
更新情報  (* 過去の情報の追加・修正)   
12/30     中国、外資向け投資指針改定

Lavan to Become Iran's 3rd Major Petrochemical Hub

12/28     古河電工、中国の光ファイバ・ケーブル子会社を中国企業とのJVに
12/27     Turkey, Azerbaijan Agree on 7 Billion Euro Gas Pipeline Plan
      11月ナフサ輸入価格 49,539円/kl
12/26     チッソ、セシウム(安定同位体)除去・回収技術の開発に成功
12/24     Ex-Dow Scientist Who Stole Secrets Gets 7 Years, 3 Months Prison
      H.B. Fuller to Acquire Forbo's Industrial Adhesives Business
      Sinopec says completes Canada's Daylight Energy buy
12/23     Dow and Aksa Sign Joint Venture Agreement for Carbon Fiber and Derivatives
12/22     Westlake Chemical to Increase Capacity of Chlor-Alkali Plant
12/21     Chevron Phillips Chemical Advances Plans for USGC Petrochemicals Project
      日本ブチル梶@鹿島工場 ハロゲン化ブチルゴム生産能力増強
12/20     JPS、台湾本島・澎湖島間の海底電力ケーブル敷設プロジェクトを受注
12/16     富士フイルム、超音波診断装置の大手企業 米国 SonoSite, Inc.の買収合意
      Sipchem acquires Aectra SA, a Swiss petrochemical trading and marketing company
      みずほコーポ、Sinopec/CNPCと提携 海外事業資金を融資
12/15     中国、米国製乗用車に反ダンピング関税と相殺関税
12/13     住友化学、ドイツ・ナバルテック社とアルミナ事業に関して提携
12/10     Evonik plans further capacity expansion for polyamide 12 in Germany and Asia
12/8     Chevron Phillips Chemical Announces Completion of Construction at Saudi Polymers Company Manufacturing Facility
      Whirlpool Units, Panasonic Fined by EU for Compressor Cartel
12/7     Dow and Jilin Connell Sign LOI to Strengthen Integration of Dow’s Polyurethanes Franchise
12/6     Indonesia's Chandra Asri Petrochemical shelves expansion plans
      Sasol to divest stake in Iran petchem
12/5     Qatar Petroleum and Shell sign Heads of Agr't for the development of a world-scale petrochemicals complex in Qatar
12/1     サムスン物産、米油田開発企業を買収
11/30     国際石油開発帝石、カナダのシェールガス開発に参加
11/28     住友化学、ポーランドにチタン酸アルミニウム製DPF製造プラントを新設
11/24     Perstorp and PTT Global Chemical plan for joint venture for isocyanates
      Arkema refocuses on Specialty Chemicals and divests its Vinyl Products activities
      Bayer plans further expansion in Asia
11/23     KKRと伊藤忠、米Samsonを70億ドルで買収へ
11/22     Arkema's acquisition of Chinese companies Hipro Polymers and Casda Biomaterials
11/21     堺化学工業によるカイゲンの完全子会社化
11/20     Saudi Aramco wants to build crude oil refinery in Bangladesh
11/19     PetroChina, Sinopec Call For Hike In Windfall Tax Threshold
11/18     Ashland to sell PVAc business; integrate ISP elastomer business
11/16     東京高裁、イレッサ副作用で遺族側が逆転敗訴 
      Shell, Mitsubishi Win Government Approval for $17 Billion Iraq Gas Project
11/14     China fines 2 firms for monolopizing sales of drug
      Sinopec takes 30% stake in Galp Energia’s Brazilian subsidiary for $4.8B
11/12     Rhodia expands Chicago silica plant
11/11     三菱商事、チリの銅鉱山・製錬所運営会社の24.5%を買収
11/9     電気化学、中国へカーバイド製造技術供与
11/7     BP's sale of interest in Pan-American Energy to Bridas Corporation canceled
11/3     SABIC Opens New PP Compound Plant to Cater for the Growing Automotive Needs
11/2     SABIC creates new venture capital arm to invest in companies with innovative technologies
11/1     丸紅、中国企業と共同でカナダの炭鉱会社買収


      出光が徳山製油所を停止 「エネルギー供給構造高度化法」 第1号
10/28     第3四半期国産ナフサ基準価格 54,900円/kl
10/27     Vinyls Italia、PVC生産再開へ
10/22     PolyOne Expands Globalization with New Saudi JV with E.A.Juffali
      S-OIL of Korea opens world’s largest single train PX production facilities
      Sabic Innovative Plastics building its first engineering thermoplastics compounding plant in western China
