中国の石油化学 中国のPVC→
中国の主要エチレンの合弁生産計画 New ExxonMobil-Sinopec JV
エチレンセンター 総括 China produced 7.56 million tonne ethylene in 2005
SINOPEC 傘下各社 Shanghai Chemical Industrial Park
National Petroleum Corp
1999/11/15 CNPC established
PetroChina as its shareholder subsidiary.
PetroChina Co. Ltd
Twenty Years' Reform and Development in SINOPEC
20-Year Development of Yangzi Petrochemical
2004/2 BP、Sinopec株を売却
Sinopec、南京の2子会社を統合;PVC 30万トン計画
Sinopec scrambles for cash, sells petchem stake for $71.4-mil
China National BlueStar (Group)
仏食品メーカーのダノン、中国で「ブランド流用」で合弁企業と対立 Blog
ChemChina Announces Strategic Investment by Blackstone
2001/11 バイエル、上海近郊の新生産基地に関する基本契約に調印
2003/7 Blue Star Merges Tianjin Petrochemical Plant
2003/8 中国Blue Starと韓国Tioz、北京に光触媒JV
2003/7 DuPont Performance Coatings to Expand Business in China with Red Lion
日本メーカー 化学汎用品 中国で生産
2003/10 Atofina to build a new organic peroxides plant in China
2003/11 China's government approves merger of Blue Star, Haohua Chem
2003/12 GE Plastics adds capacities for plastics compounding and film extrusion in China
2002/12 Sinochem、台湾のFPCと契約締結 (オイル取引)
2003/12 2003・2004年の経済を回顧・展望する
2004/1 中国の家電リサイクル 浙江省などで開始
2004/1 TEC、中国企業から次世代クリーンエネルギー「DME」の量産設備を受注
2004/2 Urumqi Petrochemical Constructs Chemical Industry Base
2004/2 Cabot finalises China silica jv, plans $30m plant for '05
2004/5 Solvay Soda Ash takes first step toward major chemical alliance in China
2004/5 China National Blue Star と China Haohua Chemical が合併
2004/5 中国政府、小規模石化計画を制限へ 、
2004/5 米国デュポン社、中国での特殊製品群の生産能力を拡大
2004/5 漢方薬めぐる知的財産権の保護戦略を制定
2004/5 中国・長江流域でのANM運搬禁止措置で台湾からの進出メーカーに打撃
2005/3 China's government reassessing the ACN Ban in Yangtze River
2005/8 Zhenjiang's ABS producers further impacted by new rule
2004/6 中国の化学繊維協会、「リスクを基準」に投資計画評価
2005/4 改正
2004/6 三九企業集団 中国政府が資本注入 三九企業集団
2004/6 上海華誼集団、C1化学大型投資を計画、メタ・酢酸、呉渥で100万トン
2004/7 中国、GMP不合格の製薬会社を生産停止に
2004/7 海南省、5年内に重要な石油・ガス・化学工業の基地に
2004/7 US affirms Asian plastic bag imports detrimental to local trade
2004/7 中国政府、優先発展ハイテク産業の分野を確定
2004/7 大陸・台湾の経済関係は良好 両岸関係フォーラム
2004/8 中国政府、投資体制を改革 「外資導入さらに促進」
2004/8 The bullish Asian market of naphtha in 2005
2004/8 中国アルミ、ブラジルでアルミナJV
2004/9 中国―カザフ石油パイプライン 9月着工へ
2004/9 中国のシノケム、韓国・仁川精油を買収 →白紙→SKに優先権
2004/9 Red Lion and KCI (Korea) establish coating Joint Venture
2004/9 LANXESS、中国での活動強化 ヒドラジン水和物JV設立
2004/10 アモイに中国最大の台湾企業投資区設置案
2004/10 中国中化集団(シノケム)、仏トータルと石油合弁会社設立へ
2004/10 南京に太陽電池工場、年産量30メガワット
2004/10 韓国・SKグループ、中国法人設立 石油事業展開へ
2004/11 浙江省寧波市、2010年までに中国の「主要石化基地」に
2004/11 中国、DDTなど残留性有機汚染物質の削減へ
2004/11 廈門海滄投資区の経済開発局の開発計画
2004/11 Catalogue for the Guidance of Foreign Investment Industries
2004/11 シェルなど3社、石炭液化油を共同開発
2004/11 台プラ、江蘇省呉淞江に繊維生産拠点
2004/11 Sinopec Qingdao Refining and Chemical Co., Ltd. Is Established
2004/11 Eastman Joint Venture Plant in China Starts Operations (Texanol ester alcohol and TXIB plasticizer)
Qilu Petrochemical starts up world scale oxo alcohol plant
