PVC waste for use in a number of construction products. As PVC is a valuable material that can be recovered a number of times, the new legislation allows the re-use of recovered PVC containing low levels of cadmium in a limited number of construction products, without danger for the public or environment. In order to fully inform buyers, construction products that will be made of this recovered PVC will be marketed with a specific logo.

The use of recovered PVC should be encouraged in the manufacture of certain construction products because it allows the reuse of old PVC, which may contain cadmium. Consequently a higher limit value for cadmium should be granted for these construction products. This avoids PVC being discarded in landfills or incinerated causing release of carbon dioxide and cadmium in the environment.

Cadmium is also present in brazing sticksろう付け棒 , which are used to join dissimilar materials, and it is used for specific applications such as amateur modelling of steam engines of trains. Fumes released during the brazing process are highly dangerous if inhaled. The use of these brazing materials will be prohibited except for very specific professional uses.


Cadmium is a carcinogenic substance and is toxic for the aquatic environment. In 1988 the Council adopted a resolution for an action programme to combat environmental pollution by cadmium. In the past it was used as a colouring agent or stabilizer in some plastic articles. It has been
prohibited in the EU in a number of plastic articles since 1992, but was still allowed in some rigid PVC as at that time alternatives were not available on the market. Since alternatives became available the European PVC industry decided to phase out cadmium from all PVC as part of a program called Vinyl 2010. The use of cadmium in batteries and electronics has been restricted since 2004. The new ban will be listed in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (Regulation No. 1907/2006 for Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals).

Vinyl 2010



Vinyl 2010 is the ten-year voluntary programme on Sustainable Development by the whole PVC industry. We have a concrete focus as set out in the European PVC Industry's Voluntary Commitment - a series of targets, projects, initiatives and research studies primarily concerning environmental protection and resource management. To my knowledge, the programme is unique in Europe or elsewhere.

Key achievements 2000-2010:


1993 12(EU-12) ベルギー 、ドイツ、フランス、 イタリア、 ルクセンブルク 、
オランダ、デンマーク、 アイルランド、イギリス、ギリシャ、ポルトガル、 スペイン
1995 15(EU-15) 上記の国と
2004 25(EU-25) 上記の国と
キプロス 、チェコ 、エストニア、 ハンガリー、 ラトビア、
リトアニア 、マルタ、 ポーランド、 スロバキア、スロベニア
2007 27(EU-27) 上記の国と
ブルガリア、 ルーマニア