      PR The 3rd Coal to Olefins Conference will be held in Beijing in Mid Nov. 2011
10/20     EU fines producers of CRT glass € 128 million in fourth cartel settlement
      Badger Licensing to Provide Cumene Technology to Lihuayi Weiyuan Chemical in China
10/18     中国商務部、米国・EU原産の輸入カプロラクタムのダンピング調査でクロの最終決定
10/17     BP Announces Settlement with Anadarko Petroleum Company of Claims Related to Deepwater Horizon Accident
      Makhteshim Agan and ChemChina Complete Merger
10/15     BASF strengthens position in superabsorbent polymers in emerging markets:Brazil、China、Malaysia
      CNPC, Qatar Petroleum International and Shell (China) Limited sign framework agreement
10/14      SIBUR and Sinopec plan two joint ventures for NBR and extend their cooperation
      DuPont Said to Seek Buyers for Teijin Venture, Powder Paint Unit
10/13     中国の中小企業の苦境
      LANXESS strengthens global phthalate-free plasticizer portfolio
      BP and Partners Investing £10 Billion in UK Oil and Gas Projects
10/11     MBSカルテル問題、最高裁が上告棄却
10/10     First plants of BASF-YPC expansion in Nanjing China come onstream
      Daylight Energy of Canada to be acquired by Sinopec
10/9     Saudi Aramco, Dow Sign Sadara JV Shareholders’ Agreement
      DuPont Starts Up $500 Million Kevlar® Facility in South Carolina
10/8     Solvay commissions the largest hydrogen peroxide plant in the world in Thailand
      PSA test for prostate cancer not recommended: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
10/7     LANXESS strengthens commitment to Brazilian automotive sector
      住友化学、スマートフォン用半導体部材 epitaxial waferを増産
10/6     Dow studying plan for EPDM plant
      Minmetals to buy copper miner Anvil for $1.3b
      Sinopec starts work on $2.8 bil coal-based petchem complex in southwest China
10/5     BASF/Ineos styrenics joint venture Styrolution starts operation
10/4     UK Prime Minister warns supermarkets about plastic bag distribution
       Sipchem begins work on phase III projects
10/2     First solar power plant opens in Farasan
10/1      DSM completes acquisition of majority share in China-based UHMWPE fiber manufacturer
9/30     古河電工、自動車用ワイヤーハーネス・カルテルに関する米国司法省との合意
9/29     8月輸入ナフサ価格 52,421円/kl
      Cabot opens Tianjin masterbatch plant
      Dow and K2 Pure Announce Start-Up of Chlor-Alkali Facility at California Site
9/28     BASF to sell fertilizer activities to EuroChem of Russia
      LANXESS to expand its EPDM operations in the Netherlands
      参天製薬、Novagali Pharma 社の買収
9/27     Grupo KUO of Mexico to create a new JV with Jiangsu GPRO to manufacture Nitrile Rubber in China
      Williams to expand Geismar olefins production facility
      LG to Invest $7 Billion in Green Business
9/23     LANXESS to produce first bio-based EPDM rubber in the world
      India's Sanmar Group to invest US$1.3bn for expansion in Egypt
      Badger Licensing to Provide Cumene and BPA Licenses to LG Chem
9/22     SK E&C wins 1.35 million ton ethylene plant order from Egypt's Carbon Holdings
      タイ・Siam Cement Group、チャンドラ・アスリの株式30%を買収
9/21     出光の液状ゴムJV 出光サートマー、出光クレイバレーと改称
9/20     Chinese officials take action in solar factory pollution
9/18     DuPont Wins $920Million Award in Kevlar Case
9/14     Wind-Up of Phillips Sumika Polypropylene Company Operations
      Thai PTT Chemical targets stake in US NatureWorks
      BP to Expand Activities in Biofuels, Buying Out Remaining Shares in Brazil's Tropical Bioenergia S.A.