2004/11 Korea's SK Corp to build solvents plant in China
2004/12 伊藤忠、フッ酸の中国合弁2期増設が完成
2004/12 欧米医薬、中国で研究開発
2005/2 SPC commissions new refinery, total capacities reaches 14m tonne/year
2005/3 中国、揺らぐ低コスト構造 ナフサ・電力価格に市場原理
2006/3 Govt may raise electricity prices
2005/3 重慶市が世界レベルの天然ガス化学工業基地を建設
2005/5 Forthcoming Petrochemical Integrated Project in Xinjiang 新疆ウイグル自治区
2005/6 青島で国際製油事業 1千万トン級の工場に着工
2005/6 Vopak starts development and construction of new chemicals terminal in Zhangzijagang, China
2005/7 山西省、年間売上高500億元の石炭化学工業を育成
2005/7 Hotung Plans to Increase Investments in Nanjing
2005/7 Xinjiang and ChemChina Sign Cooperation Agreement 新疆ウイグル自治区
2005/8 SABIC、YansabのLDPE,PPの建設でAker Kvaerner/Sinopec JVとLOI締結
2005/8 Tianjin Lingang Industry Zone Starts Construction 天津臨港産業区
2005/8 Dupont decided world scale TiO2 project in Shandong
2005/11 デュポン、中国東営市の二酸化チタン工場建設で合意
2005/8 中国製薬大手・哈薬集団に外資出資
2005/9 伊藤忠 中国で総合商社認可 双日 中国で「商業企業」認可
三井物産 中国で「商業企業」3社同時認可
2005/9 中国政府、中国医薬を中国の戦略的産業に
2005/10 SAWS and Dow Chemical Join Forces to Advance the Safe Management of Chemicals
2005/10 China's boom spurs foreign investment on Chemicals storages
2005/10 丸紅、山東省と包括提携 まず日本に紙の販社設立
2005/11 PVC Preservative Film Prohibits DEHA
2005/11 吉林石油化学の事故でハルビン市が断水
2005/12 中国、「産業構造調整指導リスト」を公表
2006/1 雲南省初のごみ発電所、米との合弁で着工
2006/3 石油製錬の合弁事業、外資側の株式保有率に制限
2006/3 住友商事 中国で医薬強化
2006/3 中国 設備過剰で法的手段も
2006/3 Hainan and ChemChina Sign Agreement
2006/7 中国で化学工場爆発事故2件
2006/9 中国初の白色LEDチップラインが操業開始
人民元 2005年7月21日の日本時間・午後8時に中国人民銀行は、人民元の対ドルレートを2%切り上げると発表しました。 |
既存エチレンセンターの概要と増強計画 個別内訳(作業中)
2006年能力 1,000万トンに (下の表の最下段参照)
エチレン能力 単位:千トン Source:Asia Chemical Weekly
能力 05/1/1 |
2005-6 増設 |
能力 04/1/1 |
生産 2003年 |
@ | 大慶石化 |
CNPC | 黒龍江省 |
600 |
+200('06) |
480 |
508 |
A | 吉林化学 |
CNPC | 吉林省 |
530 |
+220('06) |
530 |
575 |
B | 盤錦エチレン |
遼寧省 | 遼寧省 |
160 |
+20 |
160 |
156 |
C | 遼陽石化化繊 |
CNPC | 遼寧省 |
120 |
+80('06) |
120 |
145 |
D | 撫順石化 |
CNPC | 遼寧省 |
150 |
+ |
150 |
179 |
E | 北京東方化工 |
Sinopec | 北京市 |
150 |
+50('05) |
150 |
165 |
F |
燕山石化 |
Sinopec |
北京市 |
710 |
+ |
710 |
722 |
G |
天津聯合 |
Sinopec |
天津市 |
200 |
+ |
200 |
230 |
H |
斎魯石化 |
Sinopec |
山東省 |
720 |
+ |
450 |
563 |
I |
揚子石化 |
Sinopec |
南京 |
650 |
+ |
650 |
765 |
J |
上海石化@ |
Sinopec |
上海市 |
150 |
+ |
150 |
147 |
上海石化A |
700 |
+ |
700 |
801 |
K |
廣州エチレン |
Sinopec |
広東省 |
200 |
+ |
200 |
170 |
L |
茂名石化 |
Sinopec |
広東省 |
380 |
+420 |
380 |
390 |
M |
中原石化 |
Sinopec |
河南省 |
180 |
+ |
180 |
190 |
N |
蘭州化学 |
甘粛省 |
240 |
+450 |
240 |
175 |
O |
新疆独山子 |
新彊省 |
220 |
+ |
220 |
236 |
小計 |
6,060 |
+1,350 |
5,670 |
6,117 |
BASF-YPC | 江蘇省 | 600 ('05/7) | |||||
Secco | 上海市 | 900 ('05/3) | |||||
中海シェル | 広東省 | 800('05/11) | |||||
小計 | 2,300 | ||||||
合計 | 2006年 9,710 |
* CNPC (PetroChina:中国石油天然ガス集団)
蘭州化学 | 上海石化 | 燕山石化 | 遼陽石化化繊 | 吉林化学 | 大慶石化 | |||||||
甘粛省 | 上海市金山区 | 北京市 | 吉林省 | 黒龍江省 | ||||||||
増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | |||||||
エチレン | 200 |
400 |
450 |
710 |
120 |
220 |
450 |
530 |
800 |
HDPE | 70 |
140 |
44 |
300 | 240 |
LL/HD | +200 | 100 |
100 |
200 |
L−LDPE | 60 |
60 |
LDPE | 135 |
+200 | 158 |
220 |
420 |
60 |
PP | 14 |
+300 | 140 |
340 |
155 |
355 |
38 |
160 |
40 |
(増強完成) | 02/2 | 01/末 | 02/末 | 05/11 | 06/秋 |
The expansion of the Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Petrochemical company's ethylene complex in Beijing, China, has been completed. The expanded ethylene capacity is now at 710 000 tonne/year.(European Chemical News. 22-29 April 2002)
斎魯石化 | 揚子石化 | 撫順石化 | 盤錦 | 天津聯合 | 中原石化 | |||||||
山東省 | 南京 | 遼寧省 | 遼寧省 | 天津市 | 河南省 | |||||||
増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | |||||||
エチレン | 450 |
720 |
400 |
650 |
160 |
220 |
160 |
400 |
140 |
200 |
140 |
180 |
HDPE | 140 |
140 | 340 |
50 |
L−LDPE | 70 |
160 |
125 | 250 | 60 |
120 |
120 |
LDPE | 340 |
380 |
PP | 70 |
110 | 180 |
380 |
60 |
50 |
170 |
40 |
60 |
60 |
VCM | 234 | 610 | 450 | |||||||||
PVC | 230 | 600 | 400 | |||||||||
(増強完成) | 2004 | 02/3Q | 02/末 | 06-07 |
新疆独山子 | 茂名石化 | 廣州エチレン | 北京東方化工 | |||||
新彊省 | 広東省 | 広東省 | 北京市 | |||||
増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | 増強後 | |||||
エチレン | 140 |
220 |
380 |
140 |
200 |
140 |
200 |
HDPE | 350 | |||||||
140 |
100 |
200 |
L−LDPE | 150 |
190 |
LDPE | 100 |
250 | ||||||
PP | 80 |
120 |
450 | 70 |
100 |
(増強完成) | 02/初 | 2006 | 03/4 | 04/夏 |
「人民網日本語版」2002年1月14日 )
企 業 場所 生産能力 稼働 総工費 BPー中国石化集団 上海 90万トン 2005年 27億ドル BASFー中国石化集団 南京市 60万トン 2005年 27億ドル シェルー中国海洋石油 広東省 80万トン 2006年→2005 40億ドル エクソン、アラムコー中国石化集団など 福建省 90万トン
→802008年 35億ドル ダウ・ケミカルー中国石化集団など 天津市 60万トン 2008年 40億ドル Dow 撤退
Sabic In Talks With Sinopec On Investing In Ethylene Proj
Qatar Petroleum International, Sinopec to build ethylene plant in ChinaPetrochina, Shell and QPI planned petrochemical complex in Zhejiang
鎮海石化計画 浙江省 エチレン60万トン
2000/11 相手をBPアモコに変更 (BP側は否定)PX(450千t)及びPP(200千t)を先行実施(2003年末完成)
2004/10 シノペック子会社の鎮海煉油化工
フィリップス蘭州計画 エチレン60万トン
カタール優先で目処が立たず → canceled
台湾プラスチック 寧波計画 浙江省寧波市 エチレン 70〜100万トン
中国側単独計画 大慶石化計画 黒龍江省 エチレン 60万トン
新 設 | 増 設 | ||
CNPC (中国石油天然ガス集団,北方) |
600 |
+900 |
増設:盤錦/独山子以外の小型3件は競争力無し |
SINOPEC (中国石油化工集団, 南方) |
3,500〜3,900 |
+1,970 (2,890→4,860) |
新設:ダウはクウェート石化優先の為にダウ天津計画は2010以降へ 増設:小型エチレン2件は競争力無し |
CNOOC (中国海洋石油) |
800 |
地方エチレン(4万トン)は閉鎖済み | |
総計 | 4,900〜5,300 |
+2,870 (4,650→7,520) |
SINOPEC Corp., with 17 leader plants in China located in well-developed markets in North China, South China and East China, is the largest producer and marketer of petrochemicals in China.
Sinopec Corp. owns five ethylene plants, with a total capacity of 1.99 mmtpa (million tons per annum), accounting for 45% of the nation's total.There are 16 synthetic resin producers, with a total capacity of 3.0065 mmtpa.
The Output of Major
Chemical Products (as of December 31, 2001)
2001年 単位: 1000 tpa.