      BP Announces Acquisition of Additional Shares in Brazilian Sugar and Ethanol Producer CNAA
9/9     Sabic takes share in German auto firm Inpro
9/8     INEOS' Innovene PP technology selected by Ningxia Baofeng Energy Group

Sunoco to Exit Refining and Conduct Strategic Review of the Company

9/6     Shaanxi Yanchang licenses Ineos PP technology
9/4     Zhejiang Julong start construction for propylene project in Jiaxing
9/2     Pollution scandal brings halt to projects in China
9/1     ダイムラーとBASF、先駆的な電気自動車プロジェクトで双方のノウハウを結集
8/31     Rosneft and ExxonMobil to Join Forces for Development of Arctic and Black Sea Resources
      BP and Reliance Commence Strategic Alliance for India
8/30      7月のナフサ輸入価格 54,423円/kl
      Evonik to Increase Global Methyl Methacrylate Production Capabilities
      Evonik - Tasnee joint venture to produce superabsorbents in Jubail
8/29     China to review foreign M&A
      Qinghai Salt Lake Selects UNIPOL Process for PP Project
8/27     LGと米GMが「電気自動車」共同開発
8/26     Nord Stream Pipeline Connected to OPAL
8/24     Qinghai Salt Lake Industry Selects UNIPOL™ Polypropylene Technology for PP Project
       Dow, Lehigh partner to develop sustainable tyre rubber
8/23     Zhejiang Hongji Petrochemical starts up PP project in Jiaxing
8/22     イランのベネズエラ、インドネシア、オマーンとのJVの状況
      Fight against illegal rare earth mining continues
8/21     台湾企業がシノペックとのJVで福建省に石油精製・石油化学センター建設
8/20     Sunoco to sell its last chem complex with phenol deal
      BASF to invest in a world scale acrylic acid complex in Brazil
8/19     旭化成、スイスActelion 社との訴訟の第一審で勝訴
8/18     C&O Pharmaceutical Technology (Holdings) Limitedの株式取得および公開買付けの実施
      KBR to provide license for LG Chem's 240,000 tpa Phenol  in Daesan
8/11     VINYLS ITALIA - Prospects dim for preserving PVC chain
8/10     中国、EU・米・日の印画紙のダンピング調査でクロの仮決定

Bayer threatens to quit Germany over nuclear shutdown

8/6     BASF and CSM explore a bio-based succinic acid joint venture


      BP and JBF Group Agree to Build New Co-Located PET Facility in Geel, Belgium
      INEOS Technologies to supply VCM and PVC technologies to QINGDAO HAIJING CHEMICAL (Group). 青島海晶化工 
8/3     Evonik divests its carbon black business
8/2     韓国がボリビアのリチウム確保へ、バッテリー事業で覚書
      Ownership structure changes in Sabina Petrochemicals jv between BASF, Total Petrochemicals and Shell Chemical
7/30     NOVA Chemicals Announces MOU with Statoil for Ethane Supply from Marcellus Shale
      エネルギー・環境会議   当面のエネルギー需給安定策
      Yanchang Petroleum to focus on coal chemicals
7/29     DuPont Expands in Solar Energy with Acquisition of Innovalight
7/28     2011年2Q 国産ナフサ基準価格 59,000円/kl
      富士フイルム、ジェネリック医薬品大手企業Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories と業務提携
      BASF doubling plasticizer capacity
      Braskem to buy Dow's polypropylene business
7/27     ニプロ、医薬用硝子容器事業で海外展開
7/26     ダウとアラムコ、石油化学JV設立を最終決定
      Lanxess quits talks to buy Taminco from CVC
      Iran, Iraq, Syria sign major gas pipeline deal
      ベアリング大手4社 カルテル容疑