Capacity |
Production |
Producers |
Low-density Polyethylene (LDPE) |
678 |
511.5 |
BeijingYanhua、Shanghai Petrochemical、Qilu |
High-density polyethylene (HDPE) |
565 |
598.9 |
BeijingYanhua、Shanghai Petrochemical、Qilu、Yangtze |
Linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) |
160 |
218.3 |
Qilu、Guangzhou |
Poly vinyl chloride (PVC) |
230 |
233.8 |
Qilu |
Polystyrene (PS) |
151 |
123.3 |
Gaoqiao、Qilu、Guangzhou |
Polypropylene(PP) |
1447.5 |
1504.5 |
BeijingYanhua、Shanghai Petrochemical、Qilu、Yangtze、Zhenhai、Guangzhou、Shijiazhuang、Anqing、Fujian、Jiujiang、Jinan、Wuhan、Jingmen、Baling、Henan Oilfield |
Cis-butadiene rubber |
200.8 |
222.9 |
BeijingYanhua、Gaoqiao、Qilu |
Styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) | 163 |
133.1 |
BeijingYanhua、Gaoqiao、Qilu |
Ethylene glycol (EG) |
460 |
366.5 |
BeijingYanhua、Shanghai Petrochemical、Yangtze |
Acrylonitrile (AN) |
157 |
181 |
Gaoqiao、Anqing、Qilu |
Caprolactam (CPL) |
120 |
88.7 |
Shijiazhuang、Baling |
1205 |
1289.3 |
Shanghai、Yangtze、Yizheng |
Polyester (PET) |
1605.5 |
1552 |
Yanshan、Shanghai Petrochemical、Yizheng Chemical、Tianjin |
Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) |
38.3 |
45.4 |
Shanghai Petrochemical |
Polyester Fiber Filament |
356.1 |
239.4 |
Shanghai、Tianjin、Yizheng |
Polyester Fiber Staple |
548.6 |
499.7 |
Shanghai Petrochemical、Tianjin、Yizheng Chemical |
Acrylic Fiber |
288.9 |
250.9 |
Shanghai、Qilu、Anqing、Gaoqiao |
Polyamide fiber |
18.3 |
11.3 |
Shijiazhuang、Baling |
Polypropylene Fiber |
17 |
17.4 |
Shanghai |
Urea |
4,360 |
2,341.5 |
Qilu、Zhenhai、Jinling、Anqing, Jiujiang、Hubei、Baling、Guangzhou |
Methanol |
100 |
52.8 |
Qilu |
Butyl alcohol |
50 |
47.8 |
Qilu |
Octanol |
85 |
84.4 |
Qilu |
Benzene |
1019.4 |
898.6 |
BeijingYanhua、Tianjin、Shijiazhuang、Shanghai、Gaoqiao、Jinling、 Yangtze、Zhenhai、Jiujiang、Qilu、Maoming、Baling、Guangzhou、Jianghan Oilfield |
Toluene |
306 |
275.6 |
Shijiazhuang、Jinling、Zhenhai、Jiujiang、Qilu、Baling、Guangzhou、Maoming |
Paraxylene (PX) |
879 |
751.6 |
Tianjin、Shanghai、Yangtze、Qilu、BeijingYanshan |
O-xylene(OX) |
153.2 |
235.5 |
Jinling、Yangtze、Zhenhai、Qilu |
Phenol |
190 |
166.1 |
BeijingYanhua、Gaoqiao |
Acetone |
114 |
102.3 |
BeijingYanhua、Gaoqiao |
Acetic acid (AA) |
130 |
905 |
Shanghai、Yangtze |
Caustic soda (Sodium hydroxide) | 283 |
261.6 |
・ |
ゴードン・チャン 「やがて中国の崩壊がはじまる」から
Phillips's new projects
Phillips Petroleum Co. has signed letters of intent on three cooperative petrochemical projects with two subsidiaries of China Petrochemical Co. (Sinopec).
The projects include:
An integrated ethylene project to be set up in the western city of Lanzhou;
expansion of a polyethylene project in Shanghai, and a K-resin project to be established also in Shanghai.
Lanzhou Chemical Industry Co. is Phillips's partner in the proposed $2 billion Lanzhou project, which is expected to turn out 600,000 tons of ethylene annually when it is completed.
Qilu Petrochemical 斎魯石化(Zibo, China), a subsidiary of Sinopec, has received approval from the State Economic and Trade Commission (Beijing) for its planned Rmb4.7-billion ($563 million) expansion of olefins and derivatives capacity at Zibo.
The project will increase Qilu’s ethylene capacity 270,000 m.t./year, to 720,000 m.t./year. The company will also increase vinyl chloride monomer capacity 376,000 m.t./year, to 610,000 m.t./year; polyvinyl chloride capacity 370,000 m.t./year, to 600,000 m.t./year; polyethylene capacity 40,000 m.t./year, to 380,000 m.t./year; styrene capacity 60,000 m.t./year, to 120,000 m.t./year; and polypropylene capacity 40,000 m.t./year, to 110,000 m.t./year.
Asia Pulse Businesswire 2004/10/15
China's Qilu Petrochemical sets up ethylene project
A 720,000-ton ethylene expansion project of the Qilu Petrochemical Corp, which is regarded as of great importance to upgrade production capacity and technology of China's petrochemical industry, started operation in East China's Shandong Province on October 10.
With an investment of 4.6 billion yuan (US$555 million), the project is listed as China's key technical innovation project in 2004.
Upon completion, Qilu's flagship products have achieved a 100 per cent sales/production ratio. The company forecast that prices of PVC and synthetic rubber will rise to a record high, which will help improve performance of the corp.
China Chemical Reporter 2003-10-21
720 000 t/a Ethylene Expansion Project Completed
With the putting-on-stream of the vinyl chloride unit, Qilu Petrochemical Co Ltd's 720 000 t/a ethylene project ran a successful wet commissioning on October 10 in Shandong Zibo.
BASF on track to expand isocyanate capacity in Asia
BASF is on schedule to expand its isocyanate capacity in Asia through long-term investment, according to a press statement Wednesday. BASF, Huntsman, and their Chinese partners will build and operate an integrated isocyanates manufacturing facility in Caojing, Shanghai with an investment of $1-bil.
2003/11/11 Huntsman
Huntsman, BASF
and Chinese partners to
optimize capacities of their planned Integrated Isocyanates Project at
the Shanghai Chemical Industry Park with:
* Construction to start by end of 2003
* Start-up of plants scheduled for 2006
* Intention to supply Bayer with MDI and TDI
Huntsman, BASF and their Chinese partners - Shanghai Hua Yi
(Group) Company, Sinopec Shanghai Gao Qiao Petrochemical
Corporation and Shanghai Chloro-Alkali Chemical Co., Ltd. - have
received approval from the Chinese authorities to optimize the
capacities of their planned Integrated Isocyanates Complex at the
Shanghai Chemical Industry Park. The capacity of crude MDI (diphenylmethane diisocyanate) will be
increased from
160,000 to 240,000 metric tons
per year and the capacity of TDI (toluene
diisocyanate) from 130,000 to 160,000 metric tons per year. With this approval, the
construction work will commence by the end of the year.
The companies also announced that they intend to supply Bayer
with MDI
and TDI from the complex.
Negotiations about the details of the supply contracts are
Asia Chemical Weekly
Bayer in China MDI/TDI talks with BASF
Bayer is in talks with BASF about participating in the latter's methyl di-p-phenylene isocyanate/toluene di-isocyanate (MDI/TDI) project in Caojing, Shanghai, China.
Both companies are pursuing their MDI/ TDI projects separately in Caojing.
BASF is expected to seek consent from its partners on Bayer's participation in the project. Changes to the shareholding structure would be made if its entry is confirmed.
The company has set up Shanghai Lianheng Isocyanate Co to operate its 160 000 tonne/year MDI unit, and Shanghai BASF Polyurethane Co its 130 000 tonne/year TDI unit. The shareholders of each unit are different; they include Huntsman, Sinopec, Shanghai Chlor-Alkali Chemical, Shanghai Gaoqiao Petrochemical and Shanghai Hua Yi (Group)Co.
Construction of Bayer's isocyanate production base in Shanghai
Basell says it has signed a contract with Daqing Petrochemical, a subsidiary of PetroChina, to supply Lupotech T low-density polyethylene (LDPE) technology for a 200,000-m.t./year plant at Daqing, China, announced last year.
Petrochemical Complex Of Daqing Oilfield Company Limited is a giant integrated comprehensive petrochemical complex, using the crude oil from Daqing oil field as its major raw materials to undertake oil refining, petrochemicals, natural gas chemicals,fine chemicals and inorganic chemicals. At present 36 sets of production plants have been built, the primary processing capacity of the crude oil is 5.5 million tons per year. The Complex can produce high quality "COME ON" series of petrochemical products.
Petrochemical Complex Of Daqing Oilfield Limited CompanyPetrochemical Product
1、 LPG
2、 Propylene
3、 Polyacrylamide
4、 Ammonia sulfate
5、 Acrylonitrile
6、 Acetonitrile
Asia Chemical
Weekly 2003/6/16
China's Jilin Chem
hoping for approval for 300 kt/yr ABS
China's Jilin Chemical Industrial Co (JCIC) hopes to secure government approval this year for a 300 000 tonne/year acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) project in Jilin, a company source said.
JCIC already produces 158 000 tonne/year of ABS in Jilin.