7/25     日本近海のメタンハイドレート 政府、ガス採取へ試掘
7/24     Braskem to acquire naphtha made from post-consumption recycled plastic
7/22     BASF to build world-scale production site for customer specific antioxidant blends in Middle East
7/20     サムスン、住友化学と合弁のLED素材工場着工
      Thiland's PTT, Japan's Mitsubishi Chem to form bio-plastic JV
7/19     Sinopec starts up Vinyl Acetate project in Chongqing
7/16     Billiton and Petrohawk Energy Corporation Announce Merger Agreement
      BP Well Partner Must Take Claims to Arbitration, Judge Rules
7/15     ConocoPhillips to Separate into Refining & Marketing and Exploration & Production Publicly Traded Companies
7/13     「BRICsの次はMIKT、韓国などが世界経済支える」
      DSM successfully acquires 51% stake in AGI Corporation (Taiwan)
7/12     中国で循環型農業に挑む日系企業
7/11     新たな安全評価実施 原発で政府統一見解
      Bohai starts construction for its Propylene Project in Tianjin
7/9     Sinopec, SK May Finance Part of Ecuador Refinery
7/8     中国、エコ政策を理由に外資企業の移転を要求
7/7     宇部興産とダウ、リチウムイオン二次電池向け電解液の合弁会社設立
      Shenhua wins bulk of Mongolia Tavan Tolgoi coal project
7/6     DSM and KuibyshevAzot commence strategic cooperation in Russia
      Sinopec To Build Refinery In Brunei
      BASF Mulls GMO Crop Exit in Germany
7/5     PR  The "6th China CTL & CoalChem Forum" will be held in Inner Mongolia
7/1     WACKER Commissions Silicone Rubber Compounding Plant in India
6/30     Keyuan Petrochemicals and Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber to cooperate on SSBR
6/29     2011年5月の輸入ナフサ通関価格 58,468円/kl
6/24     Solvay to build large specialty polymers production plant in China to continue serving fast growing demand
      Eastman to Acquire Sterling Chemicals
      Aditya Birla Group of India completes Columbian Chemicals deal
6/23     Mitsubishi Gas May Consider Taminco Purchase If Price Lowered
6/21     Company agrees to pay BP $75M to settle claims
6/18     Sinopec to Build Largest Integrated Project for Oil Refining
6/17     Formosa Petrochemical: To Build Butadiene Rubber Plant In China
      BASF signs Memorandum of Agreement to expand Yeosu facility for MDI
6/16     Tessenderlo Group sells PVC and Chlor-Alkali to Ineos
6/15     SABIC signs technology agreement with Montefibre for fully integrated world scale carbon fiber project in Saudi Arabia
6/11     ダイキン、中国で自動車向けフッ素ゴム生産
6/10     DuPont to design safety strategy for Petro Rabigh
6/9     中国・北朝鮮国境で「経済地帯」着工式 
      東レ、PPS樹脂 5000トン増設
6/8     Chemtura Plans to Build Multi-Purpose Manufacturing Plant in China
      Shell plans to build ethylene cracker in Appalachian region of US
      BASF Bisomer monomer事業をGEO Specialty Chemicals, Inc.が買収
6/7     公取委、ガス容器4社に15億円課徴金命令へ
      Dow, Aksa of Turkey in Talks to Form Carbon Fiber Joint Venture
6/6     Lanxess in talks about acquiring Taminco
      Ashland to acquire International Specialty Products Inc. (ISP); broadens global leadership in specialty chemicals
6/3     LANXESS selects Singapore as site for worlds largest Nd-PBR plant