子会社 吉林石油化学
Jilian (Jilin) Petrochemicals
Ltd. (JLPL) is a
Sino-foreign jv company between Jilin Chemical Industrial Co.,
Ltd and Hong Kong Millennium group Ltd.
We presently have nine sets of plants for petrochemicals and fine
chemicals distributed in three production centers . Our main
products are acrylic acid and acrylates, fatty alcohols and their
sulfates, ethylene oxide, ethoxylates and their sulfates,
ethanolamines and chemical fiber finishes, totally over one
hundred kinds.
Located in north China and
founded in Dec 1993, Jilian (Jilin) Petrochemicals Ltd. is one of
the largest jv enterprises in China. She was incorporated between
Jilin Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.(65%) and Hong Kong Millennium
Group Limited (35%) with a total asset of two thousand million
Yuan RMB.
At present, we have nine plants for petrochemicals and specialty
chemicals in Jilin, Dalian and Jiaxing.
Plant | Capacity (t/a) | Technology and equipment?supplier |
Acrylic acid and acrylates | 35,000 | Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation (Japan) |
Natural fatty alcohols | 15,000 | Henkel (Germany) |
Ethylene oxide | 40,000 | Scientific Design Company, Inc. (USA) |
Ethoxylation | 60,000 | Pressindustria (Italy) |
Sulfation (Dalian) | 24,000 | Chemithon Company (USA) |
Sulfation (Jilin) | 8,500 | Domestic technology |
Ethanolamine | 5,000 | Sulzer Chemtech (Switzerland) |
Chemical fiber finishes | 4,000 | The earliest plant in China |
2002-04-27 Sinopec
Shanghai Petrochemical
Successful Commissioning of 700,000
MTA Ethylene Plant
Approved by State Council, the current revamping project of 700,000 MTA Ethylene Plant was listed as one of the first lot of major projects in the nation’s technological innovation plan using discounted state-loan.
Thanks to this expansion, the capacity is expected to be increased by a large margin: 300,000 tons of ethylene, 121,500 tons of propylene, 49,000 tons of butadiene and 95,000 tons of BTX.
4PE Unit of SPC Comes to Testrun Stage
After rechecking all put-in conditions of 250,000 T/Y PE unit of SPC, the raw material propane was safely introduced from Refinery & Chemical Division of SPC to the unit at 15:30 on February 25, 2002 symbolizing the unit had come to the stage of commissioning.
日本経済新聞 2004/2/24
中国の上海石化 エチレン増産へ 能カ6割増 繊維原料も強化
China Xiang Lu to start-up phase 1 of PTA project by October
China's Xiang Lu Petrochemical plans to bring onstream the first phase of its purified terephthalic acid project at Xiamen by October this year, a source close to the company said Monday. In the first stage, Xiang Lu will commission a 450,000 mt/yr PTA line. By January 2003, the company hopes to commission the second phase of the project by bringing onstream another 450,000 mt/yr PTA plant.
DSM starts joint venture to
expand caprolactam business in China
DSM (the Netherlands) and Sinopec (People’s Republic of China) have signed a
founding agreement to start the joint venture DSM Nanjing
Chemical Company (DNCC). DSM Fibre Intermediates will participate
60% in this joint venture
whereas Sinopec
Nanjing Chemical Industries Co. Ltd. will represent the other 40% of the shares.
DSM Nanjing Chemical Company
The agreement on founding the joint venture involves an initial investment from DSM of approximately USD 30 million for its 60% share. The DNCC plant has a current capacity of 60,000 metric tons caprolactam based on DSM’s HPO technology and started production in 1993. DNCC will purchase a license on the most advanced HPOplus® technology from DSM. This technology will enable the joint venture to expand production to 140,000 TPA in the years to come.
DSM to Expand Nanjing CPL
DSM Nanjing Chemical Company, a 60:40 joint venture between DSM
Fibre Intermediates and Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industries
Company, announced that it has conducted trial test for expanding
its 140 000 t/a caprolactam unit on March 15th. The test stated
that the existing unit can reach a production
capacity of 200 000 t/a by break bottlenecks. In 2009 the
unit produced 141 000 tons of caprolactam.
2010/4/6 Shanghai
DSM expanded CPL Capacity to 200 kt in Nanjing
In late Mar. 2010, DSM Nanjing Chemical Company (DNCC)
completed the expansion of caprolactam (CPL) capacity to 200 kt/a
from 140 kt/a in Nanjing Chemical Industry Park (NCIP南京化学工業パーク),
Nanjing, Jiangsu Province.
DNCC was set up in 2002, it is the joint-venture between DSM
Fibre Intermediates (60%) and Sinopec Nanjing Chemical Industries
Company, Sinopec Yangzi Petrochemical Company and Jiangsu
International Trust Investment Company (combined 40%).
Originally DNCC has CPL capacity 60 kt/a and DNCC expanded the
CPL capacity to 140 kt/a in 2005.
With the expansion, DNCC has become the largest CPL producer in
China imported 601 kt CPL in 2009 and 450 kt CPL in 2008.
China CPL producers and capacities (kt, as of Mar. 2010)
Producer | Location | Capacity |
DSM Nanjing Chemical | Nanjing, Jiangsu | 200 |
Sinopec Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical | Shijiazhuang,
Hebei 河北省石家荘市 |
170 |
Sinopec Baling Petrochemical (巴陵) | Yueyang,
Hunan 湖南省岳陽市 |
140 |
Juhua (巨化化工) | Quzhou,
Zhejiang 浙江省衢州市 |
10 |
Total | 520 |
2002/12/23 Financial Times
Sinochem inks trade deal with
Taiwan's Formosa Plastics
China's State oil trader Sinochem said on December 18 it has signed the first formal oil trade deal with a Taiwanese refiner. Sinochem signed the deal with Taiwan's private refiner and petrochemicals giant Formosa Plastics Corp to formalize existing oil trade between the two companies from next year.
化学工業日報 2003/1/9
SABIC、中国進出 盤錦のエチレン計画参画
2004-2-6 Asia Chemical
Sabic favours
northeastern China for its potential cracker investments
Sabic favours northeastern China for its potential cracker investments, a source close to the company said.
Besides Panjin in Liaoning province (遼寧省盤錦) as a possible location for its cracker investments, the Saudi Arabian major is considering alternative investments in other cities such as Shenyang and Dalian (瀋陽、大連), which are also in Liaoning.
Sabic said earlier its due diligence on the Panjin project would be completed by mid-2004.
2003/1/29 ATOFINA
ATOFINA acquires a Polystyrene Plant
in China
ATOFINA signed an agreement with China Offshore Oil Sanshui Chemical Industry on 26th January 2003 for the acquisition of its Polystyrene plant.
The 100,000 tons per year plant is located in Sanshui, Guangdong Province, in China.
This acquisition will enable ATOFINA to strengthen its Polystyrene business in Asia, where it already operates a Polystyrene plant in Singapore (* 70,000 tonnes), as well as two compounding plants, in Thailand and in Singapore. The new facility will also allow ATOFINA to expand its sales to its customers in China.
2003/8 Atofina defers China, Singapore PS expansions to 2006
March 14, 2003 Dow Jones
PetroChina To Build CNY4.4 Billion
Ethylene Cracker In Gansu (甘粛省蘭州)
The cracker, with a capacity of 300,000 metric tons a year, will cost 4.4 billion yuan ($1=CNY8.28) to build, the official said.
Construction of the cracker, in Lanzhou city, will start some time after the company completes the expansion of an existing cracker at its unit Lanzhou Petrochemical Corp. in the same city, he said. That expansion, to a capacity of 240,000 tons from 160,000 tons, is expected to be completed in May. (see below)
2003/7/30 Financial Times
Ethylene expansion completed.
On 13 Jun 2003 PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Co Ltd's 240,000 tonnes/y ethylene unit carried out successful wet commissioning. Ethylene capacity has been expanded from 165,000 tonnes/y to 240,000 tonnes/y.
Apr 04, 2003 Chemical Week
Basell Signs PP Multilicense Deal
with PetroChina
Basell says it has signed an agreement with PetroChina to license Basell's Spheripol polypropylene (PP) technology to plants planned by three separate PetroChina subsidiaries. Basell will supply technology for 300,000-m.t./year PP units planned by Daqing (大慶) Petrochemical and Lanzhou (蘭州) Petrochemical, and for a 200,000-m.t./year unit planned by Dalian(大連) Petrochemical.
April 17, 2003 Financial Times
Dalian Petrochemical to Build 200,000-ton Polypropylene PlantRecently China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Dalian Branch signed technology agreements with Royal Dutch/Shell Group, Italy Basel and Technimont. CNPC Dalian plans to introduce world-leading techniques and finery modes and establish polypropylene plants with annul output of 200,000 tons.
July 28, 2003 Financial Times
Daqing Petrochemical to Build PP Project 大慶Daqing Petrochemical Company is going to build the 300,000-ton PP equipment project in May 2004, which is scheduled to be put into use by the end of 2005.
《China Chemical Week》Headlines (2003/10/17)
Daqing PP breaks ground (大慶) foundation stone laying ceremony was held for Daqing Refinery's 300,000t/a PP project on October 7.
The foundation stone laying of the 300,000t/a PP project indicates that Daqing Refinery has made a solid step towards building a world-class PP production base.
China Chemical Reporter 2005/8/4
300 000 T/A PP Project Put on Stream in Daqing
PetroChinaの子会社、大慶煉化(Daqing Refining & Chemical Co )On August 1, the 300 000 t/a PP (polypropylene) project in Daqing Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd. put on stream and manufactured qualified products. With a total investment of RMB1.236 billion and an area of 23 919 square meter, the project adopts the advanced process licensed from Basell Company. It is expected that the sales revenue and net profit will be added by RMB2 billion, RMB300 million a year, respectively because of its completion.