6/2     中国 「ビスフェノールA」含む哺乳瓶の輸入・販売を禁止へ
6/1     ステラケミファ/三菱化学
      EU Commission approves formation of joint venture Styrolution
5/31     LyondellBasell to Seek Buyer for Berre, France Refinery
      BASF and INEOS sign joint venture contract for Styrolution
      中ロが原油輸送料で対立 未払い160億円、ロシアは提訴も
5/30     4月のナフサ輸入価格 55,482円/kl2008年10月の66,923円/kl以来の高値
5/28     Rare-earth giant to set up the Baotou Rare-Earth Products Exchange
5/27     公取委、エアセパレートガスメーカーに排除措置命令及び課徴金納付命令
5/26     ソウル大教授がレーザー利用の「刺さない注射器」開発
      BASF to build worlds largest single-train TDI plant in Europe
      Huntsman and Yantai Wanhua Polyurethanes Sign PO/MTBE License Agreement
5/25     Unprecedented power shortages expected in China
      Chinas Oil Relations in Africa
5/24     Sinopec and DSM build 100kt/a Composite Resin Project in Nanjing
5/23     REACH ー 塩ビでのカドミウム使用禁止、リサイクル塩ビでは一部承認
      Sunoco selling Frankford plant to Honeywell
5/20     China Tightens Rare-Earth Rules
5/19     武田薬品、Nycomed社の買収(子会社化)発表
5/18     BP、ロシア石油最大手ロスネフチとの提携白紙に
      SABIC and Sinopec invest in polycarbonate plant with 260 kilo metric tonnes capacity in China
5/17     Teva to Acquire Taiyo  
      DuPont Successfully Completes Tender Offer for Danisco
      Sabic accelerates growth in Asia with key investments in polycarbonate and new technology and innovation centers
5/16     DuPont Announces Global Plans to Expand Titanium Dioxide Capabilities
      SABIC and ExxonMobil Chemical award contracts, sign technology agreements for proposed new elastomers project
      KEMYA signs agreements with Continental Carbon to furnish licensed technology and market part production
      住友金属鉱山/住友商事、チリ共和国Sierra Gorda銅鉱山開発プロジェクトへ参画
5/14     Styron Breaks Ground on its New SSBR Production Line in Schkopau, Germany
5/13     武田薬品、スイスのナイコメッド買収
5/10     中部電力・東京ガス・大阪ガス・JOGMEC、三菱商事のカナダシェールオイル開発に参加
5/8     住友化学、タッチパネル参入、サムスン向け、韓国に新工場
5/4     (PR) The 2nd Coal to MEG Conference will be held in Hangzhou , China
5/3     Teva to Acquire Cephalon in $6.8 Billion Transaction
      テバ、日本3位の大洋薬品 400億円で買収
4/30     SunPower and Total Partner to Create a New Global Leader in the Solar Industry
4/28     Momentive Performance Materials and Zhejiang Xinan Chemical Plan Expansion of Joint Venture in China
4/27     2011年1Q 国産ナフサ基準価格 52,400円/kl
4/24     Dow Announces Plans to Fully Integrate and Grow North American Performance Businesses with Shale Gas Liquids
4/22     Indonesia's Titan to build US$4 bln ethylene plant
      Tianjin Lugang starts up SBR project  
4/19     China Government Regulates the Coal Chemical Industry
4/12     ハンファ・ケミカル、ポリシリコン設備に1兆ウォン超投資
4/11     Saudi Organometallic Chemicals Company selects Samsung Engineering to construct manufacturing facility
4/9     Minmetals bids for Australian miner
      LG Chem mulls investment of US$1.3 bln in Polypropylene facility in Kazakh
4/6     Westlake Announces Ethylene Capacity Expansion Plans
      Huntsman Acquires Chemicals Business of Laffans Petrochemicals
4/5     BP Agrees Sale of Arco Aluminum
4/4     BP Accesses Four Coalbed Methane Production Sharing Contracts in Indonesia
4/3     Braskem doubles butadiene production (丸紅が長期調達)
4/2     Honam Petrochemical to Build U.S. Plastics-Production Plant
4/1     Lucite International、米国でメタクリル酸の製造設備の建設
3/31     東洋エンジニアリング、インドネシア大型肥料プラント 受注内定
      INEOS Oxide expansion of Ethylene Oxide and Ethylene Oxide Derivatives in US
      Berkshire Hathaway to Acquire Lubrizol for $135 per Share in an All-Cash Transaction
3/29     BASF Plans Acrylic Acid, Butyl Acrylate and Superabsorbents Complex in Brazil
3/28     Chinas MEG import will be over 7 Mt in 2011
3/25     新日鉄化学と昭電、新日鉄化学のBTXとSM事業を合弁事業化
      BASF Chongqing MDI project approved
3/24     Sinopec-KPC Complex gets final approval from NDRC
3/20     MOU Signed for Red Sea Refining Partnership
      DuBay Polymers (DuPont & Lanxess) to increase PBT compounding capacity
      Bayer MaterialScience to invest Euro 100 million to expand MDI plant in Germany
3/17     NY市場 円相場、一時 76.25円/ドル
3/7     LANXESS Acquires Syngentas Material Protection Business
      Sipchem Adds Acetate Production in Saudi Arabia
3/2     SABIC and ExxonMobil Elastomers Project joint venture moves into FEED stage
3/1     Polysilicon Technology Company builds the region's first polysilicon manufacturing plant
      第一三共、米国Plexxikon Inc.の買収
2/28     1月度ナフサ輸入価格 49,212円/kl にアップ
      富士フイルム バイオ医薬品分野に参入し医薬品事業を拡大
2/27     Wison to strengthen syngas business
2/22     Shanghai Secco to build new ACN capacity in SCIP
      BP and Reliance Industries Announce Transformational Partnership in India
      (PR)The 3rd Asia Methanol & Derivatives Conference will be held in Sanya, China
2/20     Clariant plans acquisition of Süd-Chemie
      LANXESS steps up commitment to biobased raw materials
2/18     DSM acquires majority share in UHMWPE fiber manufacturer in China
2/4     日本曹達、力菱ファインケミカルに出資、中国での農薬製造拠点に
2/3     BASF starts operations at expanded Ecoflex plant
      LANXESS produces five millionth metric ton of caprolactam
1/31     2010/4Qの国産ナフサ基準価格 45,100円/kl
1/30     Saudi Kayan inks n-butanol deal with Saudi Acrylic and Dow-Aramco JV
1/29     中国の2010年末のエチレン能力、1523万トンに
1/26     PTT Chemical Group announces investment in Myriant Technologies
      Keyuan Petrochemicals Inc. Receives Patent for Ethylene and Propylene Production
1/25     Sinopec of China to Invest in $5.5 Billion Canada Pipeline, Enbridge Says
1/24     DSM and KuibyshevAzot announce strategic cooperation in Russia
1/19     Swiss-based fund signs MOU to take over Vinyls Italia
1/17     東レ、韓国で炭素繊維の本格事業化を決定
1/14     Evonik and GACL: MoU on HPPO project in India
1/12     DuPont announces binding offer for Danisco
1/11     PetroChina and INEOS announce plans for new trading and refining JV in Europe
1/6     Aramco Dow to release 3 EPC packages for Jubail project
1/5     (PR)The 2nd Coal to SNG Conference 2010 will be held in Beijing
      BASF completes acquisition of CRI/Criterions styrene catalysts business