2003/4/10 Platts
Shantou Ocean plans refinery,
petchem complex in S China
Shantou Ocean Enterprise Group is planning to build a Yuan 30.4- bil ($3.67-bil) refinery and petrochemical complex in the southern Chinese Shantou city, Guangdong province(広東省 汕頭), SOE deputy general manager Zhang Yasheng said Thursday.
Under planning is a 6.5-mil mt/yr (126,000 b/d) vacuum crude distillation unit and petrochemical facilities that support the production of 600,000mt/year of ethylene, 400,000mt/year of propylene, 200,000mt/year of butane, aromatics and oil products, Zhang said.According to the SOE official, a major foreign oil company will take up 50% equity interest of the entire refining and petrochemical project.
Guangzhou (広州) Raise Ethylene Productivity
Guangzhou Petrochemical Corporation revealed on April 10th that the project for rebuilding and expanding ethylene production line in Guangzhou had been completed. The annual productive capacity of ethylene will be raised from the past 150,000 tons to the present 200,000 tons.
2003-9-10 Asian Chemical
Chinese companies ally to build 600 kt/yr PTA in Ningbo
Two privately-owned Chinese companies have agreed to form a joint venture to build a 500-600 000 tonne/year purified terephthalic acid (PTA) plant in Ningbo, Zhejiang, China. 浙江省寧波
Zhejiang Rongsheng Chemical Fibre and Zhejiang Hengyi Group, both of them based in Hangzhou(杭州), had earlier separately announced their intentions to build a major PTA plant in Ningbo. Now they have decided to become partners to ensure the project gets off the ground.
The joint venture, Hengsheng Chemical, plans to build the plant in the Ningbo Economic & Technical Development Zone (NETDZ).
Chevron Phillips Chemical Signs Licensing Agreement in China
Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP has licensed its loop slurry
technology to China Petrochemical
International Company Ltd. (Sinopec) for the construction of a
new 350,000 metric tons per year high density polyethylene plant.
The new loop reactor facility will be located at Sinopec's Maoming
Petrochemical complex in the Guangdong Province, China. The
financial terms of the agreement, signed in Beijing, China, were
not disclosed.
2004/2/3 China Chemical Reporter LD,PPも
Maoming Petrochemical Produces HDPE 茂名 Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has decided to produce HDPE instead of constructing the planned HDPE/LLDPE unit.
The original plan is to start the construction this year and complete the project in early 2005. The planned output of HDPE is 350 000 t/a. The construction of the project will, however, at least take 18 months and the time for production startup may therefore be in the second half of 2005. There were reports that Maoming Petrochemical Co., Ltd. would also expand ethylene glycol, styrene and MTBE units during that period according to the market demand.
Apr 09, 2004 (SinoCast via COMTEX)
The rebuilding of
the ethylene project of PetroChina Daqing Petrochemical Company
(DQSH) has started. 大慶
The annual
capacity of the project is 800 kilotons of ethylene.The project
gets an investment of nearly CNY 2.4 billion (USD 1= CNY 8.2769
as of April 8) and it will be brought on stream in October 2006.
It adopts the foreign technologies with patents as to the
cracking reaction.
The project is based on the polyethylene resin rebuilding project
that will complete in 2004 and the hydrogen cracking project with
an annual capacity of 1.2 million tons.
It is able to increase the production of polyethylene resin by
200 kilotons annually. China Huanqiu Chemical Engineering
Corporation, a chemical company in China, undertakes the designof
the project.
As the rebuilding completes, the annual production capacity of ethylene
will reach 900 kilotons in Daqing, and the output of synthetic
resin is expected to hit 1 million tons.
China Chemical Reporter 2004/12/9
Jilin Petrochemical Company Complete the Expansion Hydrocracking
On November 29, PetroChina Jilin
Petrochemical Company Ltd. (JPC) completed the expansion to the
existed 600 000 t/a hydrocracking unit in the Refinery and
produced the qualified sample, making the capacity reach 900 000
This unit was designed for matching to the 600 000 t/a ethylene
expansion project in the company. The existed hydrocracking unit
can only produce 420 000 tons naphtha and tailing oil per year,
which was not enough to support the demand of the existed 380 000
t/a ethylene capacity. JPC started the hydrocracking expansion on
March 25 this year.
JPC has two ethylene production units, the 380 000 unit and the
150 000 t/a unit. The former is being expanded to 600 000 t/a, which was approved by the government in
March. JPC started the expansion in May. A 380 000 (300,000が正しい)t/a high density polyethylene unit, 140
000 t/a butadiene unit and 300 000 t/a aromatics extraction unit will be added to match to the newly added
ethylene capacity.